TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #41

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JMHO I can think of many reasons why driver would not. Many been hashed over here on threads. But I not sure I would want to come forward if I knew I had nothing to do with a murder. I do not see driver coming forward anymore than I do the Suspect from CCofC. JMHO once name out there, they would be ran through the mud, inch torn apart. What if they were doing something not related to CCofC or SWFA but not totally legal or morally acceptable? Or even just innocently pulled over and driving around parking lot.. Could been in wrong place at wrong time. I still going back and forth on if connected, can see both sides of possible coin here. JMHO

Either the driver has no idea they are wanted for questioning - maybe it's a kid visiting from college with their mom's car and wants to smoke a quick bowl before going home, or someone who lives a state away and was stopping due to mechanical issues caused by excessive rain...

Or the driver is worried about implicating themselves in another crime or something personal (infidelity, drug use etc)- which is naive, I think. They could bring an attorney to the station with them for the interview to keep things on-topic. Maybe I watch too much tv but detectives seem to rarely charge the criminals they come across during a homicide investigation. (Some guy is murdered, investigation reveals he's a drug user, detectives interview his drug dealer but don't charge him).

Or the Altima driver knows he is wanted for questioning and is hiding.

I think the first and third options are most probable. I feel like 90% of the population knows that detectives don't care that you blew a line of coke in your car or met with your paramour when they are investigating a murder.
Why does the car have stuff on rims? They didn't have masks or animals in first picture they showed. They went to alot of trouble to make sure public couldn't identify anyone in car. They probably changed the decal to a mallard also. Why jack around with something that is suppose to not be involved? They is MPD. JMO

Yes and yes and also yes. :) :thinking: :banghead:
...RSBM... Edited to Add: you also seem to be expressing great confidence that MPD has "other video" - when there hasn't been one peep from them directly or in MSM that would lead us to think they have such evidence.
I know SteveS can take care of himself, but he is right that they had more video of the Altima than the one grainy exit still, as we have seen. I do wonder if the Altima was on any video other than SWFA - such as Whataburger, Exxon, intersection - and MPD is withholding that info and video. I think MPD should withhold every single thing they want and MPD does not answer to the public's curiosity in building their case.
Although it seems most likely that SP departed the CCoC property by vehicle out the driveway, this piece of the puzzle remains unknown. Many have wondered if SP left on foot or crossed the North Prong Creek to a waiting vehicle in the trees or on Rex Odom Road. So I took a tour of terrain and bridges in Ellis County and reviewed some of the aerial photos of the area posted on older threads. What I found is that this part of Texas is full of these deep gorge, flash flood creeks that have variable water levels throughout the year, and it is also full of manmade features that cross these creek gorges. The drop-offs into these sometimes sheer-sided creek beds can be 30 feet or more.

At this link, you can read about some of the bridges:

1. Mt. Zion Road bridge (modern, public road, driving, photo at link) bridge that crosses the Waxahachie Creek right off 287
2. Mockingbird Lane bridge (original 1930, replaced modern 2000, driving, no photo) that crosses the North Prong Creek just east of Walnut Grove Road a few miles north of CCoC
3. Witten Road bridge which is an abandoned, derelict, overgrown1911 railroad trellis (photo at link) in the town of Italy. (included as example only of what could be in the area of the murder)

Bridges of Ellis County

There are also small walking bridges, private farm bridges, and pipelines for natural gas, sewage, freshwater and electrical/telephone/cable conduits which are relatively unmapped and unknown to the public. Any pipeline across a creek gorge is very interesting because it likely has a catwalk with handrails for workmen to inspect, test and repair. Because the water in the gorges erodes the land, there is a Soil Conservation District in Ellis County that has built dams, spillways and reservoirs, including throughout the North Prong Creek system. Where trees have grown tall in the creek bed, such as in North Prong Creek, the water is never too high or the trees would die. The District has its own roads and bridges that are not public roads but passable in a work truck, as well as easement access across some of the farmland and private farm roads to reach their projects. Fencing in this sprawling area of ranchland and undeveloped terrain is barbed wire easily cut with wire-cutters, where there is fencing at all (see the Witten Road bridge for an example of fencing). (I disagree with the NG producer who claimed the whole area was impassable because of fences.)

