TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #47

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You're right, we don't know. But this is all my speculation. However, in rethinking this, the last LE saw MB was when she was headed down the hallway in the vicinity where SP was last seen on the tape by LE. We know through our VI that she was murdered in the junction/corner of the north and west hallway where cameras were not operational. If that is true, imo it appears that SP was not in the auditorium at the time MB arrived in the building and was waiting for her somewhere near that corner. LE did not see MB or SP again after MB was viewed walking down the hallway. LE has said the murder and aftermath was not on tape. LE also said they thought SP escaped the way he came in...through the kitchen.....which was steps away from where MB was murdered. OK, I don't know about anyone else but I've just now convinced myself this was definately not an accident, this was not a burglar who happened to bump into MB unexpectly,, this was someone who knew she was coming down the hallway, and was ready to assassinate her. All just my opinion and speculation.

Yeah, your speculation (and arbitrarily seeing the evidence in a way to fit it) offers an idea that is certainly possible. Unfortuntately we just don't know enough about the worthless perp, or have any objectively differentiating evidence from the murder, to say with any certainty what that loser's intent must have been.
IMO a burglar who accidentally kills a woman, because she happened to interrupt a burglary, and takes nothing????? Why, just why? He's in costume, why not just bolt?

Who stood to gain? The buglar who stole nothing and would be charged only with, what, breaking and entering, attempted burglary?

Murders that occur because a burglary was interrupted are fairly common. Here are a few examples. There are many, many more for anyone who cares to search.

As for his not taking anything, in my opinion, it would be foolish to take anything after committing a murder because anything that he took could tie him to the murder. In the case of a burglary gone wrong that turned into murder, it would make more sense for the burglar to cut his losses and take nothing.

Any burglar who was surprised in the act and committed an impromptu murder would likely leave whatever loot he might have found and just get the hell out out of there, in my opinion.
Thieves get in and out as fast as possible. The person on the video isn't in a rush (quite the opposite), plus there is very little to steal in a church like this besides a computer or two in the church office which would be in the front of the building. Someone hated Missy Bevers, and my theory is the motive was jealousy and the murder was personal such as a rejected man/admirer or a wife who felt Missy was fooling around with her man.
Thieves get in and out as fast as possible. The person on the video isn't in a rush (quite the opposite), plus there is very little to steal in a church like this besides a computer or two in the church office which would be in the front of the building. Someone hated Missy Bevers, and my theory is the motive was jealousy and the murder was personal such as a rejected man/admirer or a wife who felt Missy was fooling around with her man.
Yeah, in my opinion only is still seems clear to me that it was targeted. I’ve seen zero evidence from anybody that suggests it’s a burglary besides people saying, “well, it’s happened before!” Of course it has. Targeted murders have happened before too.

If there was something like a pile of stolen goods stacked by the door that had to be abandoned after the murder that would certainly be noteworthy.

Unfortunately, since we’re heading on 6 years with basically nothing new released, I don’t think anyones opinion will change until/unless the police release some new evidence. I hope we wake up tomorrow and it’s solved, but my optimism has wavered.

As far as I can tell scouring other sites and various groups, the last noteworthy thing that was public record is the search warrant that was served on B.W.H. And even that was years ago.
Thieves get in and out as fast as possible. The person on the video isn't in a rush (quite the opposite), plus there is very little to steal in a church like this besides a computer or two in the church office which would be in the front of the building. Someone hated Missy Bevers, and my theory is the motive was jealousy and the murder was personal such as a rejected man/admirer or a wife who felt Missy was fooling around with her man.
The statement that thieves get in and out as fast as possible is an overgeneralization, in my opinion, and is often not true.
From what I have seen, how quickly thieves get out depends on the situation.
Here in Michigan, we have areas of the state with more summer cottages than year-round homes. These cottages are often targeted by thieves during the off-season, and it is not uncommon for them to go through every room, cabinet, cupboard, etc. looking for things to steal. It is not uncommon for the property damage to far exceed the value of anything stolen. Sometimes nothing is stolen because the thieves don't find anything of value.

