Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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I think in this case her age along with her faith, will help to lessen any blow, but i have wondered and even asked Maria Guerrero if older sister had been told and she was not able to answer.

I expect that since she is a Christian that whomever told her has explained to her that her little sister is living in Heaven with Jesus now... for some reason little ones seem to understand this better than many adults.

She is probably wondering when she can go home and live with her mommy though. I have heard little ones say things in the face of death that they have to be with their mommy or grandma now and take care of them because they will be sad.
I was only 3 1/2 when I lost my best friend to cancer and it deeply affected me. I remember every single thing about the last day I saw her, and it made me somewhat of an odd child after that. I would not say this will be easier for her because of her age or faith. I, too, had an understanding that my friend was in heaven, but that belief did not help me. My college roommate also was very young when her older sister died of cancer. I understood from the moment she told me about it that it had scarred her. She, too, had been brought up with faith. But again, in the end, it did not help.

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Wanting to pull this forward as I am still intrigued about why it says ATTORNEY: DECLINED DECLINED
I wouldn't read too much into this, as it also says "none" under citizenship.

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On the jail website they only have a few options for race. I think they were white, black, hispanic, asian or unknown. You have to click asian to find him, but i don't think that Indian is considered Asian in the USA?

The citizenship status was mentioned yesterday and someone said that in Texas an immigration type of officer comes and checks citizenship status of all people as part of intake but intake usually takes several hours, and in his case it was rushed and then he was on suicide watch shortly after, so that person may not have had a chance to verify those things...

But, jails always have next of kin and council on record, to my knowledge its among the first things they ask. Of course, this could simply be omitted from the public record right now, but I thought yesterday it said who the lawyer was after intake. Just wondering if he switched lawyers, again.

I still haven't seen a reason as to why he switched once already or when that took place... I am getting vibes that he may be switching up his council in order to try and create a case of inefficient council, but most places only allow you to switch lawyers for a reason, and so many times, especially once a case gets rolling.
Not necessarily... it has been rumored that a woman was walking in the alley during the 7am hour, no one has identified this as Sini, but if she woke up and WM said "i gave her milk and went to check on her and she was gone" Sini may have ran out of the house to look up and down the alley and rushed back in, at this point he may have realized he wasn't going to get away with "she will come back on her own" and told her that he would call 911... he could have had her get the other child presentable for LE coming or told her to go get dressed (we don't know what she was wearing, just speculating she likely was dressed), LE came and she heard for the first time that her daughter went missing while drinking milk at 3am and not her breakfast.... No collusion at all... WM was arrested almost immediately after LE would have been done asking him about her disappearance, any other info would have been given to Sini via LE and eventually the way we all have obtained it...
I simply do not see there being much time AT ALL between the time Sini woke, to the time 911 was called and while I don't know response time as it changes everywhere, I would THINK it prob wasn't more than 10 minutes for an officer to be on scene and blocking things off... With the 8:12 call in time, I speculate Sini had an alarm set for about 8... and we do not know if it was her in the alley as that is just rumor and of course, witnesses aren't always accurate with the exact time, esp on weekends when things are more laid back and less scheduled for many.
Of course, just speculation and my own opinion...

No--I was responding to the suggestion he could have just not called 911 but gone around telling people she had gone to live with relatives. Carrying off something like that would have required both parents to be in on the cover.
No--I was responding to the suggestion he could have just not called 911 but gone around telling people she had gone to live with relatives. Carrying off something like that would have required both parents to be in on the cover.

I agree, that's why i don't think his wife was in on it, because the cover up would of ensued differently, IMO.
I think I read (correct me if I'm mistaken) that SM has weekly visits with her daughter, not sure which day though, so not sure if she has seen her daughter since Sundays discovery....

I wonder if the older sister has been told the news yet. Her little heart must be more confused and hurting even more if she has. :(

I think the visits were granted at the court hearing, so maybe haven't even happened yet. But, before the child was taken by CPS, she was there for the 911 call and beginnings of searching, etc. IOW knew that Sherin was missing.

Sadly, what children are told when they are removed is frequently limited/confusing. The foster family may also have very limited info, although in this instance they would have to know as much as the general public. I also thought about how difficult it is/will be for any of the adults to explain what is going on.
On the jail website they only have a few options for race. I think they were white, black, hispanic, asian or unknown. You have to click asian to find him, but i don't think that Indian is considered Asian in the USA?

The citizenship status was mentioned yesterday and someone said that in Texas an immigration type of officer comes and checks citizenship status of all people as part of intake but intake usually takes several hours, and in his case it was rushed and then he was on suicide watch shortly after, so that person may not have had a chance to verify those things...

