TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - #2

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**IMO**, when your child is missing you do not lie about anything, you offer yourself up for lie detector tests, you are forthcoming, you do not need to worry about anything *IF* you are innocent.
Is it known if Mom called anyone after the two calls at work to do a 'welfare check' on Jonathan she until could get home?
So where would someone burn a body then be able to move it? Unless it was wrapped up, that would leave a messy trail IMO. Sounds like LE isn't buying what they are being sold. IMO.


No signs of a fire were near the culvert, indicating that the child had been burned elsewhere and his body taken to the culvert.
"The finding of the body kind of confirmed our worst fears," said Sgt. Brian Harris of Houston Police Department’s homicide division.
Police questioned Jonathan’s mother and stepfather, Angela and David Davis, overnight Monday and spent hours sorting through conflicting statements from family members, neighbors and friends to establish a timeline for Jonathan’s disappearance on Christmas Eve, Harris said.
"The whole thing kind of stunk from the beginning," he said.
Famillies should NEVER have to hear news like this from the media, EVER, I pray this is not the case here and this is just bad information, either way it is horrible of them (the media).
**IMO**, when your child is missing you do not lie about anything, you offer yourself up for lie detector tests, you are forthcoming, you do not need to worry about anything *IF* you are innocent.

True, but if you're a person known for lying about many many things in the past, it might be habitual. She might be a pathological liar that lies about even things that don't need covering-up. That being said, my better sense says no. But it's still possible.
Well my MIL is not able to get a hold of the homicide unit, so if abc13 is confirming it being Jonathan they let something slip before family notified
So where would someone burn a body then be able to move it? Unless it was wrapped up, that would leave a messy trail IMO. Sounds like LE isn't buying what they are being sold. IMO.


No signs of a fire were near the culvert, indicating that the child had been burned elsewhere and his body taken to the culvert.
"The finding of the body kind of confirmed our worst fears," said Sgt. Brian Harris of Houston Police Department’s homicide division.
Police questioned Jonathan’s mother and stepfather, Angela and David Davis, overnight Monday and spent hours sorting through conflicting statements from family members, neighbors and friends to establish a timeline for Jonathan’s disappearance on Christmas Eve, Harris said.
"The whole thing kind of stunk from the beginning," he said.

Noooo :( :(
**IMO**, when your child is missing you do not lie about anything, you offer yourself up for lie detector tests, you are forthcoming, you do not need to worry about anything *IF* you are innocent.

Famillies should NEVER have to hear news like this from the media, EVER, I pray this is not the case here and this is just bad information, either way it is horrible of them (the media).

mom, grandmom and step dad were all with LE shortly after body was found. I would bet they were warned and prepared for the worst.
I'm just gonna put this out there... I haven't had time to read every post but have read thru the majority of them.. I follow ALOT of the cases here on WS and have for a couple of years{tho I do not post on the majority}..but felt compelled to put this out there considering I don't see any others stating such..

When I first read about the "pest" comment my hinky meter went haywire.. I also heard this reported by Jean on NG and again my hinky meter went haywire.. After reading thru the thread again I watched the video for the first time of the mom and SD where she made the pest comment..

And after watching the video I come away with a completely different feeling.. This woman seems a bit loopy{for lack of a better word} that could be somewhat her "norm" or it could be a combo of emotional and medication that is giving her this "loopy" appearance... That said I did not get anything other than she was just honestly making comments about her son.. I didn't get the feeling that it slipped out and then she tried to cover it up..but rather that is just a word she regularly uses to describe him..KWIM??

I know the majority of us would never dream of saying this about our child especially in a time such as that child be misssing...but I do know and have come in contact with many different types of ppl in my lifetime and do know some that are just bluntly honest especially if the child is possibly a "problem child"..just like the movie the "problem child" with John Ritter..I mean there are children that are like that..that are a pest..and as harsh as it sounds coming from this mom I do not think that it was meant in any other way but just that..bluntly honest in describing her son..

Oh course I could be absolutely wrong but I feel that neither the mom nor the SD are responsible for JP being gone.. The video game that he went to retrieve was found to be missing..That to me points to the likely hood that he did disappear while en route back from retrieving this video game...why would the mom or SD "disappear" the video game..That just doesn't go with this being a domestic issue gone wrong...

I will hold off on making any type of determination one way or the other of whom is involved..but I really do for the time being that the mom and SD are not the perps here..

I do want to know and hear more about this suspicious call made to mom at work.. This is bothering me..and now the fact that there is also a home cordless phone that is missing.. This is very very strange things especially the game and the phone missing that make me feel as well that the mom and SD did not do this...

