TX TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, Midlothian, 18 Apr 2016 #48

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If it were a burglary, then why not at least take her wedding rings?
Why not take the wedding rings if it were someone trying to make it look like a burglary? Something that small could be disposed of easily.

The fact that nothing was taken gives the lie to the theory that someone wanted to make a planned killing look like a burglary gone wrong. Someone doing that would be certain to take something of value. An actual interrupted burglar might not; an actual interrupted burglar would just want to get the hell out of there.
Between the wilder theories - was it ever discussed as possibility that it was targeted at police officer with this kind of posture and walk, by someone who wanted to incriminate them in burglary?
Why not take the wedding rings if it were someone trying to make it look like a burglary? Something that small could be disposed of easily.

The fact that nothing was taken gives the lie to the theory that someone wanted to make a planned killing look like a burglary gone wrong. Someone doing that would be certain to take something of value. An actual interrupted burglar might not; an actual interrupted burglar would just want to get the hell out of there.
As it was mentioned before - we don't know for sure if indeed nothing was taken from church.
And as it's theorised fake burglary or real burglary it could be just endless goosechase while guessing what the person could think.

Her jewelry not being taken... maybe Missy put up a serious fight and perp or his outfit got damaged in fight so premeditated murderer was too cautious of leaving behind evidence and decided to not touch her.
Maybe rings were stuck on her fingers and impossible to take off quickly and they actually tried to take them?
It's not easy to take rings off somebodys hand while wearing thick gloves. Maybe rings were covered in blood. Maybe he was sweating like a pig inside and had enough already.
If it seems so obvious that a person faking the burglary would make sure to take everything of value in sight then it also make sense to consider that they decided to to the opposite to not make it look like a fake burglary.
+ if it was planned then perp knew that they don't have much time to flee before someone else will show up. So no time to bother with her jewelry, especially that burglarizing activity was already on camera.
Oh yes, it would.
True, but if it was random how could it be traced or checked? I wonder if this person driving around the gun store was ever questioned? Does LE know who this individual is? I suppose it could be traced if the individual was interviewed by LE then if they were looking at class schedules it would suggest perhaps something to look into.
As it was mentioned before - we don't know for sure if indeed nothing was taken from church.
And as it's theorised fake burglary or real burglary it could be just endless goosechase while guessing what the person could think.

Her jewelry not being taken... maybe Missy put up a serious fight and perp or his outfit got damaged in fight so premeditated murderer was too cautious of leaving behind evidence and decided to not touch her.
Maybe rings were stuck on her fingers and impossible to take off quickly and they actually tried to take them?
It's not easy to take rings off somebodys hand while wearing thick gloves. Maybe rings were covered in blood. Maybe he was sweating like a pig inside and had enough already.
If it seems so obvious that a person faking the burglary would make sure to take everything of value in sight then it also make sense to consider that they decided to to the opposite to not make it look like a fake burglary.
+ if it was planned then perp knew that they don't have much time to flee before someone else will show up. So no time to bother with her jewelry, especially that burglarizing activity was already on camera.
The thing is though if her rings were taken then LE would tell the public to be on the lookout for it/them. LE would describe what they look like. So IMO nothing was taken as LE has mentioned. So if it wasn't burglary then it had to be something worst as happened.
Why not take the wedding rings if it were someone trying to make it look like a burglary? Something that small could be disposed of easily.