There are also plans to develop much of the area into residential and retail including the area all around the CCoC and North Prong Creek. I found a feasibility study from the University of Texas-Arlington that has maps of different plans and the costs to develop walking, biking and hiking trails. I was unable to cut out the screenshot, but the most interesting map to me is the one on page 51 of 77. This map shows the Diamond J Ranch proposed residential development with the North Prong Creek greenbelt trailhead next to CCoC where the City of Midlothian already owns the land. Ellis County would like to adjoin to the Veloweb project of DFW that is an expansive interconnected network of these walking, biking and hiking trails through several communities and counties. This is the pdf:

Ellis County/Midlothian to Waxahachie Regional Trail Corridor Research
University of Texas at Arlington
North Central Texas Council of Governments
77 page pdf
In the THIRD photo below of the north parking area and farther property of CCoC (North is pointing Left in photo), just beyond CCoC and into the Diamond J Ranch property, there is whitewater (far left of photo) in the North Prong Creek. There are also subdued (in this photo) dirt roads on either side of the creek that meet this whitewater point. The straight dark area across the whitewater suggests a spillway, walking bridge or maybe even a structure wide enough to drive (compare width to dirt roads on CCoC property) or perhaps a pipeline with a catwalk. The straightness to the right edge of the dark feature crossing the whitewater suggests “manmade” because nature does not produce straight lines. Enlarged, it looks like it might have pylons down into the creek bed. It could just be a small waterfall – but then why do Diamond J Ranch roads link to it as shown in the FIRST photo?

The FIRST photo below is the large aerial map. For orientation, that is CCoC in the extreme right lower corner. The green lollipop is the entrance on 287 to Diamond J Ranch. Most of the dark snaking areas are creek gorges of the North Prong Creek tributaries and the large dark area is the reservoir with its dam and spillway. Perusal of the entire North Prong Creek, its tributaries and reservoirs on up the right side of this map reveals many bridges, dams, spillways, etc. The dirt roads on either side of North Prong Creek that lead directly to the whitewater section just north beyond CCoC property are more apparent on this map. Following the Diamond J Ranch road up from 287 will lead to a point where it turns right, curves and it looks like the dirt road crosses the creek to another dirt road on the other side not far from CCoC (still in the lower right third of photo) - compare to the pink hash line roads explained next.

The SECOND image below is the topographical map for Mid-Way Regional Airport. I was unable to locate a proper legend for the markings, but it can be compared to the large aerial map. The airport, CCoC, Rex Odom Road, SWFA, are not highlighted on this type of map although 287 cuts the lower left corner. What is of interest are the pink lines and pink hash lines (and black hash lines). I believe that pink represents the roads that either belong to the Soil Conservation District, or they are easement access roads across private ranch land. Find the words "Diamond J Ranch" on the left side. The pink solid lines down to 287 are that Diamond J Ranch road that is prominent in aerial photos. From the words "Diamond J Ranch" to the right are those pink hash lines – that cross right over the North Prong Creek to reach the reservoir at the words “Spillway Elev 651”. So what appears to be a bridge on the aerial photo is in fact a bridge on the topographical map. There is no bridge or feature noted at the whitewater point near CCoC, but those dirt roads are not shown either, likely because they are private and not used by the District. Up in the left corner at the words “Riser 643” there is a definite wide dirt area on the aerial photo map (first image) wide enough for work trucks to drive across the spillway/dam.

Mid-Way Regional Airport topographical map link:

Conclusion: We don’t know how SP arrived and departed from the CCoC, but it appears that there are some kind of bridges in very close proximity, short minutes walking, over the North Prong Creek that are passable on foot (possible at north corner of CCoC property at whitewater) and also by ATV and truck (the Diamond J Ranch road to spillway bridge) (the Riser 643 damn and spillway). The beauty of this escape route is that so many think it isn’t possible, no one was looking for someone out there in the hour after the murder, and that it avoids all those pesky cameras.


