Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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I think I read (correct me if I'm mistaken) that SM has weekly visits with her daughter, not sure which day though, so not sure if she has seen her daughter since Sundays discovery....

I wonder if the older sister has been told the news yet. Her little heart must be more confused and hurting even more if she has. :(

I think in this case her age along with her faith, will help to lessen any blow, but i have wondered and even asked Maria Guerrero if older sister had been told and she was not able to answer.

I expect that since she is a Christian that whomever told her has explained to her that her little sister is living in Heaven with Jesus now... for some reason little ones seem to understand this better than many adults.

She is probably wondering when she can go home and live with her mommy though. I have heard little ones say things in the face of death that they have to be with their mommy or grandma now and take care of them because they will be sad.
I'm not quite sure why some are stating that the father turned himself in to LE and confessed. I have not read that he has confessed to anything other than being present when Sherin "choked" on the milk and quit breathing. He has only admitted that he "assisted" her in drinking the milk. Careful wording on his part, IMO. He is insinuating that her death was accidental.
Personally I don't think that he had a case of feeling guilt. I think he feels that what happened to Sherin wasn't his fault at all but her own fault for not "listening" to him and drinking her milk as ordered. I think he is a man who has to be in control of everything, including controlling when he goes to the police department. He decides when to go in, not LE making the decision on when to bring him in.
I also think that the mother is doing exactly what he instructed her to do ie., keep her mouth shut and just say she was sleeping.
Just my opinion here.

I think we are saying "confessed" because he stated he removed her body from the home. He did NOT confess to killing her, but he did confess to removing her, which implies he also dumped her. :(
The woman with the Sash at 7:27 am on October 7th, as reported by a witness to Maria Guerrero, ended up being not relevant to the case apparently.....

Okay thank you!!! I couldn't recall if she was ruled in or out as Sini or if it was even looked into!

That does help with my THEORY that Sini likely had an alarm set for 8am and why it was 12 mins after that 911 was called.

I'm not quite sure why some are stating that the father turned himself in to LE and confessed. I have not read that he has confessed to anything other than being present when Sherin "choked" on the milk and quit breathing. He has only admitted that he "assisted" her in drinking the milk. Careful wording on his part, IMO. He is insinuating that her death was accidental.
Personally I don't think that he had a case of feeling guilt. I think he feels that what happened to Sherin wasn't his fault at all but her own fault for not "listening" to him and drinking her milk as ordered. I think he is a man who has to be in control of everything, including controlling when he goes to the police department. He decides when to go in, not LE making the decision on when to bring him in.
I also think that the mother is doing exactly what he instructed her to do ie., keep her mouth shut and just say she was sleeping.
Just my opinion here.

I agree 100% with everything you’re saying about WM. I believe someone who had a guilty conscience would have told the truth from the beginning, and I do not believe he has told the truth as of yet. He is trying to control everything and put a spin on everything, including his own arrest, and get ahead of LE on anything they might find to control how it’s viewed. He comes across as a sick narcissist (“she wouldn’t listen to me” wahh wahh “I assisted her” what a lovely word choice... aren’t you just the victim here) who believes himself to be far more clever and cunning than he really is.
I think we are saying "confessed" because he stated he removed her body from the home. He did NOT confess to killing her, but he did confess to removing her, which implies he also dumped her. :(

You are so right about the removal of her body. I neglected to include that admittance in my post. I don't know how he could have explained it any other way since her body had been found. I think he was forced to have to admit this part. I wish we knew why he felt the need to lie about her death and the removal and concealment of her body.
It could open to the laundry room, it could open to the kitchen, a mudroom or foyer or living room or small hallway. All we know is how many/where the windows are located, the fenced in yard and garage. No idea what the inside floorplan is and the possibilities are numerous. We don't even know if each window represents a different room or if 2 windows represent one large room, etc.

