TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #47

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Upon further reflection, I do think he would have given up costumed prowling and gotten rid of all evidence thereof. He's "smart" enough to know he can never again engage in that known and published MO but the actual addiction he would have is to pretending to be someone more powerful than he actually is. Maybe do a comprehensive survey of local catfishes. Check out who's sponging extra hard off public assistance, especially disability. See if there's someone writing angry anonymous letters to the editor or filing lots of spurious small claims in local court. Things like that. Hell, maybe just ask around the local Dungeons & Dragons scenes.
I wonder if there have been any recent reported encounters with "blue light bandits" in that part of Texas that might fit this profile.
Yeah I know. I just don't concur with those opinions. Looks like a man to me.

I read an argument about the way the person swings the hammer to break one of the windows is kind of wonky and not the way a "man" would wield a hammer. I think the implication was that a woman wouldn't necessarily know how to properly wield a hammer. It came off pretty sexist to me because I'm sure there are females who are great at swinging a hammer. I can see the point and how they're getting there, but I also think the way they broke the window speaks to them just screwing around. MOO
According to the story of that morning, Camp Gladiator people from Missy Bever's class were waiting near the awning door to get into the church. Police know this because of a security camera near the awning area outside the church. It was working.

When this person decided to burglarize the church, did they drive their vehicle completely around the church parking lot to see if anyone was there? I guess we do not know.

But the security camera outside the awning area is what is strange. If a burglar were trying to get into a church, the interior lights are on, and there was no one else around(vehicles), wouldn't they try to see if maybe one of the doors was left open before breaking in through a door?

My point is the burglar never checked to see if the door was open near the awning. They couldn't have or they would have been on camera. I can definitely understand why someone would have problems believing this was a normal burglary.
Speculating...but it could be SP was familiar with the church and he/she knew to park the car where it couldn't readily be seen from the highway or so anyone driving up the drive couldn't see it either. IMO, SP tried to break in at the furtherest most point away from where anyone could have seen him. Sp eventually went through the kitchen (on the same side the car was parked. Even the kitchen door was somewhat obscured from the highway and the driveway.) And...it was a very dark and stormy night. Why anyone, even a kid playing dress up, would choose that particular night is mind boggling unless of course, this was a murder that had to happen (for reasons listed in earlier threads), that had to be done on that night and and at that time. All jmo.
I think it would have scared him straight. I think he probably has prowled in a costume prior to this but was never caught because even having been caught probably would have scared him into never doing it again. I think he ran home afterward, burned all of that junk and tries really hard to not even think about it.

If anything, that might be the biggest tell - to work out some line of questioning that breaks the cognitive dissonance of locals who fit the physical characteristics of the perpetrator and to look for a certain kind of avoidant reaction. Unfortunately, the type of disconnected nerd I visualize is quite likely to have avoidant reactions to many if not any and all threatening confrontation.

Perhaps they could be baited into an unexpectedly violent reaction to a similar situation where they believe themselves to be unidentifiable and are scolded by a woman. Actually now that I think about it, internet activity could be a good clue. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this guy was active in "incel" communities - but again I'm basing these ideas on a lot of speculative assumptions.
I could see this being incel related. Yes!
I read an argument about the way the person swings the hammer to break one of the windows is kind of wonky and not the way a "man" would wield a hammer. I think the implication was that a woman wouldn't necessarily know how to properly wield a hammer. It came off pretty sexist to me because I'm sure there are females who are great at swinging a hammer. I can see the point and how they're getting there, but I also think the way they broke the window speaks to them just screwing around. MOO
Yeah, I think anymore the percentages would be about even as far as men and women who can properly swing a hammer. Could this be a juvenile who went on a dare or something. He or she doesn't seem terribly committed in the video.
Yeah, I think anymore the percentages would be about even as far as men and women who can properly swing a hammer. Could this be a juvenile who went on a dare or something. He or she doesn't seem terribly committed in the video.

This observation may be related to simple anatomical differences -- in general the shoulders of males are wider than the hips, females generally the opposite. Does influence how we handle tools. Experience certainly matters, the person on the video does not seem to me to be very experienced with tools.

Or, the helmet obscures vision so much that the hammer swing suffers?

