GUILTY TX - Michael Swearingin, 32, & Jenna Scott, 28, Temple, Bell County, found deceased, 4 Jan 2019 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
MAY 2, 2023

Marks’ wife, Ginell McDonogh, took the stand next.

She identified the people in the Henrietta Walmart camera footage as Marks and Maxwell, where they allegedly bought a knife, a shovel and extra clothing.


McDonogh said that she and Marks had an open relationship, which is why she didn’t mind living with Marks and Maxwell, who McDonogh said was pregnant with Marks’ child at the time in her home in Michigan.

McDonogh’s boss found a suitcase filled with various items in her office.

This included a weapon, Marks’ paperwork and I.D’s, as well as Marks’ debit card.

The last four digits of the card matched the ones on the receipt for the Whataburger purchase, while a driver was in a white Rav 4 in the drive thru.


McDonogh testified that the victims’ burial site in Oklahoma was where the Marks’ family would have family reunions in the past.

Then, McDonogh admitted that she and Maxwell’s interviews led to the discovery of the bodies.

Wednesday, May 3rd:
*Trial continues (Day 12) (@ 9am CT) - TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK on Jan. 19, 2019) – *Cedric Joseph Marks (44/now 48) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. *Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (5/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons & tampering with evidence. $2,016,500 Bond. DA will seek DP. Bond reduction denied (3/30/21). Will be representing himself.
*Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer violating protective order, burglary habitation intend.
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (4/26/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). $16,500 bond on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K. Plead not guilty to all charges.
Trial was set to begin on 2/20/23 with jury selection (could last 3 week). Judge Steven J. Duskie presiding. Representing himself (pro se). From 3/27/23 to 4/4/23 with a total of 69 potential jurors selected. Final individual voir dire happened on 4/13/23.
Trial began on 4/17/23.

Court information from 2/3/19 thru 2/9/23 & Jury Selection Days 1 to 29 (2/20 to 4/4/23), 4/5/23 thru 4/13/23 & Trial Day 1-10 (4/17-4/28/23) reference post #257 here:

5/2/23 Tuesday, Trial Day 11: State witnesses: Temple Police Forensic Detective Tom Wolf. Regional Organized Crime Info Center Forensic Video specialist Kennedy Ring. Ginell McDonogh, Marks' wife.
For more info see posts #258 to 260 [pg 17] & 261 here:
Trial continues on Wednesday, 5/3/23.

*Maya Renee Maxwell – Pretrial hearing on 5/19/23.
*Ginell Marie McDonough – 1/31/20: Plead guilty. Sentencing on 11/19/20 where charges were dismissed, will testify against Marks.
MAY 2, 2023

When Ring finished testifying, McDonough took the stand.

Her testimony started with the two children she and Marks were raising together; one of the children is their own and the other child belonged to April Pease, whom Marks is accused of second-degree murder of back in 2009.

McDonough told the court during the last week of Dec. 2018, Marks "changed" in that he was quiet and to himself.

"I only saw him like that back in 2009," she said.

She also gives background on their open relationship. She says Maxwell was pregnant with Marks' baby, was in a relationship with Adney and Scott all throughout their marriage, and they were both okay with it.


On Jan. 7, 2019, McDonough says Marks and Maya stayed at her work office because Marks was still scared. In her work office, there was a suitcase with a pistol, clothes, Marks' fighter ID, a debit card and other miscellaneous items.


Trial resumes Wednesday, May 3 at 9 a.m. inside of the Bell County Justice Center. Marks will start by cross examining his wife and claims it will be lengthy.
(I have day 13 but that is counting the day Marks was sick.)


CEDRIC MARKS TRIAL DAY 12: Marks is cross examining his wife Ginell McDonogh on their relationship, Marks relationship with Maya Maxwell and what Ginell knows of Marks relationship with Jenna Scott.

On the witness stand Ginell admits to being scared of law enforcement and willing to do whatever is needed to avoid consequences.

