TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #47

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Six Years Later, They Lead the Search for Missy Bevers’ Killer

But Renae Rodden and Crystal Lawson continue to look for the person who took Missy’s life on April 18, 2016. Their podcast “True Crime Broads,” which they started on Feb. 15, 2020, has a focus on bringing that person to justice.
“Renae and I had met in the Facebook discussion groups and realized we had years of research that others might be interested in,” Lawson said.

“We had talked on the phone and by messenger often. We both knew keeping her case in the forefront was very important, so we decided to get together and do something about it,” Rodden added.

Rodden has some investigative background, having spent years looking for members of her family. She also studied criminal justice in college.
“The arrest and waiting for trial – or plea agreement – is when we feel things will just be ramping up,” she said. “Then we will cover the trial and discuss the aftermath.
“I don’t see us stopping for a long time. Plus, we have other murder cases we will want to cover, in addition to Missy’s.”
From article:

I think Midlothian PD went down the wrong road initially looking at other people. I do think they are looking at the right person now, but who knows if they can get enough hard evidence to make it stick after all these years?” Lawson asked.”

Have there been any ideas on who the “right person” is that LE is looking at?

In my opinion, it is overwhelmingly obvious that Missy was not targeted. It is fairly evident from the security footage that the perpetrator was focused on robbing the building, even if he didn't find anything worth taking before Missy interrupted him. He was not lying in wait for Missy, in my opinion; the video does not show him watching for her.

Everything about this case screams interrupted burglary, in my opinion.

The killing was most likely impulsive and spontaneous—the burglar's reaction to being surprised.

I can't swear that Missy didn't know the perp, because in a relatively rural area like Midlothian, there's a fair chance that any two people will at least be acquainted, but I am confident that the perp did not go to that church with the intention of killing Missy. My best guess is that he went there thinking that any donations collected on Sunday would still be there because because the banks are all closed on Sunday, and the money wouldn't have been deposited yet. I'm not sure whether that's true, for the church employees might have utilized a night deposit box, but I think that a burglar would expect the donations to be there somewhere.
I completely respect your judgement, Ozoner. But I honestly don’t understand how you can be so sure that Missy wasn’t targeted. I have seen no certain evidence either way. But perhaps you’re on top of this case more than I, so I could certainly be missing something? I am open to anything!

Regardless, I’ve always had a suspicion that she was targeted. I do realize I haven’t been that active on this thread the last couple of years, what with everything else that’s been going on. Jmo
In my opinion, it is overwhelmingly obvious that Missy was not targeted. It is fairly evident from the security footage that the perpetrator was focused on robbing the building, even if he didn't find anything worth taking before Missy interrupted him. He was not lying in wait for Missy, in my opinion; the video does not show him watching for her.

Everything about this case screams interrupted burglary, in my opinion.

The killing was most likely impulsive and spontaneous—the burglar's reaction to being surprised.

I can't swear that Missy didn't know the perp, because in a relatively rural area like Midlothian, there's a fair chance that any two people will at least be acquainted, but I am confident that the perp did not go to that church with the intention of killing Missy. My best guess is that he went there thinking that any donations collected on Sunday would still be there because because the banks are all closed on Sunday, and the money wouldn't have been deposited yet. I'm not sure whether that's true, for the church employees might have utilized a night deposit box, but I think that a burglar would expect the donations to be there somewhere.
If the killer wasn't lying in wait for Missy, why did he spent some time in the kitchen (doing something, which LE don't want to tell us)?
If the killer wasn't lying in wait for Missy, why was the part of church chosen by him for his fatal attack, where the surveillance camera couldn't catch him?
Okay, it is easy to answer with anything as always, but I believe, the attack was planned, and it is no coincidence, that the killer behaved odd and less than a burglar in my eyes. Though I haven't seen burglars on video for comparison. ;)
From article:

I think Midlothian PD went down the wrong road initially looking at other people. I do think they are looking at the right person now, but who knows if they can get enough hard evidence to make it stick after all these years?” Lawson asked.”

