Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #8 *Arrests*

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I was out all day yesterday. Thank you to everyone who transcribed, summarized and shared video and updates on the proceedings. I had really hoped that the worse was that this was a case of a rigid, controlling parent who "lost it" and did the unthinkable. Now I am choking back fresh tears.

Both parents are practiced liars so I feel we are back at step one in regards to what actually caused Sherin's death. As to who's the abuser and who's the enabler, my guess is that both are both. Sini's comment about the CPS inquiry "ruining the weekend" tells me all I need to know about her culpability.

WM's "cold and stiff" remarks are more lies. While many things can influence rigor such as the temperature of the environment and the size of the deceased, I don't believe it can be instantaneous.

WS TOS prevent me from expressing my opinion about these "parents". All MOO.
So sleep for this girl didn't come after reading the latest reports and then all your follow up comments ... I cannot imagine what that tiny little precious endured. I am certain you are all in agreement on that . Grateful that my grandson was sound asleep as I read , he would have had a total come apart seeing me sobbing over this beautiful child . He knows how he suffered as an infant and later a toddler at the hands of his parents, my following this case has really rocked him.
Gotta get myself outside and get my chores done , try to clear my head a little bit.
If any of you have seen The Shack , reference if you will where the child , Missy , waves and blows kisses to her daddy ... from heaven . .. this is how I need to see sweet little Saraswati. Happily playing in the sun, with a dazzling smile ... forever.
Isn't it interesting that when they first brought Sherin home, she didn't have any eating problems---they made that claim themselves. Then when she was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, they were referred to someone who gave them some advice, outlined a program for her, and told them to bring her back in a month or so. According to Maria G., they didn't go back. They gave her one glass of whole milk on Sundays (also according to Maria G). These are the same parents who have claimed they got up, even in the middle of the night, to give Sherin nutritious drinks because she was malnourished. What a couple of Sad Sacks those two are.

Failure to thrive is sometimes used as an indicator of neglect, sometimes resulting in removal.
I think I read in the tweets posted a couple pages back that SM stated that WM would do anything for her? Something along those lines...

My theory all along is she is the abuser in this relationship, and though it usually is men, there are many times it is women. So he went to prison for her, and is admitting guilt for her, because if he doesn’t maybe there is a darker threat underneath we know nothing about. I know about domestic abuse and lived through it for years... that statement to me said 1000 things and she is almost bragging... as abusers often do. Again WM in no way shape or form is free and clear, he had a hand in this too...

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I've seen a couple of seriously screwed up codependent people who would truly do anything, including go to jail, for their SO. We can't imagine it in a situation like this because it's not normal. But these people are clearly not normal.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
They also referred to Sherin as "damaged goods." That sounds like something you would confide to a close friend vs a medical professional or CPS worker.....wonder if close friends have been turning on them since early on? That would explain the strong presence of friends/church members at first but then radio silence.

I wonder how the Mathews view themselves if they view an adoptive daughter with delays and issues she was born with/had no control over as "damaged goods?" They educated themselves (higher education), moved to the United States, the "land of opportunity" secured professional jobs/careers, had a very lovely home in a nice neighborhood and had a cute little family, were active in their Church community, then destroyed absolutely everything/all of that in a day. But Sherin was damaged goods? That girl had nothing to work with. They had everything and still couldn't manage a good life for themselves. They're the ones who are damaged and did an enormous amount of damaging.

Clearly a heartless comment. But it sounded like it was offered up as a suggestion that the evidence of broken bones had occurred in India, not the US.

Sort of an after-the-fact excuse, rather than a motivator.
This poor child. One must wonder how the sister has been treated. I feel certain we will find out if she too has been a victim of physical abuse. I also wonder how much she witnessed Sherin being abused and the traumatic affect to her psychologically.
Isn't it interesting that when they first brought Sherin home, she didn't have any eating problems---they made that claim themselves. Then when she was diagnosed with Failure to Thrive, they were referred to someone who gave them some advice, outlined a program for her, and told them to bring her back in a month or so. According to Maria G., they didn't go back. They gave her one glass of whole milk on Sundays (also according to Maria G). These are the same parents who have claimed they got up, even in the middle of the night, to give Sherin nutritious drinks because she was malnourished. What a couple of Sad Sacks those two are.

This. I am in agreement with those who think the real food issue is that food was being withheld as another of their cruel punishments. All MOO.
Okay folks I first want to say that I am sorry for ducking out on you yesterday. Once I got the partial video up and a few tweets that answered some of our long term questions, I had to check out. Yesterday’s revelations just drained the life out of me and I needed to shut down and sleep. To escape the horror Sherin couldn’t. I have seen worse cases upfront and personal but I just had to decompress and step away this time. Now, that being said let me try to spread some grouchyness.

