TX TX - Phyllis Berry, 21, Terlingua, 1 Nov 1975

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
And here's the text from the November 1975 article from the Odessa American. Some of it might not make sense because the OCR was poor, but at least it is the jist of the article without having to pay the subscription fee:

Texas Hangers are apprehensive about the fate of a pretty 21-year-old Odessa woman who disappeared a month ago while attending a chili cookoff at Terlingua Phyllis Eleanor Berry disappeared without a trace from a crowd of 10,000 She hasn’t been seen or heard from since "Under the circumstance, I fear foul play," said Texas Ranger A Y Allee who has been on the case for the past four weeks. Allee, who is stationed at Alpine, said Miss Berry was last seen about midnight on Nov. 1 sitting around a camp fire about a quarter of a mile from the main headquarters of the chili cooking contest. A vast search of the area by helicopter, on horseback and the use of specially-trained police dogs failed to turn up a single clue "We’ve just run out of leads," Allee explained "We need help Bad "

Miss Berry’s foreign-made auto, containing her purse and her pet dog. was found the morning after her disappearance where she had originally parked it on arriving in Terlingua, Allee said he is pushing his hunt for a missing witness who might be able to shed some light on the case. The Ranger said Miss Berry was seen riding a motorcycle with a youthful companion for a couple of hours before she disappeared "It was a Honda 350 and dark in color," Allee said. "It was driven by a young man with blond hair in his early 20s " Alee was emphatic that the man on the motorcycle is not a suspect "We just want to talk to him," Allee said The investigator said he has been unable to substantiate two reports circulating about the missing woman. One said Miss Berry called lawmen in Odessa to report she was alive and well. Another was that she was spotted in a tavern across the Rio Grande in Mexico. "We just can’t run them down," Allee said "We’ve heard that a girl and a guy were spotted in the bar But we can't say for sure that it was Miss Berry Although he personally checked with the Odessa Police Department and the Ector County Sheriffs Department, Allee said he can find no one who received a telephone call from the missing girl, "Maybe it was a prank call. Something to throw us off the track."

Allee said Miss Berry made the weekend trip to Terlingua with two other Odessans, her roommate Vangie Strait and a friend, Terry Robert Bailey. After arriving at Terlingua. Allee said, Bailey went to visit friends while Miss Strait took a nap in a friend’s camper and Miss Berry went motorcycle riding. Later that evening, after the sun had gone down, a large crowd attended an impromptu dance. Miss Berry ran into two friends from Odessa, John Jackson and Dale Wade. She also met a third man named Jim from Austin who Jackson had picked up as a hitchhiker en route to Terlingua. According to Jackson, Miss Berry appeared in good spirits “I saw her dancing with several fellas and she appeared to be having a good time," Jackson recalled. Shortly before midnight, Jackson said, he and Miss Berry returned to camp with Wade on Wade’s motorcycle. He said Jim followed a few moments later on foot. "Wc just stood around for a few minutes eating Fritos and bean dip." Jackson said "The fire had just about burned down and she asked us to get more wood for the fire," Jackson said "I don’t remember her exact words, but she said she was going to sit by the fire and wait for us to return. "Jim sat with her on the cot for a minute or two and then joined us about 20 feet away where we were gathering the wood. "We all walked back to the campfire a few minutes later and she was gone," Jackson said. "She was there one minute and gone the next. She just kinda slipped away. "At first I thought she must have gone down the hill to party some more," Jackson said “Or to use the Hammond Draws Line On Closed Door Meets bathroom." A short time later, probably not more than five minutes, Bailey came to the camp in Miss Berry’s auto looking for her. "He was driving her car and had her Irish setter puppy." Jackson said He said Wade rode around for about an hour on his motorcycle looking for the girl unsuccessfully. "We didn’t think too much about it," Jackson explained. "We figured maybe she just went down the hill " The trio turned in for the night The next morning, Jackson said. Jim walked down the road to catch a ride back to Austin Wade packed up and headed back to Odessa Jackson said he remained behind and spent half of Sunday with Bailey searching, for the missing woman. Jackson returned to Odessa Sunday night but Miss Strait and Bailey remained behind to hunt for their missing friend Miss Strait said she and Bailey telephoned back to Odessa Sunday night thinking Miss Berry caught a ride home with friends The first missing person report to the sheriff's office at Alpine was made Sunday night by telephone from Odessa "The last time I saw her was about 10:30 or U o’clock Saturday night," Miss Strait said "She seemed to be having a good time .’’