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She could have surprised the SP and asked to see a badge, then he freaked out.
Or she recognised him. If it was someone familiar to her she might recognise his voice.

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In the THIRD photo below of the north parking area and farther property of CCoC (North is pointing Left in photo), just beyond CCoC and into the Diamond J Ranch property, there is whitewater (far left of photo) in the North Prong Creek. There are also subdued (in this photo) dirt roads on either side of the creek that meet this whitewater point. The straight dark area across the whitewater suggests a spillway, walking bridge or maybe even a structure wide enough to drive (compare width to dirt roads on CCoC property) or perhaps a pipeline with a catwalk. The straightness to the right edge of the dark feature crossing the whitewater suggests “manmade” because nature does not produce straight lines. Enlarged, it looks like it might have pylons down into the creek bed. It could just be a small waterfall – but then why do Diamond J Ranch roads link to it as shown in the FIRST photo?

The FIRST photo below is the large aerial map. For orientation, that is CCoC in the extreme right lower corner. The green lollipop is the entrance on 287 to Diamond J Ranch. Most of the dark snaking areas are creek gorges of the North Prong Creek tributaries and the large dark area is the reservoir with its dam and spillway. Perusal of the entire North Prong Creek, its tributaries and reservoirs on up the right side of this map reveals many bridges, dams, spillways, etc. The dirt roads on either side of North Prong Creek that lead directly to the whitewater section just north beyond CCoC property are more apparent on this map. Following the Diamond J Ranch road up from 287 will lead to a point where it turns right, curves and it looks like the dirt road crosses the creek to another dirt road on the other side not far from CCoC (still in the lower right third of photo) - compare to the pink hash line roads explained next.

The SECOND image below is the topographical map for Mid-Way Regional Airport. I was unable to locate a proper legend for the markings, but it can be compared to the large aerial map. The airport, CCoC, Rex Odom Road, SWFA, are not highlighted on this type of map although 287 cuts the lower left corner. What is of interest are the pink lines and pink hash lines (and black hash lines). I believe that pink represents the roads that either belong to the Soil Conservation District, or they are easement access roads across private ranch land. Find the words "Diamond J Ranch" on the left side. The pink solid lines down to 287 are that Diamond J Ranch road that is prominent in aerial photos. From the words "Diamond J Ranch" to the right are those pink hash lines – that cross right over the North Prong Creek to reach the reservoir at the words “Spillway Elev 651”. So what appears to be a bridge on the aerial photo is in fact a bridge on the topographical map. There is no bridge or feature noted at the whitewater point near CCoC, but those dirt roads are not shown either, likely because they are private and not used by the District. Up in the left corner at the words “Riser 643” there is a definite wide dirt area on the aerial photo map (first image) wide enough for work trucks to drive across the spillway/dam.

Mid-Way Regional Airport topographical map link:

Conclusion: We don’t know how SP arrived and departed from the CCoC, but it appears that there are some kind of bridges in very close proximity, short minutes walking, over the North Prong Creek that are passable on foot (possible at north corner of CCoC property at whitewater) and also by ATV and truck (the Diamond J Ranch road to spillway bridge) (the Riser 643 damn and spillway). The beauty of this escape route is that so many think it isn’t possible, no one was looking for someone out there in the hour after the murder, and that it avoids all those pesky cameras.
Great work!!!

I have always though SP arrived and left on foot via the North Prong Creek area for much the same reasons. There is also a soil study from 1964. While it dates back to 1964, because this is a soil conservation area it is not as if more soil was gained in this area (which more or less is on a slab of rock). There were more than one person that assume that someone would sink way deep in mud and that area would not be navigable due to the rain over a period of days. But quite frankly there isn't that kind of depth of soil. And as you show with all of these roads - not to mention there is a now abandoned house just north of the Church and while people had lived there they would have a need to be able to get in and out of there reliably via the bridge close by and the roads. This area along the creek was a 12 year or so project starting in 1941, if I recall correctly. Not only did they plant certain kinds of plants with roots that hold onto soil but you can also see the terracing of land particularly on the right side of the creek. With the dam further north water flow is regulated to some degree even in the conditions around the time of the murder. Further south toward the church but still north of it there are two different dams that feed water to the creek on the east. So, the further south you go down that creek the worse the water situation is in terms of depth and speed.

