Found Deceased TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014 #11

I cannot even believe this....I stopped following the threads about Leanne because I was becoming so frustrated at the lack of progress in finding her :(
When I pulled up the news this morning and saw the headline I couldn't even believe it...I absolutely never thought she would have committed suicide. It seems so strange that she would have taken a backpack with her to end her life!! Why???? I'm anxiously awaiting the autopsy findings. I still don't believe this was suicide. I believe they will find that she was killed before being hung from a tree to stage a suicide. I don't have any feelings on anyone specific who did this to her, but I don't believe it was suicide.....I was really suspicious of Josh at first because we so often find that the spouse was guilty in these cases. However, astime passed, Josh was so communicative with everyone on the fFacebook page and so sincere. He answered everyone's questions, and didn't lash out at people who posted things that would be hurtful towards him. He was a class act. So I don't believe he did anything to harm her.
Suicide is not something that makes sense. Folks on this board are saying, 'oh I can't except that. It makes no sense. She seemed so happy. She had so much to live for. She had friends and family that loved her.'. You're trying to make sense of something that cannot be made sense of. I had a family member who committed suicide. It didn't make sense either. Believe me, murder would have been easier to make sense of. And would even have been less painful. Try as you might, you cannot, and will never, make sense of it. But it does happen. I hope Leanne has found her peace.

You are so right! Suicide never makes sense. I have a family member who has attempted suicide, and thankfully did not succeed. Almost every family goes through the disbelief, the refusal to accept that their loved one would take their own life, but that does not mean they couldn't, or wouldn't. At the time they are contemplating suicide, their only thoughts are of ending their own pain and suffering, not having to struggle anymore. They may even leave a note apologizing for the pain they cause to their family and friends, but their own troubles are what takes over their minds.

I am very saddened to learn this news, but I am not going to second-guess LE or the family or any volunteers. Sometimes bodies are found years later, in areas that were supposed to have been thoroughly searched... not all of them in shallow graves, either. Sometimes things are missed... we're all human and humans make mistakes. Yet I do not blame anyone for wanting this to be investigated more, to lay some doubts to rest.

My prayers for her family and loved ones. This was a shock to me this morning! I had thought possible abduction, but never thought of possible suicide. So, so sad!!
I have followed this case from day one, as many of you have. I wanted to believe she was just taking a breather, and I was hoping she would return home by Valentine's Day. I'm heartbroken that this is not the outcome we had all hoped so desperately for. I don't post very often, but have been reading here for a while. I don't know about anyone else, but I may have to take a bit of a break after this one. It was said upthread by someone, you can't make sense of this.

I read the blog last weekend and with every entry, I had a hard time accepting the fact that she would have been depressed- she seemed SO full of life. You just never know. I am planning on taking a trip out of the country next month for the first time and their blog gave me so much hope and excitement. I will be thinking of her the whole time I'm gone.

I will also say this- I'm sickened to see all the JB bashing going on, even on the family's FB page. I don't know him personally, obviously, but I don't believe he had anything to do with this. The "inconsistencies" everyone is saying with his interviews, HIS WIFE WAS MISSING! He can't be fully on his game for the cameras. He was barely sleeping, crying all the time. I think the family knew that suicide was a possibility but didn't want to accept it. Either way, JB is not deserving of the backlash, and I really hope he is not online reading any of it. I hope he is surrounded by people who love him, and loved LB.
I've followed this case only off and on and just read through most of the posts since the body was found.

Many posters have expressed shock that it could be suicide and other posters have said, well you just don't know, so I thought I'd put in my two cents from a first-hand point of view.

I have fought depression since probably age 10, but wasn't officially diagnosed until age 30, when I, as they say, went off the deep end and was as close to suicide as I ever have been and never hope to be again.

I recovered and now in a more normal frame of mind, I look back on that period and am appalled that I was that close to committing an act that would have--as I see now with the clarity of hindsight--caused so much suffering to people whose only wrongdoing had been to love me.

