Found Deceased TX - Maleah Davis, 4, Houston, 5 May 2019 *EX-FIANCÉ ARRESTED* #11

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Here comes my side eye again.

About the "side-eye," I thought that in the early (maybe first video interview) when BB and BB2 were there, I watched BB2 and thought she was really cutting her eyes over at BB while BB spoke. Quite a bit. Since I don't hear well, videos are very frustrating, and I would have given anything to know what BB was saying that caused all the looks from her mother. They weren't happy looks. IMO, and since I couldn't hear much, I thought those looks meant "WTH is she going to say next?" Maybe BB was just doing the "I" & "me" thing, I'll never know. Unless someone tells me.

It looked like stress between them, anyway. Other than Maleah was missing. A different stress.

Maleah was indeed a little beauty. I hope all of her dad's children (future) get his eyes! It is just heartbreaking to look at pictures of Maleah and realize that she is gone. If only her life had been different, and whatever went wrong there hadn't happened, from the git-go, whenever abuse started. I can't imagine harming that precious little girl, how could they/he/she?
I forget road names or interstate names but that sounds right. Maybe it was even you who said it was that busy for all I know lol. The truck stop fits because it is where they had I think the vigil or something in her memory.

As far as why that highway, many have said it would make sense as a route he traveled often to St. Louis I think, does that make sense to you? He has relatives and another child I guess there. I also have my suspicions he did not make the trip alone.

As to GPS, Tim Miller mentioned they were looking into it and talking to the car manufacturer or some such but I never heard any more about it. Maybe LE has more than we know that way or it was meant to worry DV?

He was allegedly with his family or brother I think right after being with BB and her mom that Sunday, from the bit we know.

I think back a thread or two was something that seemed to indicate she was not in the apartment but maybe I am getting cases mixed up with this response... Someone else could probably help better than I with that answer. I have it in my head she does not live there now but again, I could be wrong on that.
It's true, reportedly, that she moved out of her apartment recently. But she was still saying there for awhile, apparently, because she gave the investigators permission to come in and process the crime scene. Also I read in another post that she said she had slept in Maleah's bed while they were searching for her early on.
It's not really clear how much they communicated to each other than that BB talked to him briefly early on, maybe on Sunday, and then after that he was at his brothers home and avoided her phone calls.

When they did speak to each other, he reportedly told her he was sorry about Maleah and he tried to protect her.
Whether or not she truly believed his story I have no idea, but I do think she may have known it wasn't true at least after a few days.
It would be interesting to know what she said to investigators when she first talked to them.
I don't think she ever went back to tell them what she truly knew, as QX advised her to do. I could be wrong, though. Imo
It's true, reportedly, that she moved out of her apartment recently. But she was still saying there for awhile, apparently, because she gave the investigators permission to come in and process the crime scene. Also I read in another post that she said she had slept in Maleah's bed while they were searching for her early on.
It's not really clear how much they communicated to each other than that BB talked to him briefly early on, maybe on Sunday, and then after that he was at his brothers home and avoided her phone calls.

When they did speak to each other, he reportedly told her he was sorry about Maleah and he tried to protect her.
Whether or not she truly believed his story I have no idea, but I do think she may have known it wasn't true at least after a few days.
It would be interesting to know what she said to investigators when she first talked to them.
I don't think she ever went back to tell them what she truly knew, as QX advised her to do. I could be wrong, though. Imo

Tried to protect her from the kidnappers I would assume he meant. I remember a statement by her saying she wanted to believe him/his story and tried to. The car being found seemed to be her final tipping point or part of it with realizing he was lying I think and she likely had her suspicions before that, especially when he avoided her, went to his brother's, etc. I am pretty sure it was the day after the car was found that she appeared with QX and they slammed him with the remarks of abuse, being gay, possibly molesting her, etc.

