TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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New to Websleuths. My first post.

My area of interest and study is mainly anatomy and kinesiology. I have made my own evaluation of the surveillance footage, compiling physical trait similarities of Bevers family members to the suspect.

Head-forward posture:

Hypermobility (hyper-extended joints or lax ligaments):

Sway back:

Additional observances are pronate ankles:

Height approximation 70-72" (based on standard commercial door handle installations of 950-1000mm):

The suspect in the surveillance photo walks with a toe-out gait and what appears to be pronate ankles. These traits are often linked together, as well as to other hypermobility issues such as lax ligaments and joint weakness. I was unable to find enough footage to make a strong link between the suspect and either Bevers man with regards to these characteristics, but both Bevers men do appear to walk with toe-out gait. People with hypermobility are prone to knee and ankle weakness and injuries. The suspect can be seen in a few frames walking awkwardly, as if wearing oversized footwear or compensating for weakness or limping.

I feel these physical similarities are notable enough to point out.

One of the best first posts I have ever seen. Solidifies my theory. Thank you and welcome!
I think this could be stemming from the corrupt officers at Ellis County Sherriff's where they may be trying to charge them with felony murder and depending on what all they stole, drugs gangs and all sorts of other unsavory characters could be tied into this. Notice how the Texas Rangers were involved and have been trying to find guns:

Now if one of those evidence room guns was used in a murder that was obtained as a result of the actions of a former senior officer, that could bring you in an alphabet soup of state and federal agencies. Also just because these guys were only charged with stealing guns, it doesn't mean that was all they stole (it sounds like the Ellis County Sheriff doesn't know, which isn't surprising since Lt. Slaughter was in charge of those records), like just think if those guys stole these drugs (which those drugs could have found their way to NY and other parts of Texas, like Arlington):
If something like this is the case, Missy's death though unfortunate could result in the extreme harsh penalties for many criminals with her murder serving as the launching point.

I just posted something along these lines regarding the SWAT gear. Good thinking. I should have read farther ahead before posting. Thread moves so fast . . . only thing I have on my side is that your nightime is my daytime . . . so glad things slow down a bit overnight!
sorry, it's been a bit difficult for me to keep up. do we know why the police believe the murder was recorded? or wasn't that really explained much?

The search warrant is worded to say they believe the phone may have been used to photograph or record the murder.

However, the search warrant actually spells out basically every function a phone can have, but people have latched on the "recording the murder" part as fact and ran with it.

The search warrants have to be specific and as inclusive as possible so the evidence obtained can be used in court. If they got the search warrant without mentioning the recording capabilities of the phone, and there WAS video of the attack, it would be excluded from the trial due to having obtained it incorrectly.
I cannot get my head around the amount of subterfuge and planning required to murder MB when it could be simpler to murder her via an ambush on her way to the class. A local reported that she lived in an area that was quite remote and a large distance between houses. If murder was the objective, how much easier would it have been to stage an ambush (flat tyre; fake car accident etc..) in an area that could be much easier controlled. Or during the day in her home when the kids are at school. If it is someone she knew, she probably would have opened the door even to a partner of someone she was having an affair with.

Instead the perp has staged an elaborate disguise; had to factor in an indoor venue change due to weather; taken the risk of other campers arriving earlier or it taking longer and not being able to get away (what if MB ran late); working out how to get there and away in SWAT gear (or where to stash gear); run the gauntlet of cameras in the church and gun shop (assuming (s)he knew about them) plus over-power a fit strong woman if (s)he didn’t use a gun (TBC).

Further, the perp has likely made it more personal with LE by impersonating them through the choice of outfit with ‘POLICE’ on it.

I don’t necessarily believe she interrupted a burglary unless there is more to that particular church than is apparent. So if there isn’t something at that particular church worth stealing and murdering for, if it wasn’t a robbery and wasn’t a planned murder, what else could it be? What hit man (or woman) would take a job with the level of risk this one involved? I just don’t get the risk involved to murder her when there would be much lower risk ways to accomplish this without leaving any video footage behind or risk of being interrupted by other campers.

I would love to hear other’s thoughts on this.
The search warrant is worded to say they believe the phone may have been used to photograph or record the murder.

However, the search warrant actually spells out basically every function a phone can have, but people have latched on the "recording the murder" part as fact and ran with it.

The search warrants have to be specific and as inclusive as possible so the evidence obtained can be used in court. If they got the search warrant without mentioning the recording capabilities of the phone, and there WAS video of the attack, it would be excluded from the trial due to having obtained it incorrectly.

That has bugged me, seeing that written out about it possible being recorded. I have never seen it be that specific in reference to "being recorded. Asking for information that has to do with the murder of Terri Bevers on electronic devices, iphone, computer, hard drive, but not break it down to say they believe it may have been recorded. IDK maybe it's just me but it's as if they know it was recorded. jmo idk
Regarding the kinesiology analysis (which is great btw), BB and RB were both out of town though at the time, right? Has that not been confirmed yet?

