TX - Mass Shooting at Fort Hood, 5 November 2009 #1

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CNN says suspect is a major, a physician, and a mental health worker. Used to work at Walter Reed.
Also, they say they've confirmed his name is Nidal Malik Hasan. (Not Malik Nidal Hasan)
Hi guys I dont know how to do links I know not very computer literate.......but if you google terrorist holsworthy there is news reports....this happened back in august and they raided the houses of the perps before they put the attack in place....
physician, heal thyself! psychiatrists and anesthesiologists have the highest incidence of suicide
omg I'm in Dallas, and being online all day on another part of WS, had no clue this was going on. Turned on the news after the police were in our complex driving around a little boy who didn't know where he lived and hadn't been reported missing :(...unbelievable, I am just in shock. See this on tv, police driving around a little boy....sad, what we are coming to.
CNN says suspect is a major, a physician, and a mental health worker. Used to work at Walter Reed.
Also, they say they've confirmed his name is Nadal Malik Hasan. (Not Malik Nadal Hasan)
Yes Silver Spring, MD is right outside of Walter Reed, in fact that is where my husband and I get our medical care. He may have been from Va (they are all close together) but lived in Silver Spring while working at Walter Reed.
I've been watching all afternoon. My nephew is due in Ft. Hood in 3 weeks..
Something isn't right..
I don't believe this is isolated and do feel this is terrorist at it again. I am waiting to hear who the other two in custody are..
My prayers go out to the family's, the soldiers and the wounded..
My prayers also go out to the other bases around America...I have a real bad feeling this isn't the end...
I don't think we should jump to conclusions and make assumptions based on someone's name or religion. That's not fair to some posters here who may be of the same religion.
Thank you so much for saying this. I knew the minute I read the shooter's name exactly where the discussion would go--and I was correct! I do not understand how people can be so closed minded.
I'm sorry, but I see nothing "closed minded" (per the earlier poster) or mean to other people who share his religion, about using simple deductive logic to see and discuss a not unlikely relationship to motive. If anything, I think it's unfair to insist we pretend to not notice the red flag or be called closed-minded or mean. KWIM?

None of us have claimed to know anything - I'm still waiting for more information about the other shooters.

So while we shouldn't go crazy with conclusions or calls for retribution, I see no reason to walk on PC eggshells about things. :sheesh:

The soldier who just is a Muslim of Jordanian descent. That's all we know for sure. But it is a clue to motive, and profiling of suspects is a huge part of sleuthing.
HI guys from Australia.....this has been on our news all morning as well.......I am sure I speak for MOST australians when I say how awful this is....truly is......but what is going on in this world??????

and I know you say not to jump to conclusions but come on.......... a name like that, converted to Islam, took out 11 AMERICAN soldiers before he was to be deployed to Iraq..........no this is as obvious as the nose on your face........the big boys have got hold of him and have converted him to their cause.......what better way to get America......but to turn an american trained soldier to kill american soldiers before they go to Iraq where they are more than likely going to be killing these terrorists....

sorry if I offend anyone but we also have just had case here where 3 guys (islamic) were found at a military base and the plan was to take out as many soldiers as possible before they went to Iraq.......lucky they were caught JUST beforehand.....

I'm not saying that's not a possibility, but IMO if it's Al Quaeda they'd go after the soldiers for Afghanistan.
terrorism and threats of it around army posts and bases is REAL. While we were stationed in Germany there was a cell seen scouting out the post that I lived on!! They were not caught!

Terror within the gates of a post.... very scary indeed... even if it is of the homegrown variety
I wonder if the guys helping him (if there were any) were patients of his?
Hmmmm,......................that's interesting revampz. I'll have to keep that in mind as a possibility.


I agree fran - would be interesting to have dates on the Australia incident. May have to go searching world news here in just a bit.

this handling center was filled with BOTH soldiers getting ready to deploy AND soldiers returning to american soil on their way to their families. awful. tragic.

damn. just....damn.
Hi guys I dont know how to do links I know not very computer literate.......but if you google terrorist holsworthy there is news reports....this happened back in august and they raided the houses of the perps before they put the attack in place....

I have to admit this possibility went through my mind when they were reporting more than 1 shooter.
When I was listening to Shep Smith on Fox, he had reported that shooter was born in Virginia and was a recent convert to Islam.
He also had a military caller who stated that other military installations would also go on lock down in case this was a major attack. (Probably like 9/11?)
Has anyone heard this on other news outlets?

My son & his family are from Fort Drum, NY and they are not currently locked down.
I wonder if the guys helping him (if there were any) were patients of his?

This crossed my mind also Steadfast. I think we have to wait to see if there were actually any co-conspirators. Right now it appears they let the two suspects go and are looking for someone else?

I think we won't get a real feel for what is happening here for another couple of hours -not till the panic settles and the dead :( and wounded are cared for.

I need a break now. :( :(

terrorism and threats of it around army posts and bases is REAL. While we were stationed in Germany there was a cell seen scouting out the post that I lived on!! They were not caught!

Terror within the gates of a post.... very scary indeed... even if it is of the homegrown variety

That's some scary info. My son will be with a calvary unit in Germany. That makes me feel very uneasy.
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