Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Is it safe for a nurse mom to take a sleeping aid when she has a four year old also in the home? Did she believe Dad was caring for both girls? If so, and if Dad knew she took sleeping aids, he leaves home at 4 AM to dispose of a body and leaves the four year old asleep in a home with a zonked out mom who doesn't awaken to noises. Not blaming mom, but wow, it makes him look even worse.

Would depend on whathow much. I have severe PTSD from my past (which you may have read a bit about in some of my previous posts) and as a result I take several prescribed sleep medications. Even with fairly high doses, I still hear when my child calls my name, and I wake to fully alert when they do so. I am not stumbling around slurring my words sort of thing. BUT, if this was not my "normal" my body would clearly respond differently, so I am saying she MAY take a sleep aid nightly, therefore she would still likely be perfectly functioning if a child were to be up sick and needing extra help, calling her name and so on, but otherwise she would be in a sleep-state where whatever "normal" sounds in her house wouldn't generally affect her. That is the case with how my medications work for me.

Something else that just came to mind is some of my own medications say that they can also be used to treat seizures and other disorders. We do not know Sini's medical history but if she is prone to something like seizures she may take a medication every night that does carry the "drowsiness" side effect. Again, we do not know, and I am not trying to sleuth her, just trying to put out plausible reasons why she may not have heard anything out of the ordinary...

Again, white noise, ear plugs, sleeping with her headphones in to a podcast, Netflix or those ASMR (think thats what they are called) things, all could have been factors we aren't considering, and yet many people do regularly.

I know plenty of people who have a habit of sleeping with TV's on loud, movies or games on their phones with earbuds, music with earbuds, white noise with ear buds, white noise machines, ASMR with earbuds and so on...

Also, have to remember that a lot of times nurses and Dr's sleep IN THE HOSPITAL. When I am in the hospital I get no rest because of beeping and lights and doors, but they are so used to those sounds that they can and do go and take time to get a decent rest when things are quiet...

And with that, say the car door beeped as he loaded up AND she did hear it while asleep, it easily could have went into her subconscious as the sounds of work...

UGH so many reasons why she could have slept through. I know all of us as parents want to say "that would never be me" but if every single one of us who said that was right, these bad things would never happen....

IF we add in the possibility that WM premeditated this we could also go further back into the night and see if maybe they had a glass of wine or if he made dinner or something, it could have been drugged to make sure she would sleep through and she may not ever have had a clue... had they done a blood test on her the morning they called in they may have found that out, but we will never know if there was something to CAUSE her to sleep that maybe she wasn't even aware of...
While no one knows what really happened...I imagine if he is responsible for the death of his daughter...he probably does feel horrible about it. People snap. It's not an excuse. But it happens. It does not mean he feels good or proud about what he (allegedly) did. At least he turned himself in. That is more than what most people are willing to do.

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I wonder if the fact he turned himself in is why he is/was on suicide watch? Someone who is guilt driven enough to confess to "Assisting" in killing their child sounds like a red flag for suicide watch IMO...
PERHAPS the police are giving the Indian news to pass on to WM Family in India and wifes family to embarass them and get them to talk. JMO

I am thinking it may be more that the India government is involved and wants answers. They are getting these reports and sharing with the news media there as they aren't as concerned with what the US law enforcement is concerned with. Anytime something like this happens the government the child comes from takes it serious and may threaten to stop adoptions to this country if they don't get answers. There is a lot on the line and if another government deserves the info they will get it and the US cannot control how they use it. The link I posted earlier with info on the post-adoption reports and the eating issues is being run in all India's big news outlets. But India would have those reports anyway because they were sent to them.
Oh for Pete's sake! Sgt. Perlich told reporters yesterday (October 24):

"She has an opportunity to come in and talk to us right now but whether she comes in or not, we're going to move forward with this investigation so it's either with or without her cooperation."