When speaking of Marks relationship with Jenna Scott, Ginell admits their child Logan, and Adrian, whose mother is April Pease, testified for Marks in Scott’s protective court hearing in against Cedric in 2018.

With Ginell making this statement, Marks played in court a video of himself and Jenna Scott in an altercation. In doing this the judge told Marks to stop the video and the jury to leave the room.

District Attorney Henry Garza objected to Marks playing the video saying it was an attempt to smear Jenna Scott name. Marks said he played the video since the prosecution opened the door yesterday going through Ginell’s messages with a screenshot of the video in her phone.

With the prosecution doing this yesterday, Marks said he felt it was okay to play the video in front of the jury for Ginell to refresh her memory, being that it’s already evidence admitted by the state. Judge Steve Duskie overruled Garza’s objection.

Judge Duskie says the video has been admitted but says it can’t be played in court due to a motion of litany.

In response, DA Garza wanted to admit new evidence to show Marks character, history, and behavior of violence. Garza then asked Ginell of what she knew about the 2009 disappearance of April Pease.

In response, Ginell CONFESSED Marks told her he killed April Pease a few years after Pease was reported missing. Ginell said she received two VHS tapes from Marks saying he did this to save his son Adrian from April.

Ginell cried when making this confession to Garza. Ginell gave the VHS tapes to Minnesota police and admits lying to them in her first interviews. Ginell then said she eventually changed her statements due to guilt.

In Marks cross examination with Ginell over the VHS tapes, Ginell said she never saw the videos until Minnesota police played them. Ginell also admits she lied to authorities under the circumstances for when Marks made this confession not being true.

With these statements from Ginell, Marks made the motion to deny the VHS tapes being admitted into court due to the trials focus on Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin. The judge is doing an in court review during break and will have a final decision this afternoon.

After recess, Judge Steve Duskie sustained Marks objection to not admit the VHS tapes into evidence mentioning jury prejudice.

The judge also overruled Garza’s objection for the video Marks played before recess to be allowed in front of the jury.

MAY 3, 2023

McDonough says Marks gave her video tapes where he confesses to killing Pease in an attempt to save his son. While she is testifying about his alleged confession, she hesitates and breaks down into tears.

This all comes after a custody dispute over the child, according to McDonough. She claims Marks wanted to move from Washington to Texas, but Pease did not want to do this.


There was a lot of back and forth as well as interruption on both sides in the trial on Wednesday, May 3. Duskie said both the state and Marks have admitted pieces of evidence that were not in the discovery.


After days of Marks attempting to admit the video of his relationship with Scott, the clip was finally played for the jury.

In the video, there is an altercation between the two. Scott is using profane language and hitting him.


After an emotional cross examination, Marks says to his wife, "Go home and hug the boys." McDonough is still subject for recall.

Thursday, May 4th:
*Trial continues (Day 14) (@ 9am CT) - TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK on Jan. 19, 2019) – *Cedric Joseph Marks (44/now 48) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. *Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (5/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons & tampering with evidence. $2,016,500 Bond. DA will seek DP. Bond reduction denied (3/30/21). Will be representing himself.
*Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer violating protective order, burglary habitation intend.
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (4/26/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). $16,500 bond on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K. Plead not guilty to all charges.
Trial was set to begin on 2/20/23 with jury selection (could last 3 week). Judge Steven J. Duskie presiding. Representing himself (pro se). From 3/27/23 to 4/4/23 with a total of 69 potential jurors selected. Final individual voir dire happened on 4/13/23.
Trial began on 4/17/23.

Court information from 2/3/19 thru 2/9/23 & Jury Selection Days 1 to 29 (2/20 to 4/4/23), 4/5/23 thru 4/13/23 & Trial Day 1-12 (4/17-5/2/23) reference post #262 here:

5/3/23 Wednesday, Trial Day 13: State witnesses: Ginell McDonogh, Marks' wife continues on stand.
For more info see posts #264 & 265 here:
Trial continues on Thursday, 5/4/23.

