TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #1

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I am not trying to be mean spirited or hateful, and welcome everyones opinions and ideas, but I have been staying away some from the threads on Lori Kennedy for 2 reasons;
1. it is frustrating to me that there are some members posting who do not seem to have read the previous original thread (or threads they are now) and are re-researching over and over and taking the thread backwards -rewinding (adding unnecessary pages to the new threads and spending time researching things that are already posted or proven/disproven, etc..) that would be better spent moving forward
2. And we may have moved about as far forward as we can go with what we have to work with - I like some others am leaning towards nothing in that note or Seattle Times article that was released seems like it will lead to her true identity. We need more information. I believe we have pretty much exhausted every dot on the letter that was released, unfortunately... phone numbers, past present area codes, names, addresses... I think either she only knew them after her name change or did not know them well enough to remember what her real name was... the information appears pretty old and memories fade, records have been destroyed... the note was interesting, it was fun sleuthing, we learned a few new things -and I had hoped more information or leads would come from it - but I think it is a pretty old note-with not enough information that is any longer of much use.
I wish they would release a little more information, or more notes.

KD, it's a lot of information. I started reading the threads that pre-dated the ST article and it is a lot to read and follow. It was interesting to read some theories and the findings of sleuthers.

I have to agree with the main investigator. He said at this point he thinks the only way they are going to get further information is by someone recognizing her pre FLEK photos. I hope this case ends up on one of those mystery news shows like Dateline/48hrs as they have a much wider audience than news print.

Now I'm pretty much finished with this mystery until something is discovered that investigators deem relevant and important. I'll be forever baffled until it is solved (if ever).
I just wanted to point out that Blake's brother - the one who spoke for him in counseling - is his identical twin. It's really not that unusual for identical twins to be closer to each other than to anyone else, even their own spouses. I keep seeing people imply that Blake has something seriously wrong with him, but I don't think that's the case at all. I think he's just a quiet guy who is closer to his twin than to anyone else.

When reading his family's description of him, they are clear about his way of thinking and communication style. Stilted speech means you lack fluency, natural flow, and have halting speech. Unnatural speech. I don't know if he would have been able to communicate well during the counselling session. I feel bad for the pastor. He had to deal with Lori who spoke in "circles" and Blake's communication problems.

Quote from the ST online August 3 2013 article below:

"His family describes him as an agreeable guy and honest almost to a fault.
Ask him what drew him to Lori, and his answer isn’t entirely clear. “She was tall, you know, an attractive person,” he will say, and leave it at that.
His brother-in-law, an attorney named Miles Darby, says that’s typical Blake. “He does not have much of an inner monologue,” Miles said. Or, for that matter, an outer one. His speech is stilted. Ask one question and he answers another. It’s not that Blake is trying to be evasive. He’s just different.
Often, he’d follow the lead of his identical-twin brother, David. When David bought a black Tahoe, Blake did too, Miles said. And when David joined a church Bible study class and met the woman he would later marry, Miles knew where Blake was headed."
This woman is not the only one ever to have done this. Many of these john and jane does are not identified and i will bet many are never detected. there is only a small thread on websleuths on the following case. If you folks think we are at a deadened with FLEK for now, check out the following information. This one will get your head reeling. As far as I know, this one is not solved. Someone correct me if I am wrong. May just bide your time until more information comes out in FLEKs case.



Unidentified Male, Discovered in Eastlake, OH, 2002 - Cold Case Investigations

Ok. I know I read somewhere they got married a second time In Vegas. I am not cray cray.
Second, the notes page HAS NOT BEEN INVESTIGATED by Velling per the reporter. So, it is worth our time to look into it. IMO if people don't want to investigate more, that's ok, move on to another thread. It's not helpful to get on here and just say" it's useless"
I agree about people posting without reading the old material. How can you be investigating if you won't even read the old thread.
It is hard to get anywhere on this because of the board rules. Good info has been removed due to the rules which are good rules but cause communication gaps. Oh well.
On another thought,I was thinking of Lori's job. Perfect cover. She can tell Blake anything she buys or anywhere she goes it for secret shopping! She has to pay cash as a secret shopper, so hey, excuse to always have cash. No electronic records of purchases like a credit card bill. Pretty smart.
Linda, you are not cray-cray! I'll admit that I am but I *do* remember the mention of a Vegas wedding, as well.
In and out while I deal with a family death, but...


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Curious. Did she happen to have life insurance? If they were still in fact married when she passed, then Blake and daughter would be beneficiaries. That is HOWEVER if said potential policy existed, and is valid, due to the question of holder's identity.
Thanks for finding that HerStory! (in addition to all the other digging you do - you are awesome)

So sorry for your loss.
I don't think they married in Vegas, pretty sure it was Texas probably Fannin County. It is in the original thread somewhere.

