TX - Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 - Mona Nelson charged w/ Murder - #11

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Ok...stoopid question, (and I live in Texas, but apparently do not understand Texas law), but if she is already charged with Capital Murder, why the need to take it in front of a grand jury? That just seems totally backwards to the way it has been done in some other cases I have followed. Do they have to do it to see if the charge will hold up?
If he did know who she was by just seeing her around. What if she did come to the door and had been drinking vodka. What if she was drunk and rowdy banging on the door and that was the emergency.. then she got in either by key or convinced him to unlock the door.. mom called back and that is when she hung up on her.

then somehow convinced him to go with her or she forced him to go.. if a child is scared i would think to grab him by the arm and demand he not say anything he would go..
or convinced him to go with her.. and her saying it is ok..take your stuffed animal ( that was missing) take it with you .. somthing to that extent..

just a maybe on this..
MN is a pretty formidable foe. Her height, weight and boxing ability would worry some grown men.
No child or person should have to endure this.
RIP Jonathan.
Raw: 12-year-old boy's accused killer appears in court

ok...there is NO sound in this video!!! when are we ever gonna hear her voice and why is everyone (IMO) seem so determined to make sure we don't?
They may be saving the voice for the evening news. Ratings you know.
snipped & BBM by me from-

"Harris County Assistant District Attorney Connie Spence said she is "satisfied with the investigation by the Houston Police Department. They did an excellent job."

Still, she said, the investigation is continuing, and she is optimistic a crime lab examination of evidence could develop more evidence."

uhh, what am I missing??? How does evidence develop MORE evidence????

( and then something said about not sure if there would be more arrest?? coudl these two statements perhaps be related???)
WOW am certainly going to have to be careful how I phrase things in the future as I certainly did not think anyone would take offence to what I had wrote...

when I say the crime was more "simple" I meant that I dont think it was by a serial killer who has been killing and burning children and took Jonathon because he was left alone to satisfy her urge to kill.......

but in fact if you read what I had written I said the MOTIVE was more simple....ie something to do with the adults in the home and poor Jonathon became the victim as he was the one there.

saying that the crime was simple is in no way implying that I do not think that this is extremely disturbing and upsetting and horrific.

In fact if you read my previous posts I have called her a sick, vicious, digusting, sadistic, violent women...

the thought that poor zahra was dismembered made me sick, after someone mentioned sandra cantu at the beginning of this case, I read up on it and I nearly vomitted and this tragedy has really shocked and upset me.

You know, this is so horrifying and emotional -- all of us here are confronting evil by thinking about this. It's easy in such a state to confuse what someone writes with empathy, as Vamp did above, with the evil we're confronting -- we get angry and upset, we react.

V, I don't think you need to explain yourself, we are sleuthing, trying to solve the problem -- we should all asume everyone here finds it horrifying.

That said, I sure can understand losing sight of this for a moment, due to the horror of what happened to Jonathan.

Hugs to all of you
There may be a requirement for a grand jury indictment in order to seek the DP.

I've been going to the University of Google Law School, it seems like every felony charge in Texas has to be indicted by the GJ. That's "UOG" for short.
I've been going to the University of Google Law School, it seems like every felony charge in Texas has to be indicted by the GJ. That's "UOG" for short.

Hmmmm. I dunno then. Maybe it has to go to a GJ before it can proceed to trial then?

It would appear we attend the same law school. :)

I think AZlawyer has delved into some of the TX laws on homicide for Gabe's case. Maybe we can solicit her for an opinion.
Maybe it is bad reporting, but if MN didn't murder Jonathan then others had to be involved.

So, was Quanell meeting an obligation or is he going to stand by MN and continue to defend her?

That would have to be some relationship for her to take the fall for the murder of an innocent child.

I don't see Quanell as defending her -- to say it's a drug debt is damning to MN - just in a different way than the 'acting alone monster' story.

People take the fall for other people's crimes all the time -- even though it seems crazy.
Hmmmm. I dunno then. Maybe it has to go to a GJ before it can proceed to trial then?

It would appear we attend the same law school. :)

I think AZlawyer has delved into some of the TX laws on homicide for Gabe's case. Maybe we can solicit her for an opinion.

Bonne idea! . How does settling a drug debt lead to a horrific murder? She got thrills out of it ,but only $20 !!! Not a financially satisfying deal! :twocents:
MN apparently hang around the cottage a lot and probably knew most of their routines.
I do not think it was robbery. MN apparently encountered Jonathan twice on that day, once at 12.30 and then after 1.45. So she probably knew from Jonathan , he was home alone and that both AD and SE were at work.
It might have been routine for DD to stop by at 1.45 prior to going on his way to some other place.
It almost looks like she waited till DD came and went. Hence LE mentioned, MN saw the opportunity .
The phone calls to AD's place of work could just be to ensure AD was still at work since it was getting close to AD's normal quitting time. and MN probably knew how long it would take for AD to drive home.
IMO, this horrendous crime could have been playing in her head as a sadistic/sexual fantasy. Who knows for how long.
I have nothing to back it up, it's just a gut feeling, but I don't think this was a drug debt. I don't think MN is a serial killer and I don't think this was a sexually motivated crime.

I do think that possibly something wasn't going the way MN wanted it to at the "cottage". I think she was feeling slighted or something. Possibly wasn't getting to hang out there like before because her friend was busy babysitting or Jonathan said something that made her mad. I think that if we actually knew how ridiculous and petty the reason was that we would all be astounded.

Just my thoughts at the moment, subject to change if any new info is released.

Unfortunately, you could be so right. In my area, a young boy about to go to college a few years back, was murdered because the killer said "he dissed me."

It's just so sad.
[You might wanna skip over reading this if you are sitting on the fence with Mona.]

Mona is now a victim of herself now? My lawd, what is going on here?
She is in jail facing a capital murder charge but doesn't want to give up who helped her?

She already implicated DD a few times said she said he gave her 20 dollars!!!! to "throw out a plastic container." Now who else. Mona? Landlord was told about the carpet months ago so it's not her fault about the burned carpet LE found. She was just getting a number for SE earlier that day, that's why ppl saw her at JF apartment and she didn't have anything to do with hurting him. I mean, either Mona has REALLY bad luck in getting herself into trouble (current, and past tense) or either Mona has picked a habitual pattern that keeps fooling everyone.

"She appears to be a hardened lady – you know, a tough lady. Tough enough to where she would try to protect others who were involved in this," he said.

I can't HONESTLY believe how people would think this woman is "too hard" and "too protecting" to give away who else was involved (and I really hope DNA comes back in her apartment to relieve all the straw men in this case.) Was she "strong" and "protecting" for her children and grandchildren? Off the cuff, anyone have that information because I would very much liked to be swayed or vary in my opinion of this woman.

I know that a lot of people don't want to damn her for this crime yet, but I think there is a crime in removing a body from a truck [that isn't in this "plastic container" from DD.] I think that it is a crime to then go back to the house the child went missing from.

I will eat crow if others are involved, but I don't think the straw man chase to be very effective as long as Mona is still holding the power here (THAT'S WHAT IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT) and she wants to make this about "Look at me, I have the answer everyone wants to know!! Who else was involved??" and now she is waiting for everyone to wait on her with this "information" - even Q-X.

Power and control, this is what it is all about with Mona, IMO.
I don't care how "tough" or "hardened" I am-- If there's a dead child involved and I didn't kill him, you better believe I'm ratting your tail out. There would be no "protecting" the guilty party. I wouldn't go down for capital murder for nobody. I'd be yapping my flap so fast, it would make your head spin. And I'm pretty tough ;)
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