TX - Mona Nelson charged w/ Murder of Jonathan Foster, 12, Houston, 24 Dec 2010 #12

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Buy paper version of @HoustonChron today to read profile of Jonathan Foster's accused killer. It'll be online Monday.

I'm seeing this tweeted? Anybody local buy this paper today?
There is not much new in that article.It just gives a lot of background information on MN,which we already knew.
There are some things that stood out to me and that I did not know.
The lady that was attacked by MN in that first incident when children got hurt by being pushed aside was in fact MN's girlfriend at the time,so it was a crime of passion not a random act I was wondering about that.Also MN's daughter (the one that got beaten up by her) is defending MN,saying MN helped raise her children and is a good person.
It seems all her crimes were about money and her bad temper.
I do not believe MN is a serial killer or killed Jonathon with sadistic pleasure or that she had a sexual motive.
It is also mentioned how broke MN was after the murder,she was getting a $20 advance from her boss for gas ,since she mentioned $20 in relation to the crime (stating DD paid that to her for dumping what she thought was trash) I believe $20 may in fact play a role.Sadly I believe it may have been $20 that SE owed to MN and when SE was not home MN's temper may have gotten the best of her and poor Jonathan accidentally got killed because she underestimated her strength maybe?
Anyways the article states DD is cleared because there is video footage of him at an ice house.I don't understand however since he placed himself with Jonathan at 1:45PM,why would he lie about that?
Also MN's landlord states she has tile flooring ,no carpet at all.
The most confusing statement in the article to me comes from Jonathan's mother,she forgives MN,says Jonathan is in a better place.
I don't care how much of a Christian she is,if she's going through the grieving process isn't it way to early to forgive MN? JMO
Anyways IMO Jonathan died a completely senseless, horrible death,most likely over something as trivial as $20 IMO but I don't believe MN is a soulless serial killer either.
Is Mona a monster?
Her supporters say she is innocent while police call her soulless, but what no one can unravel is the suspect’s possible motive in the incomprehensible death of a 12-year-old boy

"This is the only person (Nelson) we have evidence on for the murder," Assistant District Attorney Connie Spence told the Houston Chronicle when asked if it was possible there was an accomplice.
"Davis said her husband had hit the boy. With Jonathan in tow, she moved to a dumpy duplex next door with her friend Sharon Ennamorato, whom Jonathan called "Aunt Sharon."

Since the killing, Ennamorato has been evicted from the duplex she shared with Angela Davis and Jonathan. She appears to be the only person who connected Nelson to Jonathan and his mother and stepfather, police say.

Police believe Nelson knew Ennamorato well before Jonathan and his mother arrived on Ennamorato's doorstep. Ennamorato, who had a felony drug record, said she met Nelson when Ennamorato was living in the Tiffany Oaks Apartments on Oak Street, where Nelson worked in maintenance."

------do we know if AD and DD are living together again?

Oh and btw I'm nor forgiving MN, not sure who in there right mind would. Hello it's been 2 weeks and u forgive her? She took ur son( and mine) and u forgive her?
Oh and btw I'm nor forgiving MN, not sure who in there right mind would. Hello it's been 2 weeks and u forgive her? She took ur son( and mine) and u forgive her?

Rest assured Renee, LE is getting to the bottom of what happened to Jonathan and all reponsible will face the consequences here on earth and up there, where is is really matters. Please know that many are keeping you and your family in our nightly prayers :rose:
I was thinking about you guys the other day, Renee, and hope you are doing ok.
We know now she arrived approximately an hour later (7 pm) at the cottage after she dumped his body. Time enough to go home, take a shower. I think her cell phone info will be helpful. She could have called JG to get SE's number...if that part of her story is true. She just went over there...without calling?? Why? How ofter do we just drop by at someone's house without calling anymore? Maybe it's just me...but I think it's rude.

So she goes to mother's house for Xmas, then returns Houston to get the $20 advance from her boss, (I thought she wasn't working?) and then calls her daughter 3 days after Christmas and says she's not coming up because of money problems. I thought the daughter lived in Mt Pleasant also? Yep, nice supportive mother, who can't go to see her kids or her grandkids, but goes to see her mother.....who she whined to about not having any money. She goes to mom's because she can get money ....and is expected to give to her kids and grandkids. Yep, yep, yep. She lives with a woman and helps raise her kids, but lets her hubby raise hers. Yep, yep, yep. :maddening:
By the time Nelson was 19, she was in serious trouble. She was arrested in the aggravated robbery of a barbecue restaurant. She told police a man forced her to do it, that she feared he was going to hurt her if she didn't. Nelson pleaded no contest in 1985 and was given 10 years of deferred adjudication, which would revert to prison time if she committed another crime.

