TX - 'Lori Ruff', Longview, WhtFem UP9863, *General Discussion and Theories* #2

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This is neither here nor there, but I say again that Velling and the family probably now know exactly who FLEK was. The family probably doesn't want anyone to know the story.

This is one heck of a legacy to leave her little daughter. I have followed this case from the beginning and genuinely wanted to see it solved for the daughter's sake. Now she has to grow up without her mother even though Blake will probably/possibly get married again and she might have a stepmother.

Right now I am angry at FLEK. She shouldn't have had a baby if she was living a lie. It was unfair to Blake as well as the baby.

FLEK wasn't stupid. She had a college degree and knew exactly what she was doing and that it was wrong. She could have confided in Blake when she decided to marry him unless she had done something terribly wrong or bad. Even if she were a domestic abuse survivor, I do not understand why she wouldn't have confided in Blake at some point.

I just feel that once FLEK decided to take her own life she should have left Blake a letter explaining that she had been living under an assumed/stolen identity. As is stated at the beginning of this post, I think Velling knows exactly who she was now and has no intention of letting anyone outside the family know. The family very likely doesn't want anyone to know either, IMO.

I keep checking back here periodically to see if there is anything new. We will probably never know who FLEK was.


Regardless of how any of us feel emotionally about FLEK, she was a hustler to the end. Regardless of the reasons for her life of fraud, she was a hustler.

I connected her to three other women who married men with money and also had legal name changes plus aliases; one of whom had legal financial "issues". FLEK had her name change and married a man who came from money. FLEK didn't have to work once she married, but she chose to and she didn't choose a regular occupation, instead she chose an odd line of work where she used a P.O. Box.

She eventually hit a major road block in her hustle and that coupled with what seems like mental illness appears to have led her to an unfortunate end. Most hustlers simply move on to the next person to hustle once they get caught or when they sense that someone is on to them; her mental state, legal troubles, and separation from her husband seems to have prevented her from being able to do so.

I wish we could get an update from the detective and find out if and what they have learned since they brought this story to the media.
This is neither here nor there, but I say again that Velling and the family probably now know exactly who FLEK was. The family probably doesn't want anyone to know the story.

This is one heck of a legacy to leave her little daughter. I have followed this case from the beginning and genuinely wanted to see it solved for the daughter's sake. Now she has to grow up without her mother even though Blake will probably/possibly get married again and she might have a stepmother.

Right now I am angry at FLEK. She shouldn't have had a baby if she was living a lie. It was unfair to Blake as well as the baby.

FLEK wasn't stupid. She had a college degree and knew exactly what she was doing and that it was wrong. She could have confided in Blake when she decided to marry him unless she had done something terribly wrong or bad. Even if she were a domestic abuse survivor, I do not understand why she wouldn't have confided in Blake at some point.

I just feel that once FLEK decided to take her own life she should have left Blake a letter explaining that she had been living under an assumed/stolen identity. As is stated at the beginning of this post, I think Velling knows exactly who she was now and has no intention of letting anyone outside the family know. The family very likely doesn't want anyone to know either, IMO.

I keep checking back here periodically to see if there is anything new. We will probably never know who FLEK was.

I have to some what agree after reading most of this case here and a few theories of my own, they may know.A look alike to a possible sister Jacqueline Lebaron sure is uncanny, she was incarcerated from 2010 to 2012, they would have her DNA in the criminal banks, FLEK died in 2010 and they have her DNA also easy to try and match. One wonders perhaps a match has been found to who FLEK really was and the Ruff family is not letting it out for the sake of the child.. To think if FLEK was of the La barons and she was looked for to be killed, the Ruff family surely would be afraid for themselves and their grand daughter .

It has been estimated that more than 25 people were killed as a result of LeBaron's prison-cell orders. Many of his family members and other ex-members of the group still remain in hiding for fear of retribution from LeBaron's remaining followers.


Is there anything I missed on the Le Baron theory , if this could be the case?
I would hope that perhaps the reporter would follow up, or Velling might at least make an announcement that the case was closed, just so people would stop bothering him or sending him tips and theories.

I do think that one of the reasons FLEK didn't leave a note explaining things for her daughter and family could be that she was afraid of whoever she fled in her past, although shame is also a powerful motivator.
I hadn't visited in a while and I apologize for not reading through all 22 pages of this thread and the other 20+ in the first thread. Just too much to read and not enough time.