I know one person from here has actually walked, photographed and posted pictures on earlier threads from different places within that area back in August before the threads closed down. While it would provide a challenge to get through there for a person unfamiliar with the terrain and dealing with the weather I don't believe it would pose a challenge for someone that is both familiar with the area and has a military background that includes all weather training. I believe SP possesses both of those attributes.
JMHO I can think of many reasons why driver would not. Many been hashed over here on threads. But I not sure I would want to come forward if I knew I had nothing to do with a murder. I do not see driver coming forward anymore than I do the Suspect from CCofC. JMHO once name out there, they would be ran through the mud, inch torn apart. What if they were doing something not related to CCofC or SWFA but not totally legal or morally acceptable? Or even just innocently pulled over and driving around parking lot.. Could been in wrong place at wrong time. I still going back and forth on if connected, can see both sides of possible coin here. JMHO
One of the things that bothers me about the car (other than no one has come forward) is the license plate. It appears it is a Texas tag. The star (if that's what it is) in the upper left hand corner limits who would have that kind of plate. It is not that common on Texas plates.

I feel like they know who it is or...they know the plates were stolen.

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I think "exploring the unexplored" makes more sense than doubling down on chasing harder in wrong directions (SWFA video) or "already scrutinized to the minutest detail" directions (CCoC video). But to each his own. And if I was LE with their resources, I'd focus time on other videos they have.

And LE made it clear they have "no reason whatsoever" to think this car/driver is involved (which is in the context of having examined all the video up and down the hwy that night, and being able to track its path after it left much more than we could possibly imagine).

I think the answers to solving this case will come from outside the CCoC and SWFA video we've seen. In fact, I don't think that either of those are even the most important video they have acquired.

I know SteveS can take care of himself, but he is right that they had more video of the Altima than the one grainy exit still, as we have seen. I do wonder if the Altima was on any video other than SWFA - such as Whataburger, Exxon, intersection - and MPD is withholding that info and video. I think MPD should withhold every single thing they want and MPD does not answer to the public's curiosity in building their case.


MPD has stated, when explicitly asked, that they do NOT know who the driver is, and they do NOT know if the driver/Altima are involved in the murder or not, and that they are still looking for them. They obviously do not think it's definitely the wrong direction, or they wouldn't still be putting resources into it.

Back to "other video" besides SWFA - this is a rural highway with very little lighting. SWFA is lit up like a Christmas tree because it's a gun store. And yet, even with great cameras and all that light, nothing could be identified. I don't think they're withholding anything - they don't have anything that is usable. If they did, they wouldn't be telling us that they still don't know who the driver is and they're still looking for him.

At some point it's best to actually take MPD at their word when they say that they have something, or they don't have something. I see no subterfuge here. I see a police department that is stumped and has very few leads to follow. That is why they gave us the Altima in the first place, remember. They had gone thru 80 or 90 percent of the tips and leads and the last remaining one, they said, was the Altima. As far as we can tell and as far as they've said, it's still the best - maybe still the only - lead they have.
In the THIRD photo below of the north parking area and farther property of CCoC (North is pointing Left in photo), just beyond CCoC and into the Diamond J Ranch property, there is whitewater (far left of photo) in the North Prong Creek. There are also subdued (in this photo) dirt roads on either side of the creek that meet this whitewater point. The straight dark area across the whitewater suggests a spillway, walking bridge or maybe even a structure wide enough to drive (compare width to dirt roads on CCoC property) or perhaps a pipeline with a catwalk. The straightness to the right edge of the dark feature crossing the whitewater suggests “manmade” because nature does not produce straight lines. Enlarged, it looks like it might have pylons down into the creek bed. It could just be a small waterfall – but then why do Diamond J Ranch roads link to it as shown in the FIRST photo?

