TX - Moriah Wilson, 25, Cyclist Fatally Shot Before Race, Austin, 2022 *arrest* #7

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The point being it's proprietary software that's using excel software to present the results in court. This appearance by Strava is a courtesy! Want an qualified, expert witness? OK, just let us take our spreadsheets and go home-- thank you very much. ;)
The amount of evidence and testimony presented even just so far, that KA, and no one else, hated, stalked and murdered Mo Wilson is so immense that even if the defense can poke a hole here and there, which is really about all they can hope to do, the totality of what they cannot poke holes into should make this a pretty quick conviction by the time it gets to the jury. JMO
Timeline is interesting, the first friend has KA freaking out , visibly angry about CS spending time with MW in early Nov 2021 after the so-called we will stay amicable friends and business partners breakup in late October. The second friend has KA shaking with rage in late Jan 2022 that she *just* found out CS cheated on her with MW. But didn’t CS say his non platonic relationship with MW was only in the fall.
Yes, and IMO, KA's imagination won't let it go. She doesn't believe him, and has continued to needle CS about MW anytime the opportunity presents itself. By spring, it also becomes too much for CS and he suggests she stop attending events because of her [trust] issues. It seems to me things were OK as long it did not involve his cycling world --which is why she was with CS! JMO
The point being it's proprietary software that's using excel software to present the results in court. This appearance by Strava is a courtesy! Want an qualified, expert witness? OK, just let us take our spreadsheets and go home-- thank you very much. ;)
Is that easy for any app developer to just say "our online data is not available to any court of law, even if it can help solve a crime"? (Asking as obviously I don't know the legalities) Thinking of the "Map My Walk" app, similar to Strava, but for people who walk and like to track their walks, log them for future use, show them to friends for safety, etc. I'd like to know that data could be accessible if I went missing. I'm reading this as the CEO type on the stand just doesn't know the technology and the prosecution should have brought in the lower level expert guy who can speak in tech terms.
Yes, and IMO, KA's imagination won't let it go. She doesn't believe him, and has continued to needle CS about MW anytime the opportunity presents itself. By spring, it also becomes too much for CS and he suggests she stop attending events because of her [trust] issues. It seems to me things were OK as long it did not involve his cycling world --which is why she was with CS! JMO
It’s all interesting that all her rage seems to be directed at MW, not CS. Like telling multiple people she’s mad enough to kill - but not CS just the other woman. She couldn’t even move her butt out of his house.
The amount of evidence and testimony presented even just so far, that KA, and no one else, hated, stalked and murdered Mo Wilson is so immense that even if the defense can poke a hole here and there, which is really about all they can hope to do, the totality of what they cannot poke holes into should make this a pretty quick conviction by the time it gets to the jury. JMO
I couldn't sit on this jury. I'd be rolling my eyes so much, they'd cart me off to the ER.

Defense: How accurate is Strava’s data collection as to the model of iPhones that log in?
Bell: I don’t know.

6:33 PM · Nov 8, 2023
Are they really grasping at straws again? Surely KA didn't own an iPhone dating to 20 years ago, LOL. But yes, if you have an outdated device or browser trying to access current sites such as Strava, you may get a weird result on your display or errors, or even no results at all. His question uses the wrong term - "how accurate is S's data COLLECTION" has no effect on the model of phones that log in. I think he meant - how accurate are the RESULTS of S's data on the user's phone model who accesses the S data. Like he's implying she's looking up Mo's ride with her 1996 flip phone that doesn't have the current technology to view the sourcecode used in 2023. Sigh.

Bell says the spreadsheet is data pulled from dates May 9-12.

6:45 PM · Nov 8, 2023

Defense passes, state says they have clarifying questions. State Asking Bell to share when Armstrong viewed Wilson’s profile. There are six total from various times May 9-11, which have already been discussed.

6:49 PM · Nov 8, 2023

State clarifies that Bell is not testifying about what type of iPhone Armstrong was using - Bell says correct.

6:50 PM · Nov 8, 2023

Because of a software update, Bell is not able to tell what type of device Armstrong was using when tracking Mo Wilson's rides. Bell admits that the GPS data on Strava's platform is less detailed and specific than the one's the state created for the jury to review.

6:58 PM · Nov 8, 2023

Good Wednesday morning, everyone. We are back in court today after a day off. APD Homicide Detective Spitler was on the stand when we adjourned on Monday. He was the first person to share the news of Mo's death with Strickland and led the 6.5 hour interrogation back at APD headquarters.Live tweeting continues below!


This morning we looked at Kaitlin Armstrong's search history from Costa Rica, which included plastic surgery and instructions for burning off fingerprints.The defense motioned for a mistrial which the judge denied.Live tweets continue below.


