GUILTY TX - Kari Baker, 31, found dead in her Hewitt home, 7 April 2006

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just an update that I called Tru TV and got a recording. I left my name and phone number to call me. I told them there were a group of bloggers wondering if they would be covering the trial since it was featured on 20/20 and Dateline. (Never hurts to remind them this has been covered nationally! hehe), if they call back you all will be the first to know!

I hope they respond. I haven't watched the channel often since it became TruTV, do they still do coverage of court cases?
I hope they respond. I haven't watched the channel often since it became TruTV, do they still do coverage of court cases?

Yes, they still cover cases, but IMHO NO WHERE NEAR AS WELL as they used to. But when InSession ends ( 3EST) then it goes to the "paying" shows or more junk shows to me........ Cops, Most Daring, Worlds Wildest this or that, Operation Repo, Speeders but the one I hate is the Smoking gun/dumest criminals one. Late in the night they have decent shows like Forensic files but really late they have paid programming - ugggggggg!

But, No they have not called back yet. Perhaps I need to dig for a "less known" phone number for them! LOL

I have a feeling in a few weeks there will be a wiki page entry for Matt Baker, Preacher needed. Currently he is not listed - I am actually surprised.
I have also followed a good blog on this case for quite some time now. You can find that if you google Matt Baker + Don't Even Get Me Started .

Whew! I finally made it in! Took me 3 days and a few tries to get it right. I know trying to register under AOL kicked it out once. Anyhow, I'm here now.

I am the blog author of Don't Even Get Me Started. If you're read my "Why Here" on the blog, you know how this all started. The ride that the blog has taken me on over the last 2.5 years....well, I could have never imagined. Kari's murder and Matt's unrepentant guilt have flowed through my veins each day. The blessing through all this is the gaining of a precious friend, Kari's mother. We all await justice! And we are so close!!

I'm glad you guys have found it and find it informative. As you may have read on my last post on the blog, I'm under a gag order and can't really talk "publically" (and this forum comes up in google searches about the case sometimes) about the evidence and facts that I am privy to. But I can answer some questions, I'm sure. I mainly wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers. Amazing support has reached out to us through various mediums over the years and it is so encouraging!! Keep up your prayers! We have justice to be served and two sweet girls to save.

God bless you all!
Whew! I finally made it in! Took me 3 days and a few tries to get it right. I know trying to register under AOL kicked it out once. Anyhow, I'm here now.

I am the blog author of Don't Even Get Me Started. If you're read my "Why Here" on the blog, you know how this all started. The ride that the blog has taken me on over the last 2.5 years....well, I could have never imagined. Kari's murder and Matt's unrepentant guilt have flowed through my veins each day. The blessing through all this is the gaining of a precious friend, Kari's mother. We all await justice! And we are so close!!

I'm glad you guys have found it and find it informative. As you may have read on my last post on the blog, I'm under a gag order and can't really talk "publically" (and this forum comes up in google searches about the case sometimes) about the evidence and facts that I am privy to. But I can answer some questions, I'm sure. I mainly wanted to thank you all for your support and prayers. Amazing support has reached out to us through various mediums over the years and it is so encouraging!! Keep up your prayers! We have justice to be served and two sweet girls to save.

God bless you all!

I will ask an easy one............. Do you know if anyone plans to televise the trial??? Or broadcast it via the web?
Now you know I was one of your readers! Nice to have you here with us too!
I will ask an easy one............. Do you know if anyone plans to televise the trial??? Or broadcast it via the web?
Now you know I was one of your readers! Nice to have you here with us too!

