Found Deceased TX - King Jay Davila, 8 months, taken by a woman from the car, San Antonio, 4 Jan 2019

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And now we know why the grandmothers said this.

When asked how they know Christopher Davila is telling the truth, his mother responded in a barely audible whisper.

“He’s my son,” Beatrice Davila said. “To kill someone? I don’t know. I don’t know.”

What caused her to immediately respond with “To kill someone?
We know why now."

This case reminds me of Kelsie Schelling’s, as far as the family cover up.

Affidavit: Witness heard father of King Jay Davila say baby was injured in fall

“A witness interviewed by San Antonio Police said he heard the father of King Jay Davila say the child was injured after falling, according to an affidavit obtained by KENS 5.

Three male witnesses who remain unidentified are currently speaking with SAPD.”

Oh yeah, sure!!

Another baby lost too soon.

JMO - If father’s account is true, there would be no reason to not call 911. I think something more criminal occurred. That’s why he didn’t call 911.

(Chris Watts much?)

I’m not buying the “accident” story , not for one hot minute. Even if we were to believe it NOTHING should have stopped him from getting the baby help!! Screw your wanna be, hood rat lifestyle!!
I am so flipping angry right now!

Agreed a thousand percent, well said!

Affidavit: Father Leads Police to Body of Baby King Jay Davila . WTH the mom knew what he did I really was trying to give her the benefit of doubt

(Marking affidavit)

Death of missing baby in San Antonio carries troubling signs


It’s become such a common story in child abuse or neglect cases — perpetrators blaming a child’s injury or death on a fall or accident — that child welfare experts have almost come to expect it, some said. They often regard such claims with skepticism, especially when it comes to very young children.

“There’s a saying, particularly with babies that goes, ‘If you can’t cruise, you can’t bruise,’” said Randy McGibeny, chief program officer at ChildSafe, a nonprofit that assists law enforcement and other authorities in child abuse cases. “Meaning, if they’re not ambulatory — if they can’t walk around — it’s highly unlikely they caused their bruising. Someone put that bruise on their body.”


It’s common for child abuse perpetrators to try and hide their tracks, but few go to the lengths Davila and his family members evidently did in dreaming up a cover story, McGibney said.

Perpetrators might “keep their kids out of public school, they’ll homeschool, to keep their abuse out of the public eye, so it won’t be detected,” he said. Many times, child abuse goes on for years, until someone notices a bruise or a mark and reports it, or the child makes an outcry.

“But you rarely see people go to this extent,” he said, referring to the Davila case.


Besides being charged with serious bodily injury to a child, tampering with evidence and felony possession of a firearm, Davila was also charged with possession of illegal drugs — methamphetamine — at the time of his arrest.

A state study found that when a child dies from abuse or neglect in Texas, half the time the parent or caregiver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and often more than one drug.

About 52 percent of such fatalities in 2017 — 90 out of 172 — involved caregivers who were actively using a substance that impaired their ability to care for the child, according to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

The numbers were even more dire in Bexar County: Of the eight deaths in 2017 that were related to child abuse or neglect, five involved caregivers who either admitted to or tested positive for alcohol, marijuana, cocaine or heroin, and sometimes a combination of all.


(Great article, thanks.)
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So are you saying that if a parent KNOWS their children are doing things they shouldn’t be doing - that they should not ENABLE their children by keeping their grandchildren out of that lifestyle and it’s possible dangers? I don’t consider that enabling. I consider that loving your grandchildren.
The Grandparents weren’t any better! I believe Grandma was arrested!
Treading carefully here, because King Jay’s mother has not yet been named as a POI (but LE DID say during press conference(s) that her involvement in/knowledge of the shenanigans is still under investigation).

The fact that we now know CD initially lied to LE about King Jay being at grandparents’ home since NYE, but BEFORE that was released to the press/public KJ’s “mother” told the same story to a journalist - and stumbled over it - is VERY TELLING to me. Especially given the timing: while she was telling that to the media, CD was confessing and leading LE to the body.

