TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #10

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I can sit here and post all day long how so and so is guilty as sin. Be called to Jury duty and if the evidence proves that person is innocent, I know I can do my duty and find that person innocent if the evidence shows it. I'm not the only person either that can do that, many take that oath serious!
Me too. Hugs all around.

I am so confused. I've tried to keep up with this thread but obviously missed something somewhere. Is Jonathan's sister by the same father? I noted that they both have the last name of Foster? Also I noted that they had snipped at least some footage from the interview with the ex-husband of MN. In the beginning of it he has nothing in his hand and at the end it looks like he has something black in his hand. They have a banner going across it so it's hard to tell what it was.

Yeah, and he was quoted differently in the two written articles. (Stuff added into a "single" sentence.) In one, he is offering up a prayer-like comment to the Angela Davis family - in the other, he is offering it up to MN, and the Davis family.

creative license???????

I think in this case it was a hurry up edit job to get it on the air. Probably the reporter was late filing her report so it got rushed. This is usually the case of bad reporting, however we've all know how a reporter 2000 miles away reports on things as if they were there reporting it. Example: (blush)

I was online posting at a site about american Idol and a certain contestant. My exact words were used in a print newspaper like it was the reporter's opinion on the show. It's lazy reporting.

I think in this case it was a hurry up edit job to get it on the air. Probably the reporter was late filing her report so it got rushed. This is usually the case of bad reporting, however we've all know how a reporter 2000 miles away reports on things as if they were there reporting it. Example: (blush)

I was online posting at a site about american Idol and a certain contestant. My exact words were used in a print newspaper like it was the reporter's opinion on the show. It's lazy reporting.

Interesting Lera 213. This case & reporting is a real eye-opener for me. Of course I think MN did it. It's just that that particular quote made me feel like I was being "worked". Did not appreciate it.
Interesting Lera 213. This case & reporting is a real eye-opener for me. Of course I think MN did it. It's just that that particular quote made me feel like I was being "worked". Did not appreciate it.

I hear you, I think the reporter actually did the X husband a favor by adding it at the beginning when if you listen to her words the X actually said it at the end of the interview. There was a dead line so it wasn't cleaned up. It's done mostly to tell the story in an order and probably since the reporter to me looked pregnant, she probably was thinking of JF family listening to her report.

So you're kind of right, but it was a fast edit job none the less.
For me the biggest shock was that:

1. the perp was a woman

2. this was a (not so, but kind of) random hideous atrocious act of terror on a weaker victim.

the perps race doesn't matter to me, nor the race of LE. I am appalled/horrified/disgusted by the deliberate cruelty of the whole thing.
I respectfully but totally disagree. LE has not said anything about her or called her anything that we could not say here. Here is what I have seen them say, if I missed something offensive they have called her, please link it.

A detective said she seemed unfazed, even chatty. She showed no emotion even when told she was being charged with capital murder. Her eyes had a "dead look," the investigator said. "Anything but remorse … Stone cold without a soul." Miller found her "a hard nut to crack," he said. "You just can't figure her out."


I highly doubt the trial will be moved out of Harris County. Out of 3.4 million people they should be able to find 12 jurors.

I hope you are right. I am just afraid that some defense lawyer will dig it up later on. Without a soul etc., cold eyes remarks are better left to the talking heads. It could hurt their apparent solid case IMO.
Rotterdam, he isn't the DA that said it, and if questioned in court, guess what...the Defense would be stupid because the detective that said that has 14 years of experience that he drew that opinion from. Oh and that was what it was a professional opinion. Now if the DA said something like that...yeah big problems.
Defense cannot come back and say the detective was narrow minded in who their suspect was either for we all know that LE really looked at AD and DD very hard. They even towed his car, searched where AD was living and stuff.
I'm rather sleep deprived at the moment and I know the reporting has been atrocious on this case, but I could have sworn that I read that MN knew JN. Yet, I don't recall one personal statement by her about him when she was interviewed by the reporter. My memory might be on the blink at the moment though???? All I recall is her saying she loved children and she had five grand kids. Point I'm trying to make is that it seem like anyone, especially someone that knew him, would be saying how appalled they were by what had happened to him and what she observed about him as a child. I don't know. Something just seems very cold about the interview if I'm recalling it correctly.
My request I think will be granted, got a reply. YIPPY for me....see ask and you shall receive.
It is scary as a parent but you can't live in fear and keep your kids from doing what kids love. They love to play outside with their dog, their friends, ride bikes, go to the park, shoot hoops. Let them enjoy their childhood but make sure they are educated. Look up "Stranger Danger" lessons online and go over it with them. Make sure they know to scream and run if someone approaches them. Have a family code word and make sure they know not to go with anyone unless that person knows the code word. You can get GPS tracking on most cellphones now. I thought it ridiculous to give my child a cellphone at first but gave my daughter one when she was 9 and wanting to go down the street to a playmates house. It made me feel a lot better.

