TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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Thx Spanish Inquisition for above.
I hope others will indulge me in a hairsplitting discussion w those who say - article said, LE said puncture wounds to head and chest were CoD.

The actual words http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/201...unds-to-head-chest-at-midlothian-church.html/ May 3
- in headline: "Fitness instructor died from puncture wounds to head, chest at Midlothian church." Editor's or reporter's words, not LE's words.
- in story: "The warrant, issued late April 19 and obtained by NBC5 on Tuesday, stated that Bevers’ wounds “are consistent with tools the suspect was carrying throughout the building.”" Editor's or reporter's words, not LE's words.


Thank you x 100 for this.
After watching the video yet again, when the perp is hitting the door/wall/glass, those aren't very manly swings. More like an elderly person swinging than female though. Slow and lethargic.
I've not posted on this case yet, and I can't say that I am fully aware of all the details (seriously, ya'll are out of control on the postings here! WOW!).
A coworker was giving me a brief outline a few weeks ago, and I've popped in to keep up as much as I can.
He (my coworker) outlined his theory for me based on the killer being female. He believed there was infidelity involved, and that it was likely on MB's part. Reason being that someone having an affair with BB would be aware that he was married (probably), and wouldn't be so rageful. That this has the signs of being a woman scorned, and that it was perhaps MB's lovers wife or girlfriend.

I went and watched the full 'interview' that BB did the day after Missy was killed, and while a lot of the things he said, and the way he said them seemed off to me (I'm accusing him of nothing!*), the one thing that jumped out to me and will not leave my mind is the remark about 10 months. Along the lines of 'In the past ten months, she had been texting me each morning once I got to work to tell me she loved me and hoped I had a good day'.

This has probably already been discussed to death and I missed it, so I apologize if I am rehashing old stuff. :) But my thought at the time, and my thought more so now, is that she got caught having a fling of some sort, 10 months ago. And the decision was made that they would work past it, and the texts were one of the ways she let him know she was 'in'. For the long haul. Because who, one day after their wife was murdered, has such a random passing of time readily available like that? Someone who had some life altering stuff go down 10 months ago.

This is all apropos of nothing, I suppose, it rules no one out, and I am just babbling away. But it drives me bonkers and I had to vent it out.

*I am not of the opinion that BB killed, or hired someone to kill Missy. That doesn't change the strangeness of what he said and how he said it, one day after she was killed. I think this is because of the strain in the relationship, the (possible) knowledge of infidelity - he was holding back information and it showed in his words and demeanor. That's all.

But she been having some sort of communication from Jan 2016 until her death, with Casey Williams, per the Search Warrant. They were able to retrieve some of the deleted conversations that proved things that had been told in interviews and from MB phone. Not sure what the 10 mo was about but counting back we figured that was their Anniversary? JMHO and some facts from Search warrants.
A few threads back I posted a longer version of this theory in response to a similar question, which was..

1) The spouse was already out of the house (at the gym, working nights, etc.) and therefore when the perp left the house the spouse would have no idea.

2) The reverse - the perp was supposed to be out of the house that night (at the gym, working nights, maybe even out of town) and therefore the spouse wouldn't suspect anything out of the ordinary.
But what if the perp is not working?

For example: If CT had left at 3:00 that morning, AJT would have known that she was missing. There's no way IMO that CT would have arrived back home before AJT had to leave.
(Unless of course, he'd been out all night.) And, as another poster said, maybe AJT was aware of this and is protecting her.
Or..maybe both were involved.

Which one of them drives a gray car? Did AJT arrive at work in that car. What time did he arrive
for his 5:00 workout? Was he uptight, jumpy?

I noticed on her FB that CT left her job of 9 years to stay at home
approx. 9 months ago. During that time she had another baby.
To leave a job where you had day to day interaction with adults to day to day interaction with 4 kids (one of whom is a baby) is HUGE!
This must have been an extremely rough transition. (for both spouses). Especially with hormones out of whack. (I made that transition too but I had only 1 child.) And it was not easy.