*Maya Renee Maxwell – Pretrial hearing on 5/19/23.
*Ginell Marie McDonough – 1/31/20: Plead guilty. Sentencing on 11/19/20 where charges were dismissed, will testify against Marks.

CEDRIC MARKS TRIAL DAY 13: Judge Steve Duskie allowed Killeen Police Det. Amanda Holtzclaw to speak on the witness stand. She did the domestic violence casework between Marks & Jenna Scott in 2018.

Holtzclaw testified she spoke to Cedric Marks and Jenna Scott individually after Marks was served a protective order on 7/31/2018 at 2:08 PM. 51 minutes later that day is when Holtzclaw says Marks came to the police station to file charges against Scott.

Holtzclaw first spoke with Marks providing videos and audio of Scott to have her charged and arrested for assault. Scott then spoke with Holtzclaw to realize Marks gave false information.

Holtzclaw was initially told by Marks in the video he provided her was of him and Scott in May 2018. Holtzclaw came to find out the video was taken in January and charged Marks for filing a false police report and a misdemeanor assault of bodily injury from Scott’s interview.

On 8/21/2019 Holtzclaw testified she received an email from Scott saying Marks broke into her home threatening her and her daughter.

Marks responded later in the trial saying he went to Jenna’s home on the 20th and 21st to drop off items. Jenna’s father, Jonathan Scott testified after Holtzclaw to provide the home security footage from those days. It shows Marks knocking on the door and trying to open it.

Marks said the protective order ended on 8/18/18 to drop off the items. Law enforcement including Holtzclaw came to the house.

At the dismissed protective order hearing on 9/17/2018, Holtzclaw testified she told Marks to leave Jenna alone and stop making contact. That same day, Holtzclaw witnessed Marks and Maya Maxwell encounter Jenna and her father as they were leaving the courthouse.

Jonathan later testified, Maya Maxwell passed Jenna a blanket in that moment and said “kill yourself b****,” for Marks to then drive off. Jonathan added a vehicle appearing to have Marks and Maxwell inside of it flicked them off as Jonathan and Jenna left the area.

On 10/31/18 & 11/5/18 Holtzclaw testified receiving emails from Scott on packages being delivered to her home. The first package had a t-shirt of Jenna and Cedric on it with a handwritten letter Jenna wrote. The second package had another letter typed out.

The first package came from a Fort Hood address and the second address came from Title Boxing Gym where Marks used to work.

In between Marks cross examination with Holtzclaw, he asked if she has a history of going after men who file domestic violence claims.

Holtzclaw did mention how Jenna had a growing fear of Marks and heard from Michael Swearingin and Bruce Thomas of Marks contacting them trying to reach Jenna. Jonathan supported Holtzclaw’s statement saying Jenna always made a point to travel with him or who she knew.

To counter Hotzclaw’s statements of Jenna wanting to avoid Marks. Marks played an audio clip from what he says was recorded on June 2, 2018. In the audio, Scott is wanting to get back with Marks. Marks tells Scott to leave him alone and she abused him when she broke up with him.

Marks wanted to play a second audio clip, but the prosecution objected. Judge Duskie sustained this motion since Holtzclaw said she’s never heard of the second audio.

After Scott and Swearingin went missing, Holtzclaw testified she gathered information and soon passed what she knew to Temple PD.

Former Temple Police Officer Detective Corey Powell was the last witness to testify today. He provided details on how he started the investigation into Cedric Marks and the search for Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin.

On the stand, Powell shared how he created multiple search warrants for any information from January 1 to January 6. Powell then got emotional remembering the journey he took from Michigan to Oklahoma to discover where Jenna and Michael were located.

Powell will speak again later in this trial once out of state law enforcement partners testify how they helped in the overall case.
MAY 4, 2023

The first witness to take the stand was Amanda Holtzclaw, a criminal investigator for the special victims unit of the Killeen Police Department.

Holtzclaw was assigned to a domestic violence case between Jenna Scott and Marks in 2018. After Marks served a protective order, he reached out to Holtzclaw on Aug. 7, 2018, and then filed a report against Jenna Scott the next day.


