Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #7 *Arrests*

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I've been silent on this because I am so close and its peeved me more than you can imagine, esp after losing my grandchild several months ago I really want to go make them tell me what happened in a not good sort of way, anyhow I have two thoughts on this either she was dead already when they went to dinner or the other thought i cant get rid of is WHAT was he doing up with her at 3 am , you know what Im thinking .......ugh!
I've been silent on this because I am so close and its peeved me more than you can imagine, esp after losing my grandchild several months ago I really want to go make them tell me what happened in a not good sort of way, anyhow I have two thoughts on this either she was dead already when they went to dinner or the other thought i cant get rid of is WHAT was he doing up with her at 3 am , you know what Im thinking .......ugh!

I'mm so sorry for your loss. :rose:
Interesting. What leads you to that conclusion?

Really just her background.

As a nurse, having zero concern for her missing daughter, not searching, not talking to anyone, hiring a lawyer but not putting up a reward for your daughter- combined with her husband saying she "CHOKED" on milk and died when SHE IS A NURSE. Combined with her ridiculous, "SLEEPING" Story...combined with what I believe was her idea to do something with the body so that no one could tell what EXACTLY happened- using her medical background/knowledge to make those choices seem much more likely to me than WM.

She is not a Mother.
If I recall biology classes correctly, soft tissues do tend to expand as the fluids expand while freezing and cause a tissue damage in the form of tiny microscopic tears (think frostbite on a living person).

The reason I doubt that she was frozen is that she was very very decomposed when found, based on what people have said about the "stench" even days later, as well as the maggots that were on the ground. It was NOT what I would expect from a body that had been frozen and then laid in there and thawed over night or over a night or two. Even a body that was refrigerated would shock me if it was that decomposed after 2 weeks, given that the morgue often keeps bodies in a refrigeration unit above freezing for days and then the funeral home will do the same in order to slow down decomposition.

JMO. I tried to google but everything I have seen are cases of bodies in freezers for many years.

As a Canadian who deals with minus 40 or lower for several weeks in winter, I know from my own experience that living flesh changes color during frostbite, capillaries and blood vessels can burst or break especially on the cheeks and nose. After you "thaw" from being very cold like that, you experience a HOT burning sensation and in fingers and toes you can even experience swelling and blistering similar to an actual burn, all caused by what freezing did to the tissue. So, for that reason alone, I would assume a body frozen while "fresh' would experience similar things wherever the fluids are resting.

Again MOO

Dont think we can rely on what "people said" about her body unless they were the law enforcement/one of the dogs who found Sherin...I dont think anyone could tell us how the body looked...
IMO, this has nothing to do with food and everything to do with CONTROL.

Yup ZERO help. My thought is she CAN'T say anything. I don't believe she knows what WM told them exactly. He sure pulled a fast one on her, told them just enough to let them get an arrest warrant. First rat to talk gets the cheese (deal). Not that I think either of them deserves any kind of deal. JMO

Sociopathy (or antisocial personality disorder) criteria from the DSM as restated by Psychology Today

Superficial charm and good intelligence
Absence of delusions and other signs of irrational thinking
Absence of nervousness or neurotic manifestations
Untruthfulness and insincerity
Lack of remorse and shame
Inadequately motivated antisocial behavior
Poor judgment and failure to learn by experience
Pathologic egocentricity and incapacity for love
General poverty in major affective reactions
Specific loss of insight
Unresponsiveness in general interpersonal relations
Fantastic and uninviting behavior with alcohol and sometimes without
Suicide threats rarely carried out
Sex life impersonal, trivial, and poorly integrated
Failure to follow any life plan

As with narcissism, we have very little knowledge by which to make a diagnosis, but I think for this one there are truly a good many contraindications. Both parents are professionals--which doesn't mean good mental health, but it does indicate that they have seen through some fairly rigorous educational requirements. They also have purchased a home in a nice neighborhood. Again doesn't make them nice people, but does give evidence to an ability to follow a life plan. First marriage for both, so far as I can tell. No one has offered any history of workplace issues, such as might be the case in someone with grandiose thinking and poor interpersonal relationships.

