TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #48

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In light of the arrest of the suspected Idaho killer I felt like posting about Missy. On the first day and now (I've read the threads and thought about all the theories in between) I've thought that Missy's killer was much like the Idaho suspect. Socially awkward, LE wannabe, social media and in-person stalker, living in a fantasy world. And other similarities. It's fantastic that LE in Idaho arrested someone so soon. I'm afraid Missy's case will never be solved because there's no known connection with her stalker/killer. It must be terrible for her family.

In light of the arrest of the suspected Idaho killer I felt like posting about Missy. On the first day and now (I've read the threads and thought about all the theories in between) I've thought that Missy's killer was much like the Idaho suspect. Socially awkward, LE wannabe, social media and in-person stalker, living in a fantasy world. And other similarities. It's fantastic that LE in Idaho arrested someone so soon. I'm afraid Missy's case will never be solved because there's no known connection with her stalker/killer. It must be terrible for her family.
Only hope is LE gathered touch DNA from crime scene. If the did then IMO no match as of yet in crime data base but they could submit geneology for common family members. Asssume ghat woild have been done?

Only hope is LE gathered touch DNA from crime scene. If the did then IMO no match as of yet in crime data base but they could submit geneology for common family members. Asssume ghat woild have been done?

The way DNA is recorded by LE differs dramatically from the format used by the commercial family-match sites:

Laws differ from state to state, too.

TO match an LE sample, a search warrant is required and LE must have enough of a sample to provide the DNA profile in the commercial company's format.

This does happen, but apparently is not a simple process.
Please post your source for LE saying there was nothing important on the part of the video not made public.
I tried to find something, but nothing so far. Difficult to select the right keywords. But I know, LE said it! ;) The video begins 3:50am with the suspect entering the building.

Johnson said the suspect was first seen on surveillance after breaking into the church at 3:50 a.m. Bevers, a mother of three, entered the building at 4:20 a.m., to prepare for the 5 a.m. fitness class she planned to lead, Johnson said. Bevers died from a head wound, according to a search warrant for her pickup truck released Thursday.

About video, LE did leave gaps in what we were told, and we are left in that hazy area where "you don't know what you don't know."

We know there was a lot of the building that had no cam coverage at all. Only the hallways were covered, and not even all of them, as there were only cams in the NE corner and in the SW corner of the building. So whatever occurred in the inner auditorium with its side rooms, in the outer ring of rooms that had windows to the outside, and in the hallways in the NW/SE quadrants of the building would have been out of view of any cam.

We were not given time stamps on the video footage, but rather just got a set of spliced together clips, so we don't know in what order*, nor how long the gaps are.
(*The former VI in this case came up with his own theory on this, and redid the video in the order he thought made more sense, but without actual time stamps and without ALL the footage that exists, we just don't know all the movement in sequence.)