Next to the stand was Jenna Scotts father, Johnathan Scott.


Jonathan Scott recalls the relationship between the two, saying it was good at first. However, Jenna Scott became more fearful further into their relationship. Jonathan Scott testified that his daughter would travel to his work because she didn't want to be alone.


Jenna Scott's father testified that there was damage to their garage door as the crossbar was bent. This all came after Marks visited.


The last witness to take the stand was one of the lead detectives in Temple, James Corey Powell who shared an emotional testimony.

He says he first learned about the disappearance of Jenna Scott and Swearingin through his pastor on Jan. 4, 2019.

Powell executed what's called a trap and trace warrant which tracks down a current location. This ultimately helped Powell and investigators find Marks at a mall in Michigan.


Powell paused and broke down into tears in the middle of his testimony while recalling the moment he found the two bodies.

The state says Powell's early testimony was to establish background information for the next day of the trial. Powell will be on the stand next week.

Friday, May 5th:
*Trial continues (Day 15) (@ 9am CT) - TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK on Jan. 19, 2019) – *Cedric Joseph Marks (44/now 48) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. *Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (5/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons & tampering with evidence. $2,016,500 Bond. DA will seek DP. Bond reduction denied (3/30/21). Will be representing himself.
*Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer violating protective order, burglary habitation intend.
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (4/26/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). $16,500 bond on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K. Plead not guilty to all charges.
Trial was set to begin on 2/20/23 with jury selection (could last 3 week). Judge Steven J. Duskie presiding. Representing himself (pro se). From 3/27/23 to 4/4/23 with a total of 69 potential jurors selected. Final individual voir dire happened on 4/13/23.
Trial began on 4/17/23.

Court information from 2/3/19 thru 2/9/23 & Jury Selection Days 1 to 29 (2/20 to 4/4/23), 4/5/23 thru 4/13/23 & Trial Day 1-13 (4/17-5/3/23) reference post #266 here:

5/4/23 Thursday, Trial Day 14: State witnesses: Killeen Police Detective Amanda Holtzclaw, a criminal investigator for special victims unit. She did the domestic violence casework between Marks & Jenna Scott in 2018. Johnathan Scott, Jenna's father. Former Temple Police Officer Detective James Corey Powell.
For more info see posts #267 & 268 (articles) here:
Trial continues on Friday, 5/5/23.

*Maya Renee Maxwell – Pretrial hearing on 5/19/23.
*Ginell Marie McDonough – 1/31/20: Plead guilty. Sentencing on 11/19/20 where charges were dismissed, testified against Marks.
(I am counting the day Marks was sick)

CEDRIC MARKS TRIAL DAY 14: Texas DPS Forensic Expert Stephanie Meek is the first witness to speak this morning. She did seven case prints on Cedric Marks and processed items from Michael’s home and Hyundai Genesis.

Meek did multiple reviews of Marks case prints and Michael’s items to have inconclusive results and unidentifiable fingerprints.

Texas DPS Forensic Expert Bonnie Manno did two additional case prints outside of Meek’s work and also had inconclusive results.

Texas DPS Forensic Biologist Patricia Hafkey spoke last on the witness stand this morning. She processed Jenna & Michael’s clothes and items in Michael’s home for biological evidence. She found little to no results in her findings.

Texas DPS Forensic Science Trace Evidence Expert Stephen Favela testified on the witness stand this afternoon. He processed hair stands from the Toyota RAV4, Michael’s Hyundai Genesis, the suitcase located in Ginells office, and Jenna & Michael’s clothes.

Favela testified finding a few possible hair strands from Jenna and Michael in the RAV4 trunk and a possible hair strand from them in the Red Jeep floormat. Possible hair strands were also seen in the suitcase found in Ginell’s office.

The prosecution made a motion to admit evidence from the last hair results test which they received today, however the judge denied this motion due to Marks saying it’s a late submission for the trial.

