Identified! TX - Terrell, LIVING woman w/ amnesia, Aug'07 - Stacy Forbes

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Thank you, Christine. I wish I could tell your boss how amazing you are! :blowkiss:
Christine, I hope you will PM me as well. I have been following this case with great interest.

Working on it now, I had to go throught the threads and write down everyone that participated, I hate to not share, LOL.

If I miss anyone (give me a few minutes I have lots of peeps to PM) just let me know.
Thanks Christine. You work so hard on the missing cases and I think you are wonderful!
me toooo I have been following everyday on this one I just didnt have anything to add....Christine You are amazing keep up the good work!!!
me toooo I have been following everyday on this one I just didnt have anything to add....Christine You are amazing keep up the good work!!!

me too please. or somebody who got pm'ed could pass it on so Christine can catch up! Please...
Ok Phen and rain I got you both, I have to get back to my real job, LOL....if anyone else needs the info, everyone on this thread that posted has it, so help them out peeps ;)

Also..TC Mom is already may be a local girl. Interesting!

I can't wait to find out the story.

gagirl did preliminary searches on myspace and came up emtpy...see what ya'll can find out.

We still are NOT 100% sure...

Was she listed missing??

I'm interested in finding out who she is. I have been reading this thread but didn't really have any input to give. If anyone could PM me the information that would be great. Thank you.
Sorry to chime in so last minute. I am a lurker here at WS and would like to know too!
To our dearest Christine,:blowkiss:
We truly Love and Respect you.

So much Love and Respect to you,
If you go to a public record finder, type in her first name, middle initial and last name. At, there are quite a few. Some are 30 - 40 years old.
Right, I saw the one in Jackson, MS, but nothing compelling.
i found something but I dont want to post is because it says the name it looks like a person with this name posted a thread on topix and the city says corpus christi texas wonder if its her??? it was posted on July 3 2006
Well there's also a guy with the same first and last names that is all over the net for lying during his jury duty interview. So, that could likely be him.
With the name given to me I found one in Texas, one in Louisiana and one in Mississippi. So far none give newspaper articles about a missing person. I will keep looking.

I've been doing some searching too and found a chef in BC, and a dental assistant in missippi.

I wonder if she's been on vacation so no one knew she was out of town. Or a teacher, off for the summer.
Ok here is the original story that this person responded too on topix

Student upset about opinion column in Del Mar newspaper

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if (document.layers) {document.write(''); document.close();}coreAdsCreate('wnsz_20', 'loc', '100');

CORPUS CHRISTI - A Del Mar College student said he's outraged about what he calls a racist column printed in the campus newspaper - The Foghorn. 6 News talked with the student who feels the article is an insult to Hispanics.
"I'm really angry about this," said Joseph Ramirez. "For something like this to be written, it's like a slap in the face." Ramirez a student at the Del Mar East Campus was shocked when he read this opinion column "Learning to Speak English Necessary".
In it, the Editor-in-Chief Marissa Edwards, who's German talks about how she had to learn to speak the language after moving to America. In her column she writes, "'Habla Espanol?' This is not a question I always want to hear while living in America. Last time I checked, South Texas is a part of the United States, where the majority of citizens speak English."
Comments Joseph finds offensive. He said, "Those comments that's when I thought ok, this is very racist." He said he wasn't the only one offended. "I saw people reacting to the article making comments like this is racist, things of that nature."

"One of the comments, so why do we still allow people to live here without even knowing English, so right there it basically states if you don't know English then get out of here," said Ramirez.

Joseph said he not angry at the college, but is upset the column was published. Ramirez said he was so outraged after reading the column that he called to leave a message for the editor-in-chief who wrote the opinion asking for an apology.

"I feel that an apology should be granted because, this is something that I know by the people that I saw it has created hard feelings, it's hurt some feelings," he said.
6 News talked to journalism instructor Robert Muilenburg who approved the column. He said the column doesn't reflect the opinion of the newspaper or school. While he said he thought the column would cause a stir, he doesn't believe the comments are racist and The Foghorn won't be issuing an apology.


Jul 3, 2006

I believe that the foghorn should apologize. If those comments were not racist then why not, atleast, say "Hey, look i'm sorry for maybe offending anyone in any way." and they should explain exactly what they did mean. Racism is a serious factor.

When I google the name I find one listing in a PDF file about dental assistants (one in MS, can't remember what state that goes to sorry, but it has an address listed under the name)

and if I shorten the name I seem to be getting soap opera story lines.

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