A light plane was called into the search Monday morning as Terlingua returned to ghost town status with the exodus of the throng It was fruitless Miss Strait said another plea was made to the sheriff’s office at Alpine Monday night when no trace had been found of Miss Berry. Texas Ranger and a larger ground party joined in the search Tuesday morning The manhunt continued Wednesday, but was called off after the false report that Miss Berry had been in telephone contact with law enforcement officials in Odessa Miss Strait and Bailey returned to Odessa Wednesday night. When she was last seen. Miss Berry was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a tan and black shirt and a pair of knee-high granny boots which laced up the front "We haven’t been able to come up with anything concrete," said another Texas Ranger working on the investigation "The longer she is gone, the more apt we are to think that something has happened to her "We have no evidence that she went off by herself On the other hand, we have nothing to indicate she was carried away by force. "We need to find out when she was last seen and by whom." Allee said he fears foul play "because she wasn’t in trouble and had no reason to run." "Something is wrong," said Mrs Ruth Matheny of 4209 Locust, Miss Berry’s aunt also said she fears for her niece's safety. "She just vanished info thin air," Mrs. Matheny said "It’s just not like her," Mrs. Matheny said "If she was okay, she'd get in touch with us. I just know she would " Mrs Matheny said. "Her car was left behind and her dog was in it So was her purse I know she didn’t go off alone and leave everything behind " She called the disappearance. “A complete mystery " "Because of the false reports," Mrs Matheny said, "a lot of people think she has been found But we don’t know any more today than we did. four weeks ago " "God, I wish we could hear some good news."

This jumps out at me for some reason: "A short time later, probably not more than five minutes, Bailey came to the camp in Miss Berry’s auto looking for her. "He was driving her car and had her Irish setter puppy."

Why was this person driving Phyllis' car? If Phyllis had just disappeared, what made this person go out 'looking for her'?

How far could this person have gone in the short amount of time?

And the big question, in my mind: Did the on-site LE do any kind of investigation on/in Phyllis car?

Or, am I reading this incorrectly? Perhaps Bailey had borrowed the car to go visit the friends as mentioned in the previous paragraph? Yet, her car was still sitting where it had been parked on their arrival? I know, 42 years later and too many questions unanswered.
Alleykins, I got a hold of him and confirmed that the DNA sample and fingerprints are in the database.

My questions now are:
1. So, does that mean when a fingerprint is found it is compared to it every time a print is found?
2. Something for DNA?

Reason I ask is that one theory is that she up and left. If that is the case, then the chances of her going undetected by the system, getting a driver's license, etc, doesn't seem feasible. Right?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Questions 1 & 2
Yes, as long as Phyllis's fingerprints and DNA are in AFIS and CODIS, they will automatically compare any set of unidentified remains fingerprints and DNA to hers. If she were arrested again any time after AFIS was created, her prints would have been compared to any prints in the database. Prior to AFIS, it would depend on if and when the prints were digitized. The good news is the FBI is updating a lot of their fingerprint records and has rolled out some new technology lately. Recently they've solved a few missing person's cases with these updates. The same would apply to dental records, if Phyllis had them on file.

As far as the possibility she up an left, I don't see that as out of the realm of possibilities. Prior to the information super highway, especially back in the 70s, it would have been easier for her to go undetected than today. Has your wife asked the Rangers if Phyllis's social security number has been used since her disappearance?
If you have a moment, do a search for Anita Drake, a 15 year old who went missing in the late 60s. Her family was adamant she was kidnapped and killed, but she wasn't. She'd run away from home to escape abuse and start a new life. It was only when she died of cancer 39 years later and her daughter realized her mother wasn't who she said she was, that the truth came out. I figure if a 15 year old girl can do it, more people could have done it.
Mary Day ran away in the early 1980s when she was only 12. We just found out recently she's alive and well, too, only we don't know the particulars.
Also, I would recommend your wife put her DNA out on the genealogy/ancestry sites to see what shakes out, if she hasn't already.

Questions 1 & 2
Yes, as long as Phyllis's fingerprints and DNA are in AFIS and CODIS, they will automatically compare any set of unidentified remains fingerprints and DNA to hers. If she were arrested again any time after AFIS was created, her prints would have been compared to any prints in the database. Prior to AFIS, it would depend on if and when the prints were digitized. The good news is the FBI is updating a lot of their fingerprint records and has rolled out some new technology lately. Recently they've solved a few missing person's cases with these updates. The same would apply to dental records, if Phyllis had them on file.

