TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #37

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Working on a brand spanking new thread. Be prepared to move over to it. I will be back with a link in a few minutes and then this one will close. t
I believe that the evidence marker is located approximately as indicated below.


Yes. Which is where we first see the Suspect on the time stamped video. We do not know what if any video they have of Suspect coming from farther North. *We know can see that far because can see the North doors. But MPD said the camera with MB on it she got out of view and it didn't pick up motion.

JMHO if MB had went down the South hallway walking East as your theory same thing they would have had camera rolling as was when Suspect walked down it correct? (thinking out loud no snark intended) and from SW we have nothing to place her down that hallway. JMHO
I believe that the evidence marker is located approximately as indicated below.
Thanks for posting. I do not however agree with you.

Left photo untouched; Right photo has my paint on it (very small):

red rectangle = what I think is an evidence marker
yellow ovals = gloved CS tech hands
blue line = vertical freestanding support beam

What I think is an evidence marker is close to the vertical beam which is the corner of the two intersecting hallways, then some evidence in teh main hallway, then the technician is about in the center of hallway (your red arrow), with a dark evidence collection kit/bag behind him to his left.

*shrug* LOL Peace.


  • Church doors west PD tape Mimi.arrows NIN ENH.png
    Church doors west PD tape Mimi.arrows NIN ENH.png
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  • Church doors west PD tape NIN ENH.paintcopy.PNG
    Church doors west PD tape NIN ENH.paintcopy.PNG
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The door I was talking about being open next to whichever room Suspect came out of, is standing open. That is my belief why I think classrooms may not have been locked.

I not convinced anymore that that is room 12. The number looks different in various parts. Here It looks a little more of a circled edge like a 3 possibly.

The video is zoomed in by MPD so we do not know what else was removed when they zoomed. JMHO
No I do not think the room next to Dutch Doors is a family restroom. IF so it odd place to have one next to room with windows in hallway. PRIOR photos that room was a class room (can see curtains in photo) and is the only room in building with windows like that. And again unless they have done major remodeling *very possible* but I do not see any evidence they split that room between windows.

And DeDee said that the exit from Worship Center into that SE hallway had a number 14 on it. That would also be where you have offices (general area) So I see it possible what ever door was locked in that area is where was hitting against at end. JMHO
And I too could be wrong.
I don't believe any doors to any rooms were locked in the entire building, not even the sanctuary nor the office. I do think that closets were locked for some reason.

The offices are along the South hall. There aren't any windows in the doors to the office. Nor to the Sanctuary. That camera is either looking south down the East hall - my strong belief - or north up the East hall. It can't be looking at anything in the South hall nor where the offices are because it is mounted to the ceiling about 1 foot away from the wall on the left. With a camera there the entry to the sanctuary that would be to the right would be plainly visible. There are no doors visible or breaks in the wall (for the entry to the sanctuary) along the wall on the right side visible as far as down that wall as we can see (about 50 feet due to that door being open on the left).

As for the "12" I am still stuck on that being a 12.
I think they want the case to continue being publicized. But they want to be subtle about it so as not to create enemies in LE. So rather than respond to specific questions on YouTube, they'd rather just post the video and then step back from it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

:thinking: but they didn't just post and step back. It was orig posted Dec 5, 2016, and We found/posted it here early morning of Dec 30th, They were fast (on Jan 4th * 5th) to answer and the conformation of having more video (grainy) and that did on own then to delete was strange to me JMHO Not sure how long it stayed up but from just my SS it was more than a day on first reply and next day replied again.
ETA thanks for your thoughts
Here is the link to Thread #38

Start moving on over. I will be back to close this one in 5 minutes.
I don't believe that Missy ever went off the camera at the SW entry and continued on to another camera - that is I don't believe she ever went down the west hallway. I don't believe she ignored how those Dutch Doors looked. I don't believe they looked like they ever might have looked to her the entire time she had been using the church so that she would simply ignore them and carry on as usual.

Why I believe that has to do with how I believe these cameras record. The recordings from each camera are stored in a separate folder on the recording server. One folder per camera. One file per each separate recording. In order for what MPD described about seeing Missy entering the church and then going down the hall before going out of camera range to be the case they would have already have to have stitched two video files together from two separate cameras to view it that way. I don't believe they would have gotten that far that early in what they were doing. I believe that what they are describing is one scene from one camera and there is only one camera that can be.

For what it is worth, I am probably the only person here that believes Missy was killed in the South hall in the vicinity of the library. So, I probably should not continue on this topic as it will unnecessarily get in the way of other discussion and I will just leave it at that.

Thank you! I remember your screen name and I know you added a great deal of important content here in 37 threads. Your theory is just another *slaps forehead* detail that I didn't remember, and you may be right that there are only a couple of you on that one.

I have had to revise my long-held theory that she was killed in the SW corner of the auditorium with SP fleeing out the kitchen door. I now have the murder action around that vertical beam corner - but how SP escapes unseen is a mystery to me. LOL I will try to remember your theory as we wait in hopeful expectation of an arrest soon.
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