I'm on the gender fence for this one, but think the costumed vandal was in Creekside (without that hokey costume) before that morning.

jmho ymmv lrr
About the parking by perp, imo the logical guess is he parked in the back (in relation to the highway), which would be the E side. Parking on any of the other 3 sides would have allowed his parked vehicle to be observed from the highway. If he had been parked anywhere else, MB should have noticed the vehicle as she entered the property and left, but that didn't happen, further evidence that he likely parked out of sight.

That's also the simplest explanation for why he didn't try all the doors - he was parked on the back side, in a big rain. That NE door had damage but was not opened, and I would guess perp tried to breach it, found it too tough, and went to the next closest door, one that he had driven by (kitchen) and might have looked less secure.
Yeah, I think anymore the percentages would be about even as far as men and women who can properly swing a hammer. Could this be a juvenile who went on a dare or something. He or she doesn't seem terribly committed in the video.
Would a juvenile take the dare up a few notches to murder? Doubtful, but I guess anything is possible.
After seeing the layout of the church and how far off the highway it sits, I do not think this person just guessed nobody would be there. Or they are very lucky. It makes no sense to break in when you can sneak in through an open door and in that particular layout I do not think most burglars would be bothered. Even if someone were in the church they could just say they were there for the gladiator class or to pray, etc.

I think most burglars would check to see if a door or window was open before breaking in. This burglar obviously did not check all the doors even or they would have been on the surveillance camera footage near the awning.

That is at least one reason why I think this is someone who tried to make a murder look like a burglary.
if this has been posted already here before, I do apologize but I did not see it but I could of missed it. Its much better footage of the car that was spotted at SWFA coming in and turning its lights off and going around etc. there is black and white footage, colored footage and even somewhat up-closer footage of the side of the car, which maybe someone can enhance. SWFA released it back on 12/5/16 on their YT channel and it can be viewed in 1080p HD

I read an argument about the way the person swings the hammer to break one of the windows is kind of wonky and not the way a "man" would wield a hammer. I think the implication was that a woman wouldn't necessarily know how to properly wield a hammer. It came off pretty sexist to me because I'm sure there are females who are great at swinging a hammer. I can see the point and how they're getting there, but I also think the way they broke the window speaks to them just screwing around. MOO
SP swings his tool to crash the door windows like completely uninterested in the result, quasi for nothing and not in a hurry. But when Missy appears, SP is able to beat her to death with his tool in no time (her many puncture wounds besides a shot) and escapes like a flash.
To me it points to a (maybe drunken) strong, powerful, not unsportsmanlike man on a mission. He waited for Missy (knowing, he was videoed most of the time) and then performed his task.
I think, if SP had been a woman, the whole procedure from breaking-in to walking the hallways to the fatal attack would have been very different or partly wouldn't have occurred at all. MOO
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This happened in 2016 and no closure for Missy"s family. At the time I was hoping by now it would have been closed due to an arrest, but sadly, no. In post# 890 (I've never been on this thread but saw it in "What's New") the footage of that car strangely circling the church is very odd. What was the person waiting for? Was there an attempt at a burglary and so the vehicle being parked out of camera view? What about the license plate? DMV would have records of it obviously if it were legit. Maybe a bizarre coincidence? Its not time-stamped so I know she was killed early morning aroud 4:30-5:00AM (I could be wrong sorry its been a long time since I came accross the headlines of this awful murder.) I'm guessing this footage is taken earlier in the night. Could the driver be staking the place out for another time and taking notes while parked. The real perp coming either later or earlier and hiding somewhere and somehow seeing Missy arrive the perp decided it was good time to attack since no one else was in the building except Missy? IMO this could be a very strong female perhaps someone (female) who is jealous of Missy and her success? The limp could be a way to throw off LE by pretending as persons associated with Missy had similar gaits and walking as in with a limp. IIRC it worked for a while. In the original headlines a jealous female was never mentioned but if it has been and is discounted then its my bad.
But when Missy appears, SP is able to beat her to death with his tool in no time (her many puncture wounds besides a shot) and escapes like a flash.