The FIRST photo below is the large aerial map. For orientation, that is CCoC in the extreme right lower corner. The green lollipop is the entrance on 287 to Diamond J Ranch. Most of the dark snaking areas are creek gorges of the North Prong Creek tributaries and the large dark area is the reservoir with its dam and spillway. Perusal of the entire North Prong Creek, its tributaries and reservoirs on up the right side of this map reveals many bridges, dams, spillways, etc. The dirt roads on either side of North Prong Creek that lead directly to the whitewater section just north beyond CCoC property are more apparent on this map. Following the Diamond J Ranch road up from 287 will lead to a point where it turns right, curves and it looks like the dirt road crosses the creek to another dirt road on the other side not far from CCoC (still in the lower right third of photo) - compare to the pink hash line roads explained next.

The SECOND image below is the topographical map for Mid-Way Regional Airport. I was unable to locate a proper legend for the markings, but it can be compared to the large aerial map. The airport, CCoC, Rex Odom Road, SWFA, are not highlighted on this type of map although 287 cuts the lower left corner. What is of interest are the pink lines and pink hash lines (and black hash lines). I believe that pink represents the roads that either belong to the Soil Conservation District, or they are easement access roads across private ranch land. Find the words "Diamond J Ranch" on the left side. The pink solid lines down to 287 are that Diamond J Ranch road that is prominent in aerial photos. From the words "Diamond J Ranch" to the right are those pink hash lines – that cross right over the North Prong Creek to reach the reservoir at the words “Spillway Elev 651”. So what appears to be a bridge on the aerial photo is in fact a bridge on the topographical map. There is no bridge or feature noted at the whitewater point near CCoC, but those dirt roads are not shown either, likely because they are private and not used by the District. Up in the left corner at the words “Riser 643” there is a definite wide dirt area on the aerial photo map (first image) wide enough for work trucks to drive across the spillway/dam.

Mid-Way Regional Airport topographical map link:

Conclusion: We don’t know how SP arrived and departed from the CCoC, but it appears that there are some kind of bridges in very close proximity, short minutes walking, over the North Prong Creek that are passable on foot (possible at north corner of CCoC property at whitewater) and also by ATV and truck (the Diamond J Ranch road to spillway bridge) (the Riser 643 damn and spillway). The beauty of this escape route is that so many think it isn’t possible, no one was looking for someone out there in the hour after the murder, and that it avoids all those pesky cameras.
I had to come back to this because this is most important. With such a large crime scene and perimeter to deal with there would not be the resources available early enough and that is another factor that would buy SP more time to get away not to mention to get away undetected as you note. If MPD played Occam's Razor they would have dismissed the notion of SP arriving and leaving on foot.
Thanks Sandy for some great sleuthing on bridges and the area in the immediate vicinity of CCofC. To go further, I issue the following challenge:

Someone local, or someone with time on their hands who can travel to the area for a period of time - go to the area and take your phone or other video recording device. Follow all laws, be respectful of private property, but go around and ask for access to these areas. Get quality, non-jittery video. Narrate as you go. Take measurements. Ask questions of landowners about how much water was there on Apr. 18, and how muddy the ground was. Ask if MPD has interviewed them.

We tend to ask a lot of questions among ourselves here, with only the occasional direct involvement by calling or emailing LE. With this case dragging on, I know there are members here who have the time and the intelligence to get us more video.

And if you have a drone, even better!
Thanks Sandy for some great sleuthing on bridges and the area in the immediate vicinity of CCofC. To go further, I issue the following challenge:

Someone local, or someone with time on their hands who can travel to the area for a period of time - go to the area and take your phone or other video recording device. Follow all laws, be respectful of private property, but go around and ask for access to these areas. Get quality, non-jittery video. Narrate as you go. Take measurements. Ask questions of landowners about how much water was there on Apr. 18, and how muddy the ground was. Ask if MPD has interviewed them.

We tend to ask a lot of questions among ourselves here, with only the occasional direct involvement by calling or emailing LE. With this case dragging on, I know there are members here who have the time and the intelligence to get us more video.

