TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #39

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I've always thought there were multiple people involved, but only 1 in the church. I think probably a man and woman, but man was SP. I can't imagine a woman being able to take her down. JMO
I have been reading since day 1. My initial thought on video, female....but, she has more manly mannerisms. But, I'm also in the ballpark of I think there could have been two players here. I think the female "strolling" may be a diversion, the male/murderer, is off camera, or, we see two on camera but can't tell the difference. I think a female would be more calm if her man was there "coaching" her along and she wasn't the one doing the actual killing.

But with everything on this case, I'm 50/50. I honestly don't know anything for sure, it was just my initial thoughts. I actually wrote them down so IF this is ever solved, I could compare and see if anything matched.

I do for sure think targeted only because of how brutally she was killed. I think if it was a robbery interrupted, they would have knocked her out and ran for it, not killed her.

One reason (among a few reasons) why I don't think it was a robbery interrupted is because of how quickly and stealthily the perp disappeared. If it was a random encounter during a robbery, the perp would have no idea that Missy was setting up for a class that was about to begin. She could be setting up for something later in the day, or just dropping something off, or a church employee. A random robber wouldn't know what the schedule was, and therefore, not necessarily prepared to kill quickly and leave immediately - without being seen at all.

I really think this was a well-timed operation and the killer planned it well. I also think there might have been two perps.

I also do not think it was anyone in her family.

From the close up of SP, to me it looks like a woman .

We have had protesters downtown Portland that were threatening to shut down the city yesterday if a certain LE officer was not fired.
I'm posting this because our SWAT team uniforms are worth studying in comparison to SP who killed MB.
I have to admit, I have watched the video several times and there is a plethora of different videos of same event (yesterday) from other news sights. This is just one.

I want to add that I have studied the way our SWAT team walks in full gear and haven't seen anything remotely close to SP. JMO!

Other news channels in Portland are

Thank you for posting this, you beat me to it. I saw this happen yesterday and instead of cheering like the other bystanders , i was observing the SWAT uniform on the various officers. Very different then the perp on the church video, which makes me believe that the uniform on the church video might be an nonofficial one. JMO
When considering SM, and assuming SP sent the "strange and creepy" message to MB, why did SP choose LI to send the warning to MB?

I suspect, as in hindsight being 20/20 for MB, that there were other warnings; we just aren't aware of them.

I've been stalked. It was terrifying that they knew to call when I was alone. He left lavender flowers leaning on the windshield of my parked car and used a clothespin to hang a red heart shaped doily at my mailbox. We moved a county over to get away from that misery. Thus, I conclude that MB probably was a bit troubled during those last few weeks if her killer was sending subtle warnings.

The LI message was the final warning. MB went to the CG Conference anyway.

I may have missed it somewhere in the links, but.... Was the creepy LI message sent regarding Missy going to the CG conference? As in, warning her not to go? If so, that would shift my focus in that direction quite a bit, and lean away from it being an untargeted hit. Maybe the jealousy (if that was the motive) wasn't over a love affair, but over the CG business.

I don't remember seeing the actual content of the message, but feel free to correct me if it is out there somewhere! :)

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I may have missed it somewhere in the links, but.... Was the creepy LI message sent regarding Missy going to the CG conference? As in, warning her not to go? If so, that would shift my focus in that direction quite a bit, and lean away from it being an untargeted hit. Maybe the jealousy (if that was the motive) wasn't over a love affair, but over the CG business.

I don't remember seeing the actual content of the message, but feel free to correct me if it is out there somewhere! :)

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The contents of the message have never been revealed, to my knowledge.
Does anybody know how much money someone can make with CG? It always has seemed a little like a pyramid scheme that exploits the trainers and clients but I could be way off base. Could Missy have been making much money at it?
Does anybody know how much money someone can make with CG? It always has seemed a little like a pyramid scheme that exploits the trainers and clients but I could be way off base. Could Missy have been making much money at it?

I have no idea, but it totally seems like a pyramid scheme to me. JMOPINION
Does anybody know how much money someone can make with CG? It always has seemed a little like a pyramid scheme that exploits the trainers and clients but I could be way off base. Could Missy have been making much money at it?

A few months ago, someone published the annual earnings and IIRC it was around $3K or $5K a year on average (very low). Certain businesses (such as franchises) are required to publish their franchisees annual earnings. But that is a little bit of a misleading number, since it includes everyone who even signs up or tried and makes nothing is included in that number.

I started my career as a CPA (and have seen a lot of business and individual tax returns) and these type of businesses are generally very top heavy. The guys on top (not counting corporate); that are really talented, been around a long time, and have a substantial-sized organization can make decent money ($50K to $100K+). But the vast, vast majority don't survive or make $20K or $30K and hang on trying to build the dream. But yes, you've got to really be good and put in the time building to make any money of note. I don't think MB had been around long enough to make good money doing it. The fact that they were in financial straits (in a low cost of living area) even though BB was working FT would lead me to believe it was not lucrative.
A few months ago, someone published the annual earnings and IIRC it was around $3K or $5K a year on average (very low). Certain businesses (such as franchises) are required to publish their franchisees annual earnings. But that is a little bit of a misleading number, since it includes everyone who even signs up or tried and makes nothing is included in that number.

I started my career as a CPA (and have seen a lot of business and individual tax returns) and these type of businesses are generally very top heavy. The guys on top (not counting corporate); that are really talented, been around a long time, and have a substantial-sized organization can make decent money ($50K to $100K+). But the vast, vast majority don't survive or make $20K or $30K and hang on trying to build the dream. But yes, you've got to really be good and put in the time building to make any money of note. I don't think MB had been around long enough to make good money doing it. The fact that they were in financial straits (in a low cost of living area) even though BB was working FT would lead me to believe it was not lucrative.

