TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #2

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But I do find it fascinating that the accusation has been levied in such a public setting that CW has a history of “getting physical”. They have to know they’ll be sued if it’s shown to be complete rubbish.

I hope they do sue! Further on in the podcast JT Tipton starts spinning conspiracy theories: "I tend to believe there is some political pressure. If you look at the demographics of this family and the victims they are wealthy, they are very attractive, they are living in one of most affluent neighborhoods in Boerne. And I just seem to think there is some political pressure to make it look like they (sheriff's office) are solving this case when in reality they don't have the resources to do it."
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I recommend reading about her amazing record of failures as a broadcaster here (MSM links are indexed):

Nancy Grace - Wikipedia

And her prosecutorial career was not without ethical stumbles. I feel it’s better to lose a case now and then, without resorting to dishonesty in the courtroom, which tarnishes the whole profession of law enforcement and the judicial system. The same Wikipedia page says of her ten-year career as a prosecutor, “While a prosecutor, Grace was reprimanded by the Supreme Court of Georgiafor withholding evidence and for making improper statements in a 1997 arson and murder case. The court overturned the conviction in that case and found that Grace's behavior "demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness and was inexcusable." [9] As well, a 2005 federal appeals opinion by Judge William H. Pryor, Jr. found that Grace "played fast and loose" with core ethical rules in a 1990 triple murder case, including the withholding of evidence and allowing a police detective to testify falsely under oath. The 1990 murder conviction was upheld despite Grace's prosecutorial misconduct.”

My impression of NG is of a breathless, over-reaching, accusatory, attention-seeking talking head who will do most anything for ratings. Not a source of accurate information. JMO
I’ll start off by saying I personally don’t think NO killed herself, or her girls. Nancy Grace doesn’t think so either. That said, her rationale for why she doesn’t think NO killed herself or her girls is... I’m not sure what word to use. If I knew nothing else of the case, I can’t imagine being overly impressed with much of her logic. There was a lot of stuff along the lines of she’s smiling in all of her photos, she’s beautiful, etc, as if beautiful, seemingly happy people don’t kill themselves every day.

But I do find it fascinating that the accusation has been levied in such a public setting that CW has a history of “getting physical”. They have to know they’ll be sued if it’s shown to be complete rubbish. Or maybe CW has bigger fish to fry than worrying about what NG has to say on her podcasts.

Her friends have been making a ton of accusations all across social media. Literally a lynch mob. They have no proof to back it up, but if someone questions them or shows the slightest hint that they disagree, they bully and harass the person. This isn’t middle school, and I am shocked that grown women can be such mean girls. I’m in the same age group, actually a handful of years younger, and I would be mortified if my friends behaved like they are. If NO is even a fraction of the person they say she is, she would never condone their behavior.
Would the statement that CW has “gotten physical” with previous girlfriends need to be untrue for a lawsuit to be successful? Basically, are we allowed to make statements about others in public settings if they’re true?

Truth is a 100% fool-proof defense to a defamation lawsuit. If it’s true, it’s not slander/libel no matter how awful the accusation. It’s actually quite hard to prove libel or slander...first you have to prove that not only was the statement false, but the speaker/writer not only KNEW it was false when they said it, but also made the false statement with the intent to cause harm to the plaintiff (ie loss of income, arrest, etc). And then lastly, it has to be proven that the false statement did in fact cause harm. There are some accusations in TX that are considered “per se” defamation, which means the intent to cause harm doesn’t have to be proven bc the accusation is so blatantly/obviously harmful on its face. Ex of per se defamation are things such as accusing someone of a crime (ie this case), accusing someone of having an incurable disease (ie STD), accusing someone of being racist...those are the ones coming to mind but there are others I believe. So cases with those types of accusations are a bit easier to win. If you are a “pubic figure” the rules are a bit different and it gets a whole lot harder to win a suit for defamation.

All that said, as difficult as a defamation lawsuit by be to prove/win, with these facts and accusations, I think CW will have plenty of ammo to sue (and win) some of these women IF he can prove the statements aren’t true. And as defense attorneys always say, “how do you prove a negative or that something DIDN’T happen”???
This doesn’t surprise me even a tiny bit. Mean girls are a real thing. And they’re all over.

