GUILTY TX - Kari Baker, 31, found dead in her Hewitt home, 7 April 2006

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Despite Gray’s unusual post-trial comments, Schwieger said they likely won’t be fodder for his appeal.

“If his comments constitute violations of the professional rules of conduct, that does not affect the appeal,” Schwieger said. “That has nothing to do with the trial itself. If client confidences were disclosed, or whatever, at that point, it has nothing to do with the appellate process.”

Also, I have learned from the WacoTrib new sudden website switcherooo that it is easier to find articles in the future, if a portion of the article is displayed here. So, I will try to always add a snip from the article so if we ever need to find a new link it will be easier!
Again, here is the Matt Baker page at the NEW Waco Trib:
"Baker was fired in January 1996 from a job at the Waco Family YMCA, after allegedly groping a female counselor. That fall he was admitted to Baylor's George W. Truett Theological Seminary, where he began the first of five pastorates that ended when Crossroads Baptist Church in Lorena, Texas, fired him after learning about his reputation in 2006.

Christa Brown, Baptist outreach director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said "it shouldn't take a murder" for a church to find out its minister is a sexual predator. "

-------------------->>> I think I like this Christa Brown so...... I looked up her organization to research more! LOL

------------------->>>>>> Also, of interest is this link to the 10th Circut Court of Appeals (the Appeals Court for WACO) IT HAS A SEARCH-ABLE DATA BASE WHEN WE GET A CASE NUMBER. SO FAR, I HAVE NOT FOUND HIS APPEAL LISTED - but I would not expect it as he has only filed a Notice of Appeal, not the actual appeal.
---------------------> Now here is what is bothering me - warning rant ahead! Why in God's green earth would it or should it take a court ruling and more pain for the Dulin family to get Kensi and Grace and be able to start them toward healing? I get so darn mad thinking that they must now fight to show a court what is in the "best interest of the children." Seriously - how in the name of all that is good, can there even be a question??? I see a few posters on waco trib, etc (whom all have the same linguistic patterns and despite the variety of names, it is clear they are one person and if I am being generous, two at best!) but they rant on about how it would be disruptive to "jank" the girls from the Bakers. They claim and two of the names even joined another forum like this one, proudly posting what are suppose to be Kensi's facebook entries. Saying that her profile is public, but they don't know how to link it. Well it is not public. And she is a minor - so if it is a private facebook, what on earth can barbara- darn, strike that name, as I can't find my eraser .....but what can they possibly be thinking???? I know one thing, it is not what is best for these children. I have written to the admin of that board hoping to get the posts removed for two reasons: 1. It is a Minor childs private facebook and 2. The posts don't sound right coming from a child whose father has just been sent to jail for at least 30 years (longer when we all write the parole board!) but *IF* those posts - bragging and claiming to be soooooo happy are really from the child, it should be a RED FLAG that the child is not coping properly with the revelation of the past weeks. So, who will get them the counseling they need?
The Bakers have shown me not one reason to believe that they see these girls as any more than chattel property. It has even been reported that Matt Baker signed guardianship over to his mother prior to the trial. Shows intent to keep them as possessions. Dagnabit, why can't CPS ever just step in and say, whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - we see a problem here. Where is Gloria Allred - maybe I ought to write her and ask her to look into helping these girls get safe, ASAP.
How can the people who alienated the girls and covered for pertinent facts relating to the crime be allowed to be known; hold the girls hostage and force a court battle? Barbara admits she knew about the affair with Vanessa the summer after her son murdered his wife and the girls mother. Then we have Barbara saying:
From 20/20:
Matt's mother, Barbara, remains convinced that her daughter-in-law took her own life. "Suicide is an answer to pain you can't get rid of," she said. "There was pain that Kari was undergoing that she either couldn't or didn't get the proper help for and that was not a bad answer for her."
So, if we look at this psychologically twisted response - and we extrapolate what her advice might be to the girls, should they become distraught at the reality of their world - having nobody to talk about losing their mother three times. Once in life, again at the hands of alienation and a third time by being deprived of being able to recapture a sense of who their mother really was -- now, being told that their dad is innocent? When does the madness stop?
I am hot about this, as I have spent 5 years working on the effects of alienation done to children with a father, much like the psychopath in this story. After 5 hard - horribly hard years, progress is being made, but childhoods, milestones and lots of love were lost over the needs and desires of one narrasict sociopath. I can't stand to think of this happening to one more family. Especially ones who have shown they have the means and the heart (forgiving a man not even worthy of forgiveness as he has no remorse --- but I understand they can, for themselves and for the girls) to get the girls counseling and give them memories and security and respect their love of their father (despite what has happened) and grandparents (despite their abuse of power and abuse of their emotional health, via their own denial and words I quoted above) --- Why? Can someone tell me why?
Please weigh in on what you think on this, as it really sits heavy on my heart and while I want to be relieved for the justice for the murder, I won't feel peace until there is justice for Kari's name and girls emotional well being.
UPDATE: The admin of the other site, removed the facebook entries!
News.... I think you know we are both completely on the same page, on this. But I guess in America the Baker grandparents are innocent till "tried" in court. In a perfect world the grandparents on both sides would be able to agree the girls need all four of them, but I dont see the Bakers will see it that way. I do believe IF the Dulins felt the Bakers would not try and spin their ideas to the girls, they wouldnt have a problem with having all gparents involved..

I think many in the Baker camp would probaly say the Dulins have their own ideas.. well my answer to that IS..12 IMPARTIAL juries agreed with the the Dulins ideas, and declared Matt Baker GUILTY. Of course this all my humble opinion.