For me I've always assumed if it was anyone with an alibi, it could be 'them' but via a hit. Teresa Sievers style.
New to Websleuths. My first post.

My area of interest and study is mainly anatomy and kinesiology. I have made my own evaluation of the surveillance footage, compiling physical trait similarities of Bevers family members to the suspect.

Head-forward posture:

Hypermobility (hyper-extended joints or lax ligaments):

Sway back:

Additional observances are pronate ankles:

Height approximation 70-72" (based on standard commercial door handle installations of 950-1000mm):

The suspect in the surveillance photo walks with a toe-out gait and what appears to be pronate ankles. These traits are often linked together, as well as to other hypermobility issues such as lax ligaments and joint weakness. I was unable to find enough footage to make a strong link between the suspect and either Bevers man with regards to these characteristics, but both Bevers men do appear to walk with toe-out gait. People with hypermobility are prone to knee and ankle weakness and injuries. The suspect can be seen in a few frames walking awkwardly, as if wearing oversized footwear or compensating for weakness or limping.

I feel these physical similarities are notable enough to point out.

The prosecutor might want to borrow these for the trial........................
Wow! That is so clear with the images. It makes a lot more sense. Thank you.

I'm just going to piggyback off this to say that those images are rather chilling. I appreciate the thought and effort that went into making those comparisons.
New to Websleuths. My first post.

My area of interest and study is mainly anatomy and kinesiology. I have made my own evaluation of the surveillance footage, compiling physical trait similarities of Bevers family members to the suspect.

Head-forward posture:

Hypermobility (hyper-extended joints or lax ligaments):

Sway back:

Additional observances are pronate ankles:

Height approximation 70-72" (based on standard commercial door handle installations of 950-1000mm):

The suspect in the surveillance photo walks with a toe-out gait and what appears to be pronate ankles. These traits are often linked together, as well as to other hypermobility issues such as lax ligaments and joint weakness. I was unable to find enough footage to make a strong link between the suspect and either Bevers man with regards to these characteristics, but both Bevers men do appear to walk with toe-out gait. People with hypermobility are prone to knee and ankle weakness and injuries. The suspect can be seen in a few frames walking awkwardly, as if wearing oversized footwear or compensating for weakness or limping.

I feel these physical similarities are notable enough to point out.

Wow. Incredible job. Just incredible.
I'm bothered/confused that Missy would have walked into a building that may have had obvious signs of being burglarized (assuming the killer had also caused damage around the area where Missy entered the Church). I know some people think she may have seen the murderer and thought he was a police officer, but I don't buy that argument. Police officers don't wear swat gear and almost completely cover their faces when they respond to a burglary. And with no visible police cars outside, why would she think this person was actually a cop? The answer is that I don't think she did, but that doesn't explain why she didn't immediately leave and call 911 after seeing the church had been broken into and vandalized.

I saw the Nancy Grace map that shows where she entered vs where she parked and perhaps that distance played a roll in how she handled the situation. Could the killer have chased her out and dragged her back in before she could make a call or get back to her vehicle? Did she have her phone on her? or was it in her vehicle? Or, perhaps she mistakenly felt the burglary happened much earlier and wasn't fearful that the person or persons responsible were still in the building and decided to see the scope of the damage before calling police??? Nevertheless, it bothers me as to what the circumstances were that she did not immediately call 911 and I feel like there is something missing that could explain why.

If this was some kind of botched burglary, that person would have likely fled the building at the first sight or sound of someone approaching. Though, if this was a calculated killing, how did this person know they could lie in wait without Missy calling the police when she first arrived. How did they know she would not return to her vehicle and call police? It doesn't make much sense to me, unless the killer had a plan to put her guard down, like seeing or hearing someone familiar to her. Perhaps the killer spoke to her in a familiar voice, or removed their disquise to lure her in.
I cannot get my head around the amount of subterfuge and planning required to murder MB when it could be simpler to murder her via an ambush on her way to the class. A local reported that she lived in an area that was quite remote and a large distance between houses. If murder was the objective, how much easier would it have been to stage an ambush (flat tyre; fake car accident etc..) in an area that could be much easier controlled.

I would love to hear other’s thoughts on this.

This is what makes me believe the suspect was intimately known to the victim. A very strong alibi is needed if you are close to the victim because you'll be closely scrutinized.

The elaborate disguise and scenario (coinciding with an equally elaborate alibi) tells me this was planned by a person (or persons) who know the victim well. Not only does the killer think he's very clever, but he also believes he was on a mission. My choice of wording is deliberate. I have noticed that BB has made several posts in the past few days on social media quoting scripture and sermons. The general theme seems to be transgression, vengefulness, righteousness, punishment, and even killing. He speaks publicly of relying on very strong faith to get him through this tragedy. I believe he may be attempting to either speak to the killer through these quotes, or to justify the killing as some sort of higher mission - punishment for perceived transgressions.