I don’t know where to start so this may not be totally cohesive. I want to address so much my brain is whirring. Ok, the femur fracture, the femur is the largest strongest bone in the human body. It takes a huge amount of force to fracture one and the pain can be immense partly due to the fact that a it takes stress everytime the human body is upright. Because it is located below the heart it had a throbbing pain. From what I could discern from the testimony Sherin did not initially recieve treatment for it as it seemed to be found in the full body x-ray series and it had begun to heal on it’s own. If it had been treated he type of casting would depend on which end of the femur was affected. So in essence Sherin kept waking around after the largest bone in her body was broken. Take a second to digest that..................

Maria made reference in her follow up video to the Dr. testifying that the arm fracture(s) story did not match the physical findings and the fracture had been from a “twisting”. I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that meant she had 1 or more spiral fractures. Spiral Factures are the holy grail of child abuse injuries. Children’s bones are still somewhat soft to allow for growth and will actually bend to a degree before actually breaking. Most childhood accidents that result in fractures create “greenstick fractures”, so named because the bones in essence had a degree of flexibility like the “green” or fresh stick from a tree. Spiral fractures are a result of being both pulled and twisted with great force. Any time a child has a spiral fracture abuse MUST be considered. An example of an accidental injury that could cause a spiral is getting a foot stuck in a way that would prevent it from moving with the rest of the body and then falling. The rapid move and the weight transfer that would occur during the fall would create the force while the unability to move the foot would cause the “twist”. I hope that helps to give you a better visualization of the mechanics involved.

Some of us, myself included have attempted to expain the added challenges and stressors that adoption can cause on the best of parents. I have often referred to the tools necessary to cope with these stressors. Now these added challenges in no way excuse a parents abuse of the child but serves to paint a picture of what can occur. Having the coping tools to deal with it is a absolute must. I can,now that the evidence is there conclude that not only did Sini and WM not have the tools necessary to deal with those challeges, they most likely didn’t even have the toolbox to keep them in.

I know that some took offense to my post about Sini and WM being more like us than was comfortable but I stand by that. It was the fact that they seemed on the surface like the “normal” family that I believe gave them the ability to continue to hurt this child after their doctor made a CPS referral for abuse. The fact that she was a nurse made physicians give her the benefit of the doubt longer than they would have in the case of the meth heads or the single parent. Doctors, nurses, teachers, lawyers and the such usually get treated differently in these incidents. They are better at coming up with good cover stories and excuses. People also tend to trust them more.

CPS should have removed both children if they could not determine who the abuser was, if for no other reason than simply because they couldn’t tell who was doing it. Sini tried to place the blame on the orphanage, the physical therapy, the other daughter and probably the day care and any one else she could come up with. On one hand they acted like the concerned parents worried about her weight and size and that would have been hard to reconcile with the x-rays and signs of abuse. Time and time again social services has failed children of abuse. It is a system that needs redesigned in a major way. The problem with CPS being held responsible for their inactivity in the case comes in because there is no one with legal standing to file a wrongful death civil case on Sherin’s behalf. Historically, it is the impending wrongful death suits that motivate social services to terminate employees that fail a child. In some states it is easier to hold them accountable for their inactivity than others. In the Gabriel Fernandez case in California 2 social workers and 2 supervisors are facing criminal trials for their part in leaving Gabriel with his killers. In the Adrian Jones case the maternal family had filed a lawsuit against Social Services in 2 states for leaving him with his killers.

At the beginning of yesterdays hearing the prosecutor entered into evidence various documents including birth certificates. She also entered into evidence the medial records of both children from Baylor. Sherin’s medical records in her short 15 months in Texas were about and inch and a half to 2 inch thick and the sisters was about a third larger in her nearly 4 years.

Maria referred to “services” from CPS in her video. Those are simply put reunification services. Those would include a reunification plan that lays out the expectations and requirements to regain custody, parent classes, anger management, random drug and alcohol testing, specific medical care or intervention. CPS has a wide latitude in the hoops it can require parents to jump through to regain custody.

As much as I hate to admit it I guess I owe and apology to Omair and the Omairettes who have been screaming loudly that Sini was the devil incarnate. They have lambasted her since the beginning. After yesterday, I too believe that she was the Alpha. That does not absolve WM. If indeed she was the primary abuser he was complicit. He knew and remained silent or if the opposite is true she knew. I now believe we are going to see a skull fracture in the autopsy. I believe Sherin suffered a head injury probably Wednesday evening or night. She missed day care Thursday we now know. She had been vomiting, a good indicator of possible head injury. They didn’t dare take her to dinner Friday evening as she was probably showing signs of the head injury with her cognitive functions altered. They knew if they sought medical care they would lose the other daughter and there was no way they would risk that for a defective child. They hoped she would pull through it just like her previous untreated injuries. When they came back from dinner she had vomited in the kitchen so they put her in the garage. At some point Sini went to bed and WM either stayed up or got up during the night and went to check on her. She vomited again and probably asperated some back into her lungs. That is the “choking” in confession 2.0. He held her with her tiny head on his shoulder until he believed she passed. She may have already passed when he went to the garage. I noticed a vent for the airconditioning in the video of the garage so she may have even been hypothermic from laying on the garage floor slowing her breathing and heart rate. She may have even been unconscious and not actually dead when he took her to the culvert. If so, death was imminent.