MB was not beaten to death. She was shot to death (per FBI). Local LE was very evasive on how MB died, gave some very vaguely worded answers the first day or two, said they would answer/discuss all that later, then never did. The so-called puncture wounds (per local LE) were very likely describing bullets into her body -technically a true description, but very misleading, and we can assume that was intentional by LE.

But the FBI was also there from day one. Without FBI records, we still would have no way to know she was shot to death.

No one who would know has said that she was beaten to death, nor that there were many puncture wounds (from the description, it could have been just a few).

So unfortunately we can't draw any conclusions about the athleticism of the perp by the ability to kill MB, since shooting a gun doesn't take any particular athleticism to be lethal. (That's why many call it an equalizer, since with one, one's strength no longer plays a role in the ability to stop a stronger person's attack at you. And clearly this loser would have been no match for Missy without a gun.) Of course, from the video, perp is apparently a fat blobby slob of a loser, so there's that.
I could see this being incel related. Yes!
I was thinking about it, but felt uncomfortable because everything is blamed on them, methinks. But there are two things. One, the gait. I saw such gait in one of my old friends, whom I, being 20, and him, 30, could not fathom. Now in hindsight I think, remembering the behavior, he was an inobvious incel.
Second, this person really takes time for reconnaissance. Looking, maybe smelling, he is just…enjoying himself, it seems.
I don’t think he planned to kill Missy, maybe was just catastrophically scared.
About police - if he is obsessed with everything police, it will look like police.
After seeing the layout of the church and how far off the highway it sits, I do not think this person just guessed nobody would be there. Or they are very lucky. It makes no sense to break in when you can sneak in through an open door and in that particular layout I do not think most burglars would be bothered. Even if someone were in the church they could just say they were there for the gladiator class or to pray, etc.

I think most burglars would check to see if a door or window was open before breaking in. This burglar obviously did not check all the doors even or they would have been on the surveillance camera footage near the awning.

That is at least one reason why I think this is someone who tried to make a murder look like a burglary.

But why don the SWAT outfit if it was supposed to be a murder made to look like a burglary gone wrong? There are much easier ways to conceal your identity than that. A good Ole skin mask and a set of black baggy clothes would disguise his silhouette and cover his face well enough and they are much easier to transport and get rid of than a SWAT uniform. They are also easier to buy anonimously. So why SWAT uniform.

Also, why a murderer waiting for his victim would make so much noise? Breaking glass, hammering on stuff, all in the time when their target can appear at the church, it's risky. And you do not need to destroy random stuff to make it look like a burglary. Open some cabinets and drawers, mąkę a bit of mess and voila. Far less napisy and gives an impression someone was looking for money or valuables.

For me it looks like a job od some very immature emotionally person, that has some elaborate fantasies of power. I think he is an avid gamer, there are games about SWAT, where the player has to go through the rooms in a location, clear them and secure some Irena. Perp's behavior looked just like an emulation of such a game. I think he is a young adult, probably with his own car and he broke into places before. Think weird break ins where nothing of value was taken, but the place was more or less vandalised. I think this time he felt safe, as he got away with the previous break ins, much too safe, because he was so busy roleplaying he did not hear Missy aproaching. She surprised him, maybe even recognised him and in a panic he decided to kill her.
After reviewing the psrking lot footage, I am less inclined to think this was a hit OR a burglarly. It looks like a basement dweller cop fantasy. The individual seemed to think s/he had all the time in the world. I can imagine parking lot dialogue -- fake-talking to fake-dispatch.

Mall cop wanna be. Military drop out.

About the parking by perp, imo the logical guess is he parked in the back (in relation to the highway), which would be the E side. Parking on any of the other 3 sides would have allowed his parked vehicle to be observed from the highway. If he had been parked anywhere else, MB should have noticed the vehicle as she entered the property and left, but that didn't happen, further evidence that he likely parked out of sight.

That's also the simplest explanation for why he didn't try all the doors - he was parked on the back side, in a big rain. That NE door had damage but was not opened, and I would guess perp tried to breach it, found it too tough, and went to the next closest door, one that he had driven by (kitchen) and might have looked less secure.
I won't assume that the perp had a vehicle.