While I read that the investigators performed DNA analysis on LEK's hair(?), I'm not sure what they were expecting to find. I had forgotten about this case for many months and meanwhile my daughter and I completed DNA testing offered by Ancestry.com just to see what our lineage shows. Mine was predictable but hers was somewhat surprising. I found the test to be quite accurate. At some point before his death, my uncle had completed the same DNA test but never told any of us. The site offers hits of other people to whom you are likely related. My uncle's hit was the first one in my list and my daughter's list, and I knew it was my uncle because I recognized his user name on the site. There were other people (400+) on the list many of whom I know I am related to because their public family trees match some point on mine.

However, as forewarned by Ancestry.com in various ways throughout the DNA-testing process, a surprise occurred. I was contacted by a man whose name I didn't recognize at all who was listed as my daughter's second cousin. My daughter has a hispanic background and the last name of this man was a common latino last name. I thought they were related through her mother, but I later discovered he was on my hit list, too. He wrote to me saying that all he knew was that his father's name was "Daniel" and he and his mother had gotten together in August 1980 at Myrtle Beach SC. The site listed him as my 2nd or 3rd cousin. He confirmed that my uncle also appeared in his hit list. I began looking for second or third cousins and found that I had a second cousin named Daniel that I never knew. The age, location and other factors pointed directly to him as the father. This man and I would be second cousins once removed. The test result was quite accurate.

So, if The Ruffs are interested in determining the true identity of LEK, why not have the kid do the DNA test offered on Ancestry.com? There will likely be many, many more hits than they would expect and with some research they will find the answer to the mother's identity. Maybe they already have ... maybe they don't really care or want to know ... however, I can confirm that the test results are solid. I also have another hit from a woman who doesn't know how she is related to me, and I suspect I know how but I'm not sure she wants to know ...
I would hope that perhaps the reporter would follow up, or Velling might at least make an announcement that the case was closed, just so people would stop bothering him or sending him tips and theories.

I do think that one of the reasons FLEK didn't leave a note explaining things for her daughter and family could be that she was afraid of whoever she fled in her past, although shame is also a powerful motivator.
I agree with you concerning Velling. I still think the simplest explanation is some form of mental illness.
There is definitely a component of mental illness at the end of FLEKs life. It is difficult to know when and to what extent it was first manifest.
I have to some what agree after reading most of this case here and a few theories of my own, they may know.A look alike to a possible sister Jacqueline Lebaron sure is uncanny, she was incarcerated from 2010 to 2012, they would have her DNA in the criminal banks, FLEK died in 2010 and they have her DNA also easy to try and match. One wonders perhaps a match has been found to who FLEK really was and the Ruff family is not letting it out for the sake of the child.. To think if FLEK was of the La barons and she was looked for to be killed, the Ruff family surely would be afraid for themselves and their grand daughter .

It has been estimated that more than 25 people were killed as a result of LeBaron's prison-cell orders. Many of his family members and other ex-members of the group still remain in hiding for fear of retribution from LeBaron's remaining followers.


Is there anything I missed on the Le Baron theory , if this could be the case?

I think this is a very real possibility. I was a Booking/Classification Lieutenant and know that Jacqueline LeBaron's blood DNA would have been taken up to 3 months prior to release. I taught blood DNA collection to officers responsible for taking such DNA samples and performed them myself.

This post should actually be on the other thread concerning the LeBaron theory. I do 100% believe Velling and the Ruff family know who FLEK was now. There have been no updates and IMO, will be none.

I keep checking back anyway!

I think this is a very real possibility. I was a Booking/Classification Lieutenant and know that Jacqueline LeBaron's blood DNA would have been taken up to 3 months prior to release. I taught blood DNA collection to officers responsible for taking such DNA samples and performed them myself.

This post should actually be on the other thread concerning the LeBaron theory. I do 100% believe Velling and the Ruff family know who FLEK was now. There have been no updates and IMO, will be none.

I keep checking back anyway!


Yes, this should all be in the LeBaron thread, but regarding the DNA, if FLEK was related to the LB family gang, wouldn't her DNA have been a match already? Law enforcement has the LB family DNA on file, so wouldn't it have shown a match to FLEK if they are related?
Yeah I would think so, but then I don't know exactly what kind of match they tried to make or to what extent they performed sequencing - if they did a full set of autosomal markers and snps, or if they just did mitochondrial markers for maternal lineage. From what I've read, Ervil had many wives who bore him children so the mitochondrial might not match and you can't do Y chromosome markers in women. A full set of autosomal markers should make easy work of matching half siblings, though. It's just hard to know because the details of what was done are somewhat vague.
Just throwing this out there; I was reading about signs of the onset of schizophrenia yesterday and came across a story about a woman whose son was diagnosed with it. One of the things she listed was that she found him staring at his hands, I think because he thought they had changed. I remember an anecdote about FLEK staring at her hands during a therapy session. I don't think this is strong enough to be evidence of anything, but these are also the only two times I can recall ever having heard stories about someone staring at their hands.
Yes, this should all be in the LeBaron thread, but regarding the DNA, if FLEK was related to the LB family gang, wouldn't her DNA have been a match already? Law enforcement has the LB family DNA on file, so wouldn't it have shown a match to FLEK if they are related?