I think at this point it is safe to say that the two of them acted in concert to cover up the abuse and her death. I don’t know who actually dealt the blow that was the cause of death and frankly it doesn’t really matter. They both are equally responsible. They both allowed the abuse, neither reported it, the both failed to get her necessary medical attention, and they both covered up the death so as far as I am concerned they both killed her her just a surely as if they both fired a fatal shot. May god have mercy on them because I certainly hope that a jury won’t.

I am sure that I have left something important out but I need to stop now.

Here is a link to Marias video on my google drive in case anyone has trouble viewing it on her FB.


Grouchymom--thanks so much for yesterday's broadcast and today's additional info. Even though I was watching it after the fact, I felt like you had invited us all into your living room. Enjoyed hearing your voice and the background contributions of your daughter.

The court proceedings yesterday, even though shocking, dispiriting (don't know what other words to use), were in some ways also encouraging. Even without a clear COD on the ME report, there is a good bit of evidence already compiled to substantiate something along the lines of depraved indifference in the ongoing actions of both parents--regardless of whether there is ever a clear indication of which one of them struck the final blow.
First off, I entirely believe both of these parents are guilty of grave harm to, and causing the death of precious little Sherin. However, I have to wonder if Sherin had an undiagnosed, genetic connective tissue disease, or brittle bone disease.

The attached article indicates a rather unusual medical result that sounds suspiciously like autoimmune disease, or some connective tissue disorder. My family lives with both, so I have a basis for my musing. I’m in NO way sympathizing with these “parents,” but this is where my thoughts run.

“The little girl was hospitalized for a skin infection and possible joint and muscle infections
I was out all day yesterday. Thank you to everyone who transcribed, summarized and shared video and updates on the proceedings. I had really hoped that the worse was that this was a case of a rigid, controlling parent who "lost it" and did the unthinkable. Now I am choking back fresh tears.

Both parents are practiced liars so I feel we are back at step one in regards to what actually caused Sherin's death. As to who's the abuser and who's the enabler, my guess is that both are both. Sini's comment about the CPS inquiry "ruining the weekend" tells me all I need to know about her culpability.

WM's "cold and stiff" remarks are more lies. While many things can influence rigor such as the temperature of the environment and the size of the deceased, I don't believe it can be instantaneous.

WS TOS prevent me from expressing my opinion about these "parents". All MOO.

I wondered about the rigor setting in as well. Someone yesterday posted that in humans rigor can appear AS SOON AS 4 hours. Which would kind of wreak havoc with a previous timelines. And while WM's account of "feeling her spirit leave," and then her body growing cold and stiffening is moving, it would mean that he held her on his shoulder for at least 4 hours. Which strains credibility.

I am reaching. Would love to know that Sherin was held close at the end and thereafter. Desperately wishing she had some islands of loving treatment behind that smile. Funny thing about kids. They are hard-wired to bond. It takes a whale of a lot a mistreatment very early on to shut that down. But for the most part they depend on the adults in their lives and love them. Even the abusers. And that is the saddest thing.
First off, I entirely believe both of these parents are guilty of grave harm to, and causing the death of precious little Sherin. However, I have to wonder if Sherin had an undiagnosed, genetic connective tissue disease, or brittle bone disease.

The attached article indicates a rather unusual medical result that sounds suspiciously like autoimmune disease, or some connective tissue disorder. My family lives with both, so I have a basis for my musing. I’m in NO way sympathizing with these “parents,” but this is where my thoughts run.

“The little girl was hospitalized for a skin infection and possible joint and muscle infections.”

I considered a mild form of brittle bone disease yesterday as I heard it, but then thought with all those xrays and the way Sini had said vitamin deficiency, that they likely also did a bone density scan or didn't have to as the bones looked healthy and normal. Just my guess because full body xrays the way it sounds like Sherin had, showing multiple injuries in different levels of healing, sounds to me like the dr would have ruled this out. The Dr tried to find a cause for the breaks, as it was said she didn't initially think abuse and she looked for other possible reasons and ultimately couldn't find one. I feel like this Dr may have been the only one in Sherin's life who tried to protect her. So so so sad. So many opportunities for someone to have rescued Sherin and older sister.

First off, I entirely believe both of these parents are guilty of grave harm to, and causing the death of precious little Sherin. However, I have to wonder if Sherin had an undiagnosed, genetic connective tissue disease, or brittle bone disease.