UPDATE: Coming back from recess, Judge Steve Duskie requested the prosecution and defense to speak on the record with everyone outside the courtroom. Media is also not allowed to be present.
May 5, 2023

Stephanie Meek who was a forensic scientist with the Texas Department of Public Safety in 2019 analyzed and compared prints. She produced a lab report on May 5, 2020 with her findings.


In all three reports, finger print comparisons came back inconclusive and unidentified, even when compared to nine different sets of fingerprints belonging to Marks.


Patricia Hafkey, who is a forensic biologist for the Texas Department of Public Safety, collected and tested items for DNA including the clothes off Scott and Swearingin's bodies when they were found. Additionally, swabs from vehicles and items from suspects and victims were collected.

Stephen Favela, who was a trace evidence forensic scientist with the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin, did a series of hair testing.


Favela also traced possible hair strands of the victims on a presumptive positive blood stained towel found in a suitcase in the office of Marks' wife, Ginell McDonough.

Before recess, forensic scientists testified even though hair samples look like matches, it might not be a guarantee.

After recess, Duskie spoke with only the prosecution and defense without anyone including reporters.

Paywalled; this is all I can view.

MAY 5, 2023
A juror was excused from the capital murder trial of Cedric Marks Friday after a closed hearing inside Steve Duskie’s 426th District Court.

Marks, 48, of Killeen, is accused of the 2019 slayings of Temple residents Jenna Scott, 28, and Michael Swearingin, 32. Prosecutors say Marks buried their bodies in a shallow grave in remote Oklahoma, then fled to Michigan where he was caught. The state is seeking the death penalty.
Paywalled; this is all I can view.

MAY 5, 2023
A juror was excused from the capital murder trial of Cedric Marks Friday after a closed hearing inside Steve Duskie’s 426th District Court.

Marks, 48, of Killeen, is accused of the 2019 slayings of Temple residents Jenna Scott, 28, and Michael Swearingin, 32. Prosecutors say Marks buried their bodies in a shallow grave in remote Oklahoma, then fled to Michigan where he was caught. The state is seeking the death penalty.

Unfortunately I do not know how many alternates there are - so can not keep track of that. Have not seen it anywhere in the articles. I hate paywalls...

And thanks (again!) for all the info on the trial! :)
Monday, May 8th:
*Trial continues (Day 16) (@ 9am CT) - TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK on Jan. 19, 2019) – *Cedric Joseph Marks (44/now 48) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. *Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (5/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons & tampering with evidence. $2,016,500 Bond. DA will seek DP. Bond reduction denied (3/30/21). Will be representing himself.
*Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer violating protective order, burglary habitation intend.
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (4/26/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). $16,500 bond on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K. Plead not guilty to all charges.
Trial was set to begin on 2/20/23 with jury selection (could last 3 week). Judge Steven J. Duskie presiding. Representing himself (pro se). From 3/27/23 to 4/4/23 with a total of 69 potential jurors selected. Final individual voir dire happened on 4/13/23.
Trial began on 4/17/23.

Court information from 2/3/19 thru 2/9/23 & Jury Selection Days 1 to 29 (2/20 to 4/4/23), 4/5/23 thru 4/13/23 & Trial Day 1-14 (4/17-5/4/23) reference post #270 here:

5/5/23 Friday, Trial Day 15: State witnesses: Texas DPS Forensic Expert Stephanie Meek. Texas DPS Forensic Expert Bonnie Manno. Texas DPS Forensic Science Trace Evidence Expert Stephen Favela. Texas DPS Forensic Biologist Patricia Hafkey.
The prosecution made a motion to admit evidence from the last hair results test which they received today, however the judge denied this motion due to Marks saying it’s a late submission for the trial. A juror was excused Friday after a closed hearing.
For more info see posts #270 thru 272 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/8/23.

*Maya Renee Maxwell – Pretrial hearing on 5/19/23.
*Ginell Marie McDonough – 1/31/20: Plead guilty. Sentencing on 11/19/20 where charges were dismissed, will testify against Marks.
(I am counting the day Marks was sick)

Cedric Marks Trial Day 15: Stephen Favela finished his time on the witness stand from Friday. His final test results from May 5 show the hair strands from the Red Jeep floor at were dissimilar to Jenna & Michael.