The first government database (NDNAD) was set up by the United Kingdom in April 1995. The second one was set up in New Zealand.[4] France set up the FNAEG in 1998. In the USA, the FBI has organized the CODIS database. Originally intended for sex offenders, they have since been extended to include almost any criminal offender.

Erivil Le baron was incarcerated in 1980 and died 1981, so I don't think his DNA would be on file.

I think this is a very real possibility. I was a Booking/Classification Lieutenant and know that Jacqueline LeBaron's blood DNA would have been taken up to 3 months prior to release. I taught blood DNA collection to officers responsible for taking such DNA samples and performed them myself.

This post should actually be on the other thread concerning the LeBaron theory. I do 100% believe Velling and the Ruff family know who FLEK was now. There have been no updates and IMO, will be none.

I keep checking back anyway!


so couldn't we find out by calling Velling to see if the case is still open?
More random thoughts I have regarding "Lori Ruff"-

re- Marfan's - I know someone who does have it and this person suffers from severe social anxiety in addition to moodiness. If Lori Ruff just got the short end of the stick in regards to genetic tendencies for mental problems and physical problems.....that might explain part of her descent into madness. Maybe she wasn't a schizophrenia sufferer but just at the end of her rope & panicking. Her social habits during the time she build her marriage with Blake seem to have excluded the chance to make any friendships that would have given her a chance to survive on her own. In effect with Blake "her eggs were all in one basket" and his siding with his parents and not her really ruined it all for her.

re- her verifiable trail of residences since the early 1990s- I strongly feel she was involved with drug trafficking & even financial fraud. I think there is something to her being close to airports- drug trafficking via stewardesses and other airline workers used to be a very common thing. Also ID Brokers do well where ever there is a great many undocumented workers looking for papers- both Texas and Seattle, Washington fit the ticket for this. They are also both hotspots for cocaine trafficking- even more so in the 1980s-1990s. I think her involvement in one aspect of the black market dovetailed with her desire/motivation to get a new ID & start over....

I do agree the Ruffs must know already (who she is and exactly what was going on with her.)
There is definitely a component of mental illness at the end of FLEKs life. It is difficult to know when and to what extent it was first manifest.
I like the LeBaron theory too.

But, I have had experiences with people in my career that make this story somewhat plausible. There are very high-functioning schizophrenics, and they are just as paranoid as those that are low. The period she got the BST identity is the time most people have their first break.
In the past few days I've been watching episodes of Disappeared and 48 Hours and that type of thing and one of the shows reminded me of FLEK. It was a case of women who had, at various times, been victims of a male who was into BDSM. He was eventually convicted of the first degree murder of one of them but a former girlfriend stated that men like him get you in a position where you are cut off from family and friends. Your whole world completely revolves around him, his abuse, and his threats to kill you if you ever leave. She appeared to be a very intelligent young woman yet still got caught up in that situation, completely cutting herself off from her family and afraid to go back to them out of shame and because he had threatened to hunt her down and kill her no matter where she went. Eventually she left him and hid out for several months off the grid. I got to thinking about whether something like this could be in FLEKs past. She may have gotten caught up in something like this in her teens, cut herself off from all family ties, then later changed her identity in fear the man would find her and kill her and/or her family if she returned to them. It also explain how she ended up working in a strip club later, pulled into the sex industry because of her past. It would also explain why, so many years later, she still wouldn't admit to her past or tell her husband or in-laws about it. The shame may have prevented it. I think her choice of a somewhat quiet and submissive man could be explained by a past like that as well.

None of this helps us figure out who she was, but if she had a background of this type of abuse, it puts her charade in a much more sympathetic light.
Yes, this should all be in the LeBaron thread, but regarding the DNA, if FLEK was related to the LB family gang, wouldn't her DNA have been a match already? Law enforcement has the LB family DNA on file, so wouldn't it have shown a match to FLEK if they are related?

I am not sure about whether a missing person's DNA would be in the same data bank as a criminals. I think it would have to be compared and we do not know if this has been done.
Her namus profile says it was last updated January 14, 2015. I can't tell what was updated though. Maybe a new ruleout?

Contact info as listed on namus is below...perhaps they can get a hold of Velling.

Case Manager
Name Dolly Welch
Phone 903-237-2572
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