At the time though, all I could think about was how much I wanted to end my own suffering. And that somehow gave rise to the idea that if I explained very rationally in a note that it had nothing to do with those left behind, they wouldn't be devastated or even that sad for very long, just nodding their heads and thinking, "Oh, okay, I get it. I get why she had to kill herself, so I won't be upset by it."

Maybe Leanne had similar thoughts.

And maybe her situation did not enable the same kinds of intervention that I was fortunate enough to have that saved my life.

I echo what other posters have said: unless you have experienced it, it is difficult to understand how much depression messes with your head and completely distorts your thinking.

Thank you so much for sharing, IzzyBlanche; I was so touched by your post that I have tears welling up in my eyes. It was as though I was reading about myself; though I was not officially diagnosed with depression until age 27 -upon being admitted to a psychiatric hospital for suicide ideation- I think my journey with mental illness started around age 7 (e.g., going to the nurse's office all the time, so I could sleep during the school day even in grade school, hospitalization for anorexia at age 15, etc.).

As you said, I think it is virtually impossible for someone who hasn't experienced depression him/herself to put him/herself in the shoes of someone who is clinically depressed (just like I don't think I can of someone who has battled cancer because, thank goodness, I have not experienced it myself). It truly is an illness -as opposed to a character flaw-: When depressed, you just cannot think as you would when you are well. You see absolutely everything through the lens of depression.

Suicide became one of the 2 strongest possibilities for me re: this case after a poster said something re: her jump rope early on :(. My immediate thought was, "S&*t, did she have that in the backpack?"

Personally, I also think it is possible that the world-trip was an escape of sort for Leanne. To me, it's a sign that I'm not doing so well whenever I start feeling like going away because, to me, it's like escaping the reality of life. When I get to the point where I cannot get out of bed for days at a time, it's silly things like doing the dishes, laundry, etc. that overwhelm me the most.

So very, very sad for Leanne; she must have been struggling so much. To me, something that is indicative of this is that prior to doing what she did, she didn't even take the time to go somewhere that meant something to her, like her favorite place to visit from her childhood (perhaps due to the lack of means of transportation while staying w/ the in-laws, except for the truck). This leads me to think that she was depressed to the point where she just had to end it all, right then, right there ....

In any case ...: The stigma attached to mental illness in this country -as well as others- has got to go. Seriously.
bbm, Sorry I missed the part about her suffering from depression and that she was suicidal. I'll have to read back. jmo idk

That's because it was never stated that she did or was. Why do you read that in what Pseudonymph wrote? They were speaking from their own perspective, not LB's.
Suicide is not something that makes sense. Folks on this board are saying, 'oh I can't except that. It makes no sense. She seemed so happy. She had so much to live for. She had friends and family that loved her.'. You're trying to make sense of something that cannot be made sense of. I had a family member who committed suicide. It didn't make sense either. Believe me, murder would have been easier to make sense of. And would even have been less painful. Try as you might, you cannot, and will never, make sense of it. But it does happen. I hope Leanne has found her peace.

Thank you for writing are so right. I just can't make sense of it. :(

I was out for a bit last night and when I came home I jumped online and knew right away something big happened due to the jump in the thread pages. I gasped and said "Oh my God...NOOOO". My husband came into the living room while tears filled my eyes asking me what was wrong.

Then he saw what webpage I was on, and knew right away something bad had happened because I'd talked about her so much recently. :(

He doesn't "get" us people here at Websleuths. He's like "you are SUCH an emotional person...why do you do that to yourself when you KNOW that the outcome could be horrible?"

I explained that I truly believe there is just something in EACH of us here. That for whatever reason we all have our purpose on this webpage...but it all boils down to that we all care about others and want to - in whatever way we can - help people. We each have our own calling that drew us to this site...and we all band together -through our arguments and all - to do whatever we can to help these families in whatever way possible.

Even in endings like this...where I may never make sense of the makes me realize that each of us here have our purpose, and through thick and thin, we can all count on each other to get us through.

Love you guys!!!
bbm, Sorry I missed the part about her suffering from depression and that she was suicidal. I'll have to read back. jmo idk

We know she was stressed and anxious. The suicide seems likely now. The depression is speculation based on my own experience.