The fact that nothing was taken gives the lie to the theory that someone wanted to make a planned killing look like a burglary gone wrong. Someone doing that would be certain to take something of value. An actual interrupted burglar might not; an actual interrupted burglar would just want to get the hell out of there.
Because the perp thought that the breaking of glass, and jimmying of some doors was enough (and apparently it was for some) to convince people it was a break-in gone bad. He/she was there to murder Missy and didn't even think about the rings, adrenalin going, people going to arrive, the reality of the event. They thought they had already made it look like a break-in and were no longer thinking about that when Missy arrived. They had to get out of there. Just MOO as to why the facts lead me to believe it was a targeted attack on Missy, and not a burglary gone bad.
1 We know that whatever ring(s) MB was wearing was not taken.
...1a We do not know WHY it was not taken. Was loser perp in a panic and (no matter his original intent) just wanted to be out of there? Was loser perp scared the ring would lead to him being caught, if taken? Was loser perp trying to fake out investigators somehow? We have no way to tell which of those is true - if any.
....1b We do NOT know if ANYTHING was actually taken. Or, if something was taken, what that means. Or, if nothing was taken, whether that tells us the loser perp had intended to take things originally, or had not intended to take things originally.
2 We do know that loser perp wandered the building and did burglar-like looking behind doors, breaking glass and forcing doors to get access at times.
... 2a We do NOT know why loser perp was doing those things. Was he trying to steal things, and simply inept? Or was he just trying to look like he was stealing, and forgetting to watch for someone coming?
3 "I wonder if this person driving around the gun store was ever questioned? Does LE know who this individual is? I suppose it could be traced if the individual was interviewed by LE".... Huh? LE asked for this person to come forward not long after the crime, and it's well known that LE has yet to discover the car, the license plate, the driver, etc, much less talk to that person.
... 3a Unfortunately we don't know WHY that person has decided to stay out of sight. Was it a reason related to the attack on MB? Or was it for some other reason (person who robs stores, person out with a non-spouse fooling around, person from way out of town, person who just randomly stopped from driving through rain, or whatever) who had no connection to the crime and just not wanting to be involved?
1 We know that whatever ring(s) MB was wearing was not taken.
...1a We do not know WHY it was not taken. Was loser perp in a panic and (no matter his original intent) just wanted to be out of there? Was loser perp scared the ring would lead to him being caught, if taken? Was loser perp trying to fake out investigators somehow? We have no way to tell which of those is true - if any.
....1b We do NOT know if ANYTHING was actually taken. Or, if something was taken, what that means. Or, if nothing was taken, whether that tells us the loser perp had intended to take things originally, or had not intended to take things originally.
2 We do know that loser perp wandered the building and did burglar-like looking behind doors, breaking glass and forcing doors to get access at times.
... 2a We do NOT know why loser perp was doing those things. Was he trying to steal things, and simply inept? Or was he just trying to look like he was stealing, and forgetting to watch for someone coming?
3 "I wonder if this person driving around the gun store was ever questioned? Does LE know who this individual is? I suppose it could be traced if the individual was interviewed by LE".... Huh? LE asked for this person to come forward not long after the crime, and it's well known that LE has yet to discover the car, the license plate, the driver, etc, much less talk to that person.
... 3a Unfortunately we don't know WHY that person has decided to stay out of sight. Was it a reason related to the attack on MB? Or was it for some other reason (person who robs stores, person out with a non-spouse fooling around, person from way out of town, person who just randomly stopped from driving through rain, or whatever) who had no connection to the crime and just not wanting to be involved?
Thanks for that info. Didn't know about that. Its been a long time since I looked at Missy's disturbing death.
If the SP intended to fake "a little" burglary and to produce a lot of work for investigators and forensics, then he did well. The murder at the end was the main deed, but for LE at first view the crime scene seemed to extend throughout the church. I think, they had some headache while reconstructing the course of events. If that was the goal, the <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> could praise himself - actually until today, because after 6 years at least we (LE, Idk) are still in a discussion about burglary or no burglary and the perp's motive.
If the <modsnip - NO NAMECALLING> is able to read better than walk and is lurking here, he probably basks in our disunity. :oops::confused:
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To me, the strongest evidence we have for this being a random crime is that there hasn't been an arrest after 6 years. Presumably, everyone with a motive has been thoroughly investigated and more or less eliminated as a suspect.

At this point I would mainly like to see that Altima identified. I wonder if the license plate scanners on the highways just literally scan and log the numbers or if they store actual photos of all the license plates that could be narrowed down to Altimas of the correct year and then combed for matching round stickers immediately beneath.

Can we also presume the Altima didn't belong to anyone local since law enforcement would have physically checked every one registered in the area?
In terms of the surveillance camera, we know based on when this person first came out of the kitchen area door that it could be seen on camera. If Missy had entered the church southwest awning hallway, even if she had walked all the way up the hallway from where she entered, I think you could accurately guess that the perp would have at least been seen walking towards her area before they met off camera in the northwest corner area. Or the perp was already in the northwest area. I have gotten facts wrong in this case before, but the theory or guess is that her body was found in the northwest area of the church off camera. Is that where it was actually found?

But if after she was hit with a blunt object or shot, wouldn't the police then see the perp re-enter the surveillance camera view to go into the kitchen door area they came out of in order to leave the way they came in?

If not, then this means the perp left through the northwest doors.

That is the part I do not understand. Whether it is the headlights from her truck shining into the west rooms as she enters the church driveway or the sound of her truck at the southwest awning getting things out or the sound of her actually entering the church and then stopping and turning her head when she heard something, how did this perp not have enough time to leave?