As far as I can determine through MSM reports, both she and CD each had several children only one of whom was in her/their custody (for whatever reason). That one child is now dead at the hands of CD.
It is my understanding that KJ’s Mom had 3 children - the two oldest live with her mother or relatives and they are the children of her husband whom she is in the process of divorcing.
KJ was her only child with CD, but he does have 6 other children with other mothers - I believe.
CD claimed this child when the husband questioned his paternity but I do not think there was ever a DNA done - according to what I’ve read. So it is possible that he is not CD’s child at all - even though he does look like him to me.
CD’s drug use is not a good combination with parenting no matter how many claimed “he loves his children.” The injury done to KJ was done because of his drug use and inability to control himself - he may not have ever wanted this child.
I’m confused about grandmother’s participation - not surprised by any means - because he is her son, I understand, but she should have encouraged him to report the incident and turn himself in ... or just reported it herself.
Why does anyone think that someone who will kill - would not hurt them at some point in the future. I would have wanted him locked up because he is obviously dangerous and unpredictable.
The Grandparents weren’t any better! I believe Grandma was arrested!
Well I wrote that before I saw grandmother’s involvement and I concur that in this case - they were enablers BUT normally parents are NOT enabling by keeping their grandchildren when their own children are on drugs and these children would not be safe with their parents.
This grandmother did ENABLE her son without question by helping him cover up a crime, but not by keeping her grandchildren - unless you think KD would still be alive IF he had never went to her house.
It is my understanding that KJ’s Mom had 3 children - the two oldest live with her mother or relatives and they are the children of her husband whom she is in the process of divorcing.
KJ was her only child with CD, but he does have 6 other children with other mothers - I believe.
CD claimed this child when the husband questioned his paternity but I do not think there was ever a DNA done - according to what I’ve read. So it is possible that he is not CD’s child at all - even though he does look like him to me.
CD’s drug use is not a good combination with parenting no matter how many claimed “he loves his children.” The injury done to KJ was done because of his drug use and inability to control himself - he may not have ever wanted this child.
I’m confused about grandmother’s participation - not surprised by any means - because he is her son, I understand, but she should have encouraged him to report the incident and turn himself in ... or just reported it herself.
Why does anyone think that someone who will kill - would not hurt them at some point in the future. I would have wanted him locked up because he is obviously dangerous and unpredictable.

KJs mom - 3 kids
Two oldest do not live with their mother or father. Live with her mother or other relatives.

Is KJ one of the 3 kids? And who had custody of KJ?

I don’t understand having all the kids - and don’t want them, much less have custody or give a rat’s *ss - just throw KJ away in a backpack.
Had such an amazing day with my little brother visiting with his wee boy, watching our kids run riot was hilarious. Then to come online to see this news, of course it was expected but damn.

I have four kids,I'm fairly certain all four have fallen off a bed/sofa etc at some point in theur younger months/years, none have ever been hurt (even few weeks old dd1 when I fell asleep feeding her :()

My parents would sell me out quicker than you could say boo if they knew I hurt my kids. Makes me wonder why those other kids were takn off granny and grandad, too heavy handed maybe?

I hope to hell mum didn't know too...

Baby king, what can you say?!
I am surprised KJ was found. I thought this would end more like Baby Lisa Irwin.

If you followed the case of Chris Watts murder of his wife and children, I remember in the interview room agent Tammy said (paraphrasing) "Tell us what happened. If it was an accident we can work with that, just tell us and tell us where the bodies are so that we can get them out of the nasty place and give the bodies the respect they deserve".
The Grandparents weren’t any better! I believe Grandma was arrested!
From the affidavit, baby KJ allegedly died in the care of CD, sometime late night Jan 3. Finding him dead in the morning Jan 4, CD drove to his parents home with dead baby in his car seat. Grandma BS and cousin AT allegedly came outside to the driveway-- and saw the dead child inside the car. KJ was believed beyond help, and that is when the three conspired to cover up baby KJ's death, and hatched up the kidnapping story. Grandma BS was the driver that dropped off AT at gas station, and picked her up after AT ditched the car in Rodriguez Park.