An intelligent, angry woman can be scary and vengeful IMO. And, a very tough nut to crack.

He may not be protecting her as much as he may fear the ramifications if he doesn't.

Just speculation on my part.

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I don't want to believe a husband could kill his wife. I can't imagine the man I sleep next to, the man who knows me better than anyone could hurt me. We don't have a perfect marriage but we adore each other even on those days that we might not like each other a lot at the moment. I pray for the girls that it wasn't a family member.
Hey Bill - Can we even go there? Is talk of this possibility "victim friendly?" I've wondered the same, given some photos. But knowing what bras are like nowadays, one can really look different, depending upon the bra. I just find this possibility doubtful, given the cost (what - around 8k?) and the possibly deadly anesthesia requirement.

But chest wounds make it seem like an enraged person. An overkill. Yikes who would do that? A hit person would be satisfied with the head wounds, I would think.
JMO - avoiding going here, but - I would think a hitman is satisfied when he looks at his standard watch (not a phone) and sees no breathing attempts for two full minutes.

PS- I made an uncorrectable typo in a previous post regarding a silhouette of the face at the Dutch doors (besides bad spelling) - I meant to say the Caucasian face profile lacked prognathism, a common feature for AA's both in the top and lower face. I wrote pronation by mistake. And the nose profile, Caucasian.
Thx Spanish Inquisition for above.
I hope others will indulge me in a hairsplitting discussion w those who say - article said, LE said puncture wounds to head and chest were CoD.

The actual words http://crimeblog.dallasnews.com/201...unds-to-head-chest-at-midlothian-church.html/ May 3
- in headline: "Fitness instructor died from puncture wounds to head, chest at Midlothian church." Editor's or reporter's words, not LE's words.
- in story: "The warrant, issued late April 19 and obtained by NBC5 on Tuesday, stated that Bevers’ wounds “are consistent with tools the suspect was carrying throughout the building.”" Editor's or reporter's words, not LE's words.


Also people seem to be forgetting that at the time that warrant came out LE said they're keeping the COD under wraps for strategic advantage:
The Dallas County medical examiner completed an autopsy on Bevers Tuesday, but police are not releasing her specific cause of death citing the ongoing investigation. By withholding that information, police said they retain a strategic advantage in the investigation.
wtf. This site or my phone is hacked or construction is happening on this site.

Because i can't see other pages nor other posts but 1 at a time.


Even if i go to the websleuths active stream and click on a post. I can only see that post and thats it.


Restart your phone Dex!
I honestly don't even know where to start with this.
I was trying to say history proves more stalkers are men than women. And men are visually stimulated. If you want to see predators they are often found where pretty females are more abundant than not. That was my only intention. I live in the beach environment ad you can do a zip code check on registered offenders and many more in beach environment than let's say 20 miles inland. MM was a pretty lady and I am sure she was complimented often by the men.
i wonder, and i wonder, i'm not leaning on this but IF the perp did record the murder on their cellphone, would that lead to a theory that maybe this was a "hit" and the person (s) ordering it wanted to see proof.......
Well he** they were already limping. But that's besides the point, I see what you are saying.

Ya'll please don't get the thread shut down again today for blaming the victim. Thanks! loveyoumeanit. xoxo

In no way did I intend to blame the victim. I guess I poorly worded my humble opinion MM was very vulnerable at that place and time and the perp knew it. I should have then left my weak attempt at humor off
At 1:47 on the clip, the perp opens a door and walks into a hall where he/she starts hacking away at glass or wallboard. Is this particular camera recording this not motion activated? The recording starts about 3 seconds or so before the door is even opened, so a motion activated camera shouldn't start recording until the movement of the door opening activated it.

Well he** they were already limping. But that's besides the point, I see what you are saying.

Ya'll please don't get the thread shut down again today for blaming the victim. Thanks! loveyoumeanit. xoxo

As for me, I'm still not sure who did what but I really don't think it was a robbery and I am not 100% sold on what was released yesterday b/c LE hasn't made an arrest and they could have left that information sealed or had a gag order or whatever it is they do in Midlothian, TX to keep the towns people from all that gossip so I'm sure there is a play here, I just need to figure out what it is.