We also know that from the time perp was first seen on cam (3:50 am) until the time we know he must have exited (about 4:20 am), it's about 30 minutes --- but we only have been shown about 2.5 minutes of video. So there is plenty of time for other video to have been taken. LE didn't tell us they gave us all the video they had -- in fact, they even told us there was more they didn't provide -- but rather they told us they released what they did to suit a purpose, which was to see if the public might be able to tell them who that was in the disguise. Does the movement (walking, swinging a hammer, turning, etc) remind you and me of anyone we know, and if so, who is that? That's the only thing they were trying to let us see and follow, in case it offers up a name.
IMO leaning toward targeted attack but still open to burglary. LE has cleared all original suspects. So killer seems to have shown some anger or even rage as there were puncture wounds to head and chest. So perhaps rage killer known to victim as opposed to hired hit which IMO would have been done cleaner or in different manner. Gun would have been quicker and more certain except louder . Why numerous blows to head and chest if burglar as opposed to a couple strikes and then run from scene ? Also in addition to wedge bar to break in why a hammer like instrument with sharp tip at end?
IMO leaning toward targeted attack but still open to burglary. LE has cleared all original suspects. So killer seems to have shown some anger or even rage as there were puncture wounds to head and chest. So perhaps rage killer known to victim as opposed to hired hit which IMO would have been done cleaner or in different manner. Gun would have been quicker and more certain except louder . Why numerous blows to head and chest if burglar as opposed to a couple strikes and then run from scene ? Also in addition to wedge bar to break in why a hammer like instrument with sharp tip at end?
A number of posts on this thread, in my opinion, leave no doubt that the victim was killed by gunshot(s), as shown by the FBI publication. It has been discussed/rehashed numerous times. Pls, completely disregard my post if you are aware and/or disagree.
IMO leaning toward targeted attack but still open to burglary. LE has cleared all original suspects. So killer seems to have shown some anger or even rage as there were puncture wounds to head and chest. So perhaps rage killer known to victim as opposed to hired hit which IMO would have been done cleaner or in different manner. Gun would have been quicker and more certain except louder . Why numerous blows to head and chest if burglar as opposed to a couple strikes and then run from scene ? Also in addition to wedge bar to break in why a hammer like instrument with sharp tip at end?
You are right. For a hitman it doesn't make much sense, to have his victim killed with 2 different tools: a gun and in addition something pointed for the numerous puncture wounds. Although I think of a hitman. Maybe an inexperienced hitman? Or was there a special meaning behind the beating? Idk. Had the gun shot been something like a "mercy shot" at the end?
You are right. For a hitman it doesn't make much sense, to have his victim killed with 2 different tools: a gun and in addition something pointed for the numerous puncture wounds. Although I think of a hitman. Maybe an inexperienced hitman? Or was there a special meaning behind the beating? Idk. Had the gun shot been something like a "mercy shot" at the end?

We know she was killed by gunshots. You assume the "puncture wounds" were not bullet holes. I make no such assumption, and see nothing that forces us to do so.
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Not trying to stifle debate, but the cause of death discussion has been done over and over again. If you search the thread I'm sure you'll be able to find the information.

The basic version is that there's a database which is searchable and you can find what is certainly this crime listed in there and the cause of death is listed as gunshot.

Apparently the information in the database is directly from LE.
We know she was killed by gunshots. You assume the "puncture wounds" were not bullet holes. I make no such assumption, and see nothing that forces us to do so.
Yes, I'm assuming. A broken glass table just near the vivtim CAN have been broken by a bullet, but doesn't have to have been. Maybe, another tool was in the play. Maybe not.
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Not trying to stifle debate, but the cause of death discussion has been done over and over again. If you search the thread I'm sure you'll be able to find the information.

The basic version is that there's a database which is searchable and you can find what is certainly this crime listed in there and the cause of death is listed as gunshot.

Apparently the information in the database is directly from LE.
If LE said cause of death was gunshot I would not debate it, just have not seen that anywhere. IMO cause of death does matter as to whether lean more to targeted or not. Why would a burglar be carrying a gun?
If LE said cause of death was gunshot I would not debate it, just have not seen that anywhere. IMO cause of death does matter as to whether lean more to targeted or not. Why would a burglar be carrying a gun?
Why does any burglar carry a gun? Many people have been shot dead after interrupting burglaries.

I suppose burglars probably carry guns in case they run into anyone who tries to apprehend them or who poses a threat. (I suspect that Missy may have confronted the intruder.)

Texas ranks #1 in gun ownership out of the 50 states, so carrying a gun is fairly normal down there even when one isn't committing a burglary.
Why does any burglar carry a gun? Many people have been shot dead after interrupting burglaries.

I suppose burglars probably carry guns in case they run into anyone who tries to apprehend them or who poses a threat. (I suspect that Missy may have confronted the intruder.)