Sure mean girls are a real thing. I both live in and grew up in very snobby areas of NY and NJ. I have never seen such mean girl, bullying behavior from a group of middle aged women. I feel second hand embarrassment when I see their bullying posts in action. Major cringe.
Her friends have been making a ton of accusations all across social media. Literally a lynch mob. They have no proof to back it up, but if someone questions them or shows the slightest hint that they disagree, they bully and harass the person. This isn’t middle school, and I am shocked that grown women can be such mean girls. I’m in the same age group, actually a handful of years younger, and I would be mortified if my friends behaved like they are. If NO is even a fraction of the person they say she is, she would never condone their behavior.

And ^^^^this is why I really appreciate the strict TOS on Websleuths. I have a sincere interest in this case but am not drawn to drama. (OK, I occasionally think of snarky replies, but the ever-present Moderators help me keep that to myself...). Here, I know I will not be allowed to say mean things and I know I will not be bullied. I don’t participate in social media dust-ups, whether I agree or disagree with the mob.
I hope they do sue! Further on in the podcast JT Tipton starts spinning conspiracy theories: "I tend to believe there is some political pressure. If you look at the demographics of this family and the victims they are wealthy, they are very attractive, they are living in one of most affluent neighborhoods in Boerne. And I just seem to think there is some political pressure to make it look like they (sheriff's office) are solving this case when in reality they don't have the resources to do it."
And ^^^^this is why I really appreciate the strict TOS on Websleuths. I have a sincere interest in this case but am not drawn to drama. (OK, I occasionally think of snarky replies, but the ever-present Moderators help me keep that to myself...). Here, I know I will not be allowed to say mean things and I know I will not be bullied. I don’t participate in social media dust-ups, whether I agree or disagree with the mob.

AMEN x 1000. I didn’t even know how much I needed this outlet until I found it. lol Now I can’t quit you!!! (though I did need to take a small break due to the lack of new information)
Why does it appear that Nichols friends are the only ones making these allegations against CW? Before some people jump down my throat on this, I understand that her son, brothers, and the two fathers are grieving right now and aren't expected to make any statements. I know the one father made a statement about the living situation and his daughter. However, IMO these people knew her the best, yet I haven't heard one of them make an allegation against CW. Maybe I just missed it.
Why does it appear that Nichols friends are the only ones making these allegations against CW? Before some people jump down my throat on this, I understand that her son, brothers, and the two fathers are grieving right now and aren't expected to make any statements. I know the one father made a statement about the living situation and his daughter. However, IMO these people knew her the best, yet I haven't heard one of them make an allegation against CW. Maybe I just missed it.

A little something I would call class and decorum.
And trust and patience to let LE do their job.
I commend them.
Would the statement that CW has “gotten physical” with previous girlfriends need to be untrue for a lawsuit to be successful? Basically, are we allowed to make statements about others in public settings if they’re true?

He has no charges for such nor any convictions for such.

Out there in cyberland, I see a bunch of rumours … aka the gent on NG bringing up rumours, but I have not seen a single female who he "actually did this to" make any comments. Not a single one. It's like the telephone game, all seeming to stem out of an early post on SM made by someone who said they "heard something", but whom later on admitted they knew neither NO or CW. At this point, CW is NOT a suspect and all these rumours are factually unfounded until one of the alleged victims actually speaks out to MSM or you can dig up a court record showing otherwise.
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I’ve seen at least three separate posts from you where you’ve mentioned a DV conviction. Can you link me to the source showing NO was convicted of a DV charge? I’ve seen multiple mentions and articles referencing an arrest for striking a man in 2014, and I’ve seen mention that the charges were dropped when the witness failed to show up. I’ve not seen anything concrete on an actual conviction. I would be fascinated to read the actual details of a conviction that would be a matter of public record to see what actually happened in the incident. Thanks!

It was in a news article a couple weeks ago. When I was looking for the article the other day, I was unable to find it, but Starkville pulled the court record and posted it into the thread:

It was a charge of:
Assault with bodily injury/Married

Therefore an act of domestic violence against her husband at the time. He failed to show in court, as many DV victims do, but we'd never let a man off the hook of committing the act itself because his abused wife failed to show. (And most times where a DV charge is actually laid isn't the first time an incident has happened). Exactly the opposite if he then went on to commit a Murder/Suicide - we'd all be screaming about "why didn't they press on with a trial for this; it may have prevented this tragedy". He then filed for divorce (a possible lean to motive?? Demonstrated: A relationship breaking down and physical occurance happens with NO lashing out at ex-husband??). Fact is, the DV history exists for NO, not CW.

TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #2
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