The Judge is allowing a "pool camera" to be in the courtroom. I heard that at the pre-trial last Wednesday. I already knew that 48 Hours had come down again recently and talked to the Judge and he said okay to a camera. I think mainly he said okay because the 48 Hours camera stuff would not be shown until way after the trial in one of their update shows. I was a little surprised to hear him say "pool camera" last week. To tell you the truth, I've been so busy with other elements of the case, that I have forgotten to check on exactly what that means. But I will tell you this: Judge Strother is a smart, smart man and he's being very careful to have justice upheld and give Matt's attorneys the least amount of possible appeal issues. He is adamant that this trial be tried in the courtroom and not in the media. And since the witnesses in the case mostly likely won't be able to be in the courtroom (as soon as one side involks the priviledge) and the witnesses can't talk to the media or each other really for fear of someone predjudicing or influencing someone, I doubt he'll let what's filmed in the courtroom to be shown in daily reports to any great extent. Little bites here and there, maybe. But nothing substantial. That's just my guess. I'll try to find out.

FYI: 48 Hours, Erin Moriarty, her associate producers and crew rock! I didn't personally have interactions with 20/20 but we were quite pleased with their actual show. Dateline hasn't done a show yet. They sent one guy down for one hearing. That's all I know of. Bet on 48 Hours for the best network re-cap!
JusticeInWaco, welcome to Websleuths and thank you for the information on the coverage and the "pool camera" and thank you also for the reassurance that Judge Strother is a smart man.

Praying for justice in this case.
The Judge is allowing a "pool camera" to be in the courtroom. I heard that at the pre-trial last Wednesday. I already knew that 48 Hours had come down again recently and talked to the Judge and he said okay to a camera. I think mainly he said okay because the 48 Hours camera stuff would not be shown until way after the trial in one of their update shows. I was a little surprised to hear him say "pool camera" last week. To tell you the truth, I've been so busy with other elements of the case, that I have forgotten to check on exactly what that means. But I will tell you this: Judge Strother is a smart, smart man and he's being very careful to have justice upheld and give Matt's attorneys the least amount of possible appeal issues. He is adamant that this trial be tried in the courtroom and not in the media. And since the witnesses in the case mostly likely won't be able to be in the courtroom (as soon as one side involks the priviledge) and the witnesses can't talk to the media or each other really for fear of someone predjudicing or influencing someone, I doubt he'll let what's filmed in the courtroom to be shown in daily reports to any great extent. Little bites here and there, maybe. But nothing substantial. That's just my guess. I'll try to find out.

FYI: 48 Hours, Erin Moriarty, her associate producers and crew rock! I didn't personally have interactions with 20/20 but we were quite pleased with their actual show. Dateline hasn't done a show yet. They sent one guy down for one hearing. That's all I know of. Bet on 48 Hours for the best network re-cap!

Great and post if you find out more. I will keep digging too, if nothing else maybe we can generate interest in the media so Kari's story can be told and heard.
I wonder if he is letting the pool camera go live or just to reporters with conditions not to air, but for the purpose of journalism only. Hopefully we will know soon.
What I am REALLY, REALLY happy to hear is that your impression and the reputation of this Judge Strother. I always like a judge who preserves the appeals and runs a straight and narrow courtroom. Makes justice even sweeter!

On a side note to those reading currently: Who among you would type your suicide note? And if you are a teacher, do you think you would forget basic English all the sudden? That always struck me odd!
Well, that link didn't seem to work. Just go to wwwdot***********atblogspotdotcom. Down on Hot Cases on the right, find Matt & Kari Baker.

I guess I don't know the rules here. Will read up more tomorrow. Just google the blog for *********** and search Matt and/or Kari Baker on there. Maybe you'll find it.

I can't wait to be un-gagged on the blog. I could make this so easy and share so much.
A_News_Junkie, I can't imagine why someone would type a suicide note. My handwriting kind of stinks but if I wanted to leave a suicide note, I'd like to believe it would be a spur of the moment thing and I wouldn't take the time to type it. I'm not sure if I make any sense or not, it's a difficult question to answer. This is my opinion.
Great and post if you find out more. I will keep digging too, if nothing else maybe we can generate interest in the media so Kari's story can be told and heard.
I wonder if he is letting the pool camera go live or just to reporters with conditions not to air, but for the purpose of journalism only. Hopefully we will know soon.
What I am REALLY, REALLY happy to hear is that your impression and the reputation of this Judge Strother. I always like a judge who preserves the appeals and runs a straight and narrow courtroom. Makes justice even sweeter!

