TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 - #5

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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I’d be interested in his theory. The man is far from ignorant. He knows this case. I just feel he hinders it for reasons unknown to us at this time...
I exchanged messages on reddit with him and he had at least five theories.One thing wrong he told me was the club in Houston where DA met the DJ was far from a strip club but a pretty upscale disco club.
You can always inbox me.

That is not what Richard told me first hand. The Carter’s has that party. Cotton has cancer treatment that morning and they didn’t leave the house. Fran went next door around noon to see if they needed help setting up for the party. That came from his lips directly to my ears.
Robin Carter's peeps?
You can always inbox me.

That is not what Richard told me first hand. The Carter’s has that party. Cotton has cancer treatment that morning and they didn’t leave the house. Fran went next door around noon to see if they needed help setting up for the party. That came from his lips directly to my ears.
I exchanged messages on reddit with him and he had at least five theories.One thing wrong he told me was the club in Houston where DA met the DJ was far from a strip club but a pretty upscale disco club.
Robin Carter's peeps?
No. Different set. Way different. It was the neighbors to the Arnold’s. The Wilsons best friends. The Arnold’s and Wilson’s weren’t close like some make out. The Wilson’s were close with the neighbors of the Arnold’s. The Arnold’s just happened to be there. From all accounts this set of Carter’s were very good people.However Rachel and Renee were close.
So Cotton's daughter needed a DNA test to prove that her own father wasn't also her son's father.
There are a few gaps to fill in, but that tells me almost everything I need to know about this case.
The only reason that Cotton’s daughter had to disprove h
Cotton was the father of any of her children is due to Rusty being obsessed with some sick scenario he created in his own head. She knew all along he wasn’t the father to any of her kids. I hope I explained efficiently enough previously. Just saw this was about her son not daughter. No it was NEVER thought of or dreamed possible until Rusty created the dna nightmare!
The sighting with the security guard could have been a case of mistaken identity.
I'm not convinced that the girls ever made it to the mall parking lot.
Logically, where might the girls have gone if they had decided to stop off somewhere after leaving the army-navy store and before heading to the mall? No one saw Julie in the army-navy surplus store. Had she been left alone in the car? Was she spotted by a sexual predator who followed the girls to the mall? Did a predator get in the car with Julie and surprise Rachel and Renee when they came out of the store? If there was no predator at that point, was Julie already bored? Did she need to use a restroom? Where might Rachel and Lisa have taken her if they were looking for a temporary sitter or a bathroom to use?
If the girls stopped by the Arnold household, but Rachel's parents weren't home, what unsavory relatives or friends might have happened to show up?
I'd like to know why Rachel was so eager to get out of her parents' house at a young age--in particular I'd like to know whether there was any sexual abuse (by the father, by an uncle, by one of the father's friends, etc.).
There were MANY witnesses at the mall that saw all three girls there.
The Arnold’s were home all day after cancer treatments that morning. By Fran’s account Rachel stopped by that morning before picking up Renee and Julie. Not sure I buy that one but that’s the story anyhow.
There is no sign of sexual abuse by any one in our family. Especially her uncle you speak of! He raised me and I assure you that wasn’t in him! Please know my family before you describe them as unsavory.
I doubt whether a car would have been dropped into that furnace, but I'll bet plenty of sealed drums went in. There is no telling how many murder victims were disposed of at that facility and others like it.
Glad I saw this because I was just thinking about the discussion of those barrels. You previously mentioned the other page that obviously you and I both were a member on. I recall Tommy stating That he and Cotton Both return to work December 26, 1974. He also stated that they disposed of three barrels on this date. I recall asking him if he helped load those barrels. He stated yes that he did. I then asked him did they feel like it was liquid inside or did it feel like possibly there could have been bodies inside. I do not believe I ever received a response to that question. I just went on that page and it says that it is under maintenance. If it comes back up I will definitely go check and make sure whether or not I received a response to that question. That has bothered me ever since that day.
There were MANY witnesses at the mall that saw all three girls there.
The Arnold’s were home all day after cancer treatments that morning. By Fran’s account Rachel stopped by that morning before picking up Renee and Julie. Not sure I buy that one but that’s the story anyhow.
There is no sign of sexual abuse by any one in our family. Especially her uncle you speak of! He raised me and I assure you that wasn’t in him! Please know my family before you describe them as unsavory.
If I'm not mistaken, Rusty has alleged that Cotton was physically abusive as well. Do you agree with that assertion? If he had a violent temper, then it would be difficult to clear him of involvement, regardless of whether there was sexual abuse.