BBM. Isn't this similar to what she told police in this case? That someone else (DD) asked her to do it but that she was scared for her safety? What a bunch of crap!

I also noticed in that article that police said Jonathan's body was burned with the torches post mortem. Has there been any other information confirming this is true, like the report from the ME? If this was really done post mortem, that would bring such relief. I have had nightmares about this case, thinking about what she did to him. It's like it's straight out of a horror film. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this has been for Jonathan's loved ones.
BBM. Isn't this similar to what she told police in this case? That someone else (DD) asked her to do it but that she was scared for her safety? What a bunch of crap!

I also noticed in that article that police said Jonathan's body was burned with the torches post mortem. Has there been any other information confirming this is true, like the report from the ME? If this was really done post mortem, that would bring such relief. I have had nightmares about this case, thinking about what she did to him. It's like it's straight out of a horror film. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this has been for Jonathan's loved ones.

I have not seen anything official that states a cause of death, or that the burns were post mortem (though the majority would be even if they didn't start that way).

I have seen several articles making the leap that no soot in the lungs mean post mortem burning. Which of course would be true if this was your more typical douse with gas and set on fire scenario. That produces smoke and burned lungs. This was a very intense heat, narrowly focused, on tissue with no accelerant (the police have said no accelerant found).

If you were alive when someone started doing that I have to believe you would go into shock and die relatively quickly. So are you burned to death? Not technically, you died before the burns themselves killed you.

The amount of damage inflicted on his little body I would not be surprised to see the autopsy inconclusive, clearly homicide, but cause of death unknown.
Is there an answer as to the "why" yet?? I just don't understand. And I know - we never do.
Long-time/ fkrst time..blahblahah. This case has shaken
me to the core. My son is J`s age. It has made me so scared. I pray for justice.n.vengeance every day. Why are our kids not safe??
HPD asks to keep 911 tapes secret in case of 12-year-old's killing


Article states the HC ask for the recordings from "the home" from Dec 1 thru Christmas day. ????? Are they suggesting that 911 calls were made prior to his death? They must have heard or know something?
The Houston Chronicle, on Jan. 6, asked for copies of any recordings of calls "for response" to the boy's home from Dec 1-25, 2010.
That request was forwarded on Jan. 21 to the Texas Attorney General's office for a ruling.

I have not seen anything official that states a cause of death, or that the burns were post mortem (though the majority would be even if they didn't start that way).

I think that info has been removed from the article. I didn't see it the first time I read it either, but after Miss O's post I went back and did see it....Now it's not there any longer. ????
This case is one of the most horrific cases that I think there could be. The manner in which the body was found in is as horrible as Zhara Baker.

I do not understand why Nancy Grace stopped the coverage on this right after MN was arrested or immediatly after the arrest.

What is it that is keeping this out of the media? I know there are other cases to air on television however when this case had MAJOR developments it seemed as NG or JVM wouldnt touch it.

I find that extremly odd. Does anyone local or otherwise know any reason why this case isnt being covered.. not even now but the previous weeks?
I am guessing it is because the case is so horrific and children overhearing the details would be terrified. Since Jonathan was no longer missing, the case solved maybe NG thought it would be too much to continue.
I think it is out of the press because it is "solved" and there are not major legal wranglings going on at moment. The unsolved, debatable, pending updates, body not found, mystery seems to keep it in the news. And then the legal battle will get periodic coverage.

The ones that have a "ending" fall out of the news so quickly, even if the details are not known.

I watch Nancy, and I think she serves a purpose, but if she is not covering those stories at that point it is because people don't tune in to hear it. They tune in to hear what is happening now. Bombshells baby. Ratings.

That is her job.
Not criticizing her.
But the nitty gritty is covered for the vast majority of the coverage.
Child is missing, child is found, horrible graphic details, arrest, funeral pic.
Done, update me when it is time to tune in and see her sentenced to die.
Or if she gets some loudmouth attorney that can make the trial seem like he might actually win, we will tune back in then.

It is sad, but that is the way I see it personally.
Nancy and most of the others are a tiny bit community service/news, and mostly crime entertainment. Just a different flavor than Dateline, CSI, Barbara Walters interviews Scott Petersen...
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