Texas ranks #1 in gun ownership out of the 50 states, so carrying a gun is fairly normal down there even when one isn't committing a burglary.
Yes but a much more serious crime in Texas if burglar brings gun into premise it is robbery and 20yrs. sentence as opposed to lesser crime of burglary. So maybe not the smartest person in this case but that is low percent of burglars carry guns into premise they are robbing.
Yes but a much more serious crime in Texas if burglar brings gun into premise it is robbery and 20yrs. sentence as opposed to lesser crime of burglary. So maybe not the smartest person in this case but that is low percent of burglars carry guns into premise they are robbing.

Loser perp obviously brought a gun. Maybe they did a stupid in doing so, but from the doofus-like behavior on video, and the dumb choice of actions that night, I never thought loser perp was the brightest bulb in the room anyhow.
One thing we can look at here is the aftermath. To me, this is targeted, for a couple of reasons:

A, the SWAT uniform/disguise is effective. So effective that 6 years later, we don't even have an arrest. If this was a burglary looking for money, why not use this exact get-up later to rob more churches or places of business? But there's been no indication that this outfit was ever used again for a crime. The question I would have for those who think this was a burglary: why not?
B. I've seen people argue if this was a targeted crime, it would be simpler and easier to just show up 5 minutes prior, shoot her, and be done with it. But as a reader of Agatha Christie, this would WAY simplify the suspect pool and make it very obvious that the killer was only after MB. To me, that whole first half hour is the murderer's way of creating a DIVERSION. By doing vandalism (but no burglary), the murderer has now opened up a much much wider suspect pool to draw from and has made it a far harder crime to solve.
C. One would wonder if this is a burglary gone wrong why the SWAT uniform hasn't gotten used again. But if this is a targeted crime, then it makes perfect sense that this is a one-time deal and that the perp has gotten what he/she wanted and doesn't need to do it again and is happy with how things worked out. I would also add this person doesn't have any serial killer tendencies either as otherwise they would use this same MO again and they haven't. Note that the husband had a safe alibi, the daughters were home, everyone who would be suspected is cleared. The killer wanted life to go on as usual for everyone but MB.
D. To me, the Altima is more of the same. A diversion. Something suspicious enough that it can be used as a diversion or alternate theory. If the killer is using it, I doubt it's the killer's car but more likely it is a red herring. I would argue that the killer's goal was to create as much red herrings as possible.
E. The killer knew of the cameras. That helmet has got to be extremely awkward to wear and gives you lousy vision and hearing. It would be far more convenient, especially with the rain if one thought they were alone, to take off the helmet. But that didn't happen because the killer knew the cameras were on, which a lot of people wouldn't know. To me, that indicates a job with a lot of planning to know where the cameras are and which ones are on and which ones aren't.

Also, to me, a gun was used. MB was in great shape while the killer was bogged down by a helmet, boots, etc. If you remove all weapons and all guns, MB easily has the advantage over SP given their respective outfits. So the gun gives SP the advantage and the helmet and outfit will, even if MB has her weapon, probably delay long enough for SP to draw first.
One thing we can look at here is the aftermath. To me, this is targeted, for a couple of reasons:

A, the SWAT uniform/disguise is effective. So effective that 6 years later, we don't even have an arrest. If this was a burglary looking for money, why not use this exact get-up later to rob more churches or places of business? But there's been no indication that this outfit was ever used again for a crime. The question I would have for those who think this was a burglary: why not?
B. I've seen people argue if this was a targeted crime, it would be simpler and easier to just show up 5 minutes prior, shoot her, and be done with it. But as a reader of Agatha Christie, this would WAY simplify the suspect pool and make it very obvious that the killer was only after MB. To me, that whole first half hour is the murderer's way of creating a DIVERSION. By doing vandalism (but no burglary), the murderer has now opened up a much much wider suspect pool to draw from and has made it a far harder crime to solve.
C. One would wonder if this is a burglary gone wrong why the SWAT uniform hasn't gotten used again. But if this is a targeted crime, then it makes perfect sense that this is a one-time deal and that the perp has gotten what he/she wanted and doesn't need to do it again and is happy with how things worked out. I would also add this person doesn't have any serial killer tendencies either as otherwise they would use this same MO again and they haven't. Note that the husband had a safe alibi, the daughters were home, everyone who would be suspected is cleared. The killer wanted life to go on as usual for everyone but MB.
D. To me, the Altima is more of the same. A diversion. Something suspicious enough that it can be used as a diversion or alternate theory. If the killer is using it, I doubt it's the killer's car but more likely it is a red herring. I would argue that the killer's goal was to create as much red herrings as possible.
E. The killer knew of the cameras. That helmet has got to be extremely awkward to wear and gives you lousy vision and hearing. It would be far more convenient, especially with the rain if one thought they were alone, to take off the helmet. But that didn't happen because the killer knew the cameras were on, which a lot of people wouldn't know. To me, that indicates a job with a lot of planning to know where the cameras are and which ones are on and which ones aren't.

