TX TX - Julie Moseley, 9, Mary Trlica, 17, Lisa Wilson, 14, Fort Worth, 23 Dec 1974 #6

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Good point about the vehicles. Maybe there's a simple explanation but I don't expect to get one and I guess I'll always be confused about that.

I don't know what their normal routine was but on the day in question I've often thought a customers vehicle could have somehow been used.
According to V.I.
Good point about the vehicles. Maybe there's a simple explanation but I don't expect to get one and I guess I'll always be confused about that.

I don't know what their normal routine was but on the day in question I've often thought a customers vehicle could have somehow been used.
According to Love trumps all (Thread 5, pg 5,post 100),  TT says that the 23rd started out like any other day, with CA picking him up for work at 7:30, heading for the shop, and basically putting in a day's work, and heading home.
Good point about the vehicles. Maybe there's a simple explanation but I don't expect to get one and I guess I'll always be confused about that.

I don't know what their normal routine was but on the day in question I've often thought a customers vehicle could have somehow been used.
According to V.I.
Good point about the vehicles. Maybe there's a simple explanation but I don't expect to get one and I guess I'll always be confused about that.

I don't know what their normal routine was but on the day in question I've often thought a customers vehicle could have somehow been used.
According to Love trumps all (Thread 5, pg 5,post 100),  TT says that the 23rd started out like any other day, with CA picking him up for work at 7:30, heading for the shop, and basically putting in a day's work, and heading home.
According to V.I.

According to Love trumps all (Thread 5, pg 5,post 100),  TT says that the 23rd started out like any other day, with CA picking him up for work at 7:30, heading for the shop, and basically putting in a day's work, and heading home.

"Whatever my albi says"

That's what I hear when I read that post.
As far as I know FA was his alibi and it seems like to me him not being able to say if she came to the shop or not could be to create wiggle room. Not only for himself but for his alibi too.

There's the letter. No matter what I always come back to the letter. I honestly believe he wrote it.
And even after a polygraph LE still wasn't satisfied and gave him another one.
DA still won't cooperate. I think LE knows something is there and they know more than us.

After almost 50 yrs I would get tired of being bashed if I was innocent. The investigation seems almost nonexistent.
I would tell my side of the story and I would tell it all and I wouldn't care who liked it or not.
If it was something like a poster here once claimed, Goldenlancehead, then say so. Explain the letter, but I need to hear it straight from him and not someone else. Now I know he doesn't owe me or any of us anything but he obviously cares if these other people were speaking on his behalf.I would get tired of being bashed. I would go all in at this point.
A lot was different in the 70s. All the car pooling of TT might be related to the American gas panic in early 1970s. I don't know specifics in Fort Worth, but it was hard enough to purchase fuel for one car that ride sharing increased. That habit probably continued in December in my opinion.
In some circumstances it could really make sense.
Shame that there is so little insight.

If, for example (I don't know that, I'm just thinking out loud) the neighbourhood was not considered to be safe enough - with some reasons, maybe related to crime, maybe to traffic - for kids and teens to walk to and back from school on foot...
Adding to that if basically everyday CA or/and FA drove to Arlington workshop, and other cars, previously owned/inherited by TT being sold in order to get money to invest in the business, then it could be absolutely nothing odd in the fact that Rachel had the car.
Cause much bigger difference for her to not have it than for TT, if he rarely/barely ever had a need to drive somewhere to pick up some stuff, meet someone...

But I don't recall, ever reading no description of how their work actually looked like... or how it looked like for someone with similar business at the time.
Were they just working on cars that clients drove TO the location and left there? Did they own some bigger vehicle to transport some cars that broke so badly that they couldn't be driven without the repair? If so, were CA/TT the ones who did that? Were they working owners, so more focused on supervising other's work, or the only ones who were actually doing the work and getting dirty on the daily basis? Did they had other people working there? Daily, part time?
According to V.I.

According to Love trumps all (Thread 5, pg 5,post 100),  TT says that the 23rd started out like any other day, with CA picking him up for work at 7:30, heading for the shop, and basically putting in a day's work, and heading home.
No way to really know about CA's condition at the time.
Some probable guesses could be made thou. Cause we know how it looks like/looked like for other people, suffering from cancer.