On a side note to those reading currently: Who among you would type your suicide note? And if you are a teacher, do you think you would forget basic English all the sudden? That always struck me odd!

Yes, Judge Strother is right on. My admiration for him grows with each hearing I attend. Just a sidenote. Totally personal. My big brother was good friends with his step-son. My Mother always respected him. I was the little sister.....knew nothing. My Mom grew quite sick years ago. She sorta understood my work with the Baker case. She tried. Very sick. She was very sharp about certain things and always said, "If only Judge Strother would get your case. He's a good, honest, wise man. You wouldn't have to worry then." Mom passed away September '08. We have Judge Strother. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. God is so in control of this whole thing. His timing is impeccable. Hopefully, his Judge will continue to be so as well. ;)

And my guess is it's for journalism purposes only. I will try to find out and let you guys know for sure.
Yes, Judge Strother is right on. My admiration for him grows with each hearing I attend. Just a sidenote. Totally personal. My big brother was good friends with his step-son. My Mother always respected him. I was the little sister.....knew nothing. My Mom grew quite sick years ago. She sorta understood my work with the Baker case. She tried. Very sick. She was very sharp about certain things and always said, "If only Judge Strother would get your case. He's a good, honest, wise man. You wouldn't have to worry then." Mom passed away September '08. We have Judge Strother. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. God is so in control of this whole thing. His timing is impeccable. Hopefully, his Judge will continue to be so as well. ;)

And my guess is it's for journalism purposes only. I will try to find out and let you guys know for sure.

I think it is no coincidence, but I am a huge believer in angels watching over me!

I just asked a mod about our ******* question, cause I can't find anything.
A_News_Junkie, I can't imagine why someone would type a suicide note. My handwriting kind of stinks but if I wanted to leave a suicide note, I'd like to believe it would be a spur of the moment thing and I wouldn't take the time to type it. I'm not sure if I make any sense or not, it's a difficult question to answer. This is my opinion.

You make perfect sense to me! (That may or may not be a good thing! LOL)
I just can't see many women typing a suicide not!

I can't even see many men doing it, but that is far more conceivable to me than a woman.
And dare I mention the missing computer????? Curious minds go, hummmmmmmm
You make perfect sense to me! (That may or may not be a good thing! LOL)
I just can't see many women typing a suicide not!

I can't even see many men doing it, but that is far more conceivable to me than a woman.
And dare I mention the missing computer????? Curious minds go, hummmmmmmm

Curious minds are right on. In ways you haven't even said. I can't wait to explain.
Now here is an article with a title to get people to read!

Prosecutors allege former Central Texas pastor killed wife, made multiple advances toward other women

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

McLennan County prosecutors intend to show that former Central Texas Baptist minister Matt Baker not only killed his wife but was having an affair and made improper sexual advances toward at least a dozen other young women, including two of his wife’s cousins.
Oh for those who answer my question about the note being typed - here is another one for you...... how many teachers do you know who write anything in short simple sentences? I have worked and done educational advocacy work with TONS of teachers and none of them write "simple" like that.
Now here is an article with a title to get people to read!

Prosecutors allege former Central Texas pastor killed wife, made multiple advances toward other women

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

McLennan County prosecutors intend to show that former Central Texas Baptist minister Matt Baker not only killed his wife but was having an affair and made improper sexual advances toward at least a dozen other young women, including two of his wife’s cousins.
Oh for those who answer my question about the note being typed - here is another one for you...... how many teachers do you know who write anything in short simple sentences? I have worked and done educational advocacy work with TONS of teachers and none of them write "simple" like that.

