TX - Multiple Dallas Police Officers shot during downtown protest, 7/7/16

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It is changing so fast. I wish Dallas would issue a curfew for public safety and let the cops relax a notch and just focus on the job right now.
Not necessarily. Gov. Abbott mentioned DPS Chief McGraw in the statement he issued earlier tonight.

This past spring, the City of Dallas and Texas DPS looked into having DPS assist DPD because of a manpower shortage.

I don't think that went further than talks, but my guess is that the current references are DPS and not the National Guard.


My cynical side wants to flare up, but I'll refrain for now. #Dallas

I said earlier that all my criminal profiling expertise comes from Criminal Minds marathons. All my Texas law enforcement expertise comes from Walker Texas Ranger reruns. So I appreciate your insights! :desert::dunno::cowboy:
Watching fox right now, and they are showing police holding a line at the 7/11, and there is a group of men in gang colors and throwing up signs to the cops, laughing and having a grand old time. Earlier I saw a guy just laughing and texting and taking pictures of the camera men. What has happened to this world that we continue to hurt each other and there is so little compassion?

This is nothing new. When I asked about the last time something like this happened I started going over events in my head - Waco. MOVE. Watts. Kent State. Oklahoma City. The bank shootout in Hollywood. That's just off the top of my head, in my lifetime.
I don't remember protests at Waco or in Oklahoma City.

She didn't say it was anything new. What she said was she is saddened and confused about how things like this still happen.
Watching fox right now, and they are showing police holding a line at the 7/11, and there is a group of men in gang colors and throwing up signs to the cops, laughing and having a grand old time. Earlier I saw a guy just laughing and texting and taking pictures of the camera men. What has happened to this world that we continue to hurt each other and there is so little compassion?

I honestly believe it is one-sided most of the time. I have been so saddened by the shootings done by LE the last couple of days. I was proud to see people go out and peacefully protest tonight! I would have done the same, if I didn't have other stuff going on. (I have never had that thought in my mind before.) Then, I watch what has happened tonight and I see people taking pictures and laughing at LE, inserting themselves and not having a care in the world about the job LE does, and how what they are doing is endangering officers. It angers me. LE, as a whole, doesn't deserve this! It's not funny. It's dangerous. I want the outrage and sadness to be on both sides, equally.
I don't remember protests at Waco or in Oklahoma City.

She didn't say it was anything new. What she said was she is saddened and confused about how things like this still happen.

What has happened? <- I mean that's what I was addressing. What has happened? Nothing. It's been like this forever.
There seems to be two pictures of what happened, initially when most of the officers were hit at once 3-5 officers down, the the CNN video of guy in Chevy Tahoe behind white pillar, this seems to have happened much later almost as if the shooter could have escaped but my guess is that this officer was the latest fatality that upped the number to four. It is hard to believe from the hap hazard way of this CNN video w suspect in Tahoe, that all the carnage could have happened from him, seems like a much more coordinated attack precipitated. We may end up finding out that the guy shown and then cleared could be him.
Please don't let this thread go all gun control. There are families who just lost loved ones. This isn't the place for it. Lots of fluidness to this situation still to hear and report. Let's please focus on that instead of gun laws.
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Sorry, did not read your ^ post until after I posted info about TX gun laws & link.
Not advocating anything one way or another.
Important to understand that 'open carry' of long guns & handguns in TX is not illegal, at least not in all circumstances.
I honestly believe it is one-sided most of the time. I have been so saddened by the shootings done by LE the last couple of days. I was proud to see people go out and peacefully protest tonight! I would have done the same, if I didn't have other stuff going on. (I have never had that thought in my mind before.) Then, I watch what has happened tonight and I see people taking pictures and laughing at LE, inserting themselves and not having a care in the world about the job LE does, and how what they are doing is endangering officers. It angers me. LE, as a whole, doesn't deserve this! It's not funny. It's dangerous. I want the outrage and sadness to be on both sides, equally.

