Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #11

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I've got some mixed feelings about CD and his speech. We really don't know that much about him and out of all the adults involved, he has avoided the spotlight the most. Everybody looks and sounds different in the middle of grief. But still ... mixed feelings at this point.

I agree. I have dismissed no one in this case nor do I see her bio father as a saint. That is not to say I have judged him either but whether one sees their children or pays support can contribute hugely to the circumstances and stress level the other parent finds themselves in with no help with the children and/or limited funds.

I would also add that the records that came out in the beginning listed both he and the mother in the CPS case. Just like she is judged, if he had knowledge of abuse or was abusive himself, well then... In fact, if I have it right, all three parents of the three children, DV, CD and BB were apparently not options to place the children with and that says something to me.

All that said, I am not saying I have judged him as good or bad nor most others yet; the only one I have conclusions about thus far is DV.

CD avoids media and so does maternal grandma. It could be wisdom/letting the investigation go on without distraction and/or there could be another reason for that. I shall just wait and see I guess...


I will think of Maleah every year on this day--I have a child in my extended family whose birthday is today--when I celebrate her birthday each year I will think of Maleah and her day and give mine a big hug and send a prayer up for Maleah.
Yes, usually children that age are running or bouncing along full of energy.
In most of her pictures she looks happy and healthy. She looks clean and well dressed and her hair is always styled in some way. It takes effort to do all that. CPS described Maleah as a happy child.
Yet in that image she doesn't look happy or healthy. I wish there was more footage of her moving so it would be easier to tell.
LE must have all the images of everyone coming in and out of that apartment.
QX insists there is video evidence of her alive while her mother was away. I wish LE would verify that if it's really true. There must be some evidence that proves BB was not there when Maleah was last seen alive since they don't consider her a suspect. Imo

BBM. QX said that and so did some news organization this past week as well, it was linked here. It stated they had a picture from LE or video showing that. At first I thought it was incorrect until thinking about it... I also wish they would confirm it, LE I mean.
Godofredo A. Vasquez on Twitter
Thousands of people marched from in honor of #MaleahDavis, the 4-year-old girl who went missing in May & whose body was found tossed along an Arkansas road last week. #Houston declared today "Maleah Davis Day," and wore pink in her honor. #hounews @HoustonChron #photojournalism

12:14 PM - 9 Jun 2019 from Houston, TX
It states in an article that for some unknown reason CD did not visit Maleah when she was in CPS custody. It would be interesting to know who has custody now of her brother, whether it is CD or another family member.

Those poor kids, in and out of homes, abuse...our dog has a better life than those children.
As of the emergency May hearing, Maleah's brother is in the custody of his aunt, CD's sister (anyone know if that's the sister who stood beside him today at the march? I think he has at least 2). Little brother is with DV's mom, who is reportedly the same person who cared for the children during their 6 months of CPS removal.

I wonder if that placement is part of why CD did not visit his children for 6 months, if he was hurt or angry that the kids were not placed with his family instead. All possible visits would have been supervised but maybe he chose not to get past the emotions or logistics of it all. I'd love to know more about all that. Does CD have a job and a home? If his sister is available to care for Big Brother now, why weren't the children placed with her/his family in August? If his living situation isn't stable enough for him to have any custody, why not? Does he have a disability or something else that prevents him from establishing a situation secure enough for the children? Does he just have a case of Failure to Launch where he is too busy video games or something in his mother's basement to get himself together for his kids? (Note, I have absolutely no evidence to show that scenario applies to CD, just have seen it be a common sort of problem for many young and not-so-young fathers.)

This is all speculation and my opinion only: my impression of him based on what we've seen (which isn't much) is that he's gentle, has real love for his children, but is weak in some ways and that may have contributed to his being unable/unwilling to fight for Maleah's safety in the ways she needed. He was there to comfort her in the hospital which is lovely, but clearly she also needed all the adults in her surrounding life to rally for her in other ways too, starting with her biological father.
I've got some mixed feelings about CD and his speech. We really don't know that much about him and out of all the adults involved, he has avoided the spotlight the most. Everybody looks and sounds different in the middle of grief. But still ... mixed feelings at this point.

He has a newborn baby, that's probably one of the reasons why he avoided the spotlight.

It states in an article that for some unknown reason CD did not visit Maleah when she was in CPS custody. It would be interesting to know who has custody now of her brother, whether it is CD or another family member.

Those poor kids, in and out of homes, abuse...our dog has a better life than those children.

CD's sister has PD, Maleah's older brother.
It states in an article that for some unknown reason CD did not visit Maleah when she was in CPS custody. It would be interesting to know who has custody now of her brother, whether it is CD or another family member.

Those poor kids, in and out of homes, abuse...our dog has a better life than those children.
Didn't DVs Mom have custody of the kids during that time? That could be why CD stayed away?
CD is still under the court's gag order which will not allow him to speak out in public because if he says the wrong thing, it will impact his ability to regain custody of his son. He may be a dead beat dad, but Maleah didn't get all those injuries in his care.
I'd love to see that video, because I haven't seen any reports of her being there.
I doubt she would have shown up, it was organized by the Davis family who have shown a lot of contempt for her.
She would have to be inconspicuous or had a body guard with her, I would think. She is probably the most hated woman in Texas right now.
Also, her participation would indicate that she believes DV is guilty and she does not support him, since they stood outside the jail and shouted loud enough for him to hear.

So there's that, too.

Edited to add that I hope DV did hear them shouting Maleah's name, and all the prisoners shout it to him whenever he is escorted down the hall.
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It states in an article that for some unknown reason CD did not visit Maleah when she was in CPS custody. It would be interesting to know who has custody now of her brother, whether it is CD or another family member.

Those poor kids, in and out of homes, abuse...our dog has a better life than those children.
I think it may be another family member. There was no mention after the hearing that the kids were returned to his custody or whether he completed the parenting classes. I assume CPS still has legal custody, and the children have been placed temporarily with relatives.
We know that BB asked for visitation, and I'm assuming he did as well.

Also, her father did have visitation while CPS had custody, at least recently, since he went to pick them up for visitation that Friday. However, I think in court BB stated he didn't always visit on his scheduled weekends. Imo

How often he visited during the six months that DV's mother had custody is unknown, as far as I know. I do remember something about him not visiting but I'm not sure if that meant for the entire six months. I think he has other children, as well.
It must be very hard to make time for your kids when you have so many and have them with different people.
I have a hard enough time keeping track of my own kid and I only have one!
I love the woman who said she just wants to say to parents who don't watch their kids, "Use protection so you don't get pregnant!"


I had to have an emergency hysterectomy after my son was born (age 26) and it was devestating because I never imagined I would only have one kid. There are women out there who struggle for years to have even that, some of them even going through miscarriage after miscarriage.

Yet these people have no problem popping out baby after baby; they don't even realize how lucky they are to be able to do that, and don't recognize what a true blessing and miracle each and every child is. It's infuriating. They are not objects, they are little human beings with their own personalities and wants and needs.

Yes, being a parent/caregiver is exhausting and frustrating. However, as the adult it is on you to have or learn the coping skills to deal with your emotions. It is your responsibility, especially when you bring a little one into this world. They didn't ask to be here, you chose that for them. So now you need to take care of them and try to give them the skills they need to succeed as healthy adults.

It breaks my heart that Maleah never had that chance. She has such a beautiful smile in her pictures, and underneath that I can see a beautiful soul.
Beautiful Maleah


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