Sociopaths tend to rack up a list of exes (many with tales to tell). Their work history is likely to be "troubled," to say the least. They also tend to show up early life (torturing family pets, or siblings, lots of school difficulties, don't learn well from experience). The guy who shot up the Texas church had a strong look of sociopathy in the form of a list of failed relationships, a substantial history of violence, lack of remorse and a propensity to keep on doing the same things that had already gotten him in trouble.

I don't quite see that here.
Her silence,and smarmy face says it all.
My heart breaks, as I know all of you feel this way as well, to think of this wee little girl, Sherin, who had such joy and love in her eyes.

How I wish she had been a child of someone else's. I know any of us would have loved her, as she deserved to be loved and treasured.

Rest in Peace, beautiful Sherin.
IMO, this has nothing to do with food and everything to do with CONTROL.

Yup ZERO help. My thought is she CAN'T say anything. I don't believe she knows what WM told them exactly. He sure pulled a fast one on her, told them just enough to let them get an arrest warrant. First rat to talk gets the cheese (deal). Not that I think either of them deserves any kind of deal. JMO

Execellent sleuthing people. This info was deduced here yesterday.
She hasn't helped with investigation at all. Her only concern is herself. Not Sherin. Oh how I hope the autopsy,and tox report comes back before then.
references to "reports" from Omair Siddiqi have been removed. Omair Siddiqi is not a MSM journalist. He is a self styled community activist and photographer.

I am a self styled chanteur but it doesn't mean you want to buy my album and it doesn't mean I make my living that way ;)

Please stick to MSM to source your facts in the discussion.
Her silence,and smarmy face says it all.

Those things may well be disagreeable, off-putting even to some.

My point is that it falls far short of providing anything helpful in arriving at a mental health diagnosis.
I'm going to join Grouchymom in the grouchy department. I'm getting owly waiting for this darn autopsy report. I thought we'd hear before Thanksgiving!

She hasn't helped with investigation at all. Her only concern is herself. Not Sherin. Oh how I hope the autopsy,and tox report comes back before then.

My problem here is this. We can pretty much narrow this down to just three possibilities. Wesly or Sini killed Sherin. Or they collaborated on her death.

Most of the things people are using to justify an inclination toward Sini (public silence, not searching, not "looking" appropriately concerned) could also be said of Wesley. And he also provided some bogus stories to LE.

Personally I lean in the direction of one killer with collaboration on some level in the cover-up. Because it would simply be too difficult (especially in light of Sherin's now-known absence from the dinner trip) for a non-involved parent to be wholly ignorant that something was going on.

Wesley is clearly the one who has taken the lead since the first report, at least based on what the police have revealed to us. And this includes twice offering up information that resulted in his own arrest. One theory seems to be that he is falling on his sword to protect Sini. One has to ask why. Why would he be doing all that he can (given the circumstances) to ensure that Sini stays out of jail and available to parent the older child? Would he be doing that if he believed her to be capable of murder or abuse unto death?

As hideous as this one is, I don't think at the end of the day that we will be looking at criminal insanity (sociopathy or an extreme narcissism), or the sorts of people who torture and kill either for fun or acting in the absence of conscience. More likely an escalation and spiralling of doing the wrong things, making matters worse, accumulating shame, anger and frustration and ultimately going too far. And then panicking And doing very stupid things to cover. Sometimes a whole pile of small but bad decisions can lead to the same outcome as one big bad one.
Is there an instance whereby LE will not release the autopsy results to the public? If the findings are indicative of something obvious, would they maybe want or need to keep that private, in order to,prosecute their case? I'm asking because it seems likely to me that LE has a lot of information that are holding on to. IMO, of course. I really never have followed a case from stem to stern, so am not sure how this works. But I can see that it could be years, and does require diligence, to keep on seeking answers.
references to "reports" from Omair Siddiqi have been removed. Omair Siddiqi is not a MSM journalist. He is a self styled community activist and photographer.

I am a self styled chanteur but it doesn't mean you want to buy my album and it doesn't mean I make my living that way ;)

Please stick to MSM to source your facts in the discussion.

