TX TX - Joshua Davis, 18 months, New Braunfels, 4 Feb 2011 - # 1

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Day 3 of Search for Missing Boy - Now a Recovery Operation

(New Braunfels, TX) -- For the 3rd straight day, New Braunfels Police and search teams from across the state are continuing the search for an 18-month old missing boy in the area off of Walnut and Klein Road, and now police officials say the search is transitioning from a Search and Rescue operation into a recovery operation.
Other searchers will concentrate on other areas that may not have been searched as thoroughly, with dive teams being called in to search several ponds and stock tanks in that area.

more here - including states another presser this afternoon

18 month olds can really motor along and make some ground .... hope they are doing a 2 mile grid search at least.
Absolutely. Im not ready to jump to conslusions on this case. I will never forget the time my daughter got away from me. I felt pure terror. I could not find her and was ready to call the cops within 5 minutes. I did find her and she had gotten much further than I ever dreamed she could have in a very short amount of time. I still get a sick feeling thinking about it.
I logged on hoping to see some good news...sadly he is still missing. It is so cold here this morning! Things do not look good. I hope this little guy found somewhere to go to be warm but sadly I am jaded and fear the worst. Where are you sweet baby?
I was thinking of all of the times I "lost" my kiddos, and I am pretty sure they were always between the age of 16 mos- 2.5 years. I think it is prime time for a wandering kiddo :sick:

After being missing for more than 36 hours, authorities said that weather conditions and the time that Joshua Davis Jr., 18 months old, has been missing forced them to alter their strategy and downgrade hopes the child could be found safe.

Sunday, police and search coordinators were to use more K-9 dog teams and were to add specialized dogs who work on scent to recover cadavers.
Sunday, sobbing loudly between answering questions, she [Benitez] was critical of police efforts thus far and questioned why volunteers were called off the search Saturday afternoon.

She said the family suspected a person who was at the residence when the child went missing; she said he has changed his story. That person apparently was the last one to see the youngster inside the home, Benitez said.

But Penshorn said police have nothing to indicate that foul play was involved.

more here


After being missing for more than 36 hours, authorities said that weather conditions and the time that Joshua Davis Jr., 18 months old, has been missing forced them to alter their strategy and downgrade hopes the child could be found safe.

Sunday, police and search coordinators were to use more K-9 dog teams and were to add specialized dogs who work on scent to recover cadavers.
Sunday, sobbing loudly between answering questions, she [Benitez] was critical of police efforts thus far and questioned why volunteers were called off the search Saturday afternoon.

She said the family suspected a person who was at the residence when the child went missing; she said he has changed his story. That person apparently was the last one to see the youngster inside the home, Benitez said.

But Penshorn said police have nothing to indicate that foul play was involved.

more here



That part REALLY bothers me. Poor baby, I hope he is found soon!
Again police aren't taking a family seriously????????
I kind of get suspicious when a family member points the finger at someone else...why would you have someone at your home who you think might steal your baby?
WTH! LE needs to start listening to parents. Have they even talked to this person?

Poor Joshua. This story really saddens me. :(
I know that if a 'friend' of mine changed his story, I'd be all over him like white on rice...I wouldn't need the police to investigate him. Just sayin'.

Please let this baby be found today.
Shouldn't LE be looking at both angles here since mom seems to be concerned about this person ? I think it would be negligent on LE's part to not question this person whom has changed their story, changing stories is never good.
Shouldn't LE be looking at both angles here since mom seems to be concerned about this person ? I think it would be negligent on LE's part to not question this person whom has changed their story, changing stories is never good.

Unless, the mom is changing stories? Which would fit with the search and recovery LE is doing.

We really have so little information so any scenario could have happened.
Lots of this story is confusing to me:

Why is it reported that the storm door was standing open, when it was so cold outside....and a small baby was wandering around the home?

Why would you have someone in your home that you wouldn't trust with your child?

I understand the mother's anxiety...and frustration...but lashing out at the police, who have been actively searching around the clock makes no sense. There is a reason volunteers have been called off the search. We see this many times in investigations.

I feel terrible for this family...and this baby. Praying he is found today...
Sorry if this has already been asked but..

When reports say the door was "open" was it literally open (as in not shut) or was it "open" meaning it wasn't locked?
Maybe the person mom "suspects" lives the same trailer park, thus LE is still considering that the baby would not be too far away...
He said the police department is operating under the assumption that the child simply wandered off.

"We don't have anything to indicate to us that it is an abduction," Penshorn said.

Searchers now will focus on checking areas that weren't searched earlier by foot.

"Most of those areas will include some very large areas of property that we haven't been able to search as of yet. The access is a little more difficult. Some of them have very difficult terrain and very thick vegetation. Also there are several large ponds that we'll in all likelihood bringing in dive teams to check."


The terrain is too difficult for volunteer searchers, but not for an 18 month old baby? Really? What am I missing here? I know a baby can go miles longer than you think they can. But they don't generally go climbing through vegetation or up a mountain or anywhere other than just walking. :waitasec:
I kind of get suspicious when a family member points the finger at someone else...why would you have someone at your home who you think might steal your baby?

I highly doubt that they invited the guy over thinking "Yeah, he might steal Joshua, but it's alright, he can come over anyway."

I think it is more along the lines of "Joshua disappeared when he opened the door to leave. He saw Joshua as he left but no one else saw Joshua. If he TOOK Joshua then Joshua could be alive. If Joshua simply walked outside (onto icy steps managing not to fall) and disappeared into the cold for 2 full nights... then he is dead."

I am guessing I would prefer to assume abduction and possible live child... vs wandering and probable dead one.

I have to look at what a parent's finger pointing means for their child... vs what LE's assumption means for their child. Generally the family's finger pointing has a better outcome. Sometimes it is denial and sometimes the family is right. The police said Richard took and murdered Elizabeth Smart. Her sister insisted it was Brian David Mitchell... which left hope she was alive. Her sister was right.

There is nothing in the articles that indicates they suspected the guy before.

She said the family suspected a person who was at the residence when the child went missing; she said he has changed his story. That person apparently was the last one to see the youngster inside the home, Benitez said.


That's it, that's all it says. He changed his story and was the last to see him, so they suspect him. Just like thousands of other cases whether the person is guilty or not.
SAN ANTONIO -- Both the family of an 18-month-old New Braunfels boy and law enforcement desperately searched for the missing child. However, their theories differ on why the toddler is missing.

As of Saturday evening, authorities continue to treat this case as a search-and-rescue effort.

Investigators suspect the child may have wandered from his home after a family friend left Friday night. The family fears an abductor may be behind the child's disappearance.

"He's very outgoing. He likes to play and he&#8217;s smart," said Joshua Davis&#8217; mother, Sabrina Benitez.

&#8220;I don't understand how he could wander off," said Joshua Davis&#8217; father, Josh Davis.
The parents of 18-month-old Joshua Davis are distraught and carry a heavy heart after their son mysteriously vanished from their New Braunfels home.

"My days have been long, haven't slept, and I've been looking for my baby. I want him home safe," Benitez said.

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