Court is adjourned for the evening.Thanks, as always, for following along. Please make sure you follow me and set your alerts if you are interested in this trial and others around the country. I have covered some of the biggest criminal trials in America including Bryan Kohberger, Alex Murdaugh and Lori Vallow-Daybell. You can watch my analysis exclusively on

7:01 PM · Nov 8, 2023
Next witness: Brian Bell, VP of Global Communications for Strava. Strava provided data to APD related to the murder of Mo Wilson.

Defense is pushing back against this witness. Mr. Bell is primarily in marketing and communications. He calls himself a "storyteller." But the defense questions whether or not he is an expert who can accurately testify to the data, how it was created, collected, analyzed, etc. Defense objects to the witness testimony.State clarifies that Bell is not being offered as an expert. But he is familiar with Strava data and knowledge of how the data is made and used as a regular course of business.Defense calls for a sidebar with the judge.

The jury is now being excused. Mr. Bell sits politely on the witness stand and wonders what's happening. He is thoughtful with each response he gives, taking a beat to answer each question the defense asks him about his credibility. Defense even asked him if he brought his C.V. with him. No, Bell responds.Now a discussion with the Judge without the jury present.

Defense believes he can't testify that they are true and accurate depictions of what the exhibits proport to be if he did not actually create the exhibits. The state is now presenting the Strava maps to the Judge for her to see on her own.

The first map we see is a GPX file, a GPS data file that Strava provided, which shows the path a cyclist took displayed on a Google satellite image.Defense making a point that you cannot show satellite maps from Google with data from Strava and expect Mr. Bell to testify about its validity.

The state admits that one of its analysts has plugged the Strava data into a Google Map satellite image. The judge will allow the two images to be published as demonstrative evidence with the understanding that Bell cannot authenticate it.

Jury now back in the courtroom. The exhibits are being published for the jury to see.The first is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which shows the names Moriah Wilson, Kaitlin Armstrong and Colin Strickland. Their email addresses, unique ID numbers, subscriber status and creation date for each athlete. Colin has been a Strava user since 2012, Wilson since 2014, Armstrong since 2018.

More excel spreadsheets with Strava data. Shows the different athlete IDs and whose profiles they were accessing. One excel column, "GET," indicates that an athlete has requested information from someone's Strava profile.

Some IDs are listed as "athletes," others as "pros." Strava will designate a user as a pro once they reach professional status.

Bell pointing out the number of times Moriah Wilson's profile was accessed on the days leading up to her murder. There were at least six instances on the spreadsheet that Bell pointed out.

We are now looking at the previously-questioned satellite images with Strava data overlaid. There is a blue line with a legend that says "afternoon ride." The blue line travels from the scene of the murder and out of the neighborhood.

No further questions from the state.

Defense takes over: Asking about the source of the data we saw in the excel spreadsheet. Bell says it comes from a proprietary aggregate software that Strava uses.Defense asking about the login process and whether or not the app can stay logged in over a period of time.

Bell says the platform and software was recently updated because of security issues, so the map from 2022 does not exist today.

Because of a software update, Bell is not able to tell what type of device Armstrong was using when tracking Mo Wilson's rides. Bell admits that the GPS data on Strava's platform is less detailed and specific than the one's the state created for the jury to review.

Court is adjourned for the evening.Thanks, as always, for following along. Please make sure you follow me and set your alerts if you are interested in this trial and others around the country. I have covered some of the biggest criminal trials in America including Bryan Kohberger, Alex Murdaugh and Lori Vallow-Daybell. You can watch my analysis exclusively on @NewsNation.

Since the judge is only allowing these to be shown as demonstrative evidence and Bell cannot authenticate it, they probably won’t be allowed back in the jury room when they deliberate.

I'm just going by the tweet, but it sounds like it's the maps that will only be considered demonstrative as those were created by an analyst in the DA's office, while the Excel spreadsheets were created by Strava and can be authenticated by the witness.

Next witness: Jacqueline Chasteen, lives in Bentonville, Arkansas. She and her husband are heavily involved in cycling community.Chasteen met Colin and then met Armstrong through Colin. Her husband was a photographer who would shoot races.

In Bentonville, similar to Austin, there is also a restaurant called The Meteor. It is a local hangout for cyclists. It is the same chain as the one in #ATX.Chasteen met Armstrong in 2019 when they were staying with Strickland for his birthday. She and her husband stayed at Colin's home. Upon meeting Armstrong, the two women became friends.

Chasteen says she would see Armstrong a few times a year. She became closer with Kaitlin and would send occasional messages on IG and FB.Observations of Colin/Armstrong relationship: In the beginning, Colin was head over heels. Toward 2021, they weren't doing well. Armstrong confided she didn't know where the relationship stood. Chasteen says that Colin kept Armstrong at "an arms distance." He would say he didn't have a girlfriend.

Chasteen recalls an afterparty at the Meteor in Bentonville. Upon arrival, Armstrong was shooken up. She was trembling and shaking. She told Chasteen that she had found out that Colin had cheated on her but they were back together. Chasteen says Armstrong said Colin had cheated on her with Mo.