That statement doesn't mesh with Mr. Nolte's statement. So who are we to believe? Why is it so complicated? Right now there's no evidence that anyone but WM is involved in Sherin's murder so why does this have to be so convoluted?

Yes, why is it so convoluted? In my opinion someone is covering for the other. I am not sure who the real culprit is right now. I am sitting on the fence for more info. JMO
I wonder if the fact he turned himself in is why he is/was on suicide watch? Someone who is guilt driven enough to confess to "Assisting" in killing their child sounds like a red flag for suicide watch IMO...

According to news reports he was put on suicide watch because of his assessment at intake. The story is posted here....somewhere.
Interesting sidenote of the 911 call:
My guess is that this was possibly a miscommunication between WM & the 911 operator or perhaps whomever wrote the narrative (to the first charging documents I believe is what this was from), but originally, the narrative said that WM reported that his daughter would not EAT. Then, when the 2 officers arrived to the house, it was that she wouldn't drink her milk.

Again, I'm thinking this might be a miscommunication. Or, it could be the very first inconsistency in his stories.

(Narrative is at :36 mark of this video)

Does this mean he has declined his attorney? As in, no longer represented? Also, I am happy to see the towel gone, LOL... IMO his eyes do look like he hasn't slept in a year and appear very blood shot and red like he has been grieving...


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We have to remember, that nurses are people too. Their bodies have issues and deficiencies that the rest of us do.

We don't know what problems or medications Sini might have had.

I have known several nurses in my life and they also have medical issues. So taking a sleep aid or a prescription med is not out of the normal for them. They need their rest too. They have a high stress job, they are in charge of other people's lives.

They are human and make human mistakes, as people, as parents, as wives, or husbands, as brothers or sisters, as neighbors or friends. They are not perfect

It would be a mistake to paint this woman with a broad brush of "she should have___________because she's a mother/nurse."
We have to remember, that nurses are people too. Their bodies have issues and deficiencies that the rest of us do.

We don't know what problems or medications Sini might have had.

I have known several nurses in my life and they also have medical issues. So taking a sleep aid or a prescription med is not out of the normal for them. They need their rest too. They have a high stress job, they are in charge of other people's lives.

They are human and make human mistakes, as people, as parents, as wives, or husbands, as brothers or sisters, as neighbors or friends. They are not perfect

It would be a mistake to paint this woman with a broad brush of "she should have___________because she's a mother/nurse."

Thank you for saying this! I hope I wasn't implying that as a nurse she shouldn't have been doing any of the things I pointed to as "normal" or as things I have witnessed in many nurses I do know personally. If Sini worked with really ill children like I have seen rumored, there is a high chance she lost patients far far far too young, that alone often has an effect on the health and sleep of a medical professional... It could also be a reason why people seem to think she is "cold" and not very "maternal". When you have seen it all, and are suddenly going through it, it is something that you are bound to process differently than a person who has never been around death etc before. I hope that makes sense...
So I am reading and I am gathering that CARA may not of been informed that CPS had interaction with Sherin and that is making people upset..

"As per rules, the AFAA, the central authority of Indian diplomatic mission or concerned government department, as the case may be, shall report the progress of the adopted child for two years from his/her date of arrival in the receiving country. The CARA official told TOI that the AFAA is supposed to conduct the post-adoption follow-up, which include home visits, studying whether the child has adjusted to the new environment, and if the child is happy with the adoptive parents. "
Bugged me that people were picking at this because my spellcheck says its wrong every single time I type Sherin, on any of my devices... it is super easy to not correct a word that appears "wrong" multiple times...

Girl, if I was paying my lawyer and my daughter had passed I would WANT her name spelled right in the ONE press release I do. JMO!
I so know that feeling, when I've missed something like that. However, a high paid, high power attorney, in this case which is receiving incredible scrutiny.... not good form. If there job is to rehabilitate the mother's perception in the public eye, they missed the mark with a small error like that. IMO.