But, jails always have next of kin and council on record, to my knowledge its among the first things they ask. Of course, this could simply be omitted from the public record right now, but I thought yesterday it said who the lawyer was after intake. Just wondering if he switched lawyers, again.

I still haven't seen a reason as to why he switched once already or when that took place... I am getting vibes that he may be switching up his council in order to try and create a case of inefficient council, but most places only allow you to switch lawyers for a reason, and so many times, especially once a case gets rolling.

India is in Asia. Indian people are Asian. They are Asian is the US and everywhere else.
I am fairly sure the citizenship status of the parents would have to be valid in the case of an overseas adoption.
Adoptions by Non-U.S. Citizens Living in the U.S.
Last Updated: March 23, 2017
Incoming/Immigrant Adoption Cases

U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents

Each year our office learns of cases in which lawful permanent residents (LPRs) of the United States have legally adopted a child in another country and then found out that the child cannot join them in the United States. Generally an LPR wishing to adopt a child who is not a U.S. citizen or LPR will have more options to apply for an adopted child to join them in the U.S. if they first become a U.S. citizen through naturalization. An unmarried U.S. citizen over twenty-five years of age or a married U.S. citizen may, upon meeting certain conditions, file a Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative, or, in some circumstances, a Form I-800, Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative, on behalf of an adopted child. The spouse of a married U.S. citizen need not be a U.S. citizen but he or she must agree to the adoption. Only U.S. citizens may file a Form I-600 or I-800 petition on behalf of a foreign-born adopted child.
Thank you. I still shed tears to this day about what happened to our precious Vickie. I know she would have made such a positive mark in the world bringing brightness and love which is so needed now.

We both loved her so much that we named our first daughter after Vickie but she is known by her second name.

I will never forget the day of the dreaded call. My ex ran out the door screaming and then passed out hitting his head on the patio concrete floor. We had to take him to the doctor to get his wound sewed up and they sedated him until the day of her funeral and he once again passed out there as well when he viewed her in the casket. All of us were just totally devastated. There was no warning whatsoever. It is still hard to believe even after all this time has passed. It does show us life can so vulnerable and fragile.

I guess that is one of the reasons Sherin's death is so traumatic for me. Vickie's family tried so hard to save her, yet that didn't happen when Sherin was fighting for her little life.

Thank you again for your kind words, Zen.
This made me tear up. What a precious girl she was!

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I think the visits were granted at the court hearing, so maybe haven't even happened yet. But, before the child was taken by CPS, she was there for the 911 call and beginnings of searching, etc. IOW knew that Sherin was missing.

Sadly, what children are told when they are removed is frequently limited/confusing. The foster family may also have very limited info, although in this instance they would have to know as much as the general public. I also thought about how difficult it is/will be for any of the adults to explain what is going on.

I cannot recall if it was Maria Guerrero or if it was the new lawyer who said it, but I know I heard someone say that she has had weekly visits that she has been attending, and that was I believe on the day of the hearing around the time WM's rearrest came about, which is why i can't recall who said it... :( but when I heard it i thought "oh okay that explains why people saw her leave the house a couple of times in those two weeks" before she left the house and didn't return... Not sure if she is back yet but i think she has been gone since the day Maria Guerrero showed the Lexus pull into the garage...

My brain hurts...

ETA I tried to google it but everything is coming up with things about WM and Sherin, but i am 99.9999% sure that it said she had weekly visits which she had been attending.
I am fairly sure the citizenship status of the parents would have to be valid in the case of an overseas adoption.
Adoptions by Non-U.S. Citizens Living in the U.S.
Last Updated: March 23, 2017
Incoming/Immigrant Adoption Cases

U.S. Lawful Permanent Residents

Each year our office learns of cases in which lawful permanent residents (LPRs) of the United States have legally adopted a child in another country and then found out that the child cannot join them in the United States. Generally an LPR wishing to adopt a child who is not a U.S. citizen or LPR will have more options to apply for an adopted child to join them in the U.S. if they first become a U.S. citizen through naturalization. An unmarried U.S. citizen over twenty-five years of age or a married U.S. citizen may, upon meeting certain conditions, file a Form I-600, Petition to Classify Orphan as an Immediate Relative, or, in some circumstances, a Form I-800, Petition to Classify Convention Adoptee as an Immediate Relative, on behalf of an adopted child. The spouse of a married U.S. citizen need not be a U.S. citizen but he or she must agree to the adoption. Only U.S. citizens may file a Form I-600 or I-800 petition on behalf of a foreign-born adopted child.