Maybe the perp was completely cornered in the northwest Men's Bible study area by Missy and if Missy was found on her back, that would mean her head would have been facing the hallway as the killer stepped over her body to leave so they could go out the northwest doors?
You say "They said X, except when they said Y' and that means you AGREE with me -- as that was my point. They haven't been consistent - at times they have indicated targeted, or not targeted, or we can't tell which it might be.
My question was.....were there arrest warrants issued in this case? ( that can be backed up by links where we can read them) And were there additional search warrants issued other than the ones listed at the beginning of each new thread).

Not trying to be obstinate. I just want to view everything Websleuths has at this point.
Just because law enforcement hasn't released video of the suspect traveling in one particular way or other doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In fact, they've explicitly said there's a lot more footage. They just released what they released because they thought his mannerisms would be identified from it.

As far as hearing Missy's truck, you can't hear crap in a balaclava and riot helmet plus for all we know he could have had headphones in, listening to police scanner traffic for example which is just exactly the kind of thing some police cosplayer would do.

We just don't know so much about the case. That's the real reason I think it captivates is so much because what we do know is strange and tantalizing. It's only natural to speculate a lot but it's probably best not to - or at least keep in mind exactly what is fact versus what is speculation. Logical conclusions based on speculative data are still speculative.
My question was.....were there arrest warrants issued in this case? ( that can be backed up by links where we can read them) And were there additional search warrants issued other than the ones listed at the beginning of each new thread).

Not trying to be obstinate. I just want to view everything Websleuths has at this point.

Got it.

Re "were there arrest warrants issued in this case" - yes in substance, which is why I said it that way (but technically no).

A local (BWH) was thought at one point to be the prime suspect. He fit a lot of boxes: was ex-cop, security, at MB funeral, and walked weird. So at the end of 2016 (iirc on the date) he was the subject of both a search warrant (in relation to MB case) and then shortly thereafter detained by an arrest warrant (but technically, arrested and detained for something else).

While he was locked up, LE used that opportunity to examine everything about him IN RELATION TO MB CASE. They basically fifured he likely did it and crawled up his butt with a microscope, as the saying goes. After that very thorough investigation while he was under arrest "for something else," they determined he did NOT kill her. So poof the other charge was dropped and he was released.
To me, the strongest evidence we have for this being a random crime is that there hasn't been an arrest after 6 years. Presumably, everyone with a motive has been thoroughly investigated and more or less eliminated as a suspect.

At this point I would mainly like to see that Altima identified. I wonder if the license plate scanners on the highways just literally scan and log the numbers or if they store actual photos of all the license plates that could be narrowed down to Altimas of the correct year and then combed for matching round stickers immediately beneath.

Can we also presume the Altima didn't belong to anyone local since law enforcement would have physically checked every one registered in the area?
When I think of the Altima in this case it reminds me of Suzy Assunta's case. Were there oher Altima's in the area that night driving around? Was the license plate not readable? That Altima is pretty crisp and clear in the footage so why not the license plate? Yes and the license plate scanners may have helped identify but why not? Maybe they were stolen license plates IDK. But something is off here where LE asked the driver of the Altima to come forward but they haven't. Maybe they weren't local. Why would the Altima just drive around they obviously may have been surveiling the gun store. But if the motive was a future robbery of the gun store then I can see them not coming forward. However it just seems off to me that LE hasn't been able to identify that car. There's a reason why it hasn't been identified to this day. If this Altima was scanned then one would think there would be some trail to follow, did this person know how to avade the scanners? Maybe the driver of the Altima was looking for a random victim at the gunstore but couldn't come across any so decided to go to the church? IDK but I wonder if LE thinks that this was the perp possibly? If LE has ruled everyone out does this mean that Missy's death was random?
In terms of the surveillance camera, we know based on when this person first came out of the kitchen area door that it could be seen on camera.

It seems there were multiple doors to kitchen area and its hallway. Going through one of those doors did trigger the cam earlier. But not necessarily true for going through any/all of them.

1 If Missy had entered the church southwest awning hallway, even if she had walked all the way up the hallway from where she entered, I think you could accurately guess that the perp would have at least been seen walking towards her area before they met off camera in the northwest corner area. 2 Or the perp was already in the northwest area.

Not necessarily any of that. Perp could have been in the inner auditorium just prior to their crossing paths.

3 I have gotten facts wrong in this case before, but the theory or guess is that her body was found in the northwest area of the church off camera. Is that where it was actually found?

We think so. LE's description was hard to decipher, but somewhere in NW (which had no cams) seems to be our best understanding of where they found her.

But if after she was hit with a blunt object or shot, wouldn't the police then see the perp re-enter the surveillance camera view to go into the kitchen door area they came out of in order to leave the way they came in?

If not, then this means the perp left through the northwest doors.