Stage IV melanoma would likely affect his daily life in major way, but more likely than not it wouldn't affect his ability to drive (yet). It could, cause it's completely possible, but not nearly as likely like that it wouldn't.
What would, 100% affect his ability not only to drive but even to walk to the other room is the treatment. Cause those things hit hard, even now, and were ever worse back then. He would certainly need an assistance during and directly after taking medicine.

It's so hard to not be suspicious about the possible family involvement while it could be explained so easily.
Was that the first time when CA was taking medicine at home?
Were they unaware of how hard it can affect a person - and that's why their plans about driving to work arrangements haven't changed?
Or maybe it was the reason why Rachel and TT had the fight - since CA had this planned treatment and RA had holidays at school, TT wanted to take the Oldsmobile while she wanted to go shopping?
Not hard to imagine and believe that CA drove him to work, and that they may agree that FA will pick him up afternoon if CA won't be able to do that. Or that he will get a lift from coworker...

Yet somehow nobody knows how he came back from work, and at what time, where did he went, who did he met.

I'm still trying to not look at it with the perspective of "he did it/they did it/they know".
It sure looks like it, but still may be cause the story keps being told in a way that he looks guilty as hell, despite of that long list of serial killers, murderers, rapists and violent criminals living and commiting crimes in this area.

Renee was allegedly very tight to schedule kind of person.
And she made it clear that she wants to be picked up from Grandma's at 4PM.
Picked up by parents, and taken home to get ready for a party later.
Does that mean that Rachel had other plans and wasn't going to head straight home after shopping so she wouldn't be able to drop her off by her home?
Or maybe she had some stuff to take home with her, from Grandma's home?
Or it was simply cause her parents always stopped at Grandmas home and it was just most convenient way to get home with them?
One way or another, she wasn't there. Neither she or Julie was there. And parents were sure aware that its unlike her to be late.

And where is TT then? About the time for him to get back home, take a shower and head to bowling alley. If neither CA or FA did that and he ended up with no car, then how he did that?
He says CA.
DA and A's neighbour say that CA couldn't do that.
And the other scenario is... who?
"Whatever my albi says"

That's what I hear when I read that post.
As far as I know FA was his alibi and it seems like to me him not being able to say if she came to the shop or not could be to create wiggle room. Not only for himself but for his alibi too.

There's the letter. No matter what I always come back to the letter. I honestly believe he wrote it.
And even after a polygraph LE still wasn't satisfied and gave him another one.
DA still won't cooperate. I think LE knows something is there and they know more than us.

After almost 50 yrs I would get tired of being bashed if I was innocent. The investigation seems almost nonexistent.
I would tell my side of the story and I would tell it all and I wouldn't care who liked it or not.
If it was something like a poster here once claimed, Goldenlancehead, then say so. Explain the letter, but I need to hear it straight from him and not someone else. Now I know he doesn't owe me or any of us anything but he obviously cares if these other people were speaking on his behalf.I would get tired of being bashed. I would go all in at this point.
FA wasn't his alibi. She made herself his "alibi" with a claim that she knows he was working cause she was with him at work. He never took it, said only that they spoke on the phone several times during the day.

What do you mean by "DA still won't cooperate"?

Coming back to the letter it's worth remembering that FBI experts were analysing it and comparing with piles on piles of Rachel's handwriting multiple times and not once they came out with conclusive rule-out.

As for the latter, if I was innocent and considering how this case looks like I wouldn't care anymore. Especially if believing in DA's innocence. Cause looking from that angle, all she got from her involvement in trying to search for her sister was just more blame, more accusations from random people, public accusations by family and public blackmail orchestrated by a family member that was widely covered by media.
For us, trying so hard to understand what was and is going on not only with the disappearance itself but also the followup it'd be great to know his side of the story.
But considering myself in his position, if innocent, I'd stay as far from it as possible for the sake of my family. Unless there would be something not mentioned previously to the LE it would likely didn't help to find the girls and could affect my family.
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As for the car situation at the A residence...assuming the neighbor's story is accurate (A's car never left the driveway), then either
1. CA  did use a client's car (which he'd brought home) to drive himself and TT to work or
2. CA was home all day (as some have stated)
"Whatever my albi says"

That's what I hear when I read that post.
As far as I know FA was his alibi and it seems like to me him not being able to say if she came to the shop or not could be to create wiggle room. Not only for himself but for his alibi too.

There's the letter. No matter what I always come back to the letter. I honestly believe he wrote it.
And even after a polygraph LE still wasn't satisfied and gave him another one.
DA still won't cooperate. I think LE knows something is there and they know more than us.