Suicidal ideation is a more accurate term.

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Has anyone re-read the note her family posted to Leanne a few weeks ago?

Re-reading it now makes me think they knew more about her state of mind than I had guessed. It just reads different to me now, which is to be expected but it's interesting. idk...

If you want to read it, scroll down to the very bottom of this page:
(eta: The note begins, "Dear Leanne,")
After a lot thought there are certain things that will never add up. I'm hoping its because there is information that as the public we weren't privy to. Considering from the early stages of the investigation LE was pretty confident there was no foul play. Could a note have been found early on that implied she was at a breaking point? If not what made them so sure? I will say this, for it to leak this early that foul play is not suspected, she was hanging and it was an apparent suicide then there was prob a note found at the scene I'm thinking.

Another scenario thrown around is a staged suicide- only someone close to her would have motive to do this. A random murderer, in my opinion, would have wanted either her money/jewlery or to rape/harm. Since it hasn't been leaked otherwise, I'm assuming she was found fully clothed and we already know from reports that she still had her backpack and rings. I just don't see this scenario being the case unless it was the homeowner. Only someone who felt they had total privacy would take the time to redress a victim and stage the scene after following the news. Just me..

I thought I read that during the big search there were 12 dogs. 6 decomp and 6 searching her scent(alive). Can someone confirm? This search was 8 days after she went missing. Assuming LB did indeed hang herself the same day she went missing, it is odd to me that out if 12 dogs not one alerted to her being so close.

The PI- the fact that he continued to follow leads up until she was found near the house leads me to believe there was no clear indication she was at risk of hurting herself. Maybe just a flight risk at best.
from a local member who drove around and took video: I will only post the link, not what it says due to what she saw overhead when filming the area.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - TX TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 Jan 2014

I NOW remember those buzzards flying around, I thought nothing of it as well because we do have those all over because of all the deer. I actually have about 10 of those buzzards who gather in one tree in the summer time on my property. Praying for the family today as they most likely are planning her funeral today.
I find that prospect unlikely, and being "alive and well, walking around (Garden Ridge)" is likely simply a clumsily worded reference to the 2-3 sightings along 3009 the day she went missing. Assuming the sightings were not discounted and some reports of the scent following her towards I-35 on 3009, it is possible that she did indeed walk in that direction that day, either in a (failed) attempt to leave town or to obtain supplies to carry out whatever her original plans may have been (suicide or otherwise).

But somehow she ended up back on Fairview Circle; when and how is still a good question.[/QUOTE]


I think either of those is quite possible; she might have even had a specific location in mind: Somewhere she had gone before if she was feeling down or to clear her head, so to speak, like a property owned by a family member, for example. Then something happened -something that would normally be considered insignificant, like, somebody honked at her while crossing a street- that pushed her over the edge. Any negative experience -however minute it may seem- becomes magnified 100 times over when someone is depressed ....
I cannot even believe this....I stopped following the threads about Leanne because I was becoming so frustrated at the lack of progress in finding her :(
When I pulled up the news this morning and saw the headline I couldn't even believe it...I absolutely never thought she would have committed suicide. It seems so strange that she would have taken a backpack with her to end her life!! Why???? I'm anxiously awaiting the autopsy findings. I still don't believe this was suicide. I believe they will find that she was killed before being hung from a tree to stage a suicide. I don't have any feelings on anyone specific who did this to her, but I don't believe it was suicide.....I was really suspicious of Josh at first because we so often find that the spouse was guilty in these cases. However, astime passed, Josh was so communicative with everyone on the fFacebook page and so sincere. He answered everyone's questions, and didn't lash out at people who posted things that would be hurtful towards him. He was a class act. So I don't believe he did anything to harm her.