Have there been any ideas on who the “right person” is that LE is looking at?

I think, there is a person, who benefited the most, not thinking of a jealous or disappointed "acquaintance". MOO
Of course I maybe wrong.
If the killer wasn't lying in wait for Missy, why did he spent some time in the kitchen (doing something, which LE don't want to tell us)?
If the killer wasn't lying in wait for Missy, why was the part of church chosen by him for his fatal attack, where the surveillance camera couldn't catch him?
Okay, it is easy to answer with anything as always, but I believe, the attack was planned, and it is no coincidence, that the killer behaved odd and less than a burglar in my eyes. Though I haven't seen burglars on video for comparison. ;)
<modsnip>, in my opinion. He didn't choose the church for his attack because he didn't know that there was going to be an attack. In my opinion, he expected the church to be completely unoccupied during the time that he was there. He probably thought that he had until at least 6:00 A.M. or 7:00 A.M. because it is fairly unusual for most people to start work before that.

He would also have had to be a meteorologist to plan an attack on Missy inside the church. If it hadn't been raining, the class would have been outside and she wouldn't have needed to enter the building. He would have had to be a fortune teller, too, because a couple of students from the class should have arrived around the same time as Missy but were delayed.

It makes no sense for someone to plan at attack on Missy in a place when there could have been several people around at the time of the attack. It was blind luck that there weren't.

The fact that he spent time in the kitchen argues against a planned attack, not for one. If he was planning an attack, he would have been watching out the window, waiting for her to arrive, not wandering around the building and messing around.

Actually, no one with any sense would have laid in wait for her inside the building, in my opinion. A professional hit man would never have entered the building; he would have picked a location that would have given him a clean shot. He could have shot her as she was getting out of her car and stolen her purse to make it look like a robbery.

In my opinion, people are trying to rationalize a situation where Missy was targeted because her marital infidelity has come to light. The fact is, most people who cheat are not murdered. She may not be a particularly sympathetic victim, but that doesn't mean that she was targeted. I have seen absolutely no evidence that she was targeted, and in my opinion, the perpetrator's behavior in the video is exactly the behavior of a burglar who thinks he has all the time in the world to explore every nook and cranny of the building looking for valuables without being disturbed.
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<modsnip>, in my opinion. He didn't choose the church for his attack because he didn't know that there was going to be an attack. In my opinion, he expected the church to be completely unoccupied during the time that he was there. He probably thought that he had until at least 6:00 A.M. or 7:00 A.M. because it is fairly unusual for most people to start work before that.

He would also have had to be a meteorologist to plan an attack on Missy inside the church. If it hadn't been raining, the class would have been outside and she wouldn't have needed to enter the building.
I remember, that it was said, that Missy always entered the building, at least for offering a visit of the toilet.
He would have had to be a fortune teller, too, because a couple of students from the class should have arrived around the same time as Missy but were delayed.
I remember, that it was said, Missy always arrived early and before the clients arrived.
It makes no sense for someone to plan at attack on Missy in a place when there could have been several people around at the time of the attack. It was blind luck that there weren't.
Because it was known, that clients would arrive, the attack didn't take place outside, IMO. The killer and his car, in case he had one, would have been seen possibly by one or more client/s. Without Missy, her clients waited outside. Maybe, the killer knew all of the habits.
The fact that he spent time in the kitchen argues against a planned attack, not for one. If he was planning an attack, he would have been watching out the window, waiting for her to arrive, not wandering around the building and messing around.
Maybe, the killer knew exactly, at which time Missy could be expected. Idk, whether the timeline fits, but perhaps his driver (if he had one) had the same time to drive around the parking lots at the SWFA (?) like lost and bored.
Actually, no one with any sense would have laid in wait for her inside the building, in my opinion. A professional hit man would never have entered the building; he would have picked a location that would have given him FAa clean shot. He could have shot her as she was getting out of her car and stolen her purse to make it look like a robbery.
Yes, that would be certainly the normal way to execute an order. BUT: somewhere there could have been a witness (just arriving around the corner) or the weapon could have been identified later (casings left in the dark) or the killer had a sense for a more evil surprise for LE. Maybe, LE should doubt it, if the option "hitman" was applicable.
In my opinion, people are trying to rationalize a situation where Missy was targeted because her marital infidelity has come to light. The fact is, most people who cheat are not murdered. She may not be a particularly sympathetic victim, but that doesn't mean that she was targeted.
Not her alleged infidelity, but mainly her marital and related (?) financial problems (incl. a "family business" in the play) formed my opinion/s, I think.
I have seen absolutely no evidence that she was targeted, and in my opinion, the perpetrator's behavior in the video is exactly the behavior of a burglar who thinks he has all the time in the world to explore every nook and cranny of the building looking for valuables without being disturbed.
I forgot, if we know, whether something of value was stolen or not. I only remember the room/office, where some disorder reigned after the killing. In this room letters from prison inmates were kept, who had gotten some religious training or similar. My thoughts wandered also to this reason for the killer, to enter the church.