As far as the possibility she up an left, I don't see that as out of the realm of possibilities. Prior to the information super highway, especially back in the 70s, it would have been easier for her to go undetected than today. Has your wife asked the Rangers if Phyllis's social security number has been used since her disappearance?
If you have a moment, do a search for Anita Drake, a 15 year old who went missing in the late 60s. Her family was adamant she was kidnapped and killed, but she wasn't. She'd run away from home to escape abuse and start a new life. It was only when she died of cancer 39 years later and her daughter realized her mother wasn't who she said she was, that the truth came out. I figure if a 15 year old girl can do it, more people could have done it.
Mary Day ran away in the early 1980s when she was only 12. We just found out recently she's alive and well, too, only we don't know the particulars.
Also, I would recommend your wife put her DNA out on the genealogy/ancestry sites to see what shakes out, if she hasn't already.

I try to wrap my head around Phyllis leaving her dog. And her girl friend, that Phyllis was due to keep camping out with. And, though it is possible that she ran off to start a new life, all of the known information gives me alarm bells on this young woman.

Perhaps someone out there could put together one of those fund-me campaigns, to explore all those abandoned mine shafts?

Something to rule out those possibilities. Those bone and cadaver dogs must be expensive.

But would that make sense, if she really did disappear on her own?

I know if she was my daughter, I would turn over every stone.
I'd be very interested in searching the mine shafts. I have always wanted to mountain bike near terlingua. Maybe if i could find a map, i could do both!
I'd be very interested in searching the mine shafts. I have always wanted to mountain bike near terlingua. Maybe if i could find a map, i could do both!

I heard it was very dangerous because of all the old mineshafts, so if you do, please be very careful!
Thanks for the word of warning. I would do my best to plot a course well in advance!
It would be fantastic if this was Phyllis after all this time, but what are the odds it's a Mexican migrant who didn't make it?

Unfortunately if it IS Phyllis and the bones have been on or close to the surface for decades it's likely the DNA will be too degraded for analysis.

I had similar thoughts when I posted, but I don't see anyone else missing from this area.

And it is sort of curious that the articles says:

"They state that a positive identification will be known after an autopsy has been conducted."

Makes me wonder if they have an idea who this could be. Perhaps ID was found with the remains?
I had similar thoughts when I posted, but I don't see anyone else missing from this area.

And it is sort of curious that the articles says:

"They state that a positive identification will be known after an autopsy has been conducted."

Makes me wonder if they have an idea who this could be. Perhaps ID was found with the remains?

I read that, too, with the same head scratching confusion. I'm thinking something was found with the remains that points to the identity.
TX – Phyllis Eleanor Berry, W/F, 21, Terlingua, Brewster County, 1-2 Nov 1975

Phyllis Eleanor Berry

*Alias; Phyllis Eleanor Benny, Phyllis Eleanor Ecklison

M0007006.jpg M000706c.jpg

Last Seen: November 1st - 2nd, 1975

Missing From: Terlingua, Brewster County, Texas

Sex: Female
Age: 21 Years Old
DOB: 09/16/54
Height: 5’3”-5’7” (63”-67”)
Weight: 110-120 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Clothing: Tan and black shirt, blue jeans, knee high granny boots that laced up the front
/Medical/Scars: Pierced ears, flat brown mole on her lower right abdomen and a freckle between her thumb and right wrist, slight space between #8 & #9 two front teeth, slender build, prior pregnancy
Fingerprint Status
: Available
Dental Status: Available
DNA Status: Available

Phyllis was last seen in Terlingua, Brewster County, Texas at the “Terlingua Chili Cookoff” 12 miles from the Mexican Border. Terlingua is an old cinnabar mining ghost town with many abandoned mines in the area.

Phyllis and her roommate had quit their jobs accompanied by the roommate, a friend and a dog, the trio packed up clothes and food into Phyllis vehicle and had planned to camp in the area after the event ended.

At approximately midnight a few friends that had met up with Phyllis and her roommate at the event went to gather wood. Phyllis stayed behind by the dwindling campfire. When the group returned Phyllis had disappeared, her car, dog, purse and earrings were found however no Phyllis.

Phyllis was seen riding on back of a dark colored Honda 350 motorcycle a few hours prior to her disappearance with a male with blonde hair and appeared to be in his 20’s. LE was seeking the male whom Phyllis had been seen with, it was stated he was not a suspect however LE wanted to speak with him.