When did the thread get shut down?! Been here all day but must have missed that...
Speaking of the calmness...I still don't know what to think of this. Either they are highly drugged up on Xanax (or something like it), trained with a LE/military background or just plain bat s**** crazy! Think of kids or us as adults when we are doing something we aren't supposed to (and can be nothing serious). Someone comes up on us and we jump or turn around. I know we have limited video but this person never "jerks". I mean, yeah, I'm sure they realize it's 4AM and no one is there and not supposed to be there but you would think they would still be somewhat nervous and "jumpy". They didn't KNOW for sure no one would show, they just assumed. They knew MB would be showing up but I'm sure they didn't know exactly what time.

That's what makes me think per wasn't alone in this. Either someone was following MB (as previously stated here on WS) and giving a play by play of when she would arrive or, they were sitting in the parking lot or outside doing a look out to let them know no one had shown up. They would be most comfortable knowing someone was on the looking and they would be flagged if someone showed up unexpectedly......
Did the killer attach a GPS device to MB's truck that would signal her movement from her driveway? I don't like this because it would require that cell phone to cell tower exposure. Also, they would not know that MB might stop for a coffee at Whataburger or at a gas station, changing her arrival time.
Also, just because someone's spouse was not named in the affidavit, does not mean they are not on LE's radar. If MB was carrying on any kind of flirtatious communication online or in person and CW's wife was aware. That is another angry/jealous person that has (in their mind) motive to hurt MB.
Somebody asked on the last thread if there was a way to hide an ISP address. Using an onion type browser it is possible.
That makes no sense lol Not you, NG... Why would she park under the covered awning where was going to have camp, and walk all the way around the building (in the dark and pouring down rain) to go through a door and walk back around to the side entrance? The awning is the covered drive area. Its at the Front vs Back of church but is to the side.

AJ Tucker even wrote on his fb the night prior protocol..
Aj Tucker
April 17 at 7:15pm ·
Day 1 of CG tomorrow, week 1 is endurance week!
Camper: What is the protocol for bad weather ? Just in case
·April 17 at 8:18pm
Aj Tucker
Aj Tucker Breezeway, if it is really bad we go inside
April 17 at 8:23pm

I agree with your first paragraph. I wondered that too, but the police description has her entering through the Front Main Entry too. IDK, maybe that carport area door lock was not working and she had to go to the front?

The second part of your post about Aj. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that he was running his own separate session of CG somewhere else that day, and was not a part of Missy's class.
BBM - I agree. And it is being said both BB and MB cheated but jury is out on that for me right now....I agree that flirtations and actual affairs are a big difference. NEWS reported "affairs" but if I remember correctly, warrant stated relationships outside of marriage...that could mean a lot of things for me....flirting, crossing the line, I'm not sure. I do know if other person was married, if physical contact was made or not, even just flirtations can send someone into a rage if they've made up their mind it's happening :/

I honestly do not know what to think of the who or why of this case but there are so many here who make so many good observations and have interesting ideas AND information. Thanks.
The quote above, among many others, keeps reminding me of one of the best (IMO) true crime books "Evidence of Love" by John Bloom and Jim Atkinson. A killing that took place in another Texas town just a bit further north. I am thinking of how different it might have all turned out if cellphones were in every hand as they are these days.
If 10 months ago MB started working on her marriage then any affair she had was before June or July of 2015. Going back in her FB account I saw one guy that she shared a couple of things with. He mentioned her a couple of times too. He's younger and gorgeous. Other then that nothing stands out. Now, IF suddenly she was back to having an affair with someone else( search warrant said there were messages retrieved that showed intimate relationships) then this may have led to her demise.

Most marriages could withstand one affair, an apology and a promise to work things out BUT to find evidence of another one AFTER that could be the end of the marriage.

I always think, "Why not just divorce?" When I see these murders on Dateline, 48 hours, etc. Most of the time it comes down to money.

Just my speculation and MOO.
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