After almost 50 yrs I would get tired of being bashed if I was innocent. The investigation seems almost nonexistent.
I would tell my side of the story and I would tell it all and I wouldn't care who liked it or not.
If it was something like a poster here once claimed, Goldenlancehead, then say so. Explain the letter, but I need to hear it straight from him and not someone else. Now I know he doesn't owe me or any of us anything but he obviously cares if these other people were speaking on his behalf.I would get tired of being bashed. I would go all in at this point.
I actually had a good explanation in mind for how FA could've come by the shop and TT not known about it, but then I came back to "the car never left the driveway", and that killed that.
After all this time, and with the info they're  bound to have (that we don't), I sometimes wonder if LE aren't protecting someone....
beubeubeu, to answer one of those questions-- the shop offered a free tow service (according to a flyer at the time, shared on a previous thread), and their motto was " If your car's rotten, take it to Cotton".
Wasn't that ad about fort worth location?
After all this time, and with the info they're  bound to have (that we don't), I sometimes wonder if LE aren't protecting someone....
Actually to be truthful DA pointing at TT and TT pointing at DA has worked perfectly for 48 years now.
The issue about the car being locked is a non-issue.
Back in the 1970s we always locked the car when out shopping. It didn't matter if stuff was locked away in the trunk.
Other people did not. Was locking the car out of character for Rachel? We simply don't know.
It would be easy to believe that on a normal day Rachel might take TT to work then take the car to school and pick up TT after school. TT likely didn't need a car during the day.
School days tended to be shorter than work days.
It would be easy to believe that on a normal day Rachel might take TT to work then take the car to school and pick up TT after school. TT likely didn't need a car during the day.
School days tended to be shorter than work days.
I don't think so. TT's work was about a half-hour drive (distance from Minot Ave to Arlington). Like on any normal day,CA picked him up for work,at about 7:30 (TT's version of that day). Most schools start around 8:00. Unless the school was next door to the shop, she'd either have to take him to work  really early, or be  really late for school.
Also, given the fact that Rachel/TT only had one car between them (we're told), I'm having problems with the story that Rachel made stop(s), at some point in the girls' travels, to inquire about job application(s). How (and when) was she going to get to work?
I know I shared a few posts back that TT claimed Rachel liked to drive to school (most teenagers do), but working out the logistics of it, it doesn't seem feasible.
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The issue about the car being locked is a non-issue.
Back in the 1970s we always locked the car when out shopping. It didn't matter if stuff was locked away in the trunk.
Other people did not. Was locking the car out of character for Rachel? We simply don't know.
I'd hoped maybe the fact that the car was  locked might be a clue that was missed....(Dream on, Alice...)
FA wasn't his alibi. She made herself his "alibi" with a claim that she knows he was working cause she was with him at work. He never took it, said only that they spoke on the phone several times during the day.

But the post I was referring to states he thinks she was there but not positive.
I understand that just because someone is a verified family member doesn't necessarily mean they have the right to speak for someone else but some of these people claim to be doing just that and that's fine with me. Maybe they have TT' s blessing on that. What way do we really have of knowing? My point is I can take these people serious or I can dismiss what they say but I can't do both at the same time. If I'm gonna take that particular post serious then that's my thoughts on it.

Coming back to the letter it's worth remembering that FBI experts were analysing it and comparing with piles on piles of Rachel's handwriting multiple times and not once they came out with conclusive rule-out.

I was just saying how I honestly feel about it.

What do you mean by "DA still won't cooperate"?

That's DA the sister not DA the District Attorney. That looked a little confusing when I went back over it.

I don't know why they didn't just come right out and call it that. Thats what it is.
If me or you walked out on a polygraph most LE wouldn't hesitate to call it "not cooperating". They would run straight to the media with it.
BTW, while on the subject of old Arnolds Transmission ads has anyone ever seen the classifieds from the summer of 1990?
I think it ran for about a week in the Star-Telegram, this is from aug 5 page 150.

It goes: To D. Arnold, remember Mike C. & Arnold's Transmission? If you do call

I'm not going to include Mike's last name or the number. I was just curious if anyone has seen this and what they make of it. Probably nothing much, maybe just someone trying to look up an old friend before there was a such thing as social media. I doubt it would be relevant but still worth asking.
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