I have a few friends who are involved in bootcamp style fitness businesses in my area, and it is mainly a side business for them. Most of them have full time jobs and teach classes before or after work. That being said, they are very passionate about fitness, are competitive in nature, and are very into posting their activities on social media, just as Missy was. If the conflict had to do with CG, it may not be about the money. I know this is a rehash of earlier threads but just revisiting the idea, moo...
G.M. Cox, an associate professor at Tarleton State University in Fort Worth and a former police chief in Murphy, has followed the case since the outset and says it is likely the break in the case exists with someone that knew Bevers well.

"There has to be some link between her death and people in her past," Cox said. "This person intended to do exactly what they did – when they did it – and whom they did it to.”


G.M. Cox was saying that the week of the murder:


It's pretty typical for current and former LE to assume an unsolved murder like this one is targeted. They're familiar with stats and know that women are killed by people they know, more often than by strangers. So LE plays the odds when going on the record in interviews, JMHO. There was also a female former police chief who made the same kind of comments in that first week or two.
Jmo but, if sp(s) was planning this murder for a few months it would be quite easy to cobble this outfit together. Using things you already have to hand and things from charity shops. Cargo type pants, black boots, kneepads and balaclavas etc.

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Thank you for posting this, you beat me to it. I saw this happen yesterday and instead of cheering like the other bystanders , i was observing the SWAT uniform on the various officers. Very different then the perp on the church video, which makes me believe that the uniform on the church video might be an nonofficial one. JMO

Agree! Here is a frame of SP, where he is hammering glass in the very end of the video. Look closer at the POLICE lettering on the back of his jacket. The letters are peeling off.

I have gone through thousands of layers/ frames of this video. When I post one certain capture, this is consistent with other frames/layers before and following the one captured, by the way.

Again, letters are peeling off, could be an indication, that the outfit was wet. The perp may have somewhat dried up in the kitchen area upon entering. I do not assume he made the mistake of changing his clothes at that time, but it's possible:





  • MB videoplayback 1.png
    MB videoplayback 1.png
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  • MB videoplayback 1 resampled exp clear top alie.png
    MB videoplayback 1 resampled exp clear top alie.png
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Agree! Here is a frame of SP, where he is hammering glass in the very end of the video. Look closer at the POLICE lettering on the back of his jacket. The letters are peeling off.

I have gone through thousands of layers/ frames of this video. When I post one certain capture, this is consistent with other frames/layers before and following the one captured, by the way.

Again, letters are peeling off, could be an indication, that the outfit was wet. The perp may have somewhat dried up in the kitchen area upon entering. I do not assume he made the mistake of changing his clothes at that time, but it's possible:




Wow good catch! Def appears to be!!

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Agree! Here is a frame of SP, where he is hammering glass in the very end of the video. Look closer at the POLICE lettering on the back of his jacket. The letters are peeling off.

I have gone through thousands of layers/ frames of this video. When I post one certain capture, this is consistent with other frames/layers before and following the one captured, by the way.

Again, letters are peeling off, could be an indication, that the outfit was wet. The perp may have somewhat dried up in the kitchen area upon entering. I do not assume he made the mistake of changing his clothes at that time, but it's possible:




IDK why but the letters look 3-D to me.

If you don't mind see what you can do with this video. TIA

When considering SM, and assuming SP sent the "strange and creepy" message to MB, why did SP choose LI to send the warning to MB?

I suspect, as in hindsight being 20/20 for MB, that there were other warnings; we just aren't aware of them.

I've been stalked. It was terrifying that they knew to call when I was alone. He left lavender flowers leaning on the windshield of my parked car and used a clothespin to hang a red heart shaped doily at my mailbox. We moved a county over to get away from that misery. Thus, I conclude that MB probably was a bit troubled during those last few weeks if her killer was sending subtle warnings.

The LI message was the final warning. MB went to the CG Conference anyway.

Sorry Dee.. That had to be terrifying! Did you ever find out who was stalking you?
Absolute speculation, but in the back of my mind, I wonder if this had something to do with steroids. She would be in a prime position to either sell or know about the sales of steroids.

The killer may have had a fear of her being busted and spilling the beans, or reporting someone or something she was aware of.

If that someone was involved with LE, they would have a clear motive to shut them up. It was reported that one of the two Ellis County Deputies was found with possible steroids. I was looking around, and back in 2013, in Arlington there were LE busted for steroids and tipping off a suspect:

One of those officers even killed himself over it. I could easily see someone killing her if they saw her as a threat.

Just some thoughts for a Thursday afternoon. I'm sire we've gone over the topic in the past, lol.

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....protesters downtown Portland.... our SWAT team uniforms are worth studying in comparison to SP who killed MB....I want to add that I have studied the way our SWAT team walks in full gear and haven't seen anything remotely close to SP. JMO!

....observing the SWAT uniform on the various officers. Very different then the perp on the church video, which makes me believe that the uniform on the church video might be an nonofficial one. JMO
^sbm re both posts
Agreeing w Mistree, that SP's outfit is quite unlike Portland SWAT uni's in link.
Agreeing w Oregonmama, that SP's outfit is likely 'nonofficial.'

But as discussed in early days after death, thread discussed wide availability of LEO uni's both online & in stix & brix stores.
e.g., www.qmuniforms.com www.galls.com www.511tactical.com www.lapolicegear.com & more.
Not difficult to locate or buy.

Similarity in gait, IDK, I don't see any.

Wow good catch! Def appears to be!!

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Would have been nice if one of those letters peeled and fell off, esp in combat. Maybe they did. We still need to pool our money together and see if we can buy a ticket to see what LE has or knows.
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