Yes, if I remember correctly, he was at BB2s on Sunday for a bit and that is I think when they processed the apartment as well, I know they were given permission to do so. At that point, Maleah was missing and the headlines etc. were printing his story of the kidnapping, the blue truck, etc. While most (like here) suspected he was lying, it was where things were at.

We do not know I guess if she ever went back to talk to the police as you said but I would bet they have talked to her or tried to, she is not lawyered up either. I kind of would lean towards that she has talked to LE again. The remarks QX made I believe would allow them to put some pressure on her if she did not want to do so, like perhaps by saying admitting to knowledge of abuse in the past could bring some charge on her and using that to pressure her and get her to explain and talk to them. She also remained with QX for some time after and I would just think after stating those things they probably went in and provided the information as they said she was going to do willingly?

I don't know. I wonder where she is staying, not looking to have it sleuthed or anything, I just mean it in the sense of someone must be assisting her by providing a place one would think, maybe with an aunt or a friend. She could also be with her mother, even though we were told they were not talking, that was some time ago, who knows, right? In this case, surprises seem to always be just around the corner. The mistress interview for instance? Still shaking my head.

All jmo.
Tried to protect her from the kidnappers I would assume he meant. I remember a statement by her saying she wanted to believe him/his story and tried to. The car being found seemed to be her final tipping point or part of it with realizing he was lying I think and she likely had her suspicions before that, especially when he avoided her, went to his brother's, etc. I am pretty sure it was the day after the car was found that she appeared with QX and they slammed him with the remarks of abuse, being gay, possibly molesting her, etc.

Yes, if I remember correctly, he was at BB2s on Sunday for a bit and that is I think when they processed the apartment as well, I know they were given permission to do so. At that point, Maleah was missing and the headlines etc. were printing his story of the kidnapping, the blue truck, etc. While most (like here) suspected he was lying, it was where things were at.

We do not know I guess if she ever went back to talk to the police as you said but I would bet they have talked to her or tried to, she is not lawyered up either. I kind of would lean towards that she has talked to LE again. The remarks QX made I believe would allow them to put some pressure on her if she did not want to do so, like perhaps by saying admitting to knowledge of abuse in the past could bring some charge on her and using that to pressure her and get her to explain and talk to them. She also remained with QX for some time after and I would just think after stating those things they probably went in and provided the information as they said she was going to do willingly?

I don't know. I wonder where she is staying, not looking to have it sleuthed or anything, I just mean it in the sense of someone must be assisting her by providing a place one would think, maybe with an aunt or a friend. She could also be with her mother, even though we were told they were not talking, that was some time ago, who knows, right? In this case, surprises seem to always be just around the corner. The mistress interview for instance? Still shaking my head.

All jmo.
You may be right about BB going in to talk to LE again. If Q went with her it might explain why she doesn't have a lawyer, she may have felt she didn't need one if he was there.
It also makes sense that LE would discuss the possibility of the child abuse charges to encourage her to give them information, telling her they may reduce any charges in exchange.

That would have been the smart thing for her to do. I'm not sure if she has the where-with-all to even consider that, though. Especially if she is still torn between protecting DV and telling the truth and getting justice for her daughter.

That QX dropped her and went in to tell LE all that she admitted to him makes me feel she never did do so herself.

Then again it might explain why LE has been so tight lipped about her and has publicly stated they are not looking at any more suspects. Imo
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Yes, of course that is important, especially the fact that Maleah was supposed to be wearing a helmet.
My point is that since CPS returned them in spite of half her skull having to be removed after a subdural hematoma, as well as the other injuries to her head, I don't think they will consider her not wearing the helmet to be evidence of abuse or neglect.

After all, they were the ones who were ultimately responsible since they had custody so they would just be calling themselves out.

Unless I misunderstood your post. Did you mean Cause of Death?
I guess I assumed by COS you meant CPS.
I forget road names or interstate names but that sounds right. Maybe it was even you who said it was that busy for all I know lol. The truck stop fits because it is where they had I think the vigil or something in her memory.