Most all the homes in Texas are built VERY story vs 2 story is the only difference I saw.
One story with the garage, usually has the laundry room coming in from the garage and then into the hallway near bedrooms. Based on experience visiting homes in the area.
I agree 100% with everything you’re saying about WM. I believe someone who had a guilty conscience would have told the truth from the beginning, and I do not believe he has told the truth as of yet. He is trying to control everything and put a spin on everything, including his own arrest, and get ahead of LE on anything they might find to control how it’s viewed. He comes across as a sick narcissist who believes himself to be far more clever and cunning than he really is.

Yes, this.
Not necessarily... it has been rumored that a woman was walking in the alley during the 7am hour, no one has identified this as Sini, but if she woke up and WM said "i gave her milk and went to check on her and she was gone" Sini may have ran out of the house to look up and down the alley and rushed back in, at this point he may have realized he wasn't going to get away with "she will come back on her own" and told her that he would call 911... he could have had her get the other child presentable for LE coming or told her to go get dressed (we don't know what she was wearing, just speculating she likely was dressed), LE came and she heard for the first time that her daughter went missing while drinking milk at 3am and not her breakfast.... No collusion at all... WM was arrested almost immediately after LE would have been done asking him about her disappearance, any other info would have been given to Sini via LE and eventually the way we all have obtained it...
I simply do not see there being much time AT ALL between the time Sini woke, to the time 911 was called and while I don't know response time as it changes everywhere, I would THINK it prob wasn't more than 10 minutes for an officer to be on scene and blocking things off... With the 8:12 call in time, I speculate Sini had an alarm set for about 8... and we do not know if it was her in the alley as that is just rumor and of course, witnesses aren't always accurate with the exact time, esp on weekends when things are more laid back and less scheduled for many.
Of course, just speculation and my own opinion...

But we have no idea when she woke up......
Sherin would have learned Hindi(language spoken in Bihar) when in the orphanage. When she moved to the US, she would have been exposed to Malayalam (language parents spoke) and English (language spoken outside the home). Any child would have speech delays in this situation.
My head is spinning!
Poor baby!!!
She seemed perfect to me.
Why did this happen????

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IF they are following cultural norms, Sini's family would also disown her. A single mother whose husband is in jail for murder brings a lot of dishonour on her family.

My Indian family disowned me in my mid 20's as I was still unmarried and brought shame on the family.
I'm so sorry!

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Yes, this.
The beauty thing about a sick narcissist with an inflated sense of intelligence and a delicate ego is that they are always talking talking until they talk themselves right into a hole. I think they can use this against him in questioning— smart interrogators can do so much. I keep thinking of the one who worked on Derek Saretzky and wishing they could put him or someone like him in a room with WM.

Does this mean he has declined his attorney? As in, no longer represented? Also, I am happy to see the towel gone, LOL... IMO his eyes do look like he hasn't slept in a year and appear very blood shot and red like he has been grieving...

Wanting to pull this forward as I am still intrigued about why it says ATTORNEY: DECLINED DECLINED
So I am reading and I am gathering that CARA may not of been informed that CPS had interaction with Sherin and that is making people upset..

"As per rules, the AFAA, the central authority of Indian diplomatic mission or concerned government department, as the case may be, shall report the progress of the adopted child for two years from his/her date of arrival in the receiving country. The CARA official told TOI that the AFAA is supposed to conduct the post-adoption follow-up, which include home visits, studying whether the child has adjusted to the new environment, and if the child is happy with the adoptive parents. "

Clearly there is concern, but I don't see the particular detail that you are suggesting (omission of CPS involvement from reports) in this article.
This is sooooo true! One of my grandkids is five and still sleeps between his parents. Has a bedroom any five year old would love, but at night, right to the parent's bedroom he goes. Refuses to sleep alone. My kids never slept with us, and I was never allowed to co-sleep with my parents. I didn't realize how many people did co-sleep until just the last few years.

Do you know what we used to call that back in my day?

wait for it..........

‘’birth control. LOL
Who was responsible in the USA for the supposed post Adoption follow ups/reporting on Sherin to see how she was settling into her new home after she arrived into her new country? CPS?
Information concerning the adoption follow up reports:

""The social worker who visited Sherin Mathew's family for follow-ups records that "eating has become more and more challenging for the family". "She likes to eat food outside but not at home"."