On Friday, Judge Steve Duskie had to excuse one of the jury members in the private court discussion. This jury member is still not present.

Texas DPS forensic expert Kylee Morrison followed up on Favela’s findings. She found no trace evidence similarities to Jenna and Michael from items in Ginell’s home and the suitcase in her office.

Texas DPS DNA Expert Erin Casmus took to the witness stand this afternoon. She testified being unable to find DNA on anything at the burial site. Results on the Hyundai Genesis show a probable chance of having Cedric Marks and Maya Maxwell DNA on it but couldn’t make confirmation

Casmus finished her time on the witness stand being cross examined by Marks. Marks reviewed the lab results showing no distinct tie to him or Maya having DNA on Jenna & Michael. Marks asked if it’s possible to wipe DNA without leaving DNA behind. Casmus says it is possible.

Assistant District Attorney Stephanie Newell countered Marks statements for the jury learn gloves could have been used for lack of DNA, DNA could be transferred through any form of contact, and barriers could be used to avoid leaving DNA behind.
MAY 8, 2023

Throughout the trial, Marks argued that camera footage where he and Maxwell were allegedly driving the white, Rav 4 at numerous locations did not clearly show the driver and passenger of the vehicle.

However, cell phone analysis expert, Breck McDaniel, took the stand and showed the court how he was able to track the suspects’ general location services using their cell phones.


The data showed Marks and Maxwell traveled from Muskegon, Michigan, to Texas, Swearingin’s home in Temple, Adney’s home in Killeen, downtown Austin, the Walmart in Henrietta, Oklahoma, the victims’ burial site and back to Michigan.


Forensic scientist, Erin Casmus, took the stand and said there wasn’t enough of a DNA percentage for a definite contributor for both victims and suspects.

She said in her report, both Marks and Maxwell, were excluded as possible DNA contributors from swabs on Scott and Swearingin’s bodies.

However, Casmus testified that both were possible contributors for different parts of Swearingin’s car.


Tuesday, Marks will finish cross examining McDaniel.
Tuesday, May 9th:
*Trial continues (Day 17) (@ 9am CT) - TX – Michael Lee Swearingin (32) & Jenna Kay Scott (28) (Jan. 4, 2019, Temple; found in Clearview, OK on Jan. 19, 2019) – *Cedric Joseph Marks (44/now 48) (ex bf of Scott’s) arrested (1/8/19) in Kent County, Mich. for a burglary warrant, waived extradition to Texas. *Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (5/10/19) with capital murder of multiple persons & tampering with evidence. $2,016,500 Bond. DA will seek DP. Bond reduction denied (3/30/21). Will be representing himself.
*Charged (2/4/19), indicted (4/3/19) & arraigned (4/10/19) with interfering w/emergency call, false report to police officer violating protective order, burglary habitation intend.
*Charged & indicted (3/13/19) & arraigned (4/26/19) with 1st degree felony burglary (on 8/21/18 at Scott’s home). $16,500 bond on charges of interference with an emergency call, making a false police report & violation of a protection order, bond for the burglary charge is $250K, the murder of multiple persons is carrying a bond of $1.5 million & $250K. Plead not guilty to all charges.
Trial was set to begin on 2/20/23 with jury selection (could last 3 week). Judge Steven J. Duskie presiding. Representing himself (pro se). From 3/27/23 to 4/4/23 with a total of 69 potential jurors selected. Final individual voir dire happened on 4/13/23.
Trial began on 4/17/23.

Court information from 2/3/19 thru 2/9/23 & Jury Selection Days 1 to 29 (2/20 to 4/4/23), 4/5/23 thru 4/13/23 & Trial Day 1-15 (4/17-5/5/23) reference post #274 here:

5/8/23 Tuesday, Trial Day 16: State witnesses: Texas DPS Forensic Science Trace Evidence Expert Stephen Favela returned to stand. Texas DPS forensic expert Kylee Morrison. Texas DPS DNA Expert Erin Casmus. Breck McDaniel, cell phone analysis expert.
For more info see posts #275 & 276 here:
Trial continues on Tuesday, 5/9/23.

