Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #4

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Why do some of the documents say Brown County in the notary section? Surely she didn't travel 3 hours to sign them.

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Why do some of the documents say Brown County in the notary section? Surely she didn't travel 3 hours to sign them.

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Another great catch!

The List of Claims, filed with/under the 'Inventory, Appraisement, and List of Claims', is where you find County of Brown mentioned. I have no understanding of Texas law, so I am wondering if this list of claims could not be filled out in Hunt County? Or, if it could be filled out in Hunt County, why wasn't it?

Strange that the listing for "Schedule E", which I believe includes ANY bank accounts (Checking and savings?), is zero (0). (I guess BC really is broke.)

Perhaps all of the values listed under "Schedule F", were from before MC invested in his equipment? (Sure, okay?)

Is this not an official document? And isn't anyone looking at this information, and possibly exclaiming, "What in the world is going on here?"

All MHO as I try to wrap my arms around PaPaw's obvious devaluation.

(And here I thought I was sad for MC's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Now I am devastated for them.)
I'm still catching up, but I'm just heartbroken that it's been 6 months already. Unbelievable.

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This is probably stating the obvious, but who wins and who loses in PaPaw's disappearance?

Losers - obviously PaPaw, and his brokenhearted family, children and grandchildren.

(All of us too, who have come to care so deeply for a man we never met.)

Winners? Who and why?

Rhetorical question, I suppose. Just throwing it out there to think about. Why would LE have handled this case the way they have? What's in it for them?

Why do the pieces not fit?

Who benefits and why?

It may not have a simple answer. It may, in fact, have several motives.

Can't help but think of a piece of advice my (now deceased) brother, an attorney, always gave in cases like this.

"Follow the money trail."
Excellent post!

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Is it my imagination, or did we hear the RM had signed as a witness to the Death Certificate?

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Oh that STINKS like a rotten red herring.

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Your brother sounds like he was a very wise man.

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

Thank you, he was a very sharp attorney. Nothing got past him.

Listened intently to every word spoken. Gave his total, undivided attention. Was a human lie detector!

How I wish he was here right now.

He would have studied the characters and the script.

Cut through the bull, and pronounced his verdict.

And I'm here to tell you he would have been right. He always was...
Thank you, he was a very sharp attorney. Nothing got past him.

Listened intently to every word spoken. Gave his total, undivided attention. Was a human lie detector!

How I wish he was here right now.

He would have studied the characters and the script.

Cut through the bull, and pronounced his verdict.

And I'm here to tell you he would have been right. He always was...

We sure could use someone like that right now.

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
SBM for focus

I am sorry for quoting my own post. Wanted to edit, but ran out of time:

ETA 3: 3) I also find it curious there are no values listed next to "Bank account" under "Certificate of Deposit/cash" (the first page, however, shows "$0.00"). If there was no money left in their bank account(s) "as of the date of death (May 26, 2017), could it be that a large debt was paid off between the time of PaPaw's disappearance and May 26th? Would BC have been able to do that using a check from their joint account, for example? Or if BC had a credit card in her own name only with a balance, would the issuing bank be listed under "Claims Owed to Estate" (I don't believe so, but I don't know for sure).

Wouldn't a joint bank account simply become BC's account only, after a death cert. is filed? Especially if MC had BC listed on the account as sole inheritor of his share of said account?
Wouldn't a joint bank account simply become BC's account only, after a death cert. is filed? Especially if MC had BC listed on the account as sole inheritor of his share of said account?

Maybe the balance or value of accounts/items is only MC’s portion, Idk but the values listed are less than garage sale prices. Smh

Just my random thoughts & opinions...
Getting misty eyes here .... PaPaw has such kind eyes.

I know this is going to be a difficult question to answer, so if you cannot, I understand 100%: Assuming there was foul play involved, why would anyone hurt this gentle, kind, harmless man? And based on what we know so far, I do believe whatever happened was premeditated, as opposed to an impulsive act or momentary lapse of judgement. WHY!?

I'm starting back on page 10 today, will work my way up.

Of all the scenarios that have gone through my head, I can only come up with a few possible motives: money, drugs, getting rid of a witness to something criminal.

I can't figure out which of those it really is. :-(

I am sorry if it feels like I'm pestering you. And again, I have no reason whatsoever to doubt you or to be suspicious. I just want to understand, so that hopefully, I can help #BringPaPawHome.

This is purely my personal opinion, but I think it is pretty extreme to have one's missing spouse deceased solely for financial reasons, especially as quickly as BC has.

About what you said about the phone situation:

1. May I ask who it was that said BC did not cancel her account? And just to confirm: So BC has kept the same service provider account (Verizon, IIRC), but only with her phone. Has she kept the same phone, or did she get a new one, and if she did get a different phone, do you know what happened to the old one? I am particularly curious as our other VI posted the following just last night:

"BC told JC to find another phone service cause she was cancelling the Verizon acct. He offered to make the payment for her so he wouldn't lose the phone #. She refused this. She told him that she had received money from donations and she pd JC's phone off. JC was upset about this for more reasons than just losing the phone number." (RBBM)

Everyone is different, but it it were me, I think I would have used the donation money to keep PaPaw's phone active (as many have said, at perhaps as low as $9.99/month) as long as I could, while having JC make the payment .

2. Why would BC remove Justin's phone from the account, especially when she had to pay off the remaining balance for the phone?

3. How long after PaPaw went missing was his service put on hold? And how long after that was his phone disconnected entirely?