Here's a case where burglars spent significant time in homes because they knew no one would be home:

Here's a case where thieves spent hours just trying to break into a business:

Here's a case where a thief broke into a restaurant, cooked himself a meal, and then took a three-hour nap on the floor before leaving.
The statement that thieves get in and out as fast as possible is an overgeneralization, in my opinion, and is often not true.
From what I have seen, how quickly thieves get out depends on the situation.
Here in Michigan, we have areas of the state with more summer cottages than year-round homes. These cottages are often targeted by thieves during the off-season, and it is not uncommon for them to go through every room, cabinet, cupboard, etc. looking for things to steal. It is not uncommon for the property damage to far exceed the value of anything stolen. Sometimes nothing is stolen because the thieves don't find anything of value.

Here's a case where burglars spent significant time in homes because they knew no one would be home:

Here's a case where thieves spent hours just trying to break into a business:

Here's a case where a thief broke into a restaurant, cooked himself a meal, and then took a three-hour nap on the floor before leaving.
I assume, these thieves didn't prepare themselves with wearing SWAT gear? Perhaps THAT makes the difference. The SP in our case here was prepared to encounter a (certain and not untrained) person, it seems.
I may be wrong.
IMO, His behavior on the video makes it clear that he was *not* committing a burglary, as does the fact that LE did not report any valuables stolen. He was just stalling and milling about in a haphazardly way to make it appear like he was burglarizing the church without going through any effort to actually take anything.

Of course, we’re going on 6 years unsolved and we have gotten hardly any new info, so I’d never say for certain one theory is definitely 100% correct and the other theory has no merit. At this point nothing would surprise me too much.

I agree with all of what you said. The only thing I would add is that IMO this could be a female or male.
I assume, these thieves didn't prepare themselves with wearing SWAT gear? Perhaps THAT makes the difference. The SP in our case here was prepared to encounter a (certain and not untrained) person, it seems.
I may be wrong.
Yes~the swat gear does enter into things greatly, IMO, in that it was an elaborate attempt to disguise the murderer.

Murders that occur because a burglary was interrupted are fairly common. Here are a few examples. There are many, many more for anyone who cares to search.

As for his not taking anything, in my opinion, it would be foolish to take anything after committing a murder because anything that he took could tie him to the murder. In the case of a burglary gone wrong that turned into murder, it would make more sense for the burglar to cut his losses and take nothing.

Any burglar who was surprised in the act and committed an impromptu murder would likely leave whatever loot he might have found and just get the hell out out of there, in my opinion.
Okey dokey, jumping off your thought to "cut losses and leave the loot behind" because it could be tracked to the crime. With that reasoning, wouldn't it behoove the perp to also leave his murder tools behind because they could also be tied to the crime IF FOUND IN THEIR POSSESSION??? Wounds often reveal the type of weapon that created them....points, length, serrated, round, triangular etc. And, if perp took cash, why would they leave that behind? It can't be traced...unless the church accountant took photos of the cash serial numbers, right?
Personally, I've never seen anything small items church one could fence for money... there are no doubt some expensive items, but those items are usually large and heavy. IMO
Great ideas being discussed and at least keeping people aware & cautious.
Yeah, in my opinion only is still seems clear to me that it was targeted. I’ve seen zero evidence from anybody that suggests it’s a burglary besides people saying, “well, it’s happened before!” Of course it has. Targeted murders have happened before too.

If there was something like a pile of stolen goods stacked by the door that had to be abandoned after the murder that would certainly be noteworthy.

Unfortunately, since we’re heading on 6 years with basically nothing new released, I don’t think anyones opinion will change until/unless the police release some new evidence. I hope we wake up tomorrow and it’s solved, but my optimism has wavered.