I was so proud of how well the protests were going tonight. I was naive in thinking that maybe it would be an example of how everyone could respect each other. I'm not willing to let these criminals take that away from me completely, as there was way more good people than the bad.
Found the photo I was looking for from Dallas PD twitter feed, early in the prote

Things were going well until the sniper shootings.

Edit: Still can't get it to post. Nevermind. Not skilled at Twitter.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="de" dir="ltr">Demonstration in <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Dallas?src=hash">#Dallas</a> @ Belo Garden Park <a href="https://t.co/IUx5IaERSB">pic.twitter.com/IUx5IaERSB</a></p>&mdash; Dallas Police Depart (@DallasPD) <a href="https://twitter.com/DallasPD/status/751222360867418112">July 8, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
I was so proud of how well the protests were going tonight. I was naive in thinking that maybe it would be an example of how everyone could respect each other. I'm not willing to let these criminals take that away from me completely, as there was way more good people than the bad.

This whole night has been an example of that, hasn't it?
I honestly believe it is one-sided most of the time. I have been so saddened by the shootings done by LE the last couple of days. I was proud to see people go out and peacefully protest tonight! I would have done the same, if I didn't have other stuff going on. (I have never had that thought in my mind before.) Then, I watch what has happened tonight and I see people taking pictures and laughing at LE, inserting themselves and not having a care in the world about the job LE does, and how what they are doing is endangering officers. It angers me. LE, as a whole, doesn't deserve this! It's not funny. It's dangerous. I want the outrage and sadness to be on both sides, equally.

I said this on another thread but there are people who can see both sides and have empathy for those that are coming from a different place. There are LOTS of those people, and many of them are even among the police and protestors themselves. I called us the "middle-grounders." WE are the ones who are going to have to step up and get involved now, and drown out the haters who choose to do violence or to justify violence.
There seems to be two pictures of what happened, initially when most of the officers were hit at once 3-5 officers down, the the CNN video of guy in Chevy Tahoe behind white pillar, this seems to have happened much later almost as if the shooter could have escaped but my guess is that this officer was the latest fatality that upped the number to four. It is hard to believe from the hap hazard way of this CNN video w suspect in Tahoe, that all the carnage could have happened from him, seems like a much more coordinated attack precipitated. We may end up finding out that the guy shown and then cleared could be him.

The local news just showed him handing over his weapon to a Dallas officer. The officer handed him a card and told him to call.
#Dallas Morning News editorial:

Our hearts are broken.

For the dead and wounded Dallas officers.

For their loved ones, friends and colleagues.
And for the Dallas Police Department, which has often gotten it right in this ugly time of national tensions between law enforcement and their African-Americans constituents.

A peaceful protest in downtown Dallas on Thursday night, planned to mark police shootings in other cities, morphed into a horrific sniper ambush on the men and women sworn to protect them.

These were police officers who had earlier posed for photos with the demonstrators, shaken their hands and provided security for their rally. Throughout the evening, mutual respect was visible between the two groups.

Likewise, let us all try to keep our grief from morphing into toxic anger. No doubt several evil people set out to do great harm by opening fire on those sworn to protect us.

Mayor Mike Rawlings' assessment was tragically correct: "Our worst nightmare happened."

Now we must wake up and unite. If we lead with anger, nobody wins.

After watching the press conference I am confused.

As far as i can tell the man in the video is not one of the killers. I was 100 percent certain he was not one of them based on the police twitter feed I was reading but now after the press conference, I don't think anything has been nailed down one way or the other for certain.

Let's do this. We know the guy has turned himself in which is the most important thing. Let's keep that video off of Websleuths unless the police actually name him as a suspect.

Everyone, I am sorry but things are changing so fast who knows what we will know in the next 5 minutes

This is camo shirt guy? I have watched another video of him handing his gun to a police officer and the police officer appearing to hand him his business card.
This is camo shirt guy? I have watched another video of him handing his gun to a police officer and the police officer appearing to hand him his business card.

I am thinking he may actually be DPD, off duty working the protest, just like officers work night clubs.
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