What about Fran? Did was she ever known to become violent? I've been taken aback by the number of cases in the press lately where a child was murdered by his or her own mother. I have to remind myself that not all killers are male.

I'm very interested in the man in the California jacket, though. Do you know of anyone who owned a jacket like that? Did Tommy? Did any of Rachel or Debra's exes? I'm not sure whether that man was someone that the girls knew or a stalker who spotted them and started following them.

Final question: Someone alleged in one of these threads that the car was spotted at Rachel and Tommy's house after the timeframe when the girls would have been shopping at the army-navy store, etc. Can you confirm or refute that? Now, it could be innocent enough—they might have stopped by the house for a bathroom break and then proceeded to the mall—but, if true, it would still be an important part of the timeline.
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If I'm not mistaken, Rusty has alleged that Cotton was physically abusive as well. Do you agree with that assertion? If he had a violent temper, then it would be difficult to clear him of involvement, regardless of whether there was sexual abuse.

What about Fran? Did was she ever known to become violent? I've been taken aback by the number of cases in the press lately where a child was murdered by his or her own mother. I have to remind myself that not all killers are male.

I'm very interested in the man in the California jacket, though. Do you know of anyone who owned a jacket like that? Did Tommy? Did any of Rachel or Debra's exes? I'm not sure whether that man was someone that the girls knew or a stalker who spotted them and started following them.

Final question: Someone alleged in one of these threads that the car was spotted at Rachel and Tommy's house after the timeframe when the girls would have been shopping at the army-navy store, etc. Can you confirm or refute that? Now, it could be innocent enough—they might have stopped by the house for a bathroom break and then proceeded to the mall—but, if true, it would still be an important part of the timeline.
Be nice if someone could post Dan James's notes which has the girls going missing between 3:15pm and 4:30pm.
Has there been any proof that there was no abuse? Other than Debra said? Because IMHO there should have been no concerns about the paternity of M daughter of DA in anyone's imagination unless there was
If I'm not mistaken, Rusty has alleged that Cotton was physically abusive as well. Do you agree with that assertion? If he had a violent temper, then it would be difficult to clear him of involvement, regardless of whether there was sexual abuse.

What about Fran? Did was she ever known to become violent? I've been taken aback by the number of cases in the press lately where a child was murdered by his or her own mother. I have to remind myself that not all killers are male.

I'm very interested in the man in the California jacket, though. Do you know of anyone who owned a jacket like that? Did Tommy? Did any of Rachel or Debra's exes? I'm not sure whether that man was someone that the girls knew or a stalker who spotted them and started following them.

Final question: Someone alleged in one of these threads that the car was spotted at Rachel and Tommy's house after the timeframe when the girls would have been shopping at the army-navy store, etc. Can you confirm or refute that? Now, it could be innocent enough—they might have stopped by the house for a bathroom break and then proceeded to the mall—but, if true, it would still be an important part of the timeline.
Has there been any proof that there was no abuse? Other than Debra said? Because IMHO there should have been no concerns about the paternity of M
Has there been any proof that there was no abuse? Other than Debra said? Because IMHO there should have been no concerns about the paternity of M daughter of DA in anyone's imagination unless there was
The only way to know for sure would be to ask Debra. Which I did and I have posted her response. Take it or leave it. But if you leave it, have something to base your assumptions on.
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Has there been any proof that there was no abuse? Other than Debra said? Because IMHO there should have been no concerns about the paternity of M daughter of DA in anyone's imagination unless there was
Have you met Rusty? Have you heard his theories of ver the last 46 years? Have you been involved with him first hand in researching these things? If so you might understand.
If I'm not mistaken, Rusty has alleged that Cotton was physically abusive as well. Do you agree with that assertion? If he had a violent temper, then it would be difficult to clear him of involvement, regardless of whether there was sexual abuse.