My mind is open for all developments, which will hopefully come one day. Possible, that I will change my opinion to yours: Missy was no target.
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I just have one question. Does anyone know of a "break in" on a church/commercial building in the middle of the night in which the perp was dressed (almost comically) to the nines as a member of a police swat team in total riot gear ??? Even if there was a working burglar alarm, the police would not have shown up in riot gear, right? And, if the intent was to not be discovered/or apprehended in the ensuing milieu, wouldn't being dressed as a janitor pushing a rolling bucket and mop have served the same purpose? Especially if the intent was robbery, then the perp would have a rolling bucket in which to carry the items they were stealing?
Ugh, this boggles my mind, because: 1. Texas Penal Code § 37.11(a) provides, in relevant part, that a person commits a felony offense "if he impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended official authority." So, even if there were no murder, the perp was still risking two to 10 years in prison for impersonation! Who is willing to take that kind of risk? Perhaps a person who is intended on murder from the start?
Thank you in advance for letting me ask "one question." (Lol, now you know why I go by, I Question, all the time.)
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<modsnip>, in my opinion. He didn't choose the church for his attack because he didn't know that there was going to be an attack. In my opinion, he expected the church to be completely unoccupied during the time that he was there. He probably thought that he had until at least 6:00 A.M. or 7:00 A.M. because it is fairly unusual for most people to start work before that.

He would also have had to be a meteorologist to plan an attack on Missy inside the church. If it hadn't been raining, the class would have been outside and she wouldn't have needed to enter the building. He would have had to be a fortune teller, too, because a couple of students from the class should have arrived around the same time as Missy but were delayed.

It makes no sense for someone to plan at attack on Missy in a place when there could have been several people around at the time of the attack. It was blind luck that there weren't.

The fact that he spent time in the kitchen argues against a planned attack, not for one. If he was planning an attack, he would have been watching out the window, waiting for her to arrive, not wandering around the building and messing around.

Actually, no one with any sense would have laid in wait for her inside the building, in my opinion. A professional hit man would never have entered the building; he would have picked a location that would have given him a clean shot. He could have shot her as she was getting out of her car and stolen her purse to make it look like a robbery.