And if you have a drone, even better!
I know that DeDee had gone there and took photos of that area since she has posted them.
If the SP walked there he would've been wet and muddy. Nope he had his vehicle out back and drove away right before the first person got there for the class.
Thanks Sandy for some great sleuthing on bridges and the area in the immediate vicinity of CCofC. To go further, I issue the following challenge:

Someone local, or someone with time on their hands who can travel to the area for a period of time - go to the area and take your phone or other video recording device. Follow all laws, be respectful of private property, but go around and ask for access to these areas. Get quality, non-jittery video. Narrate as you go. Take measurements. Ask questions of landowners about how much water was there on Apr. 18, and how muddy the ground was. Ask if MPD has interviewed them.

We tend to ask a lot of questions among ourselves here, with only the occasional direct involvement by calling or emailing LE. With this case dragging on, I know there are members here who have the time and the intelligence to get us more video.

And if you have a drone, even better!

..and be very very careful.

If the SP walked there he would've been wet and muddy. Nope he had his vehicle out back and drove away right before the first person got there for the class.

Or he had a driver and walked away afterwards. -Nin
I had to come back to this because this is most important. With such a large crime scene and perimeter to deal with there would not be the resources available early enough and that is another factor that would buy SP more time to get away not to mention to get away undetected as you note. If MPD played Occam's Razor they would have dismissed the notion of SP arriving and leaving on foot.

Tracks would have been very noticeable. It was really wet. Wouldn't they have at least looked for that within a day or 2?
Thinking out loud...
MPD had the SWFA video either 4/18/16 or for sure by time the 4/19/16 (Tues new piece was posted online quoting Johnson. **This was prior to the extended 2:27 min video released by MPD)

Johnson said a vehicle can be seen on the video may belong to the killer, but there's not enough information to give the public.
"There&#8217;s one surveillance camera where you can see the car in the far corner of the frame, parked in the distance. You can't make out a plate, and we're not even comfortable releasing anything about a possible make or model,&#8221; Johnson said.
Source: Police Release New Information in Midlothian Murder Investigation | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth http://webcache.googleusercontent.c....html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#ixzz4YDAjV91i We know now, from MPD that the surveillance camera that captured this was at SWFA

5/20/16 MPD released the 2 Altima screen shots as last lead following up on (had had since 4/18-4/19/16)
"The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA Sporting Goods parking lot at approximately 2 a.m. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later," Johnson said. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-search-for-vehicle-of-interest-in-texas-church-murder/

12/5/16 SWFA Published on Dec 5, 2016 17 different camera angles Entered at 1:58am Exited at 2:04am

:thinking: From the SWFA camera used at abt 0:46 sec - 1:06 mark that camera has the ability to see most of the South & East side of Creekside CoC, (then vehicle goes behind SWFA) At 3:04 mark, where vehicle comes around and parks til leaves- that is a differnt camera than the 0:46-1:06 camera. << You can not see Creekside CoC from this camera or any other portions released with this video. At 6:59 mark you can see from camera the SWFA Building and where the camera would be that captured the vehicle parked for few minutes. Notice the metal roofing to the right of that balcony

NOW, if you go to the daytime video labeled "Attempted vehicle break in at SWFA" Published on May 13, 2016 or "The block in" SWFA Published on Aug 6, 2014. It is the same exact camera that we see at night time 0:46-1:06 on 4/18/16 video.

From Creekside CoC South/SouthEast parking lot you can see this exact area looking towards SWFA. https://www.facebook.com/creeksideD...79345102342/10151650278422343/?type=3&theater
*true, parking lot area bushes have grown since fall of 2013 until April 2016, but again we have only seen from that 1 particular camera less than 30 seconds iirc. And at darkthirty on April 18, 2016 possible that from that camera, Suspect car lights were captured at the East side of parking lot. JMHO

We have no idea when the vehicle time stamp is, that Asst Chief Johnson spoke about in the 4/19/16 NBC5 article. Could have been later and more near the time of when Suspect would have been in the Church. Or what else that camera captured. << That camera video is on my wish list.