It's not that strange when you consider she'd most likely have to have something to commit suicide with (i.e. weapon, pills, etc.). We don't know what was in the backpack.
One of Josh's friends commented on the article that mentions the hanging and says "no chance this was suicide...none" so's hard for people who didnt know her to believe it, I can't imagine how those that did know her feel

I think you may be mistaken on the identity of this public comment. The friend Chris that has been in press and mentioned many times is not this Chris. Please be sure you have the right person please. IDK.
After a lot thought there are certain things that will never add up. I'm hoping its because there is information that as the public we weren't privy to. Considering from the early stages of the investigation LE was pretty confident there was no foul play. Could a note have been found early on that implied she was at a breaking point? If not what made them so sure? I will say this, for it to leak this early that foul play is not suspected, she was hanging and it was an apparent suicide then there was prob a note found at the scene I'm thinking.

Another scenario thrown around is a staged suicide- only someone close to her would have motive to do this. A random murderer, in my opinion, would have wanted either her money/jewlery or to rape/harm. Since it hasn't been leaked otherwise, I'm assuming she was found fully clothed and we already know from reports that she still had her backpack and rings. I just don't see this scenario being the case unless it was the homeowner. Only someone who felt they had total privacy would take the time to redress a victim and stage the scene after following the news. Just me..

I thought I read that during the big search there were 12 dogs. 6 decomp and 6 searching her scent(alive). Can someone confirm? This search was 8 days after she went missing. Assuming LB did indeed hang herself the same day she went missing, it is odd to me that out if 12 dogs not one alerted to her being so close.

The PI- the fact that he continued to follow leads up until she was found near the house leads me to believe there was no clear indication she was at risk of hurting herself. Maybe just a flight risk at best.
TX - Leanne Bearden, 33, Garden Ridge, 17 January 2014 *Media, Map Links Only* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

the timeline and media thread has articles about the large search
Oh my gosh ... getting sick to the stomach ... :(.

The member said they didn't film at all in that area, and the birds weren't in that spot anyway - so it's not that, in the video. The police chief said something similar in the recording Showboat gave us access to... in that area, it makes sense to watch for those signs, sick as it is to imagine as a reality. :(

I keep thinking about the homeowner who found her. He must be traumatized.
Homeowners in the area were asked by reverse 911 to search their properties shortly after Bearden disappeared, according to Greg Pyles with Texas Search and Rescue.

I hope LE was not relying on homeowners to search their own property. When you have elderly people who have acres of land that isn't cleared - you've got to know they aren't going to go out poking around in the brush....

Equally - I am disappointed that the Texas search team eliminated ANY area based on the report that the family had searched there.... this is sloppy and not professional imho.
I keep thinking about the homeowner who found her. He must be traumatized.

Me, too. What a horrible image for anyone - especially an elderly person- to have to deal with. Prayers for him as well ....
The member said they didn't film at all in that area, and the birds weren't in that spot anyway - so it's not that, in the video. The police chief said something similar in the recording Showboat gave us access to... in that area, it makes sense to watch for those signs, sick as it is to imagine as a reality. :(

I keep thinking about the homeowner who found her. He must be traumatized.

I'm wondering if he had a feeling he would find her and almost went looking in a way for her. By this time, not to be disrespectful, the body would have had a very strong scent.
I hope LE was not relying on homeowners to search their own property. When you have elderly people who have acres of land that isn't cleared - you've got to know they aren't going to go out poking around in the brush....

Equally - I am disappointed that the Texas search team eliminated ANY area based on the report that the family had searched there.... this is sloppy and not professional imho.

there was a reverse 911 call
this was private property she was found on....

I cannot tell you how many cases I have seen here in which a SAR search does not find a missing person but a hunter or private citizen does. My hats are off to the SAR folks.

In one case (I need to find it for you... will take a moment) the sar walked right under the tree where a missing person was found later... and they commented that you need to "look up" etc.

Homeowners in the area were asked by reverse 911 to search their properties shortly after Bearden disappeared, according to Greg Pyles with Texas Search and Rescue. Homeowners were also told that the are was searched several times by the family and that's why is wasn't included in the search eight days after her disapearance.
"When you do come in eight days after an occurance, you have to take that and weight how best to deploy your resources," Pyles said. "You only have one day and you have to make sure you are using the best science and mathematical chances of finding that person."
Pyles also said resources came from all over the state, from Dallas to Galveston.
"It was a huge effort and it takes a while to organize it all," Pyle said.


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