Hey,'re up and at it early, too! ;) A lot of these "improper sexual advances" are a little more details in the Texas Monthly article from a couple years ago. And what's interesting is that those "improper sexual advances" weren't a long time ago. They went right up to the time he murdered Kari. And they didn't stop there, either. You'll probably hear more about that at trial or at the sentencing phase where they bring up character (or lack thereof) and other extraneous things.

And you're right about the note. Wasn't Kari's sentence structure at all. In fact, it's laughable to think she'd "write" so lovingly about Matt like that after the way he'd been behaving. It's so a delusional man's note. Or a delusional woman lover writing it for her delusional husband's wife's murder. Who knows? Gray (Matt's lead attorney) just popped up in court last week and said something like, "The DNA evidence does not exclude her from having touched the suicide note and the bottle of pills." The Judge said, "Doesn't exclude who? Kari?" Gray said, "No, doesn't exclude Vanessa Bulls." That was a shocker. We'll see how that plays out. Don't know if it's a legitimate thing they will eventually admit she was a part of.....or if they are just working on pinning that reasonable doubt thing for Matt.

Can't wait to get this all out in the open, hashed through, and justice served.
Hey,'re up and at it early, too! ;) A lot of these "improper sexual advances" are a little more details in the Texas Monthly article from a couple years ago. And what's interesting is that those "improper sexual advances" weren't a long time ago. They went right up to the time he murdered Kari. And they didn't stop there, either. You'll probably hear more about that at trial or at the sentencing phase where they bring up character (or lack thereof) and other extraneous things.

And you're right about the note. Wasn't Kari's sentence structure at all. In fact, it's laughable to think she'd "write" so lovingly about Matt like that after the way he'd been behaving. It's so a delusional man's note. Or a delusional woman lover writing it for her delusional husband's wife's murder. Who knows? Gray (Matt's lead attorney) just popped up in court last week and said something like, "The DNA evidence does not exclude her from having touched the suicide note and the bottle of pills." The Judge said, "Doesn't exclude who? Kari?" Gray said, "No, doesn't exclude Vanessa Bulls." That was a shocker. We'll see how that plays out. Don't know if it's a legitimate thing they will eventually admit she was a part of.....or if they are just working on pinning that reasonable doubt thing for Matt.

Can't wait to get this all out in the open, hashed through, and justice served.

Justice in Waco,
Yes, I read that entire article and even took notes as there were so many contradictions in it from what the police reports and the 20/20 show. That article, for those interested is at: You have to register, but it is free and the read is well worth it if you are looking for details on the case. It is worth it just to see how arrogant this man is and how he thinks he is smarter than the average Joe as he contradicts himself a bunch. The term, Ideation of Grandeur comes to mind!

I have notes from when I watch the 20/20 tape too. So many things don't add up and odd things like the position of the decorative pillows to the livor mortis setting in to her arms both above her head as if dragged to her supposedly being naked and he dressed her yet she still had her jewelery on. Who gets in the bath with jewelery on and if they take it off, who puts it back on before morning. Who thinks let me be found naked but with all my jewelery on. What gives with Matt always talking about the baths. He makes a point that she was in the bath, I think he says she almost fell asleep in the bath and then he talks of giving the girls the baths --- such details are usually for a reason, IMHO. (BTW that is rhetorical question as I know you can't answer case related questions) I could write pages and pages here of all the things odd and all the contradictions!
So, here is my questions of the day! LOL
If you were going to kill yourself (ladies especially) would you strip down naked but leave your rings, necklace and ear-rings on......especially if you had supposedly been in the bath and were sick and gotten out late in the eve?
Would you send your hubby to get movies and gas at 11:15 if you had been feeling ill all night? Or was someone trying to establish an alibi?
How many teachers do you know who don't know the proper use of the words to and too? How many do you know who would type I am not I'm ?
Just a sampling of the rattles that go on in my mind about this case!

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