Thanks! I wasn't sure as when he did enter MSM we had been given the okay to discuss him and what he was saying on FB live etc.
Is there an instance whereby LE will not release the autopsy results to the public? If the findings are indicative of something obvious, would they maybe want or need to keep that private, in order to,prosecute their case? I'm asking because it seems likely to me that LE has a lot of information that are holding on to. IMO, of course. I really never have followed a case from stem to stern, so am not sure how this works. But I can see that it could be years, and does require diligence, to keep on seeking answers.

From the cases I follow, they usually don't release the autopsy results until they get the tox screen findings. Those tests take a while.
Is there an instance whereby LE will not release the autopsy results to the public? If the findings are indicative of something obvious, would they maybe want or need to keep that private, in order to,prosecute their case? I'm asking because it seems likely to me that LE has a lot of information that are holding on to. IMO, of course. I really never have followed a case from stem to stern, so am not sure how this works. But I can see that it could be years, and does require diligence, to keep on seeking answers.

I am not an attorney and I know squat about the laws in Texas. But, depending on the laws of the state, reports at SOME point in time become public record. I recall, when I was following the Martin/Zimmerman case in Florida that their so-called sunshine laws were quite liberal and the press was able to obtain all kinds of documentation before trial. Other states allow LE to withhold evidence pending trial. Basically I think LE nationwide would prefer not to be bothered with informing the public--unless it suits a particular investigative purpose for them. Another Florida case I followed (a runaway who ended up in Florida) shocked me because the press was allowed full coverage of juvenile/family court proceedings. Not how it's done where I live--essentially to protect the privacy of minors.

Another tidbit--while public records are available to the public at a minimal cost (to cover copy costs), it is generally the press with the money (or occasionally an advocacy group) to make extensive requests for records. LE communications folks can try to offer up info through press conferences and such, which gives them a bit of control over the flow of information--and may hold the press at bay.
Is there an instance whereby LE will not release the autopsy results to the public? If the findings are indicative of something obvious, would they maybe want or need to keep that private, in order to,prosecute their case? I'm asking because it seems likely to me that LE has a lot of information that are holding on to. IMO, of course. I really never have followed a case from stem to stern, so am not sure how this works. But I can see that it could be years, and does require diligence, to keep on seeking answers.
If I remember correctly in the Savannah Lafontaine Greywind case all that was released were preliminary results, no details.*Arrests*&highlight=greywind
Is there an instance whereby LE will not release the autopsy results to the public? If the findings are indicative of something obvious, would they maybe want or need to keep that private, in order to,prosecute their case? I'm asking because it seems likely to me that LE has a lot of information that are holding on to. IMO, of course. I really never have followed a case from stem to stern, so am not sure how this works. But I can see that it could be years, and does require diligence, to keep on seeking answers.

As with other things in this case, they could easily just release what they need to in order to up charges and save the rest for the trial(s). Also, I am not sure how it works in all areas but I've heard of families saying no to autopsy findings being revealed (for privacy and for dignity). Not sure if that applies in a criminal case like this, but if it is an option I would think SM and WM's lawyers are going to be doing their best to protect this from getting to the public and may try and say it will taint the jury pool. I sorta expect we will get A cause of death, but I don't think it will be an actual report like we are hoping for at this stage. It may simply be released that the COD was something like blunt force trauma, with nothing else.

JMO while hoping for the best and expecting the worst :(
Thanks! I wasn't sure as when he did enter MSM we had been given the okay to discuss him and what he was saying on FB live etc.

He is open for discussion as far as what has been reported about him in MSM but his FB posts etc are off limits. :)
I never thought of that. How good are those dogs trained to locate dead human bodies?
I found a site that teaches you how to train a cadaver dog, I have bolded the relevant info, here is a quote from that page:
"A Cadaver is a human body after death. The body begins to change how it smells immediately at death in ways only a dog can detect. Depending on environmental factors the scent or odor can become apparent to a person within a couple of hours after death. Sometimes longer, for instance if a body is frozen then we humans can not smell it but a dog can."
I apologize in advance if this has already been answered!

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