TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #48

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I may be completely wrong, of course, but: For me it seems so very clear, despite many arguments against it: The SP was seen on surveillance video, leisurely walking the hallways, doing some door opening or glass shredding. The video was of a longer duration than we have seen. LE said, the part of video, which wasn't made public, contained nothing important to see. After SP's strolling, breaking, looking into rooms, he disappeared from video surveillance. Because he once very clearly for several seconds looked in direction of one of the cameras, he knew, they were there and working, IMO. So I think, he also knew very well, when exactly to hide from surveillance, because the time drew near, when he expected Missy to arrive. Missy was a little late this morning, so he had to wait a little longer than he could have known. He stayed in whatever corner he was in and waited patiently (or not patiently). When Missy entered the building and was doing, what she did usually every morning under certain conditions (at church, very bad weather), he attacked her. What MB usually did at a church and before starting the session, was known by many: first one of her daughters, who sometimes accompanied her except this fateful morning, maybe her husband, maybe other relatives, the campers and who knows, who else. They would have known her routine and whether she opened the building for her campers to use the bathroom or for other reasons.
In short version: SP knew, Missy would arrive at a certain time and exactly in time he intentionally disappeared into a corner with no surveillance and waited for doing his job or mission. Why should it be a coincidence, that he just then wasn't seen any more, not even lurking around a corner or something? - As always: IMO MOO

PS: I'm thinking of someone, who is mentally very sick and now and then "needs" a thrill-kill. Years ago one day (when needing a large sum of money) he had the idea to hire himself out as a hitman. "Two birds with one stone" so-to-say.
I agree completely. Who on earth would dress up in that garb, just to enter a church and thieve from it?! It is not like there is much to steal anyways! This was a targeted killing, too many reasons to think otherwise in my opinion. And again, just my opinion.
I agree completely. Who on earth would dress up in that garb, just to enter a church and thieve from it?! It is not like there is much to steal anyways! This was a targeted killing, too many reasons to think otherwise in my opinion. And again, just my opinion.
This response fails to address some points that have been raised throughout the thread.

1) The crime took place early on a Monday morning. A thief might think that there would be a substantial amount of cash in the church from the Sunday collections. His wandering throughout the building can be explained as a search for that cash.

2) The purpose of the outfit was presumably to conceal the criminal's identity. But why would that point to one crime more than another? A murderer would want to conceal his identity, but so would a thief.

You keep saying that there are many reasons for your theory, but you haven't articulated any reasons that can withstand scrutiny.
IMO, cash would not be left overnight in a church or place of business. Cash/deposits are usually placed in a bank vault bag and transferred from location to the bank’s night drop box.
In many cases, yes, but a thief wouldn't know that—that's the point. (These guys aren't rocket scientists.) It explains why he was wandering around and searching the building; he was looking for a pile of cash that wasn't actually there.

Some churches do keep cash on the premises, but it would typically be in a safe. Joel Osteen's church was robbed of $600K Sunday donations in 2014. (That theft made national news and might well have inspired this crime.)
In many cases, yes, but a thief wouldn't know that—that's the point. (These guys aren't rocket scientists.) It explains why he was wandering around and searching the building; he was looking for a pile of cash that wasn't actually there.

Some churches do keep cash on the premises, but it would typically be in a safe. Joel Osteen's church was robbed of $600K Sunday donations in 2014. (That theft made national news and might well have inspired this crime.)
How do you know a thief wouldn’t know that? Imo, it’s a stretch to compare JO church donations to Creekside Church donations. if tactical person is looking for a safe it appears he/she is looking in all the wrong places, especially knowing that cameras may possibly be on. Moo.
How do you know a thief wouldn’t know that? Imo, it’s a stretch to compare JO church donations to Creekside Church donations. if tactical person is looking for a safe it appears he/she is looking in all the wrong places, especially knowing that cameras may possibly be on. Moo.
Logically, a thief wouldn't know that unless he had inside information about a particular church. Some churches do leave money in the building overnight on Sundays.
I have always thought that it was a female by the way they walk it just looks typical female to me,

I have always thought that it was a female by the way they walk it just looks typical female to me, jmho .
I recall the person in tactical gear in video had estimated height of 5'2" to 5ft 8 inch. So most likely actual height in middle which would be short if a male .Also most burglars would run to avoid if spotted during burglary so IMO seemsike a targeted attack, not burglary
I recall the person in tactical gear in video had estimated height of 5'2" to 5ft 8 inch. So most likely actual height in middle which would be short if a male .Also most burglars would run to avoid if spotted during burglary so IMO seemsike a targeted attack, not burglary
Many, many people have been murdered upon interrupting burglaries. A google search beings up more than I could list here. Why didn't all of those other burglars run? It could be true that most—more than 50%—do run, but sometimes there's a confrontation.
Many, many people have been murdered upon interrupting burglaries. A google search beings up more than I could list here. Why didn't all of those other burglars run? It could be true that most—more than 50%—do run, but sometimes there's a confrontation.
Per the FBI data attached, from 2015 there were only 102 murders during over 3 million burglaries, less than 1%.

Will take this top page opportunity to present my opinions.

I believe the intruder was a local or semi-local person playing pretend. Probably alone in their head but it might be worth researching organized events from the time.

I believe the intruder was just as bumbling as they appear in the released video. I don't think they had any plan at all in mind and were wandering aimlessly and I think they chose the church because it was convenient - although them being an "angry atheist" is a possibility.