As far as why that highway, many have said it would make sense as a route he traveled often to St. Louis I think, does that make sense to you? He has relatives and another child I guess there. I also have my suspicions he did not make the trip alone.

As to GPS, Tim Miller mentioned they were looking into it and talking to the car manufacturer or some such but I never heard any more about it. Maybe LE has more than we know that way or it was meant to worry DV?

He was allegedly with his family or brother I think right after being with BB and her mom that Sunday, from the bit we know.

I think back a thread or two was something that seemed to indicate she was not in the apartment but maybe I am getting cases mixed up with this response... Someone else could probably help better than I with that answer. I have it in my head she does not live there now but again, I could be wrong on that.
I30 will take you to St. Louis yes, but so will a much closer route from Houston. But maybe this was the only way he knew to go. The GPS, if there is one, should be interesting. I'm interested because it us so close to me. I shudder thinking this evil was so near.
You may be right about BB going in to talk to LE again. If Q went with her it might explain why she doesn't have a lawyer, she may have felt she didn't need one if he was there.
It also makes sense that LE would discuss the possibility of the child abuse charges to encourage her to give them information, telling her they may reduce any charges in exchange.

That would have been the smart thing for her to do. I'm not sure if she has the where-with-all to even consider that, though. Especially if she is still torn between protecting DV and telling the truth and getting justice for her daughter.

That QX dropped her and went in to tell LE all that she admitted to him makes me feel she never did do so herself.

Then again it might explain why LE has been so tight lipped about her and has publicly stated they are not looking at any more suspects. Imo

You sound about like me, either thing could be true.

It is significant to me they hint nothing about her either way really and are quite firm about that refusing to comment and I have heard them asked. Even in the PC about DV's kidnap story, one of the few LE things I think I have seen, it is clear LE is doubtful of his story in that PC so they will show such things but with regard to BB they give no hint they have her in their sights in any way whatsoever. However, they do not defend her either but I don't think they probably would, with anyone who admits to some idea or knowledge of his abuse.

Upon her first appearance with QX, there were tons of comments flying online that day and nigth about her knowing of abuse, who the H was QX, etc. and about DV and the allegations and what a creep he was and more. There were though judgments of her too and it may I guess have scared her from telling LE but she let QX state it on national television and I suspect she has talked to LE about it. Whether she stuck to what was said and verified her concerns about DV or suspicions at minimum, or whether she backtracked is hard to say.

I guess if they can hold her on nothing, she can refuse to talk to them or leave any requested interview/questioning of her own free will as we have seen, but I am under no illusions that LE has not been in contact with her and have had probably more than one interview with her. I suspect she has cooperated and given everything over, cell phone and more. I do feel she could gloss somewhat her knowledge of abuse, she still has CPS to be concerned about.

Then again, your mention of QX dropping her and some of the things he said could lend to she did not follow through as you point out.

I just wonder sometimes about that entire deal, sometimes I feel we are watching something that has been orchestrated. Calling DV gay which seemed to be the one thing that broke his silence in jail when he heard that was said publicly. We then have a big public break up with QX and BB. Next thing we know DV is talking to him and tells him where her body is. I will leave that at that, and I don't really believe it but it does give me pause and food for thought at times.

I think if we want the number one prosecuted and that would be her killer DV as most things seem to point to, even with blood evidence and video evidence, his knowledge of the location where he put her body, even if he called it an accident, and other things, I think BB will be a prosecution witness. She may not be a likable one but I do think it is logical to assume that.

All just guesses and jmo though.
I30 will take you to St. Louis yes, but so will a much closer route from Houston. But maybe this was the only way he knew to go. The GPS, if there is one, should be interesting. I'm interested because it us so close to me. I shudder thinking this evil was so near.