They were married in Denton, Texas, Jon B Ruff and Lori E Kennedy
Marriage Date: Jan 5, 2004
Certificate Number: 007737
Collection: Texas Marriage Records
Source: Texas Department of State Health Services, 1966 to 2008

It is in the public records, it is also posted on the timeline in this forum, and, was in the Seattle Times article. In addition, per Velling during the Seattle Times chat, they did another wedding in Vegas.
Ok. I know I read somewhere they got married a second time In Vegas. I am not cray cray.
Second, the notes page HAS NOT BEEN INVESTIGATED by Velling per the reporter. So, it is worth our time to look into it. IMO if people don't want to investigate more, that's ok, move on to another thread. It's not helpful to get on here and just say" it's useless"
I agree about people posting without reading the old material. How can you be investigating if you won't even read the old thread.
It is hard to get anywhere on this because of the board rules. Good info has been removed due to the rules which are good rules but cause communication gaps. Oh well.

Here Linda,
"The Nevada question: We do not know if she ever spent time in Nevada but some time after her marriage to Jon Blakely Ruff they went to visit Las Vegas. They went through a second ceremony in Las Vegas and returned home." Straight from Velling's typing!

No one ever said you were cray-cray. You are NOT crazy.

No one thinks your work or the work of others is 'useless', at least I don't think so. I personally don't have time to search for this case or any other. Others are good at this, I'm not. So I'll leave it to the people with the skills.
Curious. Did she happen to have life insurance? If they were still in fact married when she passed, then Blake and daughter would be beneficiaries. That is HOWEVER if said potential policy existed, and is valid, due to the question of holder's identity.

If she had life insurance it is invalid because of identity theft as this would now be considered insurance fraud.
(Respectfully snipped by me)
We may have moved about as far forward as we can go with what we have to work with - I like some others am leaning towards nothing in that note or Seattle Times article that was released seems like it will lead to her true identity. We need more information. (Respectfully snipped by me)
I wish they would release a little more information, or more notes.

(Respectfully snipped by me)

I have to agree with the main investigator. He said at this point he thinks the only way they are going to get further information is by someone recognizing her pre FLEK photos. I hope this case ends up on one of those mystery news shows like Dateline/48hrs as they have a much wider audience than news print.

Now I'm pretty much finished with this mystery until something is discovered that investigators deem relevant and important. I'll be forever baffled until it is solved (if ever). BBM

It is very frustrating that it seems like this has just stalled. For those of us following the case from when it first appeared here at WS, the Seattle Times article was huge. It allowed us to finally talk about the case without using code words and initials and it filled in a lot of the blanks. However, it also left so many unanswered questions. I agree that the only way this is going to go any further is by getting more main stream media attention and/or if the SSA investigators are willing to answer our questions or provide some additional details.

On the other hand, I don't think the investigators or reporters have completed exhausted all the leads on the Notes Page. They said so during the chat. If we could come up with some good strong leads for them to followup on, they might be more willing to work with us in giving us more tidbits to analyze.

KD and Sherwood, Don't give up on the case. The more attention we get here, the more likely we are to get some MSM source to pick up on the story. A case like this, which is, understandably, a low priority in the investigator's work load, is going to take time to solve. Velling first approached the Seattle Times about a year ago and it took them that long just to publish the story.

HerStory, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.
HerStory, I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

Thank you. This case is a welcome distraction. But while we were spending time at the hospital, I had no access to internet. This case would havebeen useful in preoccupying me on those late nights.
Thank you. This case is a welcome distraction. But while we were spending time at the hospital, I had no access to internet. This case would havebeen useful in preoccupying me on those late nights.

I know what you mean...it's a distraction for me as well.
Life insurance is not typically paid out in suicides.

I have seen recent cases that have paid out as it has been considered to result from "mental illness". Not wanting to debate it (but I do agree), just to address your assumption.
I am confused. Why would anyone get married a second time in LV? There doesn't appear to be any notable record for it...so it must have been a symbolic ceremony. However, FLEK and BR don't strike me as the spontaneous type. Furthermore, most couples elope to LV and THEN solemnize it in front of friends, family, and/or congregation.


Also, if such a date can be established, then maybe her movements or interactions while in LV can be studied. Surely BR possesses more personality than he is being credited with, and can remember something about the trip?

Who suggested the trip? Him or her?

And then!

Why isn't BR playing more of an active role in pursuing the answers to this mystery? I bet pounds to pennies that he could provide far more insight to her identity than Velling realizes. It seems like the in-laws are more concerned about this case than BR is. That speaks volumes, even if he doesn't. ;)
Life insurance is not typically paid out in suicides.

True, but her suicide would be irrelevant and a non issue for the insurance company. As far as they would be concerned she has no life insurance, the policy is cancelled because of the identity theft.

When you sign the insurance policy it states reasons for automatic cancellation and reasons why they do not have to honour a policy. Identity theft would be one of the reasons.
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