I think Missy and the intruder surprised one another and the police costume caused the power dynamic to go from the intruder initially over to Missy when she realized this was not a police officer and was, in fact, someone weak enough she felt she might verbally and/or physically confront him and that shift of the power dynamic from our <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING>k over to Missy made them angry AND desperate enough to kill

I think afterward they fled home and destroyed every bit of their costume, never again to prowl - but I think their parent might have noticed a big shift in their behavior coincidental with the murder

Despite giving up prowling, I think this person still is heavily into pretend/fantasy type stuff that makes them feel more powerful than they are
Parent? The person in the video apprears 40 minimum to me in terms of speed and gate. I just feel like it was a hit. Do people choose 5 a.m. times for pretend play? I usually see the Harry Potter or Alice in Wonderland people in the late afternoons or early evenings at events.
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Per the FBI data attached, from 2015 there were only 102 murders during over 3 million burglaries, less than 1%.

Not known how many of these burglaries came accross occupants in home but stats seem to indicate low percentage are killed if intent is to burglarize leading IMO targeted attack was purpose.
Not known how many of these burglaries came across occupants in home but stats seem to indicate low percentage are killed if intent is to burglarize leading IMO targeted attack was purpose.
I would suspect that only a small percentage encountered occupants, but there were only 13,455 murders total in 2015.

102 murders out of 13,455 is a pretty significant number. That hardly points away from an interrupted burglary. It's one of the more common causes listed in the spreadsheet.
LE said, the part of video, which wasn't made public, contained nothing important to see
Please post your source for LE saying there was nothing important on the part of the video not made public.

I don't believe that was ever said. I've posted the below link before. The forensic podiatrist saw the part of the video where Missy realizes she is not alone in the church, she turns her head to listen to a noise, then walks towards her off-camera killer. Pretty important and another reason to believe that the killer wasn't even aware someone might show up at the church that early and he wasn't watching or waiting to ambush Missy.

I wish the position of "nothing being stolen" wasn't being used as an indicator that this wasn't a burglary. First, that isn't a known fact. LE would not release that, it would be hold back information. If desks were rifled through, and offices searched, it well could have been to find cash, credit cards, and other small valuables. Also possible, a not uncommon reason to enter schools and churches is for the purpose of vandalism. MOO

Remember that FBI crime stats can't really prove how this murder happened -- ie, this set of circumstances is not forced to follow the path of the most common (whatever that would be).

How many other times do we have a murder in a church by a loser perp wearing police outfit with a funny walk? By the numbers, that sort of crime "never" happens.

BTW, not that it matters, but these FBI stats don't show it to be rare for a murder to have occurred in the act of someone taking something not theirs. Of the 13,455, almost 7,800 are not given a reason, and of the 5,671 that are, 754 (over 13%, or more than 1 in 8) are tied to some sort of taking of property (burglary 102, robbery 595, larceny-theft 16, MV theft 14).
In light of the arrest of the suspected Idaho killer I felt like posting about Missy. On the first day and now (I've read the threads and thought about all the theories in between) I've thought that Missy's killer was much like the Idaho suspect. Socially awkward, LE wannabe, social media and in-person stalker, living in a fantasy world. And other similarities. It's fantastic that LE in Idaho arrested someone so soon. I'm afraid Missy's case will never be solved because there's no known connection with her stalker/killer. It must be terrible for her family.
Please post your source for LE saying there was nothing important on the part of the video not made public.

I don't believe that was ever said. I've posted the below link before. The forensic podiatrist saw the part of the video where Missy realizes she is not alone in the church, she turns her head to listen to a noise, then walks towards her off-camera killer. Pretty important and another reason to believe that the killer wasn't even aware someone might show up at the church that early and he wasn't watching or waiting to ambush Missy.

I wish the position of "nothing being stolen" wasn't being used as an indicator that this wasn't a burglary. First, that isn't a known fact. LE would not release that, it would be hold back information. If desks were rifled through, and offices searched, it well could have been to find cash, credit cards, and other small valuables. Also possible, a not uncommon reason to enter schools and churches is for the purpose of vandalism. MOO

LE did mention nothing was missing from church and nothing was missing from Missy including her wedding ring.
LE did mention nothing was missing from church and nothing was missing from Missy including her wedding ring.
Like I said "If desks were rifled through, and offices searched, it well could have been to find cash, credit cards, and other small valuables".

They did not state that offices and desks were not searched.
Possibly the burglar was still in the search process when Missy discovered him. Maybe nothing was there to take, maybe LE isn't going to tell us something was taken because they want the suspect to not know for sure what is known to LE.
Per the FBI data attached, from 2015 there were only 102 murders during over 3 million burglaries, less than 1%.

Interesting stats. And heck, why on earth would this well disguised 'burglar' shoot a woman dead if he or she could not be id'ed by same person anyways. Better just to flee and drive off! Also, this 'burglar' didn't seem to be stealing much of anything lol. Sure seems like an elaborate costume to wear just to amble around in a church looking for valuables. Not exactly worth it. This person was just sort of biding time while waiting for the target IMO.
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Interesting stats. And heck, why on earth would this well disguised 'burglar' shoot a woman dead if he or she could not be id'ed by same person anyways. Better just to flee and drive off! Also, this 'burglar' didn't seem to be stealing much of anything lol. Sure seems like an elaborate costume to wear just to amble around in a church looking for valuables. Not exactly worth it. This person was just sort of biding time while waiting for the target IMO.
<modsnip - personalizing>

1) He was interrupted and committed a murder. Of course he wasn't going to stick around and continue to search for loot. Of course he wasn't going to take anything that could connect him back to the murder he just committed.

2) He likely wasn't there for "valuables." He was likely looking for a big score: the Sunday donations, which he may have hoped amounted to thousands of dollars in cold hard cash. He didn't find those donations, either because he was interrupted or because they had already been moved off site.

<modsnip - personalizing>
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