He may have arrived on foot.
I remember early on in the case LE said that SP entered kitchen first and he spent some time in the kitchen -- and that they know he did. At the time, many of us theorized that he may have dried off with paper towels, may have changed into his costume (hard to drive with a helmet on) etc. I don't remember any additional information on what was found in the kitchen.

I always thought that he did what any of us do when we wander into an empty kitchen - we open cabinets, eat some crackers, open the fridge, find the oreo cookies for the youth group eat some of them, open the freezer to find old ice cream from the senior event last week, eat some of that. I would really love to know how LE knows SP spent time in the kitchen and what evidence they found there, if any.

My hope is that SP did find the oreos and ice cream for a late-night snack and left enough DNA on a spoon or Fresca can that we are just waiting for Parabon Nanolabs to complete their work. This would fit with my scenario of prowler-dork gone bad. My own opinions.
This happened in 2016 and no closure for Missy"s family. At the time I was hoping by now it would have been closed due to an arrest, but sadly, no. In post# 890 (I've never been on this thread but saw it in "What's New") the footage of that car strangely circling the church is very odd. What was the person waiting for? Was there an attempt at a burglary and so the vehicle being parked out of camera view? What about the license plate? DMV would have records of it obviously if it were legit. Maybe a bizarre coincidence? Its not time-stamped so I know she was killed early morning aroud 4:30-5:00AM (I could be wrong sorry its been a long time since I came accross the headlines of this awful murder.) I'm guessing this footage is taken earlier in the night. Could the driver be staking the place out for another time and taking notes while parked. The real perp coming either later or earlier and hiding somewhere and somehow seeing Missy arrive the perp decided it was good time to attack since no one else was in the building except Missy? IMO this could be a very strong female perhaps someone (female) who is jealous of Missy and her success? The limp could be a way to throw off LE by pretending as persons associated with Missy had similar gaits and walking as in with a limp. IIRC it worked for a while. In the original headlines a jealous female was never mentioned but if it has been and is discounted then its my bad.

This vehicle was discussed at great length in earlier threads. Screenshots of the license plate area were posted, the plate is unreadable but could have a college logo, a pro sports logo, or a handicapped parking symbol.

A poster thought they had identified the car for sale on a Craig's List (or similar) ad, posted other images.

Multiple screenshots were posted that might show the driver checking a map or using a laptop, a Great Dane in the driver's seat, or a host of other things.

IIRC personnel from that business narrate the video somewhere.

I don't remember the reason for the 2 parked vehicles, help me out here please.

jmho ymmv lrr
This happened in 2016 and no closure for Missy"s family. At the time I was hoping by now it would have been closed due to an arrest, but sadly, no. In post# 890 (I've never been on this thread but saw it in "What's New") the footage of that car strangely circling the church is very odd. What was the person waiting for? Was there an attempt at a burglary and so the vehicle being parked out of camera view? What about the license plate? DMV would have records of it obviously if it were legit. Maybe a bizarre coincidence? Its not time-stamped so I know she was killed early morning aroud 4:30-5:00AM (I could be wrong sorry its been a long time since I came accross the headlines of this awful murder.) I'm guessing this footage is taken earlier in the night. Could the driver be staking the place out for another time and taking notes while parked. The real perp coming either later or earlier and hiding somewhere and somehow seeing Missy arrive the perp decided it was good time to attack since no one else was in the building except Missy? IMO this could be a very strong female perhaps someone (female) who is jealous of Missy and her success? The limp could be a way to throw off LE by pretending as persons associated with Missy had similar gaits and walking as in with a limp. IIRC it worked for a while. In the original headlines a jealous female was never mentioned but if it has been and is discounted then its my bad.

When you write "the footage of that car strangely circling the church," you really meant to write "car strangely circling the firearms store," yes? If that wasn't a mental typo, then you need to know there was no video like that of the church.

The odd car video you have seen (posted again above) happened at a forearms store (SWFA) about a half mile down the highway, on the other side of it, too far away from the church to even see it that night in the dark rain, and several hours before the church break-in. Does it have any relation at all to the church and Missy's death? There is no commonly-accepted answer to that question, because without actually finding the car and driver and exploring what might have been going on, no one really knows. So far it's just an unanswered item of curiosity or possibility.
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