I know you said just the other day you were still looking into some of these things, so if you cannot answer, I understand.

I'll answer what I can!

1/3 - I have 100% surety that the ACCOUNT is still the same. Becca's number, provider, account number, online info, etc. are still the same and active. Unfortunately, the other VI hasn't been involved in many of these details to know this for various reasons. The records and account are current and history is still able to be accessed online. She still has the same phone, she cancelled Justin's number and put a hold on Papaw's phone. I don't have the exact date she removed Papaw's line from the plan completely, but i have confirmed with multiple sources that it was NOT the same transaction - that was only the hold. I do believe the other VI when he said she TOLD him that she was cancelling the account, but I don't think she meant the ENTIRE account, only that line, because that's exactly what she did.

2. She said it was because of lack of income. He offered to pay for his line, but she emphasized that she didn't want to continue paying for things every month for him. She says she also explained that he had a certain amount of time to get on his own plan and keep his number, but I think he couldn't because of work.

Also, I looked back at my texts and messages, she told me about turning off Justin's phone on the 29th. I've seen a "10 days" noted on here a few times. I'm trying to confirm exact dates from the account for y'all.
Maybe a social media blitz tagging HCSO on the various social media platforms demanding updates on the case . . .?

Unfortunately, all they say is "we haven't updated because we don't have information to share..." :-(


2. We talk about Becca not being in the public eye and facing questions online <modsnip>, but we don't ever hear what JCC has to say either. Where is JCC with all this. I've seen his wife post a time or two but... - as I've said before, John is a very private individual, just like Papaw. He has no facebook page. He hates attention. He did one of the interviews at the beginning of this, and that was unusual for him. His sisters would 100% back me up on this. He's vocal to family members and close friends, but not to anyone else.

3. What neighbor came to help? 4. Was it the home of parents of JP wife of JCC ?- do you mean help with looking for Papaw on the 10th before Becca called 911? If so, it's been said <modsnip> publicly, so I guess I can disclose here as well - it was John's inlaws who live next door who came to help.

5. Can you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me if said 4 wheeler used to search was white? - this was answered on FB as well, they were not white. Dark green/Black.

6. Why does JCC have phone number in MC name but name spelled wrong? - I'm not sure what you mean? Can you post a screenshot or something?

7. If JCC and JRC are treated equally and fair then why is it JCC was to receive 40 percent and quite a few more cars than JRC in the will? - I don't feel comfortable answering this question at this time, but there is a reason.

8. Did BC complete a polygraph? Or was she too distraught? - HCSO did a polygraph for Becca. The first time, they didn't go through with it because she was too distraught. The second time was I believe the same day as the restraining order, and she completed it and says she passed. She was also on anti-anxiety medication.

ScoobySnax said (from thread 3) "Personally I would be concerned of retailiation from HCSO They don't have the best reputation A pregnant woman was beaten recently by a Hunt County Deputy I dont know what happened before the beating... but it is still very unsettling." What happened before the beating is that they busted into a private residence without a shred of paperwork that would have given them the authority to do so; man handled the pregnant woman in front of her screaming, terrified 18 month old son; accused the pregnant woman of "assaulting a police oficer" and arrested her; kidnapped her 18 month old son and handed him over to CPS; then left her in a holding cell inside their jail for over 6 days (holding cells don't have beds, only a thin pad to lay on the concrete floor) and refused her any prenatal care.

Wanna know a strange coincidence? The private residence in Quinlan was that of the pregnant woman's father, who is also a retired Dallas Firefighter.

If I said that HCSO was worthless, I would be giving them far too much credit.

This makes me sick to my stomach. :-(
I agree, Until the public and family is screaming and causing a scene, Hunt Co is going to continue to ignore them.

On the words of wisdom/advice of MANY - we (the family) are trying to maintain a positive relationship with HCSO. I'm SURE they are beyond annoyed with my constant questions, but I do always say "thank you for doing what you can to find answers for my family" at the end of my emails.
Sorry for quoting myself but I realize I really need to clarify my meaning.

I meant BC's 'fact' based narrative, NOT our VI, Pmerle00's.

Pmerle00 has been upfront and very generous with all her answers to questions. Her photos made him so much more real to us. I have no doubt she is telling us what she herself knows.

I was absolutely NOT referring to her or anyone else tangential to this case.

What seems to be in legal limbo to me is the narrative BC gave. There seems to be a great contradiction in Texas law between these two cases.

Now, maybe I'm wrong to even question. I'm not an attorney. Maybe there's a loophole here that I'm not aware of.

All I know is that I can't make the pieces fit.

If I'm wrong to question any of this now, I will be the first to acknowledge that fact.

Honest, I wake up wondering where PaPaw is. He's in my thoughts so often. Such a very good man!

It's time for him to come home to his family...

Thanks Jazz. I'm honestly doing what I can and like I said, trying to verify from MULTIPLE sources at this point before I answer.
I know they showed up in droves for the searches. They do not leave a brother behind.
They supported a vigil when the story first broke.
From my speaking with several members of the FF family, they 100% want him home, but are allowing LE to do the job they SHOULD be doing. I've been told a lot more but not sure if it violates rules and I don't want to be in time out..... :)

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The balloon release where DFD brought the last truck Papaw was on... Oh, my heart and my bawling eyes. They have all been so sweet.

I HAVE considered writing letters to various stations asking them to tweet periodically, but haven't come to an agreement with myself on how to compellingly word a letter to actually get results. I have tweeted various entities and contacted via FB to ask them to post about Papaw, but no luck.
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