In my opinion, people are trying to rationalize a situation where Missy was targeted because her marital infidelity has come to light. The fact is, most people who cheat are not murdered. She may not be a particularly sympathetic victim, but that doesn't mean that she was targeted. I have seen absolutely no evidence that she was targeted, and in my opinion, the perpetrator's behavior in the video is exactly the behavior of a burglar who thinks he has all the time in the world to explore every nook and cranny of the building looking for valuables without being disturbed.
I totally respect your opinion Ozoner but mine differs.
I find the choice of a church odd as a place to pull off a burglary. There are many other places where the payoff would be much greater.
The patiently milling around appears to me as if the person is waiting for someone. Burglars IMO usually want to get in and out.
Also the "disguise" is all wrong for your average burglar IMO. Who goes to the lengths this person did. Your average burglar would put on a ski mask, gloves and black clothing and be in & out.
For these reasons I don't think we can close the door on the possibility this was a planned hit.
JMO of course ;)
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When I think of a perp taking a chance to steal from a church…I think embezzlement! Not a swat-walk in disguise on camera in the early am. I think it was insanely, boldly orchestrated & targeted.
Walk it backwards from who(or whom)emotionally benefited from her no longer existing. JMO
I'm convinced she was targeted. Why would some random vandal go to all that trouble (e.g. playing elaborate dress-up) in the wee hours of the morning during a very heavy rainstorm? I mean, it was raining buckets that night.

Why that church at that hour? Too much coincidence for me.

But the biggest consideration is that nothing was taken, but someone did die.
When I think of a perp taking a chance to steal from a church…I think embezzlement! Not a swat-walk in disguise on camera in the early am. I think it was insanely, boldly orchestrated & targeted.
Walk it backwards from who(or whom)emotionally benefited from her no longer existing. JMO
<modsnip> Churches are subject to break ins from time to time just like any other kind of business. If one were to break into a church in hopes of stealing whatever cash was collected when they passed the plate, then late Sunday night/early Monday morning would be the time to do it—before anyone could make a deposit at the bank.

The disguise isn't particularly relevant aside from contributing to the personality profile of the burglar. I.e., he could be a cop wannabe. It served its purpose of making the perp unrecognizable on video.

The security footage reminds me of security footage I've seen of break ins at people's summer cabins (which we have thousands of here in Michigan). A perp will break in during the off season forcing locked doors, breaking into cabinets, etc. in order to find whatever he can find, taking his time because he knows that he has all the time in the world.

The idea that Missy was targeted makes no sense. I haven't heard what LE's official theory is, but I very much doubt that they're taking the targeted hit theory seriously.
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I'm convinced she was targeted. Why would some random vandal go to all that trouble (e.g. playing elaborate dress-up) in the wee hours of the morning during a very heavy rainstorm? I mean, it was raining buckets that night.

Why that church at that hour? Too much coincidence for me.

But the biggest consideration is that nothing was taken, but someone did die.

A rainstorm would be the perfect time to commit a break in like this because it would mean that fewer people would be out and about and therefore it would be less likely for the perp to be seen or recognized.

If the goal was to steal the weekly donations from the Sunday services, the only good time to commit the burglary would be late Sunday night or early Monday morning, which is when this crime occurred. In my opinion, if nothing was taken, it means that the burglar didn't find the money, possibly because he was interrupted. It's also possible that the money had been taken off of the premises or stored in a safe that he was unable to locate.

If you try to think like a criminal, this crime makes perfect sense as an interrupted burglary, in my opinion. Missy would not be the first person killed because she interrupted a B&E or burglary in process.
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I totally respect your opinion Ozoner but mine differs.
I find the choice of a church odd as a place to pull off a burglary. There are many other places where the payoff would be much greater.
The patiently milling around appears to me as if the person is waiting for someone. Burglars IMO usually want to get in and out.
Also the "disguise" is all wrong for your average burglar IMO. Who goes to the lengths this person did. Your average burglar would put on a ski mask, gloves and black clothing and be in & out.
For these reasons I don't think we can close the door on the possibility this was a planned hit.
JMO of course ;)
It isn't that the pay off would be huge, it was probably more that it would be easy. The burglar probably hoped to find the donations from the Sunday services. I don't think he found them, probably because Missy surprised him, and after that he just wanted to get the hell out of there.