You're absolutely right. I think my imagination got carried away from me, ha.
I'm wondering if DD did not stop by like he was supposed to. Not so MN can take him but because he forgot or just thought he was fine. And since JF was gone during that time he feels bad now and wont admit he did not stop by.

LE indicated in the presser that DD stopped by at 1:45 PM. I guess we have to take that one to the bank!
I haven't caught up yet, but just wanted to say... I wonder if LE was still leaning toward family even when they picked her up. The investigators talking to her were told while they were there (IIRC) that she was the one on the video disposing of the body, but I don't think they thought she was the perp at that point. I think that may have come after they took her to the station. I'm not convinced she gave permission to search until she was already there, then they found the evidence?? just thoughts and speculation, though

MOO :twocents:

I have a feeling LE were "certain" that it was the parents, one or both until the video was unearthed at which point they probably all sat up in their seats in conjoined shock. "who in eff is that?" etc. When the picture or video was sent to those questioning neighbors etc. another set of shocked detectives and i agree i still don't think they really expected it to be her.

Probably why they just invited her for questioning (hence no cuffs) and got permission to search from her. I bet the first time they stepped into the house though they suddenly realized they had been on the wrong track.

I mean the story was bizarre. A woman called mom at work? twice or however it was described at first? No one much believed that, it made no sense except as a ploy to turn suspicion from the parents. Doubt cops saw it differently as well.

They said they found a boatload of evidence at MN's. They must have been reeling in shock. Not just that anyone did this but a woman who wasn't on the radar except to say she had seen him at 12;30.
Here's my understanding of what happened. Not trying to come up with a timeline, but just kind of get the flow of the story, the flow and mechanics of how this happened, regardless of the times we've been given.

Is this the flow that others understand? What are thoughts on my questions/confusing areas?

- A call is received at Angela's work for Angela from Jonathan. The person answering the call says Angela is not available. Angela says in interview she never got that call. Is this the call in which Jonathan was asking for Sharon's phone number?

- Mona goes to the apartment in the morning. Her purpose in going to the apartment is to see Sharon or to get Sharon's phone number(?). Jonathan answers the door. He's not wearing a shirt. It "seems like" somebody else is there. All this from Mona.

- Mona goes to the apartment at 12:30. One or more witnesses see her pull her truck up outside. Unknown if Mona went to the apartment once or twice.

- At one of the two times (or the one time) Mona goes to the apartment, Angela gets the message of Jonathan's call at home, and she calls home to the apartment on the land line. A raspy voiced woman answers. Angela says it's her, and asks who the RVW is. RVW turns away and asks "Is Angela your mother?". Angela hears Jonathan say "Yes, ma'am. Angela's my mother." RVW makes threats toward Jonathan to Angela over the phone before or after this exchange(?). The phone goes dead.

- 1:45 stepfather goes to the apartment, goes inside. Jonathan is playing video games. No mention of his shirt. No mention of Mona or the nebulous "seems like" somebody in the apartment. Assume stepfather leaves.

- Was Mona hiding in the apartment? Was she hiding outside? And then when stepfather left, she reappeared and took Jonathan.

- All during this time, Angela is driving home, repeatedly calling the apartment, but there is no answer. Did stepfather hear the phone ringing?

- 25 minutes after the threats on the phone above, Angela arrives home. The TV is on. A game is on the computer in the middle of being played. Nobody is there. Jonathan is gone. His shirt is gone. His stuffed animal is gone. A phone is gone.

- All this time, roomie Sharon is at work, same workplace as Angela. Neighbors were in the area and saw Mona. Nobody reports having seen stepfather. Nobody reports having seen a "seems like" somebody. Nobody reports having seen Mona twice - only once at 12:30.
Defense cannot come back and say the detective was narrow minded in who their suspect was either for we all know that LE really looked at AD and DD very hard. They even towed his car, searched where AD was living and stuff.

I think that as soon as the burned body was found they got a warrant for DD's car because they were so sure he was involved and wanted to find any traces of charred skin or other things in his trunk. That was the connection between the two acts. I suspect he was a short way away from being arrested.

It wasn't til a little afterwards they got hold of the video tapes and watched a woman in a silver pickup dump the body.

What is really scary about this case is that it is quite possible if there had been no lucky camera, that DD would be charged and tried based on circumstantial evidence. IMO he would have been convicted too. AD would be seen as covering for him, the "slap", the moving out and breakup of the marriage etc all would have counted as motives.They wouldn't have the burn spot but that can be argued as any forested area that was secluded. I have seen convictions based on less, including no body.

I am so confused. I've tried to keep up with this thread but obviously missed something somewhere. Is Jonathan's sister by the same father? I noted that they both have the last name of Foster? Also I noted that they had snipped at least some footage from the interview with the ex-husband of MN. In the beginning of it he has nothing in his hand and at the end it looks like he has something black in his hand. They have a banner going across it so it's hard to tell what it was.

jonathan's 10 year old sister lives with her father, tk {mod edit}. not the same guy who is jonathan's bio-dad. they have the same mom and different dads.
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