Wilson was also at the Meteor at this moment, which is why she believed Armstrong was so upset. Armstrong tells her that Mo was still texting him and reaching out. Armstrong told her that Colin was trying to keep Mo away, but Mo wouldn't leave him alone.

Chasteen did not see Strickland or Wilson interact that night. Chasteen did not see Armstrong or Wilson interact that night.The next day, Chasteen texted Armstrong, thanking her for sharing that information. Chasteen didn't think that they were close enough to share those things, so she thanked her for her honesty and offered support.

We are now looking at those text messages between Chasteen and Armstrong. The date is 1/31/22."Was really good seeing you this weekend. I appreciate you sharing last night and I'm really sorry you're going through this right now. You deserve someone that makes you feel loved. Whoever that might be. Let's go on a trip soon. I'm thinking March.”

Chasteen on the witness stand: "I had told her I was sorry, that I was going through this. She had described how Colin had cheated but while she was describing that, she had said in so many words that she wanted to kill her. That she had thought about it. But how she said it at the time I didn't take it seriously...she said something to the effect that she had bought a gun... I do know the words kill and the words gun were used.”

New texts on screen from Armstrong to Chasteen: "So nice to see you. Sorry to unload so many emotions, it just all came spilling and you being there for me really meant a lot. Definitely available. I would love that.”

Response from Chasteen: "I was happy you felt comfortable talking to me. Anytime you need someone to listen don't hesitate to text or call.”

In the courtroom, Chasteen says she did not know Armstrong liked or owned guns. Had never seen her shoot a gun.In the spring of 2022, Chasteen recalls seeing IG pictures of KA in Mexico alone. Chasteen asked if her and Colin were okay, and Armstrong said yes.

Chasteen says her husband called her after he was contacted informing him that Mo Wilson was killed. She says he didn't have any information about it, but said it might be a burglary. They hang up, but later, he calls again and says that Strickland was the last person Mo was seen with.Hearing this, Chasteen gasped, recalling the conversation she had with Kaitlin at the Meteor.

Chasteen reaches out to APD after sleeping on it. Called the next morning and told them what she knew. At first, she was anonymous. Later on, she revealed her identity to APD.

During the course of the investigation, Chasteen agreed to give her name and be identified. She wanted to be anonymous at first because she didn't want to be wrapped up in the murder. No further questions from the state.

Defense's turn:

Asking about the races in Arkansas. Who attended them? Q: Was Moriah a big name in cycling? The It-Girl of those races in 2022? A: Yes.

Q: Is that why it would be such a big deal that she had been murdered? A: Yes, it was shocking to me.

Her husband did social media for various cycling sponsorships, which is why Chasteen's husband was initially notified. He would have to put out some sort of press release/social post about the event.Defense questions why first phone call from her husband referenced burglary? 2nd phone call really helped her paint the imagery of Armstrong being involved.

Chasteen says there were previous text messages between her and Armstrong before the text messages we viewed on scene. Chasteen says she provided those texts to the district attorney and APD.

Chasteen can't recall if Armstrong stayed at Colin's home the evenings that she and her husband stayed in #ATX to help Colin shoot some social media videos. Chasteen says the two had just started dating.

Chasteen says she did not tell her husband that Colin had cheated when Armstrong confided that to her. She says she did not share with her husband that Armstrong had mentioned a gun and killing someone. Chasteen says she didn't take Armstrong seriously in that moment.

Witness dismissed.Next witness. Keith Cox, General Manager, Carmax. Says there is surveillance video at the dealership.

I’m confused. Did Armstrong become visibly angry and start shaking upon seeing Mo at the Meteor cafe in BOTH Arkansas AND Austin and then tell a friend she would kill her? Or did she tell two different friends at the Meteor cafe on the SAME night?
I joined late today. Couple things jumped out at me, for no particular reason.

KA cycled 25 miles on May 11 and still had the energy to kill. I need a nap after a ten mile ride.

And this seemed odd to me. JC said Armstrong told her she was going to kill Wilson & also said “no, you don’t understand, I bought a gun.” Then JC texts KA the next day to thank her for sharing and invited her to travel together in March. WOW .. I’d be running as far away as I could from KA after being told that. And probably would have warned Mo.

I joined late today. Couple things jumped out at me, for no particular reason.

KA cycled 25 miles on May 11 and still had the energy to kill. I need a nap after a ten mile ride.

And this seemed odd to me. JC said Armstrong told her she was going to kill Wilson & also said “no, you don’t understand, I bought a gun.” Then JC texts KA the next day to thank her for sharing and invited her to travel together in March. WOW .. I’d be running as far away as I could from KA after being told that. And probably would have warned Mo.

Exactly! If a friend or acquaintance told me they were going to kill someone, I wouldn't believe they were serious. But if they then said "no, I bought a gun" ... ? Yeah, I'd freak out and call someone or do something.
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