From Fox4 news report Published on Jan 12, 2017 can see from window, upstairs camera looking at Creekside CoC. They zoom some fox4 swfa video Jan 12 2017 1.JPG

MPD would like to speak to driver of vehicle "if only to cross them off the list" end of video [video=youtube;_qqVA-79F8c]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qqVA-79F8c[/video]
Thinking out loud...
MPD had the SWFA video either 4/18/16 or for sure by time the 4/19/16 (Tues new piece was posted online quoting Johnson. **This was prior to the extended 2:27 min video released by MPD)

Johnson said a vehicle can be seen on the video may belong to the killer, but there's not enough information to give the public.
"There’s one surveillance camera where you can see the car in the far corner of the frame, parked in the distance. You can't make out a plate, and we're not even comfortable releasing anything about a possible make or model,” Johnson said.
Source: Police Release New Information in Midlothian Murder Investigation | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth http://webcache.googleusercontent.c....html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#ixzz4YDAjV91i We know now, from MPD that the surveillance camera that captured this was at SWFA

5/20/16 MPD released the 2 Altima screen shots as last lead following up on (had had since 4/18-4/19/16)
"The last remaining lead involves a car that pulls into the SWFA Sporting Goods parking lot at approximately 2 a.m. They're seen pulling into the parking lot and leaving just a few minutes later," Johnson said. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/police-search-for-vehicle-of-interest-in-texas-church-murder/

12/5/16 SWFA Published on Dec 5, 2016 17 different camera angles Entered at 1:58am Exited at 2:04am

:thinking: From the SWFA camera used at abt 0:46 sec - 1:06 mark that camera has the ability to see most of the South & East side of Creekside CoC, (then vehicle goes behind SWFA) At 3:04 mark, where vehicle comes around and parks til leaves- that is a differnt camera than the 0:46-1:06 camera. << You can not see Creekside CoC from this camera or any other portions released with this video. At 6:59 mark you can see from camera the SWFA Building and where the camera would be that captured the vehicle parked for few minutes. Notice the metal roofing to the right of that balcony

NOW, if you go to the daytime video labeled "Attempted vehicle break in at SWFA" Published on May 13, 2016 or "The block in" SWFA Published on Aug 6, 2014. It is the same exact camera that we see at night time 0:46-1:06 on 4/18/16 video.

From Creekside CoC South/SouthEast parking lot you can see this exact area looking towards SWFA. https://www.facebook.com/creeksideD...79345102342/10151650278422343/?type=3&theater
*true, parking lot area bushes have grown since fall of 2013 until April 2016, but again we have only seen from that 1 particular camera less than 30 seconds iirc. And at darkthirty on April 18, 2016 possible that from that camera, Suspect car lights were captured at the East side of parking lot. JMHO

We have no idea when the vehicle time stamp is, that Asst Chief Johnson spoke about in the 4/19/16 NBC5 article. Could have been later and more near the time of when Suspect would have been in the Church. Or what else that camera captured. << That camera video is on my wish list.

From Fox4 news report Published on Jan 12, 2017 can see from window, upstairs camera looking at Creekside CoC. They zoom some View attachment 109596

MPD would like to speak to driver of vehicle "if only to cross them off the list" end of video [video=youtube;_qqVA-79F8c]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qqVA-79F8c[/video]
Wow, that's the best close up day pic I've seen of CoC from SWFA!

I had no idea SWFA looks into the southeast side of CoC and it's no wonder they knew the time MB drove in! I knew the church was catiwompus (sp) but it is seriously catiewompus.

Certainly they had the camper who arrived at 4:30 on their video.

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In report from Fox4, they also state that the reason SWFA said they posted the 4/18/16 was because of an attempted breakin and news showed a photo of a busted/cracked window (at 2:15 mark)what appears to be a patio/balcony outside. Why post that nights video? Was the attempted breakin that early morning 4/18/16? Did the same vehicle come back? How much more of the video did the Fox4 team see? JMHO more on videos than what we see, no matter who the SWFA driver is or what they were up to.
View attachment 109597
Tracks would have been very noticeable. It was really wet. Wouldn't they have at least looked for that within a day or 2?

And from the news helicopter video that was posted online at 12:13pm 4/18/16 (iirc on time) there were no LEO working in the North/ or Rear-East side. CSI was still there, and scene was released at noon per Capt Spann on 4/18 press conf.

Parked in rear or N/NE side, drove off jmho
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