As far as I can tell scouring other sites and various groups, the last noteworthy thing that was public record is the search warrant that was served on B.W.H. And even that was years ago.
There is evidence that it was a burglary. You have forced entry on the part of the perp and extensive video of that perp searching the building.

There is zero evidence that Missy was targeted, and in my opinion, simple logic makes it clear that she was not targeted.

For one thing, Missy would have seen the broken glass and signs of forced entry. Most people would have called the police right then and there and not entered the building. So to believe that this was a targeted killing, one would have to believe that the perpetrator carried out a plan that was almost certain to fail but that succeed ONLY because of Missy's somewhat bizarre choice of entering the church in spite of the signs of forced entry—a ridiculous theory, in my opinion.
There is evidence that it was a burglary. You have forced entry on the part of the perp and extensive video of that perp searching the building.

There is zero evidence that Missy was targeted, and in my opinion, simple logic makes it clear that she was not targeted.

For one thing, Missy would have seen the broken glass and signs of forced entry. Most people would have called the police right then and there and not entered the building. So to believe that this was a targeted killing, one would have to believe that the perpetrator carried out a plan that was almost certain to fail but that succeed ONLY because of Missy's somewhat bizarre choice of entering the church in spite of the signs of forced entry—a ridiculous theory, in my opinion.

"Missy's somewhat bizarre choice of entering the church in spite of the signs of forced entry" --- Since Missy entered the church on the complete opposite side from where the perp did, there's no reason to think she saw signs of forced entry and entered "in spite of signs of forced entry." She would have seen no signs.
There is evidence that it was a burglary. You have forced entry on the part of the perp and extensive video of that perp searching the building.

There is zero evidence that Missy was targeted, and in my opinion, simple logic makes it clear that she was not targeted.

For one thing, Missy would have seen the broken glass and signs of forced entry. Most people would have called the police right then and there and not entered the building. So to believe that this was a targeted killing, one would have to believe that the perpetrator carried out a plan that was almost certain to fail but that succeed ONLY because of Missy's somewhat bizarre choice of entering the church in spite of the signs of forced entry—a ridiculous theory, in my opinion.
MB parked where she most always parked. Under the roof overhang (because it was raining and she had stuff to unload).( South end). Chances are good she didn't see any broken glass because there was none along the hallway she entered and walked down. She never would have seen where SP tried to enter by busting the glass on the far east side doors as she was probably attacked before she would have seen it or even gotten that far.
Okey dokey, jumping off your thought to "cut losses and leave the loot behind" because it could be tracked to the crime. With that reasoning, wouldn't it behoove the perp to also leave his murder tools behind because they could also be tied to the crime IF FOUND IN THEIR POSSESSION??? Wounds often reveal the type of weapon that created them....points, length, serrated, round, triangular etc. And, if perp took cash, why would they leave that behind? It can't be traced...unless the church accountant took photos of the cash serial numbers, right?
Personally, I've never seen anything small items church one could fence for money... there are no doubt some expensive items, but those items are usually large and heavy. IMO
Great ideas being discussed and at least keeping people aware & cautious.

If perp left loot behind, we haven't heard that. Maybe he looked for loot, and hadn't yet found anything worth taking?
Re cash, there was no evidence that the church had any cash to take (but after Sunday services perp could have thought there would be buckets of it somewhere.)
Re perp's "murder tools," it doesn't seem that they tend to be left at the scene afaik. In this case it would have been a gun, but I don't think those are ordinarily left at a murder scene.

Murders that occur because a burglary was interrupted are fairly common. Here are a few examples. There are many, many more for anyone who cares to search.

As for his not taking anything, in my opinion, it would be foolish to take anything after committing a murder because anything that he took could tie him to the murder. In the case of a burglary gone wrong that turned into murder, it would make more sense for the burglar to cut his losses and take nothing.

