GUILTY TX - Kaufman Co. prosecutors Hasse, McLelland & Mrs McLelland slain in revenge plot

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Kaufman investigators obtained search warrant for Williams home based on suspicion of misuse of county computer systems & county passwords. Parts of the search warrant are still sealed. Once the search was conducted, things then started to snowball.

A Kaufman Co. judge says he expects murder charges to be filed some time this week. The judge thinks LE is making sure all the i's are dotted & all the t's crossed.
It would be ridiculous to expect the Governor not to attend the funeral.

Your comment implies that Governor Perry personally defended the murderer for political reasons. That is a very serious accusation without a shred of evidence to back it up!

Do you have a link ?

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I was in the State Guard at the time of that trial. I have since retired. Somebody in Austin was panicking about the computer theft trial. Some high level officers were shifted around in the local unit. I don't think Perry defended the murderer after the murders. I believe he felt embarrassed for approving the commission he granted EW, since EW turned out to be a miscreant. Clearly, the screening system for granting commissions was defective.
Doesn't surprise me. Perry is probably the most disgraceful govenor Texas ever had.

I beg to differ! As a 3 term Governor-he has done a tremendous amount of good for the great State of Texas and we are VERY proud of him.

I also thought Captain Joe's inflammatory comment regarding Governor Perry attending the funeral very disrespectul.
We are are all entitled to our opinion, even me. Peace.......
I beg to differ! As a 3 term Governor-he has done a tremendous amount of good for the great State of Texas and we are VERY proud of him.

I also thought Captain Joe's inflammatory comment regarding Governor Perry attending the funeral very disrespectul.

I think that Perry was very gracious at the funeral and appeared to be free of any weird meds. At least he had enough sense to keep the State Guard away from the event or at least inconspicuous. I think it would have been a little bit over-the-top if some armed State Guardsman had driven the Segway in the funeral procession.

Here's one of EW's unit business cards
Whoa snap.....Williams wife is now Tim Ryan just told me on good day. Just caught the clip, I was getting ready to take dogs out. This just gets thicker and thicker. Looks like I was wrong. And what I mean by good ole boy system is this in part, and someone pointed it out how they fought for prison time for him for stealing monitors. I mean really? I can understand how he would vow to get them back. And I mean understand in his mind, not mine!! In my county, a few years ago, there was a disliked council member, ex mayor, something, and they did not like him. He was black, but had nothing to do with it, but they sentenced him to years in prison for --- are you ready --- altering his state inspection sticker. I swear. That's good ole boy justice.

I must have heard that she was booked into the jail, not what I posted earlier. Twas still early.
Whoa snap.....Williams wife is now Tim Ryan just told me on good day. Just caught the clip, taking dogs out. This just gets thicker and thicker. Looks like I was wrong. And what I mean by good ole boy system is this in part, and someone pointed it out how they fought for prison time for him for stealing monitors. I mean really? I can understand how he would vow to get them back. And I mean understand in his mind, not mine!! In my county, a few years ago, there was a disliked council member, ex mayor, something, and they did not like him. He was black, but had nothing to do with it, but they sentenced him to years in prison for --- are you ready --- altering his state inspection sticker. I swear. That's good ole boy justice.

I thought I heard that Williams wife well, never mind, let me get the dogs out and maybe they will have more details. I thought I heard she tried to break in to the jail, but surely I heard that way wrong. MODS - I will edit when I come back if that isn't true.
LOL ... you are funny! :fence:
Oh snap is right ! You know what blows is this guy and his wife could not just go find a new job after stealing from the county. Theft charges would be far far far far less than 3 murder charges. Can't learn from their mistakes !
Wait, SHE"s the one charged with murder and he's still charged with the threats. Did she carry out the killings? :O
He will get charged with murder as well, I am sure...

Only a formality .. only a matter of time...

His wife, he noted, was on disability, and his in-laws depended on him. Williams got no jail time, and a two-year probated sentence.

And yet she is charged with capital murder, not saying whether the charge is related to this case. Has to be, right? Is this about to get weirder???

Also heard he had put over 700 miles on that Segway. That's a lot of cruising.

Breaking news box at top! You are right sailor !

WOW!!!!! Didn't see this coming. Looks like we may have a modern day version of Bonnie & Clyde. If Mrs. Williams killed the McLellands it makes more sense why the McLellands would open their door in the middle of the night........female in distress & all that.

All this broke while I was grocery shopping.............guess if I want results on something, I'll just have to grocery shop more.:wink:
I wonder if he was hiding while she went to the door? Maybe her part was just to get them to open the door them he rushed in and killed them?

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Could be TGIRecovered, could be. I can't wait to see how this all unfolds. I still have to wonder if they didn't have anything to do with Hasse's killing, but hopped on the AB train and decided to kill the McLellands. I just don't get the amount of time that they waited, and did they think they planned it well or what. The latest killing seems like a couple of months planning, not a couple of years. And Mark's murder was more daring. We shall soon see. Doesn't look like EW is talking much yet....

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