Also, to me, a gun was used. MB was in great shape while the killer was bogged down by a helmet, boots, etc. If you remove all weapons and all guns, MB easily has the advantage over SP given their respective outfits. So the gun gives SP the advantage and the helmet and outfit will, even if MB has her weapon, probably delay long enough for SP to draw first.
There's a major flaw in the logic here, in my opinion. The perpetrator wore that outfit during the commission of a murder. The last thing he would do is wear the same outfit again; he would have done everything he could to distance himself from the murder of Missy. Heck, he probably burned that outfit as soon as he got home. If he continued to break into buildings, I'll bet he avoided churches like the plague.
One thing we can look at here is the aftermath. To me, this is targeted, for a couple of reasons:

A, the SWAT uniform/disguise is effective. So effective that 6 years later, we don't even have an arrest. If this was a burglary looking for money, why not use this exact get-up later to rob more churches or places of business? But there's been no indication that this outfit was ever used again for a crime. The question I would have for those who think this was a burglary: why not?

Because after killing Missy there was probably a ton of forensic evidence left on it. This outfit would be hellishly difficult to clean, so it is highly probable the perpetrator destroyed it or threw it away.

B. I've seen people argue if this was a targeted crime, it would be simpler and easier to just show up 5 minutes prior, shoot her, and be done with it. But as a reader of Agatha Christie, this would WAY simplify the suspect pool and make it very obvious that the killer was only after MB. To me, that whole first half hour is the murderer's way of creating a DIVERSION. By doing vandalism (but no burglary), the murderer has now opened up a much much wider suspect pool to draw from and has made it a far harder crime to solve.

That was quite bad diversion. It was noisy as heck, and remember it was raining hard at that time. The noise made by the rain would make it extremely difficult to hear the car engine. Add that stupid helmet and all the noise the perp was making and, well he would be unable to hear even an approaching Godzilla. Also, the forensic traces, the particles of these destroyed items getting into all the crevices of that outfit...

C. One would wonder if this is a burglary gone wrong why the SWAT uniform hasn't gotten used again. But if this is a targeted crime, then it makes perfect sense that this is a one-time deal and that the perp has gotten what he/she wanted and doesn't need to do it again and is happy with how things worked out. I would also add this person doesn't have any serial killer tendencies either as otherwise they would use this same MO again and they haven't.

It's not musiał for the serial killers to switch the MO and the weapons.

E. The killer knew of the cameras. That helmet has got to be extremely awkward to wear and gives you lousy vision and hearing. It would be far more convenient, especially with the rain if one thought they were alone, to take off the helmet. But that didn't happen because the killer knew the cameras were on, which a lot of people wouldn't know. To me, that indicates a job with a lot of planning to know where the cameras are and which ones are on and which ones aren't.
Actually all it requires is the awareness some of the cams might be on, without the knowledge which ones exactly.

Also, to me, a gun was used. MB was in great shape while the killer was bogged down by a helmet, boots, etc. If you remove all weapons and all guns, MB easily has the advantage over SP given their respective outfits.

