Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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This whole 'assisting her to drink' thing makes me nuts. How do you 'assist' a 3 yr old to drink? All you can do is pour milk down their throat. Otherwise there is no need for assistance if they are already drinking.

That wording is incorrect/misleading-- because there is no 'assisting' in drinking. If she was actually drinking it, no one would need to assist in any way. She would be drinking on her own.

To 'assist' means he was forcing her to try to swallow the liquid. Sounds like manslaughter at the very least, to me. :jail:

Exactly! It even says in the statement, "Eventually the 3 year-old began to drink the milk." Why then, would he feel the need to physically assist her if she were already drinking. He didn't. For some reason or other he killed the child and the assisted drinking, and coyotes, are to explain away any injuries if they found her body.
I hated eating or drinking anything when I was as young as Sherin. I recall my mum trying to force feed me. I would cry and make a huge fuss about eating. She would close my nose and mouth so I don't spit the food out. I would eventually end up vomiting and she would then let go.

I was given a lot of supplements but in no way was I woken up in the middle of the night to be fed.

3 am is very close to the morning. Why not 5 am instead of 3 am? The whole 3am things is just so messed up. The only thing I can think of is Sherin waking up around 3 am crying and him taking her to the garage to soothe her so she doesn't wake up the rest of the house.

In the second statement there is no mention of 3 a.m. I think 3 a.m. is a lie as well. It was there for some sort of cover but after they found her body he knew his cover was blown and had to come up with another story. Only thing consistent is the milk, and that apparently she didn't want the milk.
I've never crawled into our culvert that goes under the road or driveway at my home, but I know they wouldn't be dry as there is marsh on either side. I do believe the one in the driveway is 19" and that my kids had no issues going in and hiding and playing, we didn't allow it because culverts do collapse sometimes, which NATURALLY made the kids want to hang out there more :( I do think that I would have been able to get in without an issue to grab my child out if I had too, I am overweight, but I am still petite as far as height goes and where i carry my weight (my belly). I don't know if my dad who is very fit and muscular could fit inside though because he has very broad shoulders. He isn't tall, or heavy, but those shoulders...

Thanks for mentioning my grandpa. Thankfully, it wasn't a shock. He went for coffee daily with his nephew and hadn't showed up. His nephew went to the apartment and couldn't get in. He called me knowing I had a key. When we knew he had missed coffee and wasn't answering his door, we expected to find his body (he had several different cancers and poor health). He was actually sitting on his couch, with one shoe on, and was holding his shoe horn. It looked like time had froze as he wasn't slumped over or anything. But there was an odor as he kept his apartment at 100 degrees (also why he went into rigor so fast). I think the position of his body was the most shocking. I have seen other bodies, but in hospital beds, and found some of them more traumatic. I am definitely weird...

I've never even attempted nor thought about crawling through the one that is on ours. There's another, or two, I think, on up the farm, and one at my parents place. All but one are the same size. I am claustrophobic so it's a no go. Just thinking about it makes me feel a bit weirded out. The one on ours is marshy on either side. You were talking about the odor still being there after LE removed the body. An animal of some sort got hit and crawled up in it and it took a while to figure out where it was. I could catch the odor but couldn't find it, and by the time I DID figure out where it was...arrgh. I just left it. Ours has marshy grass in front of it to try and help control the flow, when it rains hard, from washing out into the pasture. Well, eventually one of the dogs scented it (they aren't allowed over there, too close to the road) and it drew them right over. I had part of a roadkill on my porch and had to bathe a dog. Not good. The odor clung to the area for awhile.

At least your grandpa got to pass at home, getting ready to go to his daily coffee, with family. No hospital, no nursing home, no machines. I vote quality of life over quantity of years. And weird is good. I'm weird too.
I honestly believe she was likely placed in on the tree side too. I said from the start that all lies have some form of truth and when I saw that the culvert opened up on one side with a big tree I immediately thought "at least he didn't lie about a tree"... Also, just because she was removed from the side that doesn't have the tree, doesn't mean it's what was closer either, it simply may have been safer for the recovery team, offered more room to setup, OR in order to access her they would have had to crawl through evidence from the tree end, so to avoid disrupting that, they went from the "wrong side" and removed her (meaning she could have started at the tree and made her way through the entire culvert coming out the side the memorial is on during the recovery), and then when they finished recovering her, they may have continued up the culvert towards the tree and collected hairs, fibers, DNA etc and of course taken photos and all of that, "disturbing" the scene as they worked their way through, starting at Sherin and moving up and out... The only thing LE has said about her location is that she was INSIDE the culvert UNDER the road. From the photos I have seen of the culvert, it appears that the opening of the culvert regardless of which side, is a good ways from the road itself, with a grassy area large enough to need maintained before hitting the shoulder of the road and then the road itself. I would love it if someone could measure that out, from openings on both ends to where the road begins. The photos make it look like its a good 20-30ft but as someone who takes a lot of photos, I also realize that depth and size simply don't always show in photos the way they do in real life!!

JMO as always!!

I think, that you have a very good point about the tree. I think now, that she may have been there, but, he may have taken her somewhere else first, for help. That would explain the trip by LE, to the college area where they searched, and their statement that they'd be making more arrests.

I wonder if he put the rocks in the culvert, in the even of a rain storm, to keep the body from washing out. Those were fairly large stones (or so it appears). I don't think that water had moved the body though, as there'd been no substantial rainfall since she'd disappeared.