The police costume, swagger, the way the suspect holds the flashlight (like a cop) tells me this person felt not only a need to place himself in a position of power and authority over the victim (this was a very strong and fit woman), but also to build up an inner state of moral or righteous superiority over her. He needed to feel as though he had a duty or even an obligation to exact punishment. Again, he was on a mission.

With new reports of possible extramarital interests, this would bolster my personal theories.
That has bugged me, seeing that written out about it possible being recorded. I have never seen it be that specific in reference to "being recorded. Asking for information that has to do with the murder of Terri Bevers on electronic devices, iphone, computer, hard drive, but not break it down to say they believe it may have been recorded. IDK maybe it's just me but it's as if they know it was recorded. jmo idk

I think it just shows LE are ensuring everything is covered. If it was a "hit", or if the killer was doing it for personal pleasure (not quite the right word, but not sure what is), then they may well have photographed/videoed Missy's death either as evidence for payment, or to relive when they were no longer "under pressure".
I cannot get my head around the amount of subterfuge and planning required to murder MB when it could be simpler to murder her via an ambush on her way to the class. A local reported that she lived in an area that was quite remote and a large distance between houses. If murder was the objective, how much easier would it have been to stage an ambush (flat tyre; fake car accident etc..) in an area that could be much easier controlled. Or during the day in her home when the kids are at school. If it is someone she knew, she probably would have opened the door even to a partner of someone she was having an affair with.

Instead the perp has staged an elaborate disguise; had to factor in an indoor venue change due to weather; taken the risk of other campers arriving earlier or it taking longer and not being able to get away (what if MB ran late); working out how to get there and away in SWAT gear (or where to stash gear); run the gauntlet of cameras in the church and gun shop (assuming (s)he knew about them) plus over-power a fit strong woman if (s)he didn’t use a gun (TBC).

Further, the perp has likely made it more personal with LE by impersonating them through the choice of outfit with ‘POLICE’ on it.

I don’t necessarily believe she interrupted a burglary unless there is more to that particular church than is apparent. So if there isn’t something at that particular church worth stealing and murdering for, if it wasn’t a robbery and wasn’t a planned murder, what else could it be? What hit man (or woman) would take a job with the level of risk this one involved? I just don’t get the risk involved to murder her when there would be much lower risk ways to accomplish this without leaving any video footage behind or risk of being interrupted by other campers.

I would love to hear other’s thoughts on this.

This perplexes me too. No matter who it ends up being, it is so unnecessarily elaborate or at least attempts to be. That in and of itself is a clue, I think. A personality or personalities for whom streamlining and simplicity are not part of how they do things.
Regarding the kinesiology analysis (which is great btw), BB and RB were both out of town though at the time, right? Has that not been confirmed yet?

For me I've always assumed if it was anyone with an alibi, it could be 'them' but via a hit. Teresa Sievers style.

Still has not been publicly confirmed. An alibi, especially one that is non-routine or elaborate, can actually be an indication of involvement. I'm interested in finding out who notified BB of his wife's death and exactly where he was at the time he was notified. I found it odd that he drove his rental car back to TX, supposedly after learning of the murder.
You did a fantastic job with this! Our resident super sleuthers will wake up and see this as a Christmas gift.

Many of us here have really gone back and forth with RB's involvement and this certainly makes things more compelling.

I am amazed!

Thank you~

Wow I am super impressed! Amazing job. Thank you for the insight. Very compelling evidence for an argument.
Regarding the kinesiology analysis (which is great btw), BB and RB were both out of town though at the time, right? Has that not been confirmed yet?

For me I've always assumed if it was anyone with an alibi, it could be 'them' but via a hit. Teresa Sievers style.
I thought they were both out of town as well.

The perp was seen on camera prior to MB arriving. MB was seen on camera entering the building carrying in equipment. However, the attack was not seen on camera nor was the getaway of the perp. He/she must have known exactly what room she was going to and he/she has layed in wait and ambushed her.

I feel it was someone to do with the fitness side of her life. This is why it was not done as she was leaving home. The perp chose a place and time that MB was the most vulnerable and they knew this because they had been with her before and had seen her routine. Or at least their co-conspirator had.

Would BB or RB be that knowledgable about her set up routine? That she left her purse and phone (couldn't call for help) in the car while she unloaded equipment? Would they purposely leave their girls alone to find out what had happened?

Perhaps MB was struck from behind while holding the equipment and never had a chance to fight back?

May the cops take this coward out of society asap.

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@Batbrat, can I ask what % of the population (roughly) have this swayback stance? You say it's fairly unique, but I see many more elderly people with this kind of "stoop".

(and I won't be surprised if the younger generation end up with it early, from constantly looking at their phones... I saw a kid the other whose neck, I swear, was nearly at right angles!)
Admittedly, I've read way too many trashy crime thriller novels & I'm a writer, prone to a bit of sensationalism - a 'godly' adulterating wife killed in a church? For a disturbed mind there might be a twisted logic to the setting & a very mistaken belief of some kind of justice/degree of absolution being served.
I noticed that as well and also the fact RB walks the same if you watch him walking into the dry-cleaners!
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