On Wednesday, AT asked to talk to detectives from her jail cell and allegedly confessed to the "staged kidnapping" -- leading to the arrest of SB and CD on Thursday (CD had previously been released on bail). When CD saw his story unraveling, he confessed to investigators, and agreed to show them where he buried the body of KJ. According to the affidavit, CD led investigators to an empty lot near a dead end at Caste Lance and Castle Prince, which is less than a mile away from his home. He led them through the field and pointed out the burial spot.

"After digging, investigators located a black backpack with what appeared to be an infant's body wrapped in a blanket placed inside," according to the affidavit.
Court records expose how family allegedly covered up San Antonio baby's death with staged kidnapping
From the affidavit, baby KJ allegedly died in the care of CD, sometime late night Jan 3. Finding him dead in the morning Jan 4, CD drove to his parents home with dead baby in his car seat. Grandma BS and cousin AT allegedly came outside to the driveway-- and saw the dead child inside the car. KJ was believed beyond help, and that is when the three conspired to cover up baby KJ's death, and hatched up the kidnapping story. Grandma BS was the driver that dropped off AT at gas station, and picked her up after AT ditched the car in Rodriguez Park.

On Wednesday, AT asked to talk to detectives from her jail cell and allegedly confessed to the "staged kidnapping" -- leading to the arrest of SB and CD on Thursday (CD had previously been released on bail). When CD saw his story unraveling, he confessed to investigators, and agreed to show them where he buried the body of KJ. According to the affidavit, CD led investigators to an empty lot near a dead end at Caste Lance and Castle Prince, which is less than a mile away from his home. He led them through the field and pointed out the burial spot.

"After digging, investigators located a black backpack with what appeared to be an infant's body wrapped in a blanket placed inside," according to the affidavit.
Court records expose how family allegedly covered up San Antonio baby's death with staged kidnapping
CD took KJ to grandmas house on the morning of the 4th. Did CD go to work as usual? Where was KJ all day? When did he bury baby KJ?
From the affidavit, baby KJ allegedly died in the care of CD, sometime late night Jan 3. Finding him dead in the morning Jan 4, CD drove to his parents home with dead baby in his car seat. Grandma BS and cousin AT allegedly came outside to the driveway-- and saw the dead child inside the car. KJ was believed beyond help, and that is when the three conspired to cover up baby KJ's death, and hatched up the kidnapping story. Grandma BS was the driver that dropped off AT at gas station, and picked her up after AT ditched the car in Rodriguez Park.

On Wednesday, AT asked to talk to detectives from her jail cell and allegedly confessed to the "staged kidnapping" -- leading to the arrest of SB and CD on Thursday (CD had previously been released on bail). When CD saw his story unraveling, he confessed to investigators, and agreed to show them where he buried the body of KJ. According to the affidavit, CD led investigators to an empty lot near a dead end at Caste Lance and Castle Prince, which is less than a mile away from his home. He led them through the field and pointed out the burial spot.

"After digging, investigators located a black backpack with what appeared to be an infant's body wrapped in a blanket placed inside," according to the affidavit.
Court records expose how family allegedly covered up San Antonio baby's death with staged kidnapping
Poor sick Grandma who could barely speak or get out of bed per one interview, sure seemed to be very involved in the cover up! :rolleyes:
Did dad call 911 first then mum or did he call mum first and she called LE.? Did they both call or just mum.?

He was on the phone with mom when he discovered the car missing...she told him to call 911. I'm sure this was all in the plan to happen this way. Time will tell if they arrest mama. It is my opinion they all knew on the morning of the 4th so they all need to go down. LE needs to prosecute these peope to the fullest extent of the law I think!JMO
He was on the phone with mom when he discovered the car missing...she told him to call 911. I'm sure this was all in the plan to happen this way. Time will tell if they arrest mama. It is my opinion they all knew on the morning of the 4th so they all need to go down. LE needs to prosecute these peope to the fullest extent of the law I think!JMO

thank you

I seem to recall (though don't quote me, lol) that when he was on the phone to her he said "the cars gone". I don't recall him saying "the cars gone and the baby, (or words to this effect) is in the car.
I maybe wrong?


And if he didn't, would she not ask if baby King was in the car?
Finally, why haven't wee seen any CCTV of him from the garage from where the car was taken. Yet we saw her taking it.?
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