There were no cams in NW area, and no cam view of the NW area.
There was no video of the killing or afterwards.
LE's stated belief was that he exited the same way he entered, via the kitchen door. Not via NW doors.

That is the part I do not understand. Whether it is the headlights from her truck shining into the west rooms as she enters the church driveway or the sound of her truck at the southwest awning getting things out or the sound of her actually entering the church and then stopping and turning her head when she heard something, how did this perp not have enough time to leave?

One explanation would be that perp was in the auditorium area, with no view of what's happening outside, and no sound either. Then, oblivious to MB's presence, he exited the auditorium right where she happened to be walking past, and a panicked confrontation ensued.

There may be other (and perhaps better) explanations, but that makes most sense to me so far.
Was the license plate not readable? That Altima is pretty crisp and clear in the footage so why not the license plate?
Not a mystery. License plate was not readable at all. Limits of commonly-used cam technology at the time (which they apparently were using here). When the cam can't "see" anything on the tag but white, there's nothing recorded on the video to read -- it's just a blank spot with no pixels. Discussed at length in this thread already if you want more.
It seems there were multiple doors to kitchen area and its hallway. Going through one of those doors did trigger the cam earlier. But not necessarily true for going through any/all of them.

Not necessarily any of that. Perp could have been in the inner auditorium just prior to their crossing paths.

We think so. LE's description was hard to decipher, but somewhere in NW (which had no cams) seems to be our best understanding of where they found her.

There were no cams in NW area, and no cam view of the NW area.
There was no video of the killing or afterwards.
LE's stated belief was that he exited the same way he entered, via the kitchen door. Not via NW doors.

One explanation would be that perp was in the auditorium area, with no view of what's happening outside, and no sound either. Then, oblivious to MB's presence, he exited the auditorium right where she happened to be walking past, and a panicked confrontation ensued.

There may be other (and perhaps better) explanations, but that makes most sense to me so far.
I thought according to an interview Missy's sister-in-law gave that one of the lights Missy turned on as she entered the church was lights in the sanctuary among other lights in the building.

Then she heard something and turned her head to the right walking cautiously down the hallway towards the Northwest area where she was found. She walked towards the area where she heard noise. A confrontation ensued in that area during which glass was broken.

Then the killer left. In my opinion, the killer would have to be on camera surveillance leaving if they left the church the way they came in through the same kitchen area door.
I thought according to an interview Missy's sister-in-law gave that

1 I have not heard of an interview by S-I-L, but it's always possible she gave one.
2 But what would she know that we don't? I doubt she was a camper so she was not there that day. Nor was she an investigator who would have been given access to the building. Nor would she have access to LE files or evidence.
3 S-I-L may have given her speculation to someone, basing it on what she thinks she knows about the case. Or about what she thinks MB may have done.

...one of the lights Missy turned on as she entered the church was lights in the sanctuary among other lights in the building. Then she heard something and turned her head to the right walking cautiously down the hallway towards the Northwest area where she was found. She walked towards the area where she heard noise. A confrontation ensued in that area during which glass was broken.

Then the killer left.

Are any of these facts? Or is this just a what-if scenario of guesses, like we do here at WS? How would she know?

I would love to have more factual information, but this raises all kinds of questions for me.

In my opinion, the killer would have to be on camera surveillance leaving if they left the church the way they came in through the same kitchen area door.

LE says not so. They have the video (or, lack of same) and would know. They say that there is no video of Loser Perp exiting, nor of the attack or anything after, and that they believe Loser Perp left via kitchen door.

That perp left out the kitchen door, but not seen on video as he did so, is certainly possible in relation to what video we have seen.
It seems there were multiple doors to kitchen area and its hallway. Going through one of those doors did trigger the cam earlier. But not necessarily true for going through any/all of them.

Not necessarily any of that. Perp could have been in the inner auditorium just prior to their crossing paths.

We think so. LE's description was hard to decipher, but somewhere in NW (which had no cams) seems to be our best understanding of where they found her.

There were no cams in NW area, and no cam view of the NW area.
There was no video of the killing or afterwards.
LE's stated belief was that he exited the same way he entered, via the kitchen door. Not via NW doors.

One explanation would be that perp was in the auditorium area, with no view of what's happening outside, and no sound either. Then, oblivious to MB's presence, he exited the auditorium right where she happened to be walking past, and a panicked confrontation ensued.

There may be other (and perhaps better) explanations, but that makes most sense to me so far.
We had blurry pictures of the West (main) entry, afaik, where a forensic or forensics on their knees were doing their work. Is my memory totally wrong?
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