We've had cases around here where people will break into businesses and steal the donation boxes for the March of Dimes or the Lions Club (or whatever charity). They will do $2,000 worth of damage breaking a glass door and risk a 15-year sentence in order to steal less than $50. These guys are psychopaths; they don't think like you and I do. For one thing, they assume that they're going to get away with it. The possibility of getting caught doesn't enter their minds.
I just have one question. Does anyone know of a "break in" on a church/commercial building in the middle of the night in which the perp was dressed (almost comically) to the nines as a member of a police swat team in total riot gear ??? Even if there was a working burglar alarm, the police would not have shown up in riot gear, right? And, if the intent was to not be discovered/or apprehended in the ensuing milieu, wouldn't being dressed as a janitor pushing a rolling bucket and mop have served the same purpose? Especially if the intent was robbery, then the perp would have a rolling bucket in which to carry the items they were stealing?
Ugh, this boggles my mind, because: 1. Texas Penal Code § 37.11(a) provides, in relevant part, that a person commits a felony offense "if he impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended official authority." So, even if there were no murder, the perp was still risking two to 10 years in prison for impersonation! Who is willing to take that kind of risk? Perhaps a person who is intended on murder from the start?
Thank you in advance for letting me ask "one question." (Lol, now you know why I go by, I Question, all the time.)
Make no mistake, the guy who committed this crime is a psychopath, in my opinion (like most criminals), and psychopaths always assume that they're going to get away with whatever crimes they commit. I don't know whether wearing a vest that says "Police" is actually a crime, but if it is, this guy wouldn't have cared. He didn't care about the possible sentence for the B&E and burglary because he "knew" that he wouldn't get caught.

Dressing like a janitor sounds like something from a television show. It might work if someone were planning to commit a crime where other people were likely to be. In this case, the disguise did its intended job of making the perp unrecognizable on the security video.

I don't know of any break-ins where the perp wore faux police gear, but I also don't know of any murders where the perp wore faux police gear. In my opinion, the disguise was entirely utilitarian, meant to avoid identification of the perp from the security footage. That the guy wore that outfit could mean that he's a macho, cop wannabe type, but beyond that it doesn't mean much. The outfit certainly doesn't point towards a targeted killing.
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In my opinion, it is overwhelmingly obvious that Missy was not targeted. It is fairly evident from the security footage that the perpetrator was focused on robbing the building, even if he didn't find anything worth taking before Missy interrupted him. He was not lying in wait for Missy, in my opinion; the video does not show him watching for her.

Everything about this case screams interrupted burglary, in my opinion.

The killing was most likely impulsive and spontaneous—the burglar's reaction to being surprised.

I can't swear that Missy didn't know the perp, because in a relatively rural area like Midlothian, there's a fair chance that any two people will at least be acquainted, but I am confident that the perp did not go to that church with the intention of killing Missy. My best guess is that he went there thinking that any donations collected on Sunday would still be there because because the banks are all closed on Sunday, and the money wouldn't have been deposited yet. I'm not sure whether that's true, for the church employees might have utilized a night deposit box, but I think that a burglar would expect the donations to be there somewhere.

Robbers typically have a pattern of breaking in and quickly getting out. This person was dressed in odd attire, as if they wanted to be seen as a cop. And they dawdled. Sort of looked around. No hurry. Didn’t seem to be looking for anything in particular. Also, I don’t think churches like that are high on a robber’s list.

It’s possible but I don’t think there’s any way to say that’s what happened with a degree of reasonable certainty.
Missys case and Liz Barrazas have so many similarities that I still wonder if there is some connection somehow. Same killer?

Interestingly Liz’s killer drove by her house at 2am then left the neighborhood until minutes before Sergio left for work.