Yes, I am not up on the geography/mapping of the area. Which route would take you to crossing the border the quickest? I mean maybe his intent was to just get her across state lines? I have also wondered if he knew anyone along the route from Houston to St Louis taking I30? Finally, it may have played in somehow with the assinine story he came up with--he claimed the kidnappers were Hispanic, maybe he thought for some reason them taking I30 and dumping Maleah would fit his story? I don't know that, I am asking you if that would make any sense for any reason as far as route? Speed limits, can he make better time on either route is another thought?

Yes, he hails from your neck of the woods. I am learning though that none of any of our respective states are free of evil monsters.
I just wonder sometimes about that entire deal, sometimes I feel we are watching something that has been orchestrated. Calling DV gay which seemed to be the one thing that broke his silence in jail when he heard that was said publicly. We then have a big public break up with QX and BB. Next thing we know DV is talking to him and tells him where her body is. I will leave that at that, and I don't really believe it but it does give me pause and food for thought at times.

I think if we want the number one prosecuted and that would be her killer...

BB2 showing up last night with Chief Acevedo and having press there can be seen as another way things may be orchestrated. It was a Sunday, the main event of Maleah Lynn Davis Day had already taken place, and yet there he was after dark with Nana Brenda, posing for a hug and having the two of them make comments to the crowd and press. By all rights, Acevedo should have been home with his family. I read that as BB2 is fully cooperating with LE and sharing everything and anything she thinks may be helpful- and that LE wants BB to see this coverage and think the same. Adding pressure for one of the two to break.
Yes, I am not up on the geography/mapping of the area. Which route would take you to crossing the border the quickest? I mean maybe his intent was to just get her across state lines? I have also wondered if he knew anyone along the route from Houston to St Louis taking I30? Finally, it may have played in somehow with the assinine story he came up with--he claimed the kidnappers were Hispanic, maybe he thought for some reason them taking I30 and dumping Maleah would fit his story? I don't know that, I am asking you if that would make any sense for any reason as far as route? Speed limits, can he make better time on either route is another thought?

Yes, he hails from your neck of the woods. I am learning though that none of any of our respective states are free of evil monsters.
I30 runs east and west and ends in Little Rock AR. From Houston you would get on I30 near or in Texarkana TX. Texarkana is 15 miles from Fulton AR which is where Maleah was located.
If you hopped on I30 in Dallas it would be a round about way. Houston is 4 hours from Dallas. I30 does not go near Houston. That's why I am interested in how he got to I30. BTW St. Louis is another 7 hours from Fulton AR. I like for pieces to fit, and these don't. jmo
BB2 showing up last night with Chief Acevedo and having press there can be seen as another way things may be orchestrated. It was a Sunday, the main event of Maleah Lynn Davis Day had already taken place, and yet there he was after dark with Nana Brenda, posing for a hug and having the two of them make comments to the crowd and press. By all rights, Acevedo should have been home with his family. I read that as BB2 is fully cooperating with LE and sharing everything and anything she thinks may be helpful- and that LE wants BB to see this coverage and think the same. Adding pressure for one of the two to break.

That just bugged me. (I realize I'm out of patience.) Why did she need her own little segment? Yesterday was Maleah's day. I don't care what the issues are or are not with Maleah's biological father, even if there are any. My personal opinion is she should have been right there behind that banner walking with everyone else if she's physically capable.
Yes, I am not up on the geography/mapping of the area. Which route would take you to crossing the border the quickest? I mean maybe his intent was to just get her across state lines? I have also wondered if he knew anyone along the route from Houston to St Louis taking I30? Finally, it may have played in somehow with the assinine story he came up with--he claimed the kidnappers were Hispanic, maybe he thought for some reason them taking I30 and dumping Maleah would fit his story? I don't know that, I am asking you if that would make any sense for any reason as far as route? Speed limits, can he make better time on either route is another thought?