Any burglar who was surprised in the act and committed an impromptu murder would likely leave whatever loot he might have found and just get the hell out out of there, in my opinion.
It's my belief that criminals have their choice or specialty if you will on the type of criminal act they choose. Killers kill... Burglars' steal and so on. So I lean towards a target killing. Most criminals would make a run for it if they thought they were made. Besides if perp was just there to steal why would he kill a witness that can't identify him anyway because of the SWAT gear. I think it could be a jealous married woman whom husband Missy may or may not be involved with. It's highly possible that the killers husband knows what his wife has done and doesn't plan on turning her in because of children losing their mother or maybe the husband deep down feels like he brought this situation on himself and for feeling guilty chose not to alert LE. On another note there's something that has bothered me since I heard it on a Podcast which Missy's sister in law was a guest. She tells about the new member being early but not knowing which door to enter. She says he calls another member and they proceed to tell him which door to enter. That's when he finds Missy before others arrive. Kristy Stroud the sister up n law says this guy lived across the street from her and is such a sweet sweet guy that was torn up being the one to find Missy. Ok...KS then says he would drive by Missy's home several times a day after the murder because he was worried about Mr. Bevers. Does this sound kind of strange to anyone else?
It's my belief that criminals have their choice or specialty if you will on the type of criminal act they choose. Killers kill... Burglars' steal and so on. So I lean towards a target killing. Most criminals would make a run for it if they thought they were made. Besides if perp was just there to steal why would he kill a witness that can't identify him anyway because of the SWAT gear. I think it could be a jealous married woman whom husband Missy may or may not be involved with. It's highly possible that the killers husband knows what his wife has done and doesn't plan on turning her in because of children losing their mother or maybe the husband deep down feels like he brought this situation on himself and for feeling guilty chose not to alert LE. On another note there's something that has bothered me since I heard it on a Podcast which Missy's sister in law was a guest. She tells about the new member being early but not knowing which door to enter. She says he calls another member and they proceed to tell him which door to enter. That's when he finds Missy before others arrive. Kristy Stroud the sister up n law says this guy lived across the street from her and is such a sweet sweet guy that was torn up being the one to find Missy. Ok...KS then says he would drive by Missy's home several times a day after the murder because he was worried about Mr. Bevers. Does this sound kind of strange to anyone else?
Not necessarily because finding Missy would have been extremely traumatic, and he would have been thinking about the case day and night.
Could it be the reason nobody recognizes the Nissan Altima is because it was a rental car from DFW Airport.? You see where I'm going with this regauarding certain people or people's alibi.


No, a car that old wouldn't have been a rental car.
No, LE is not so naive where they are too stupid to determine if someone was really far away as an alibi.
No, you can't fly in and out of DFW and rent a vehicle (and return it) unnoticed, without leaving a massive paper trail.
No, MB's family didn't do this, and there's no reason to go down that dead end again.
She tells about the new member being early but not knowing which door to enter. She says he calls another member and they proceed to tell him which door to enter. That's when he finds Missy before others arrive. Kristy Stroud the sister up n law says this guy lived across the street from her and is such a sweet sweet guy that was torn up being the one to find Missy. Ok...KS then says he would drive by Missy's home several times a day after the murder because he was worried about Mr. Bevers. Does this sound kind of strange to anyone else?
Yes, strange. How could he have helped BB in any way?
Thieves get in and out as fast as possible. The person on the video isn't in a rush (quite the opposite), plus there is very little to steal in a church like this besides a computer or two in the church office which would be in the front of the building. Someone hated Missy Bevers, and my theory is the motive was jealousy and the murder was personal such as a rejected man/admirer or a wife who felt Missy was fooling around with her man.
A church may not be a high end target, but there is more to steal in a church than you might think:

-Cash collections
-sound equipment/boards
-musical instruments
-cooking equipment
-office supplies
-copiers/copy supplies

As far as thieves getting in and out fast--yes in a residential burglary, however in a church, at 4:30 a.m., the burglar may have thought he had hours alone before anyone showing up. They must have panicked when Missy showed up.
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