I also wonder what made him think of the culvert? Is it a place they'd seen on family walks, or on his way to work? Is it a place he'd stored away in the back of his mind?
Hmmmm .... you guys must have missed my post.

Did I read that Sherin's body has been released?

If so, shouldn't we hear COD soon?

Would someone please respond to this?

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Hmmmm .... you guys must have missed my post.

Did I read that Sherin's body has been released?

If so, shouldn't we hear COD soon?

Would someone please respond to this?

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Yes the body has been released. The ME may know cause of death by now but I don't think the results will be disclosed if they are waiting for toxicology results which take a lot longer. I think I can take weeks for that.
Hmmmm .... you guys must have missed my post.

Did I read that Sherin's body has been released?

If so, shouldn't we hear COD soon?

Would someone please respond to this?

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Yes, the have released her body.

COD may not be known until the toxicology reports come back, which may take a few more weeks.
Hmmmm .... you guys must have missed my post.

Did I read that Sherin's body has been released?

If so, shouldn't we hear COD soon?

Would someone please respond to this?

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Yes, her body has been released, but won't say to "whom". And no, no COD yet!

edited to add - Oops! Already answered twice!
With Sherin being found in the culvert, i read a theory that she could of been placed into the storm water system at street level, and that drainage systems are built to keep water flowing, and the mouth of the culvert could be the lowest end of that system made to push water into the grassy area to evaporate. That could also explain how she wasn't found there initially as well.
And that also reminded me of the photo upthread of law enforcement person looking down into a drain from the street.
With Sherin being found in the culvert, i read a theory that she could of been placed into the storm water system at street level, and that drainage systems are built to keep water flowing, and the mouth of the culvert could be the lowest end of that system made to push water into the grassy area to evaporate. That could also explain how she wasn't found there initially as well.
And that also reminded me of the photo upthread of law enforcement person looking down into a drain from the street.

the culvert she was found in only runs under one road simply going from one side to the other to keep water from standing on the road. It is not connected to any system or sewer.
As for pushing the body into the culvert, I don't see how a large wall spoon could help. Unless a body is already in rigor, nothing stick-like is going to be of much help. It is not like when someone is sleeping and the body is still able to tense up if poked. A body is very floppy and soft right after death.

The thing I can picture doing it with is a push broom, like people keep in garages, or something like that. It's possible he used something similar and disposed if it. I'm thinking some kind of household or garage cleaning tool or even a garden tool like a hard rake - something attached to a long pole that has some wider hard surface at the end. Even a standard swiffer pole.

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He could have also pushed her in with his legs. Though I'm wondering if she was not in very far. LE didn't take those rocks, and I would think if she had been placed further in, those rocks would have been taken as evidence in case of a possibility of the person who dumped her having moved/touched them.
Just checking in on updates on this sweet child. Her brief tragic life has touched many hearts.
Yes the body has been released. The ME may know cause of death by now but I don't think the results will be disclosed if they are waiting for toxicology results which take a lot longer. I think I can take weeks for that.

From the cases I have seen the ME will not sign off on the autopsy report until it is complete which must include the toxicology report even if it is determined to be irrelevant in learning COD.

Tox results take around 8 weeks on average for the full tox report to be sent back to the ME.

I hope they can determine how Sherin was killed. It seems her remains were in poor condition when located.

That can mean valuable evidence was lost or degraded. They may find more evidence on her clothing than her little body if she was found in the same clothing when she died. BUT for all we know he may have washed her clothing before putting her in the dark culvert and may have also cleaned her body as well before taking her body from her home. :(

Could her father have left her there at the tree by the culvert as further punishment after she had been injured in the home? Maybe that's the tree her left her at and she then crawled into the culvert to be unreachable to him and died there from her injuries. Just thinking out loud.
...... LE have said that they expect more arrests ....
All they said was that " .... it is a very dynamic case, one that you might see additional arrests or even modification of charges as we progress ... "
A generic statement about the investigation.
the culvert she was found in only runs under one road simply going from one side to the other to keep water from standing on the road. It is not connected to any system or sewer.

Thanks for clarifying. So a concrete pipe that starts from underneath one side of the road and comes out the other side of the road as a catchment/drainage pipe for water when the road floods, and the water just sits stagnant in the grassy ditch until it all dries out?
Taking a child with serious eating problems to a children's hospital for therapy seems like a rational way to deal with the issues. As opposed to forcing her to drink milk/nutritional drinks at 3 flippin' am in the morning!

I don't know if we'll ever hear what Sherin's pediatrician suggested but I'd be surprised if he/she would approve of WM's actions. If his story is even true. Just sayin'. MOO.

And I too would like to know what LE found in the garage - like evidence of spilled drinks or other fluids. The video I linked upthread didn't seem to show a stool, chair, fridge or any other item that would indicate Sherin regularly took her meals or drinks there. JMO.

I hope LE will be able to speak with Sherin's doctor so they can know for sure if the parents were told by her doctor to wake her up and force her to drink her milk or shake. I would think interrupted sleep would also be harmful.
Thanks for clarifying. So a concrete pipe that starts from underneath one side of the road and comes out the other side of the road as a catchment/drainage pipe for water when the road floods, and the water just sits stagnant in the grassy ditch until it all dries out?

I did see a photo of LE looking in the sewer but maybe they were looking for any evidence he may have discarded there?
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