The attached article indicates a rather unusual medical result that sounds suspiciously like autoimmune disease, or some connective tissue disorder. My family lives with both, so I have a basis for my musing. I’m in NO way sympathizing with these “parents,” but this is where my thoughts run.

“The little girl was hospitalized for a skin infection and possible joint and muscle infections
Autoimmune disease of that type does not affect the bones, though, does it? I have this and my bones are fine. I've never seen bone issues listed for the types of AI disorders that would fall into this category.

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Child abuse? Or vitamin D deficiency rickets?
Authorities fail to see, or acknowledge, the connection

Next, Dr. Carole Jenny, head of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Child Abuse, implies such tragic miscarriages of justice simply don’t happen. She then claims, “We have been checking every child with multiple fractures for metabolic bone diseases for several years and have not identified a single child with Vitamin D deficiency.” How can that statement be true if every other researcher is reporting infantile and early childhood Vitamin D deficiency to be rampant in normal children? Furthermore, how can an infant beaten severely enough to cause multiple fractures not be bruised or in distress? Dr. Jenny cleverly avoids the question.6

Finally, we have commentary by two additional pediatric radiologists, Drs. Thomas Slovis and Stephen Chapman, who make it clear they do not believe in the Vitamin D deficiency pandemic. They found an illustrated medical dictionary to support their claim that one cannot have rickets unless one has x-ray evidence of rickets. If they had found a dictionary with more words and fewer pictures they would discover rickets is defined pathologically, not radiologically.
I believe they adopted her because it felt good to them. Their friends and family probably admired them.
If WM was covering for his violent wife, then it makes more sense, why he told that initial story, which automatically makes him guilty.
Grouchymom--thanks so much for yesterday's broadcast and today's additional info. Even though I was watching it after the fact, I felt like you had invited us all into your living room. Enjoyed hearing your voice and the background contributions of your daughter.

The court proceedings yesterday, even though shocking, dispiriting (don't know what other words to use), were in some ways also encouraging. Even without a clear COD on the ME report, there is a good bit of evidence already compiled to substantiate something along the lines of depraved indifference in the ongoing actions of both parents--regardless of whether there is ever a clear indication of which one of them struck the final blow.

Thank you.
i do regret not thinking ahead better or I would have been set up and ready to capture the video in it’s entirety and with better stability but as it was it was a spur of the moment idea when Marissa said all she could get was out of area. It was also the first time I had attempted a fb live transmission as I am sue you could tell LOL I promise I will get better. LOL Yes, my Katie made herself known. LOL I also had not realized how much of a southern accent I had picked up LOL

i do do agree with the positives from yesterday. I now feel almost certain both will serve some prison time at some point and today at least that is comforting. The autopsy report is important but in the event the actual cod is not uncovered I still think they can use a pattern of abuse culminating in death, as the cod at trial. In the case of Adrian Jones they did not have enough remains to determine exact cause of death but they were able get guilty pleas from Dad and step-mom. I hope Sini and WM, once they realize they will lose the other daughter, that they will plead guilty also. That would be the least they could do. I wish their minister would make a visit and discuss atonement.
If WM was covering for his violent wife, then it makes more sense, why he told that initial story, which automatically makes him guilty.

yes, but what would all of the charges be? Obstruction, child abuse, child neglect, aiding and abetting, murder? More? Or would these be her charges? Or both of their charges?
As many of us have suspected, it has now been confirmed that Sherin suffered multiple fractures under the care of her guardians. I don’t think anyone is buying the assertion that the child had brittle bone disease or any other condition leading to these injuries. No doubt her physicians and the coroner will weigh in on this during trial. And, I don’t believe we have heard the end of the horrors yet. We still have the coroners report pending. If my speculations are correct, broken bones will be the least of what will be revealed. We all pray that speculation is inaccurate.

But, the reality is this child is deceased; left outdoors like garbage for vermin to prey upon. What aside from a trial and convictions of the guilty parties can we hope to gain from this horrific tragedy?

I would ask anyone who is on this thread who is/was local to this family to weigh in with piercing honesty. Looking back, were there signs that were ignored because the guardians (I refuse to refer to them as “parents”), were “God fearing people?” Were signs ignored because on the outside everything looked fine? Nice house, good clothes, good jobs?

What if anything should friends, family, and acquaintances done differently to protect this child from this outcome?

What should CPS have done differently to protect this child from this outcome?

What MUST we change to avoid this ever happening again?

Sherin is dead. We can’t protect her now.
The courts will deal with the evil-doers that harmed her.
But what must we change so there aren’t more children harmed?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts. I am especially interested in hearing the thoughts of locals.
This poor child. One must wonder how the sister has been treated. I feel certain we will find out if she too has been a victim of physical abuse. I also wonder how much she witnessed Sherin being abused and the traumatic affect to her psychologically.

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