Kinda like the FIRST ONE! Who said she was "Grieving" Sherin before we really knew where she was.
Nurses seem to run in my family and IME many of them, esp ones who work long shifts or shift work, often take a sleep aid. Not the healthiest of habits, but it does seem to be a trend among nurses that I am both related to, and ones that I just know... I read someone comment on FB that SM was a nurse in the NICU when their child was there and while I know we can't confirm that as anything more than speculation, IF she was working such an incredibly intense shift with such extremely fragile patients, she and WM may have had some sort of arrangement where he got up with the kids as he didn't need to be 100% alert every single day and in her case peoples lives literally depend on whether or not she has brain perhaps a sleep aid, or ear plugs or maybe this was a schedule that have had for the past year where he has always got up with Sherin, she may have bonded with him the quickest and easiest because she understood what he was saying so it made sense for him to wake up and it jst stuck. If the routine was always that dad got up, eventually, mom wouldn't hear it, it would be no different than getting used to trains going by, or living in an area with a lot of traffic and adjusting etc... Unless she heard something completely abnormal it's unlikely that she would have roused if a noisy night feeding was routine...

As for the car, they had three cars, I keep seeing people saying that she should have heard the garage door open and the car pull out etc, but if I recall the video of the cars being taken, the Acura was backed into the driveway while the other two vehicles were parked inside of the garage. Would she have heard a car start that was nearly on the street? I wouldn't think so... and I definitely don't think she would have noticed or roused enough if she had taken a sleep aid of any type, even if it was a supplement like melatonin, or if she had ear plugs in.

I am a natural night owl, I live with family that is natural morning people. I have two teenagers here who are often awake before me. I hear them if they say "mommy" but I don't hear them otherwise. My dad gets up for work everyday at around 4-5am and I only ever hear him if I am just starting to fall asleep, if I am already asleep I hear nothing despite the fact that my room is below the kitchen. My mom also runs the dishwasher every day before she goes to work and it happens to be almost exactly above my bed, it is an older model and therefore loud, but I don't hear it unless I am already waking up. Again, if someone says my name or "mommy" I do hear that, and I also hear the dogs etc, but the every day predictable sounds are completely unnoticed which makes me think if Sini was asleep that it was likely because it was the routine... JMO and IME
I completely agree and we had a similar discussion earlier in this thread.
We also don't know the layout of the house. It's 2300 sq ft and one story. Many times houses are built with the master suite separate from other bedrooms. It's very possible that the garage is off the kitchen and laundry is between them. Nearly impossible to hear if your bedroom is near the front door.

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Example of house size below:
Sini may be uninvolved in this. WM may have been mentally abusive and cruel to her. Sini may have tried repeatedly to get into the punishment he handed out to the girls, only to find herself slugged, beaten and mentally belittered more. Most women don't know what to do when they find themselves in this situation.

Can you imagine to awaken and discover your husband had made your child disappear ?? What horror and what a nightmare! Me, I'd be screaming, and pounding on him! A doctor would have to sedate me and get him out of my sight! Everyone isn't as reactive as I am, however, this Mama Bear will go bat crazy if one of my Baby Bears are touched!

Sini must have been sedated in the courtroom on Monday. I was proud of her no reaction to being in the same room with WM.

My response to her not talking to LE again is she has told them everything she knows or everything WM told her to say. She doesn't know how to answer the new questions. She doesn't know and is Leary of trick questions LE will ask to confuse her.

Would you remember the exact way you phrased a sentence the first time they questioned her? Exactly, that is what they are trying to do! Sini needs to stick with her attorney's advice.

Wonder if the autopsy is going to show inconclusive results. That would be a big deterrent in proving the charges on WM. What do you think?
I completely agree and we had a similar discussion earlier in this thread.
We also don't know the layout of the house. It's 2300 sq ft and one story. Many times houses are built with the master suite separate from other bedrooms. It's very possible that the garage is off the kitchen and laundry is between them. Nearly impossible to hear if your bedroom is near the front door.