Add the element of surprise to the equation. If Missy got suddenly bashed over the head with a heavy tool (a hammer? A crowbar?), her fitness would not give her any advantage.

Also, not all people react to being attacked with fight. Many people just freeze, unable to defend themselves, many think only about escaping. We don 't know how Missy would react and we cannot assume she would fight.
I don't understand why if it was a targeted murder, why Missy wasn't ambushed by the entrance. The perp would be able to get it done quickly and leave before others arrived.

If it was a targeted KNOWN killer, that would explain the disguise. We can't even decide if that's a man or woman. I would imagine that if someone in the local community murdered her, it would be easier to identify them if the disguise was poor. Hence the SWAT kit.

Again, if it was targeted, why do a tour of the building? As I said before Missy could be ambushed and murdered without her going through the building. Would most locals know the layout of the building?.

The tour by the murdered indicates to me its not a professional killer. This person is unable to simply lie in wait. Instead he/she wanders through the building nonchalantly peering into rooms and trying doors. He's in no hurry.

If it was a thief, I'd imagine he'd be faster. Yes, it's very early morning, but thieves tend not to take their time. In the video provided the perp hasn't a bag to carry stuff, nor do they start making a pile of stuff to take. Wouldn't a thief want to be able to run for it if disturbed? This person couldn't do a fast walk let alone run and for a thief, the outfit is over the top too.

I keep returning to the disguise. I think it's used because the perp would otherwise be very quickly identified. Meaning they're local, family/friend, a well known person in the area or someone with a criminal record.

Why this was done is the biggest question. Someone went to a lot of effort. Why?
I don't understand why if it was a targeted murder, why Missy wasn't ambushed by the entrance. The perp would be able to get it done quickly and leave before others arrived.

If it was a targeted KNOWN killer, that would explain the disguise. We can't even decide if that's a man or woman. I would imagine that if someone in the local community murdered her, it would be easier to identify them if the disguise was poor. Hence the SWAT kit.

Again, if it was targeted, why do a tour of the building? As I said before Missy could be ambushed and murdered without her going through the building. Would most locals know the layout of the building?.

The tour by the murdered indicates to me its not a professional killer. This person is unable to simply lie in wait. Instead he/she wanders through the building nonchalantly peering into rooms and trying doors. He's in no hurry.

If it was a thief, I'd imagine he'd be faster. Yes, it's very early morning, but thieves tend not to take their time. In the video provided the perp hasn't a bag to carry stuff, nor do they start making a pile of stuff to take. Wouldn't a thief want to be able to run for it if disturbed? This person couldn't do a fast walk let alone run and for a thief, the outfit is over the top too.

I keep returning to the disguise. I think it's used because the perp would otherwise be very quickly identified. Meaning they're local, family/friend, a well known person in the area or someone with a criminal record.

Why this was done is the biggest question. Someone went to a lot of effort. Why?
If you assume for a second that maybe the person in the SWAT gear knew they were on surveillance camera, it probably would not have been very smart to be seen on camera waiting for Missy Bevers by the entrance. Then police would know that it probably was a targeted murder. Instead, this person came up with the idea to make a murder look like a burglary.

If you assume that maybe the person in the Nissan Altima knew there were surveillance cameras on the SWFA building, then this also helps lead police to the possible idea that a burglar was looking for a place to burglarize that night.

What does not make a lot of sense is how either person (or the same one) knew that their vehicle's license plate would not be read by the surveillance camera at either building. Even at Creekside Church, there was a surveillance camera outside but it was not working. The burglar would have no way of knowing this.

I sometimes wonder if maybe someone at Creekside Church who had experience with looking at the surveillance camera footage at Creekside Church and the surveillance camera's ability to pickup details used this knowledge. This is how they realized their vehicle would be far enough away so that the license plate number would not be able to be read. Maybe they turned their headlights off too, not to hide the front of the car, but so the license plate would not have light either.

On the surface this looks like a burglary gone wrong, but was it really?
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