Thank you this is a great find. I missed it in all of the state dept goodies I read.
I cannot recall if it was Maria Guerrero or if it was the new lawyer who said it, but I know I heard someone say that she has had weekly visits that she has been attending, and that was I believe on the day of the hearing around the time WM's rearrest came about, which is why i can't recall who said it... :( but when I heard it i thought "oh okay that explains why people saw her leave the house a couple of times in those two weeks" before she left the house and didn't return... Not sure if she is back yet but i think she has been gone since the day Maria Guerrero showed the Lexus pull into the garage...

My brain hurts...

ETA I tried to google it but everything is coming up with things about WM and Sherin, but i am 99.9999% sure that it said she had weekly visits which she had been attending.

"Marissa Gonzalez, a spokeswoman for Child Protective Services, said Sini Mathews is allowed to visit her daughter once a week and had done so twice already. Wesley Mathews is not allowed to see her as a condition of his bond agreement."

I am not surprised she was granted visits with her daughter. (They are probably not long visits and also very supervised.) I would be surprised if she continues to have visit after the next hearing in November. JMO.
I think we can all agree, there was nothing typical about giving milk in the garage.

But that then raises the question of why they were in the garage. My first thought was that there might be an out of use high chair stored in the garage and the angry/frustrated WM took her there to restrain her in the chair until she drank the formula/milk. But, I don't see a chair there, or even any space for really anything other than cars. My mind then went along the same lines thinking that he was using the car seat in the same way (as a restraint)--leading up to forcing the formula on her. And then there are the other suggestions, the least objectionable of which involves taking her to the garage for corporal punishment, so as not to wake the rest of the household. And that's about as far as I can conjecture.

I can't help but think if these force-feeding's were a routine thing, well they would be messy. And if they routinely involved milk, well spilt milk smells terrible after a while. You don't want that smell in the house right? So maybe that's why they were in garage.

And spilt milk would require clean up, especially in this cover-up. So I wonder if any towels or rags were washed during that mysterious load of laundry.
I can't help but think if these force-feeding's were a routine thing, well they would be messy. And if they routinely involved milk, well spilt milk smells terrible after a while. You don't want that smell in the house right? So maybe that's why they were in garage.

And spilt milk would require clean up, especially in this cover-up. So I wonder if any towels or rags were washed during that mysterious load of laundry.

Yeah i'm not sure about any "force feeding" of little Sherin? She does look healthy from her recent pictures and little videos of her that were posted up after living with her adoptive parents. And IMO not so much from the photo of her from the orphanage where she looked frail IMO.
That's why i would like to hear something from an outside source of other caretakers of Sherin in the school setting or daycare if that is applicable if both parents worked full time, and how Sherin was with food & drink in that setting?
India is in Asia. Indian people are Asian. They are Asian is the US and everywhere else.

Where I am in Canada the options include "Middle Eastern" and "East Indian" as race, our forms (in my area) tend to list Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Native/Metis/Indigenous, Middle Eastern and Asian. Some forms I have seen even include Inuit.

I suppose this is why I was surprised that the options on the website were so limited as in my region we tend to consider "Asian" people to be Philippine, Chinese, Japanese and so on. Hence my confusion as to why he was listed as Asian, I thought he would have been listed as "unknown" as "East Indian" was not an option.

ETA fixed my brain freeze, I think and wanted to add that maybe because in my region "Indian" was generally the correct term for a long time for Aboriginal peoples such as Native/Metis/Indigenous is why we have so many different options? It's only been in the last probably 20 years that political correctness has stopped referring to these groups as "Indian" but there are still instances where it is okay, like "The Indian Reserves" tend to still be called that by all groups, not sure if it is correct any longer, but living in a community with a population split with a good 50% of people being a part of the Native community I can definitely see why old terminology has lingered.
I'm not quite sure why some are stating that the father turned himself in to LE and confessed. I have not read that he has confessed to anything other than being present when Sherin "choked" on the milk and quit breathing. He has only admitted that he "assisted" her in drinking the milk. Careful wording on his part, IMO. He is insinuating that her death was accidental.
Personally I don't think that he had a case of feeling guilt. I think he feels that what happened to Sherin wasn't his fault at all but her own fault for not "listening" to him and drinking her milk as ordered. I think he is a man who has to be in control of everything, including controlling when he goes to the police department. He decides when to go in, not LE making the decision on when to bring him in.
I also think that the mother is doing exactly what he instructed her to do ie., keep her mouth shut and just say she was sleeping.
Just my opinion here.

What he admitted to was sufficient for substantial charge. He was present for the choking,sought no assistance,offered no aid and having determined that his daughter was deceased moved her body out of the house, concealed information about her whereabouts and how she got there from the police for days.

Is there a lot of missing and possibly misleading information? Oh, yeah. But in no way is he getting off the hook, or even easy, based on what he has admitted so far.
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