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Thanks for the layout! I hadn't seen it before! Imagine how hard it would have been to hear if Sini was asleep in either the Master or the front living room with a TV on? It was a Friday night, presuming no one had to work the next day WM and Sini may have stayed up late, indulged in an adult beverage or two, and Sini woke up to hell...

Also, I notice that there ARE either sliding doors or french doors to the back yard. We hadn't been told in the original affidavit if he used the sliding doors to go to the tree or went through the garage, but the fence does have a gate, so either would have been possible, the garage also appears to have a door that enters into the backyard, so if BDRM 3 was Sherins (just speculating as in my family the youngest always had the smaller room) WM could have went straight out through the laundry, into the garage, through the yard and fence and into the Acura and avoided any sounds of the garage door raising or closing... To my knowledge it was the Acura that was backed into the driveway and NOT parked in the garage... JMO and random thoughts!
Does it happen often for someone to go to the police station and turn themselves in for something like this?

What would you surmise it might mean, what someone would be thinking, to go to the police rather than wait for the police to gather more evidence and come for them?

I can think of two explanations. One is that what he did was far more horrendous to what he is copping to and he hopes to prevent further investigation that would reveal what it is. The other is that he actually feels shame and remorse for his role in the death and disappearance of his daughter and sought to end the tension of awaiting an inevitable arrest by confessing. No bets either way, though.

A possible third reason comes to mind...that he has a very strong need to protect another involved party for whatever reason (remember, LE was saying there might be another arrest or arrests). That reason might be because the accomplice might be someone he's close to, OR, (less likely but also possible) an accomplice might be threatening him to take the fall for the entire thing or harm will come to people he cares about.

WM's quickness to implicate himself (twice now) with a story that is as heinous as it is ludicrous is unusual IMO. It is one of the main reasons why I think he did not act alone, in fact. His actions and statements, while illogical, also seem calculated and diversionary to me.
Thanks for the layout! I hadn't seen it before! Imagine how hard it would have been to hear if Sini was asleep in either the Master or the front living room with a TV on? It was a Friday night, presuming no one had to work the next day WM and Sini may have stayed up late, indulged in an adult beverage or two, and Sini woke up to hell...

Also, I notice that there ARE either sliding doors or french doors to the back yard. We hadn't been told in the original affidavit if he used the sliding doors to go to the tree or went through the garage, but the fence does have a gate, so either would have been possible, the garage also appears to have a door that enters into the backyard, so if BDRM 3 was Sherins (just speculating as in my family the youngest always had the smaller room) WM could have went straight out through the laundry, into the garage, through the yard and fence and into the Acura and avoided any sounds of the garage door raising or closing... To my knowledge it was the Acura that was backed into the driveway and NOT parked in the garage... JMO and random thoughts!

I dont believe those are the actual floorplans of 919 Sunningdale..... (Not that it couldnt be similar or that their master bedroom could in fact be far from the garage)
Thanks for the layout! I hadn't seen it before! Imagine how hard it would have been to hear if Sini was asleep in either the Master or the front living room with a TV on? It was a Friday night, presuming no one had to work the next day WM and Sini may have stayed up late, indulged in an adult beverage or two, and Sini woke up to hell...

Also, I notice that there ARE either sliding doors or french doors to the back yard. We hadn't been told in the original affidavit if he used the sliding doors to go to the tree or went through the garage, but the fence does have a gate, so either would have been possible, the garage also appears to have a door that enters into the backyard, so if BDRM 3 was Sherins (just speculating as in my family the youngest always had the smaller room) WM could have went straight out through the laundry, into the garage, through the yard and fence and into the Acura and avoided any sounds of the garage door raising or closing... To my knowledge it was the Acura that was backed into the driveway and NOT parked in the garage... JMO and random thoughts!
No that's just a random layout as an example based on what the to of their house looks like plus sq ftage, etc

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