What about Fran? Did was she ever known to become violent? I've been taken aback by the number of cases in the press lately where a child was murdered by his or her own mother. I have to remind myself that not all killers are male.

I'm very interested in the man in the California jacket, though. Do you know of anyone who owned a jacket like that? Did Tommy? Did any of Rachel or Debra's exes? I'm not sure whether that man was someone that the girls knew or a stalker who spotted them and started following them.

Final question: Someone alleged in one of these threads that the car was spotted at Rachel and Tommy's house after the timeframe when the girls would have been shopping at the army-navy store, etc. Can you confirm or refute that? Now, it could be innocent enough—they might have stopped by the house for a bathroom break and then proceeded to the mall—but, if true, it would still be an important part of the timeline.
I never met Cotton so I can’t say first hand. By your assertion that would mean anyone that had ever been in a violent altercation would be a poi? Then you just opened a HUGE can of worms. Remember it was the 70’s. You could still tear your kids up for acting like fools. As far as Fran, again did not grow up with them. Met her as an adult.
i have found absolutely no police record of violence for Cotton or Fran.
Someone that the girls knew had STRONG connections to California. Someone that fit the description of the man in the California jacket. The same someone admitted to being at the mall with the girls 12/23/74 and later recanted.
As far as the car being sighted at Minot St. after the army and navy store. Your guess is as good as mine. Depends on who’s story you listen to. I’m not convinced either way. It is my opinion they went by the house for some reason. That’s only an opinion. There are reports of their being there. How much I trust those reports, that’s a 50/50. LOTS of lies out there. Documented lies! as far as sharing Dan James’s work, that’s for him to do.
Kellie is right - Never lose sight of Our Three Girls. They are who we want to bring home. Please let's not reach the half-century and still not have laid them to rest.
Laying them to rest would be my number one goal! I would love to see justice served. But either way God will handle that part. Number one goal is to bring them home and give them a proper burial.
If I'm not mistaken, Rusty has alleged that Cotton was physically abusive as well. Do you agree with that assertion? If he had a violent temper, then it would be difficult to clear him of involvement, regardless of whether there was sexual abuse.

What about Fran? Did was she ever known to become violent? I've been taken aback by the number of cases in the press lately where a child was murdered by his or her own mother. I have to remind myself that not all killers are male.

I'm very interested in the man in the California jacket, though. Do you know of anyone who owned a jacket like that? Did Tommy? Did any of Rachel or Debra's exes? I'm not sure whether that man was someone that the girls knew or a stalker who spotted them and started following them.

Final question: Someone alleged in one of these threads that the car was spotted at Rachel and Tommy's house after the timeframe when the girls would have been shopping at the army-navy store, etc. Can you confirm or refute that? Now, it could be innocent enough—they might have stopped by the house for a bathroom break and then proceeded to the mall—but, if true, it would still be an important part of the timeline.

If you are of the belief that ST arrived at the Minot home to retrieve her and TT's 2 yr old son for her family Christmas gathering then you have the perfect explanation right there.
Someone that the girls knew had STRONG connections to California. Someone that fit the description of the man in the California jacket. The same someone admitted to being at the mall with the girls 12/23/74 and later recanted.
Which one of the girls knew him best? If he was at the mall with the girls, which of the girls would have invited him? Or is it more likely that he bumped into the girls at the mall?
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