"The fourth, and the last report before Sherin's death, notes, "We discussed several different strategies that may be helpful" and that "additional mealtime strategies are needed to break this cycle and avoid more serious long term eating concerns".
According to CARA CEO Lt Col (retd) Deepak Kumar, "The child was undernourished right from the time she was adopted. She weighed less for a girl her age. There were concerns about her eating habits and her parents wanted to look into that."

"The girl was born on July 14, 2014 and was surrendered by a parent in Gaya, Bihar. She was sent to an orphanage, Nalanda Mother Teresa Anaath Seva Ashram, which is now shut, the CARA CEO added.

He also said that due procedures of law were followed during the adoption of the child and the adoption agency in the US the case submitted timely and detailed reports.

"Apart from Sherin’s eating habits, there were no concerns. The post-adoption follow up was carried out properly," he told PTI.

There are certain commitments which a receiving country and a sending country have to give as per the Hague Convention and in this case the US has been fulfilling those requirements, he added.

"There can be aberrations but that doesn't mean there is anything faulty in the system."

He said the reports submitted to the CARA were detailed and spread over 5-6 pages, each of them carrying 4-5 photos of the child.

The four reports submitted recorded the girl’s one-month, three-month, half-yearly and annual progress after she was placed with the adoptive family in the US.

These were submitted to CARA on September 17, 2016, October 21, 2016 and then January 11 and July 13 this year. Each of these reports were notarised by the state of Texas.

As per CARA's adoption regulations, the country receiving the child has to submit four reports in the first year after the adoption and two reports in the second year.

Kumar told PTI that the authorised foreign adoption agency had the recognition of the nodal body for adoption there -- the US Central Authority for Hague Adoption.

The agency was also accredited under the Hague Convention and was vetted by the Indian Embassy in the US.

The submissions also describe how Sherin went on holidays with her extended family in Houston and spent some time in Dallas. The photos in the fourth report also show her cutting a cake at a party.

Her adoptive parents are overseas citizens of India.

The nationality by birth of the father, Wesley Mathews, is Qatari and that of the mother, Sini Mathews, is UAE. They are both US citizens."
Once again I'm catching up after being out so apologies if this has already been commented on.

I'm confident that LE has spoken to Sherin's pediatrician. Would he/she recommend waking her up at 3am to give her milk/protein drinks or suggest that she be given them every time she awoke by herself in early morning?

I don't know that answer but it seems counterintuitive to disturb a child's much needed sleep just to give her nutrients. It makes more sense to me (so JMO) that if Sherin woke up after midnight it would be better to help her fall back asleep. From both of WM's stories it sounds like he was insisting she have a drink.

Also, what happened to the story about Sherin being found abandoned in some bushes?

Babita Kumari, who managed the now-closed center, told Indian CNN affiliate News18 that the girl had been found in bushes by passers-by, apparently dumped there.

Authorities sent her to the center, where the orphaned girl became known as Saraswati — the name of a Hindu river goddess linked with education and the arts — before being adopted by the Mathewses.

So was she abandoned and found in bushes or did a parent surrender her to the adoption agency? :waitasec:

I think if that happens I will be sick because it means people got away with killing an innocent child without anyone having to know the truth.

I also think that as a Mom, If nothing ELSE Sini does is odd/abnormal behavior, not looking for your child who is missing for days is mind boggling.

Well, there is still the confession, by all appearances made without coercion, with his attorney present and following notice of his Miranda rights.
My head is spinning again, thank you all for your insight, ideas and theories. I really had my mind set on the person I thought was to blame, but now I am unsure yet again...

In a way this reminds me of Dylan Redwine, his father played innocent pretty well, and had me questioning if it was him or not multiple times (though mostly I was pretty sure it was)

I just want justice for this sweet girl. Whoever did it, I hope they are punished to the full extent of the law. This little baby deserved a happy healthy life!! Instead of the hell she got.

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