*Maya Renee Maxwell – Pretrial hearing on 5/19/23.
*Ginell Marie McDonough – 1/31/20: Plead guilty. Sentencing on 11/19/20 where charges were dismissed, testified against Marks.
(I am counting the day Marks was sick)

Day 16 of the #CedricMark trial - Marks continues his cross examination of cell phone & data analysis expert Breck McDaniel. McDaniel reiterates locating Marks cell site does not pinpoint his location but a 21 mile radius. Marks alludes to McDaniel’s unconscious bias. @KWKTFOX44

UPDATE: McDaniel provided 2 additional documents to clarify UFC time (universal coordinated time) since it was in question by Marks yesterday. The documents converted UFC time to CST so that cell site locations and time periods could be identified. @KWKTFOX44 #cedricmarks

Prosecution asked how difficult it would be to fake the cell site analysis. McDaniel asserted it would be “exceedingly complex” because the data came from 4 different phones and 4 different cell phone carriers. @KWKTFOX44 #cedricmarks

Prosecution published a demonstrative PowerPoint pinpointing the victims phones- provided by McDaniel. To better explain possible connections between Marks and the victims phones. Now Marks will cross examine the witness on this PowerPoint. @KWKTFOX44 #cedricmarks

Prosecution attempting to form connections today after McDaniel confirmed that Marks phone was identified using cell sites from:
1. Michigan to Texas
2. Austin
3. Temple area on January 3rd

Maya Maxwell took the witness stand for an emotional and heart wrenching testimony sharing the events that lead to Jenna Scott and Michael Swearingin’s death. Maxwell was shaking and stammering from the moment she took the stand until break. @KWKTFOX44 #cedricmarks

Maya Maxwell believed she was driving from Michigan to Texas with Marks to turn him in because there was a warrant out for his arrest. When they arrived, they drove around for hours in the Austin and Temple area - Maya thought he was delaying to be turned back in.

January 3rd, Marks asks Maxwell to drop him off at a friend’s house before turning himself in. But it was the house of Michael Swearingin — after suspicion that Marks was cheating, Maxwell went back to the house to find Jenna Scott handcuffed to a table. Marks was not there.

Maxwell left in fear. She kept calling Marks, at first he didn’t answer but when then told her to calm down and go back to Rebecca Adney’s house where they were staying. Hours later Marks arrived w/ both Swearingin and Scott to the Adney house & put them in separate bathrooms.

Marks first went to the bathroom Swearingin was in. Maya Maxwell was steps away in the hallway. Maxwell says Marks told Swearingin you’re going home while he was in handcuffs. Swearingin replied, “thank you.” Shortly after Marks placed Swearingin in a chokehold.

Marks strangled Swearingin, he passed within 5 minutes according to Maxwell. Next Marks went into the other bathroom where Jenna Scott was handcuffed. He walked her into see Swearingin. He then shut the door. Maxwell says she heard the same sounds from Scott as she did Swearingin

Maxwell says the struggle for Swearingin was about 5 minutes but Scott’s struggle was a bit longer. Marks then drove Swearingin’s car to Austin to drop it off in a “sketchy neighborhood.” Maxwell followed in the car behind that held the two bodies in trash bags. @KWKTFOX44

Maxwell says she was terrified and felt if she sought help Marks would find her. Marks did a thorough cleanup of Swearingin’s car with peroxide. Marks and Maxwell the drive back to the Adney residence in Temple where Marks cleans up blood and any trace for a solid hour.

After the cleanup, Marks and Maxwell drive to Oklahoma to bury the bodies. They stop at a Casino to get money at a ATM and a Walmart for supplies with the bodies still in the car. Marks then decides to bury the bodies in Henrietta near a family grave. More updates @KWKTFOX44

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