There was an extensive search of the area that lasted several days and included a plane, police dog, horseback and foot search by Phyllis friends and Texas Rangers.

Phyllis was from Odessa, TX and had spent a bit of time in Germany with a relative.

Investigating Agencies:
Texas Rangers, Company “E”
3500 N State Hwy 118
Alpine, TX. 79830
Tele: 432.447.3533
E-Mail: rangers@dps.texas.gov
MP Case # 961
Web: TxDPS - Texas Rangers Field Operations

Texas Department of Safety, Missing Persons Clearinghouse
PO Box 4087
Austin, TX. 78773
Tele: 512.424.5074 / 800.346.3243
MP Case # M0007006
Contact: Susan Burroughs
Web: mpDetails

NCIC # M-400921199

Information Sources:
MP Case # 2927: Missing Person Case
Case Manager: Michael Nance
Tele: 917.527.0080
E-Mail: Michael.Nance@unthsc.edu

The Doe Network
MP Case # 544DFTX - 544DFTX - Phyllis Eleanor Berry

The Charley Project
Phyllis Eleanor Berry – The Charley Project

Crime Stoppers, Odessa
Odessa Crime Stoppers

09/25/77 – The Odessa American, Terlingua West site of cookoff slated Oct 8
11/06/75 – El Heraldo de Brownsville, Texas News in Brief
11/30/75 – The Odessa American, Odessa Girl’s Fate Unknown
10/16/76 – The Odessa American, Mystery Shrouds Disappearance of Odessan from Terlingua
Last edited:
There are a few things rolling around in my head

*Were there any polygraphs given to the last individuals to have seen Phyllis
*Was Phyllis's car at the campsite or was it gone when she had returned from the dance with JJ, DW and J. It sounds as thou the (4) of them were at the campsite for a little bit before going to collect wood. The only persons whom were not there were TB and VS whom showed up later. There is some open holes and leaving open all possibilities of what happened to Phyllis.

Reading back through a few years of articles Phyllis seems to have a hard time and I could see where (1) theory would be thought that she left of her own accord. Working through a few different theories ...

WOW ... this is an incredibly intriguing case and for one want Phyllis found!!!!
Phyllis Eleanor Berry
  • phyllis_eleanor_berry_1.jpg
  • phyllis_eleanor_berry_2.jpg
  • phyllis_eleanor_berry_3.jpg
  • phyllis_eleanor_berry_4.jpg
Berry, circa 1975; Age-progressions to age 45 (circa 1999)

  • Missing Since11/01/1975
  • Missing FromTerlingua, Texas
  • ClassificationEndangered Missing
  • SexFemale
  • RaceWhite
  • Date of Birth09/16/1954 (65)
  • Age21 years old
  • Height and Weight5'5, 110 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry DescriptionA tan and black shirt, blue jeans and knee-high granny boots that laced up the front.
  • Distinguishing CharacteristicsCaucasian female. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Berry has a flat brown mole on the lower right side of her abdomen. Her ears are pierced and she has a slight space between her upper front teeth and a freckle between her thumb and right wrist. She may be known as Phyllis Benny and/or Phyllis Ecklison.
Details of Disappearance
Berry was last seen in Terlingua, Texas on November 1, 1975, near the Mexican border, at the annual World Championship Chili Cook-Off. Some ten to fifteen thousand people attended the event. Berry lived in Odessa, Texas; she and her female roommate had quit their jobs and planned to camp out in the area. They had packed food and clothes into Berry's vehicle and also had an Irish Setter puppy that belonged to her.

Berry disappeared at around midnight and was last seen sitting around a campfire about a quarter-mile from the headquarters of the cooking contest. She may have left the area riding on the back of a Honda 350 motorcycle with an unidentified male, described as being in his twenties with blond hair.

Berry has never been seen again. Because she was happy with her life and because she left all her belongings behind, her roommate doesn't believe she left of her own accord. Foul play is suspected in her case.
Investigating Agency
  • Texas Rangers 432-249-0961
Source Information
Was it the tribal information that was updated? I don't recall seeing that before.
She also has quite a few rule-outs, which is always good to see.
Was it the tribal information that was updated? I don't recall seeing that before.
She also has quite a few rule-outs, which is always good to see.
It wasn’t there before, was it?! I don’t remember seeing it there either.

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