Yes, he hails from your neck of the woods. I am learning though that none of any of our respective states are free of evil monsters.
No, I'm not near Houston, but I'm near where Maleah was located. I have lived in Houston many nears ago and it is a dirty miserable place.
BB2 showing up last night with Chief Acevedo and having press there can be seen as another way things may be orchestrated. It was a Sunday, the main event of Maleah Lynn Davis Day had already taken place, and yet there he was after dark with Nana Brenda, posing for a hug and having the two of them make comments to the crowd and press. By all rights, Acevedo should have been home with his family. I read that as BB2 is fully cooperating with LE and sharing everything and anything she thinks may be helpful- and that LE wants BB to see this coverage and think the same. Adding pressure for one of the two to break.
Any way you look at it, that was quite the “friendly” hug. Not very professional and not one any of the professional men I know would be comfortable posing for or giving. It is Texas, however, where that type of friendly is common but seems very strange and indicates complete comfort with one another IMHO.
That just bugged me. (I realize I'm out of patience.) Why did she need her own little segment? Yesterday was Maleah's day. I don't care what the issues are or are not with Maleah's biological father, even if there are any. My personal opinion is she should have been right there behind that banner walking with everyone else if she's physically capable.
I look at it as she was being extremely gracious and respectful by letting the Davis family have the spotlight and avoiding any kind of possible tension.
BB2 showing up last night with Chief Acevedo and having press there can be seen as another way things may be orchestrated. It was a Sunday, the main event of Maleah Lynn Davis Day had already taken place, and yet there he was after dark with Nana Brenda, posing for a hug and having the two of them make comments to the crowd and press. By all rights, Acevedo should have been home with his family. I read that as BB2 is fully cooperating with LE and sharing everything and anything she thinks may be helpful- and that LE wants BB to see this coverage and think the same. Adding pressure for one of the two to break.

I can see that way of looking at it too, very possible.

I took the picture with the mayor a bit differently though.

But yes, I have closed out no possibilities quite honestly.

I30 runs east and west and ends in Little Rock AR. From Houston you would get on I30 near or in Texarkana TX. Texarkana is 15 miles from Fulton AR which is where Maleah was located.
If you hopped on I30 in Dallas it would be a round about way. Houston is 4 hours from Dallas. I30 does not go near Houston. That's why I am interested in how he got to I30. BTW St. Louis is another 7 hours from Fulton AR. I like for pieces to fit, and these don't. jmo

I am going to need to look at a map. My next best guess then is he took a route they would not relate to him necessarily or was with someone who suggested it and/or knew someone in the area. Maybe he has another mistress, whether male or female, in Hope, AR...? He spent more than 24 hours missing somewhere. Added to that, I think the thought was to get her away and over state lines, hoping she would if found not be related to the missing child in Texas. Not that that is smart or would ever happen but he did not exactly think of surveillance cameras either...:rolleyes:

Just guesses :)
No, I'm not near Houston, but I'm near where Maleah was located. I have lived in Houston many nears ago and it is a dirty miserable place.

Gotcha. Never been to Houston but have heard similar from people to what you say about it.

Did not realize you were near where she was found--takes me awhile sometimes :)
I30 will take you to St. Louis yes, but so will a much closer route from Houston. But maybe this was the only way he knew to go. The GPS, if there is one, should be interesting. I'm interested because it us so close to me. I shudder thinking this evil was so near.

I wonder if his brother took the same route when he went back? And actually went off that exit and got back on that exit where the body was in the grass.? Even though it is a longer route. But then again, I guess they would have to have a search warrant for his brother to do such.
I wonder if his brother took the same route when he went back? And actually went off that exit and got back on that exit where the body was in the grass.? Even though it is a longer route. But then again, I guess they would have to have a search warrant for his brother to do such.
This could have been their regular route. Maybe an okay one under different circumstance. I think he was going to family in a panic. Louisiana is very close to Houston or even Galveston and the Gulf. Who knows what he was thinking.
I'm just glad he finally talked!
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