I do feel so sad for Kensi and Grace.. so much turmoil and strife in their young lives.. It hurst to imagine how much Karis girls have had to face....but they do have Kari in them and with them... this too shall pass..
News.... I think you know we are both completely on the same page, on this. But I guess in America the Baker grandparents are innocent till "tried" in court. In a perfect world the grandparents on both sides would be able to agree the girls need all four of them, but I dont see the Bakers will see it that way. I do believe IF the Dulins felt the Bakers would not try and spin their ideas to the girls, they wouldnt have a problem with having all gparents involved..

I think many in the Baker camp would probaly say the Dulins have their own ideas.. well my answer to that IS..12 IMPARTIAL juries agreed with the the Dulins ideas, and declared Matt Baker GUILTY. Of course this all my humble opinion.

I do feel so sad for Kensi and Grace.. so much turmoil and strife in their young lives.. It hurst to imagine how much Karis girls have had to face....but they do have Kari in them and with them... this too shall pass..

Thank you for reminding me. I know in my heart, that even if the Bakers continue to brainwash them, one day they will rise up in the Kari fashion we heard of and want to share their story (IMHO it will be one of lies and alienation) with others, to honor the pain and give it meaning and help others. Just as Kari was trying to do with Kassidy's passing before she was silenced by possibly the killer. I do wonder..........
Thank you for reminding me. I know in my heart, that even if the Bakers continue to brainwash them, one day they will rise up in the Kari fashion we heard of and want to share their story (IMHO it will be one of lies and alienation) with others, to honor the pain and give it meaning and help others. Just as Kari was trying to do with Kassidy's passing before she was silenced by possibly the killer. I do wonder..........

I do not know much, but I do know what a phenominal lady Kari Lynn was, and what a power house of strength and faith Linda IS... Just as in trial, Love WILL TRUMP EVIL again. Everything is in Gods time....Only HE can see the whole picture. I truly imagine Linda, like my own dear grandma prayed for her grandgirls before they were even a true thought in anyones mind.(saying she prayed for the future generations) Sometimes God allows us to learn form OUR mistakes, and sadly He must sometimes let us learn form the sins of the parents.(or PARENT in this case)
I do not know much, but I do know what a phenominal lady Kari Lynn was, and what a power house of strength and faith Linda IS... Just as in trial, Love WILL TRUMP EVIL again. Everything is in Gods time....Only HE can see the whole picture. I truly imagine Linda, like my own dear grandma prayed for her grandgirls before they were even a true thought in anyones mind.(saying she prayed for the future generations) Sometimes God allows us to learn form OUR mistakes, and sadly He must sometimes let us learn form the sins of the parents.(or PARENT in this case)

Yes, the lessons often involve the failures of another. I so wish I had known Kari - but in an odd way, I feel very close to her via her story.

Please continue to light candles for the girls and the journey ahead of them here:
Don't know about 20/20. The people from 48 Hours have really been on it all along the way. They were here some this week and will be coming back in March for sure. They will probably come for any important hearings or happenings along the way. They are very a GOOD way. Expect excellent coverage. I don't know when they will air something, but not until after their March visit at least.

If you check in on this blog, you won't miss it:
From Matt's letter:
".............based on numerous inconsistent statements to BOTH my Power of Attorney (mother) and personal consultant."

So, is his mother his "personal consultant" or is their another player??????? We already know, God was not his personal consultant - well or if he was Matt sure didn't listen to his advice.
I see it as another lawyer is not buying his numerous lies, and he is holding out till he finds one as unethical as he is.. I also see it as he is digging his own grave deeper and deeper and deeper!!!!
How does a person, indigent not to mention indignant afford a: "personal consultant?" I have a lead on who this might be, and as soon as I find a link that supports it is who I think, I will post it. If it is who I think, they sure wouldn't come cheap and has been referred to as having a tendency to stick his nose in other people's business, a glorified pest and even describes himself as a " butt-inski" So, wonder why Mr. Butt - in -ski is inserting himself in this case and who is paying the bill.

Oh, did I mention he seems to like to target ME's and he is not an attorney?

Now, my question of the day............ What happened to the money? A house was sold, a life insurance policy cashed in and then there are all the donations from his "church family." We know his attorneys were pro-bono, so what did he do with all the money?????? Perhaps the IRS might want to look into this??????? Just asking.
How does a person, indigent not to mention indignant afford a: "personal consultant?" I have a lead on who this might be, and as soon as I find a link that supports it is who I think, I will post it. If it is who I think, they sure wouldn't come cheap and has been referred to as having a tendency to stick his nose in other people's business, a glorified pest and even describes himself as a " butt-inski" So, wonder why Mr. Butt - in -ski is inserting himself in this case and who is paying the bill.

Oh, did I mention he seems to like to target ME's and he is not an attorney?

Now, my question of the day............ What happened to the money? A house was sold, a life insurance policy cashed in and then there are all the donations from his "church family." We know his attorneys were pro-bono, so what did he do with all the money?????? Perhaps the IRS might want to look into this??????? Just asking.

SAID DUDE IS WHO I THOUGHT!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have a link to prove it!
"The letter says that Baker wants to dismiss Schwieger as his attorney because he says Schwieger is refusing to represent him appropriately and file a motion for a new trial.

The letter also says that Schwieger gave inconsistent statements to Matt's mother Barbara Baker and his personal consultant David Fisher."

Find me anything on this guy - from these two stories you will see what character he is - but, on a positive note - seems like a perfect match for Mattieboy's wiggle out any loophole and get attention persona.

Here are some other articles to get you all going!!!!!! I want to know if he is getting paid, who is footing the bill, his rates and why he would want to help a filthy guilty person like MB!


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