It’s interesting to me that in both cases the killer arrived to the scene long before killing their victims. I don’t know of any obvious connections but the disguises, the lack of concern for being seen on camera, lack of concern for their vehicle being identified, shooting their victims so quickly and fleeing moments before anyone else was on scene.
<modsnip: Quoted post was removed>

There were so many reasons for a targeted killing and nearly no reason, to search the hallways and ie. the West entry for a hidden money safe, just when Missy showed up. Btw, why didn't SP see her car driving along the West side of the building around to the SW entry? He could have hidden himself in a few seconds, if he wanted, IMO. He could have been silent, if he wanted. Instead, he seemingly waited for Missy in a corner with no surveillance camera installed, and he probably made some (unknown) noise to lure her into just that corner. A burglar could have managed a quite different outcome, I think, especially also, because a burglar hasn't to be a murderer, who even does almost an overkill. Was the SP a burglar and coward only or a Swat gear Perp on a mission to murder? Waiting for Missy, who would be found dead NOT at home, where her 3 girls waited for their mum, but at her workplace? Waiting for Missy, who this special morning hadn't her oldest daughter in tow like other Monday mornings?
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There were so many reasons for a targeted killing and nearly no reason, to search the hallways and ie. the West entry for a hidden money safe, just when Missy showed up. Btw, why didn't SP see her car driving along the West side of the building around to the SW entry? He could have hidden himself in a few seconds, if he wanted, IMO. He could have been silent, if he wanted. Instead, he seemingly waited for Missy in a corner with no surveillance camera installed, and he probably made some (unknown) noise to lure her into just that corner. A burglar could have managed a quite different outcome, I think, especially also, because a burglar hasn't to be a murderer, who even does almost an overkill. Was the SP a burglar and coward only or a Swat gear Perp on a mission to murder? Waiting for Missy, who would be found dead NOT at home, where her 3 girls waited for their mum, but at her workplace? Waiting for Missy, who this special morning hadn't her oldest daughter in tow like other Monday mornings?
One thing that has given me pause is- one of our past verified insider thought SP could have been in the main church area when MB arrived. I too thought SP would have seen her headlights sweeping across the church. However, according to the VI, he state there were no windows on the doors into the main church. So....it is possible he didn't see her. SP may have exited the auditorium into the hallway he originally entered into from the kitchen turned left amd "met her unexpectedly in that corner" where the murder, according to our VI occurred.

Your reference to her daughter not her being there is in my mind, one of the things that troubles me. There are only a very few people
(one really) who would have known she wouldn't be with her mother that morning.
There were so many reasons for a targeted killing and nearly no reason, to search the hallways and ie. the West entry for a hidden money safe, just when Missy showed up. Btw, why didn't SP see her car driving along the West side of the building around to the SW entry? He could have hidden himself in a few seconds, if he wanted, IMO. He could have been silent, if he wanted. Instead, he seemingly waited for Missy in a corner with no surveillance camera installed, and he probably made some (unknown) noise to lure her into just that corner. A burglar could have managed a quite different outcome, I think, especially also, because a burglar hasn't to be a murderer, who even does almost an overkill. Was the SP a burglar and coward only or a Swat gear Perp on a mission to murder? Waiting for Missy, who would be found dead NOT at home, where her 3 girls waited for their mum, but at her workplace? Waiting for Missy, who this special morning hadn't her oldest daughter in tow like other Monday mornings?

His behavior on the video makes it clear that he was not waiting for Missy or for anybody. He was committing a burglary. There is no evidence for anything else, and any other conclusion is unsupported by logic, in my opinion.
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One thing that has given me pause is- one of our past verified insider thought SP could have been in the main church area when MB arrived. I too thought SP would have seen her headlights sweeping across the church. However, according to the VI, he state there were no windows on the doors into the main church. So....it is possible he didn't see her. SP may have exited the auditorium into the hallway he originally entered into from the kitchen turned left amd "met her unexpectedly in that corner" where the murder, according to our VI occurred.

Your reference to her daughter not her being there is in my mind, one of the things that troubles me. There are only a very few people
(one really) who would have known she wouldn't be with her mother that morning.
I agree that it was an unexpected meeting. The perp's helmet and the rain on the roof may have even prevented him from hearing Missy until she was practically on top of him.

There is no evidence that he knew Missy or knew anything about her. If he knew her, it was a coincidence, in my opinion. (It was a rural area, so if he was a local, there's a decent chance that he and Missy had crossed paths before.)
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