Am anxiously awaiting some more updated info on this case... Because the burned body is not a match if we are to believe LE stating it was right at 3 ft..when he was almost 5ft..{sad to know its someone child..so so sad}

Biting my tongue here but there was no video game being retrieved. She admitted that she lied about him being at the babysitter's. People with nothing to hide do not lie. The main priority is to find the child, not CYA.

Initial reports that Jonathan had disappeared after running home from a babysitter’s house to retrieve a video game turned out to be false, Harris said. The boy’s mother eventually admitted that Jonathan was not in the care of a babysitter when he disappeared, he said.

<snipped> BBM

The boy's mother eventually admitted that Jonathan was not in the care of a babysitter when he disappeared, he said. "There was some shame and embarrassment about leaving a kid home alone, but it's not unusual for a 12-year-old to be home alone," Harris said. <snipped>

Well my MIL is not able to get a hold of the homicide unit, so if abc13 is confirming it being Jonathan they let something slip before family notified

I'm so sorry if this is the way you and your family found out. chron.com is saying it too.. i REALLY hope it's just them running with an unverified tip! They are being tactless for not telling you guys first if it is true :(
Famillies should NEVER have to hear news like this from the media, EVER, I pray this is not the case here and this is just bad information, either way it is horrible of them (the media).

Maybe the news stations are just trying to get more viewers for 11pm.
Aren't they all saying "believed to be" at this point? Has any news station actually "confirmed"?
Been following this thread this afternoon, trying to catch up.
After watching the videos of the mom and step dad, my take is that they are on the less-educated, less-incomed side of things. The SD's squeezing of mom's shoulder struck me as awkward, in that he didn't know what to do to comfort her, and knew he had to do something, but felt uncomfortable because they are separated, but also felt like he needed to be "the man" in front of all of this media attention.

After listening to all the accounts, I think that things have gotten extremely confuzzled. That's an understatement, eh? The confusion could come from poorly educated folks trying to cover something up. Or it could come from extremely worried, poorly educated folks who have only had custody for a little over a month, and are now thrust into the spotlight of both their family and the media, and fear being labeled poor parents or somehow at fault for this.

IF they are innocent of any wrong doing, the story could be this:
JF has been spending a lot of time at the babysitter's down the street.
On Friday, he was at home, playing video games.
SD was in and out, and saw him at 1:45.
At that time, JF asked to go to his babysitter's to get a video game that he'd left there.
SD says okay and leaves before JF leaves to the babysitter's.
JF leaves, and gets abducted along the way.
Mom get's the weird phone messages. The one with the raspy woman's voice and JF's voice in the background, and the message that there is an emergency.
Mom calls SD and talks to him, all freaked out.
SD, being the man, tells her to chill and that he just saw the kid and that he was headed to the babysitter's.
Mom believes him and somehow finishes her shift at work and rushes home.
They look and look for him, and finally report him missing at 9:30. The delay came again from their fear of being implicated, or perhaps drugs in the home, or other things that have nothing to do with being a parent. Understanding that this mom has not actually been a mom for a very long time. Who knows what her priorities are, or how she feels about her son and the fact that he's been living with other family for most of his life.

As I type this, I don't believe any of it. I believe SD did something, and all the confusion has been in the rush to try and cover it up. This reminds me far too much of the boy in Idaho (Robert Manwill). That said, I always think it's a good idea to run with the facts presented as if they were true, to see what they lead to.
Well here is the ditch and if that is the body they are covering with the blue sheet, it doesn't look very big at all... I don't know if it though or they are just covering evidence or something the photo is at a bad angle....


TY! They said the body was 1/2 way "stuffed" in the ditch which I couldn't understand but now I do cos I see the pipe. This could be why it doesn't look very big.
About the 3 feet height estimate....

There is video on the left hand side of the page with this article.


A Lt. Leslie Martinez is giving a quick press conference. She is asking about what they've found and how they now it's a child. You can tell by her response that it is a wild guess as to size when she says approx. 3 ft. She also states repeatedly that at that point and time the ME was not on sight yet and they would have more info once he arrived.

IMO this is where the media took the 3 feet and ran with it.
So where would someone burn a body then be able to move it? ...(snipped)...

I thought it was reported that TES found a charred spot somewhere. I'll look for the link...

ETA: Here it is.

snipped from link:

Equusearch founder Tim Miller said this afternoon that volunteers are going back out today to look for areas that might have been burned. Sources say volunteers later found what was described as a burn site in the 9500 block of Bauman near Tidwell. The site is about 1 mile from where the child's body was found this morning.

If the body was burned and moved wouldn't the vehicle it was transported in smell horribly?
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