GUILTY TX - Melissa Sowders, 26, Harris County, 26 December 2013

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Has there been any confirmation at all that Melissa and her ex actually did meet up at McDonald's? All I've seen is that they were "supposed to" but no video footage or other proof that the meeting actually took place.

I'm a little behind so sorry if this has already been posted.
Has there been any confirmation at all that Melissa and her ex actually did meet up at McDonald's? All I've seen is that they were "supposed to" but no video footage or other proof that the meeting actually took place.

I'm a little behind so sorry if this has already been posted.

I have not seen any confirmation.. But they are proccessing the ex husbands truck, and he lawyered up and quit cooperating.. But I am not sure she even saw him. They specifically stated he has not been named a suspect. And if I was in a similar situation and had tons of people bad mouthing me.. Well, a lawyer is probably best, regardless of being guilty or not. JMO, MOO.

I probably would be more suspicious of the ex-husband if:

1. He didn't have custody of the children.
2. There was any evidence that the McDonald's meeting actually took place.
3. I hadn't seen that video of the boyfriend.

Other questions:

Upthread someone posted a link to the ex-husband's criminal record. I haven't reviewed it myself, but no one mentioned any DV complaints. But if he was that abusive, it seems odd that his record would be lacking a single such complaint.

Welcome any corrections to any facts I've missed...
It does seem odd that if he is so abusive and she is terrified of him, that it would have been her filing for divorce and he wouldn't have custody, temporary or permanently. JMO.


That's what I don't get, if the guy is such an abusive tool, how does he have custody of four little children?

Since he is named in the media can I post his facebook or pics of him? I know looks are deceiving, but he seems like a doting dad.

ETA: Never mind, I know the answer about FB
I have not seen any confirmation.. But they are proccessing the ex husbands truck, and he lawyered up and quit cooperating.. But I am not sure she even saw him. They specifically stated he has not been named a suspect. And if I was in a similar situation and had tons of people bad mouthing me.. Well, a lawyer is probably best, regardless of being guilty or not. JMO, MOO.


Yeah, I don't have any problem with him lawyering up. He was cooperating in the beginning, but then police started coming at him hard.

And BF is so sketchy, yikes.
Now see this is just infuriating:

"According to officials, Melissa Sowders was last seen by her boyfriend, Jason Sanford, who said that she had dropped him off for work at 6:15 a.m."

Then there's this:

"Melissa Sowders was last seen the day after Christmas at a McDonald's not far from the search area."

Sheesh, back in the Mesozoic Age when I was young, journalism was all about getting facts straight before reporting them. :banghead:
Has there been any confirmation at all that Melissa and her ex actually did meet up at McDonald's? All I've seen is that they were "supposed to" but no video footage or other proof that the meeting actually took place.

I'm a little behind so sorry if this has already been posted.

Just statements from the BF and a cousin, I think. I haven't heard anything about any video or actual proof that anyone saw them together at McDonald's.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone stays safe tonight.
Happy New Year everyone! Hope everyone stays safe tonight.

O/T but in response with a nod to your sig:

I'm safe at home now but earlier I was at a New Year's Eve party where the center of attention was one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen, a rescue, and everyone wanted to be his friend and was envious of whoever owned the lap he was occupying at any given moment. :seeya:

And an echo: Happy New Year everyone!
Where did you get the info that he moved to OK? Did you view this on his Facebook page? Can you still see the posts on his Facebook page?

I saw it on his Facebook page and I have a screenshot of it. Is it supposed to be a secret, I don't understand?
BBM!! I know EXACTLY what you mean!! I am right there with you, JWD!! I know first hand what it feels like to be abused...I had 30 years of it...25 with the ex husband and 5 years with the ex fiance. Everything from having a pistol pulled on me while I was on the sofa right after surgery on my right side and had stitches, was almost choked to death in the front yard, I was stalked, had my hair grabbed and my face slammed into the console of the car I was driving at 65 mph on the interstate, headbutted in the face, and much much more! Abusers can be calculating, manipulative, all the while looking like the normal boy next door or the hardworking, good looking construction guy. Those of us who have survived and gotten out alive, we are truly blessed and lucky. It breaks my heart to know there are some who are not as fortunate. Still praying for a miracle for Melissa!!!!!!

Oh my God beachlvr0810 that's horrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that, you are extremely lucky to still be with us. And you too JWD, that's just heartbreaking! WS brings kindred spirits together, doesn't it?
O/T but in response with a nod to your sig:

I'm safe at home now but earlier I was at a New Year's Eve party where the center of attention was one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen, a rescue, and everyone wanted to be his friend and was envious of whoever owned the lap he was occupying at any given moment. :seeya:

And an echo: Happy New Year everyone!

Awww! Thanks for sharing that about the rescue dog, that's great advertisement for future adopters! And I'm glad you made it home safely:Banane35: Cheers!
Has it been proven that he had custody? I'm only asking because I saw it somewhere that his mother has custody but can't find it now.

If I'm not aloud to put that please let me know...
Searchers on Monday were at the creek, where they recently used sonar to find what appears to be an image of something on the bottom in about 7 feet of murky water, said Tim Miller, the group's founder.

View attachment 39843

View attachment 39844

They did have divers in the lake today, Tuesday, but they didn't find anything.

Der...I'm no expert but there is most definitely a very clear image of a body in that second screenshot.

Look at the top right--beginning just under the left hand side of the rectangle that says zoom 2x or whatever-- there is a very clear outline of a face. :(
I enlarged the sonar image. Sadly, unless I am crazy, this is a body.


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Tim Miller's crew put divers in the water today specifically to look there and didn't come up with anything. It's a man made creek and I don't believe it has such a strong current that it would waft a body so far away that they wouldn't be able to find it the next day, but I guess it's possible.

I know, I see something there too!
Has it been proven that he had custody? I'm only asking because I saw it somewhere that his mother has custody but can't find it now.

If I'm not aloud to put that please let me know...

Really, CrimeHater? I was just going to do some searching about the whole custody arrangement. Did you see it in court documents? I'm really curious about that.
Ok, this is JMO, not based on any MSN, just a thought.

Let's say he was abusive. She left him for the boyfriend to get away. STBX would not let her take the children, threatened to do harm, etc. Called her a s**t for getting pregnant with another guy. Maybe the children were used as a form of blackmail?

I have not seen anywhere, that legal custody had been established. She may have just conceded to prevent harm to herself or the children. I'm not clearing the boyfriend either, as he is hinky too.

Again, JMO!

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