TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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I've had a lot of RL interference over the last few days and have been able to only sporadically keep up.

But the revelation of extramarital affairs, and that BB informed LE that Missy was having an affair (I read it here somewhere!) has me :waitasec: over some statements BB made in that one long interview at the beginning.

This sticks in my mind: he said "she was a godly woman".

What? Who would refer to a cheating spouse as godly? I am not judging Missy but what an odd thing to say of your wife if you know she is having an extramarital affair.

Just a guess, but maybe she's "Godly" because
* she had an affair but wanted to re-commit to the marriage and make it work
* she forgave BB of him having an affair
* he wanted to speak kindly of someone recently killed
* she was a good mom to their children

These options, just guesses on my part.
"Originally Posted by lstiff Attachment 93947

Here is a rough 1st draft of the Org Chart. Big thanks to PibblePal for creating it! Who needs to be added or what changes should be made
Very helpful :loveyou:

Request: A date created, then re-dated when amended? I think we'll see more ppl & info added.
For some of us dinosaurs who print charts, being able to easily verify if we have latest version. Thx in adv.

Not feeling that BB is involved at this point.

Not naming who I feel is responsible, however I do think there are two people involved with financial gain as the motive.

They have the means, motive and opportunity imo.

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Someone already has profited. He recently taught one of Missy's Gladiator Classes.

The debt, well, have you seen their new pool and spa in the backyard? That new addition to the landscape was not inexpensive. BB sounded a touch resentful/bitter in his first interview when he mentioned that Missy had begun doing something gratifying for herself. BB went on a costly fishing expedition two days after undergoing outpatient surgery. BB was ill. Perhaps BB had accumulated medical debt as well. There were fees for extracurricular activities for the daughters, ie, green fees, lessons, golf clubs... Missy was healthy. They purchased wholesome organic foods that cost slightly more than regular veggies, eggs, etc. Missy attended the Gladiator conference in Austin the week before her murder.

I haven't checked my settings at LinkedIn; however, every time I receive a LI message, a notification arrives in my email acct. I can actually read their entire message in the email without accessing my LI acct. unless I wish to respond.
What if it "pinged" ? Could they then track it down?
I freely admit I don't know much about how this works.

You buy them without a contract or even having to register / give a name. They come with a certain number of minutes on them. Anyone Could walk into a store, pay cash for a prepaid phone and leave.

Except earlier someone said the cell phone number can be matched to the store it was purchased from, so surveillance cameras in the store could be a possible help in getting an image of the person. If they keep video long enough. And if they even have video cameras in their store.
I wonder - PURE SPECULATION - if the perp left something that was supposed to blow up? A bomb at a church might bring in some big agencies.

Or, the trouble with the stolen guns that was posted here...perhaps the manpower is limited locally right now because of that case, and perhaps the big agencies are already in town because of that internal case.


Total wild guesses to put on the table. It does seem strange that one woman's murder in a small town would attract so many LE agencies. JMO

I have been wondering about the propane tank blow up theory.
Another thing.

BB initially said he didn't think Missy was targeted.

Who in BB's shoes would NOT assume their spouse was targeted knowing that the spouse was cheating?

Common sense dictates that in a cheating situation there may be other people who are aware of what is going on and don't like it one bit. And might want to put a stop to it in any way possible.
Didn't see anything that looked like a bomb squad that day, or any mention of explosives-road was free and clear to pass by all day, and clearly just "normal" looking law enforcement. I really don't think explosives were ever an issue.

Thank you for the info. Road would have been close. Good point!!!
Maybe he considers himself a godly man and was also having one? Generally it's easier to forgive mistakes you, yourself have made. Jmo

Maybe so, but I would think a godly man and woman would be defined as ones who remember that they shalt not commit adultery.
I posted re gen LE procedure in 'clearing' person as suspect.

With all due respect, I never said he hasn't been officially cleared nor alluded to that. What I did say, was he'll be easy to cross-reference. Respectfully, NO ONE has been cleared nor has no one been ruled a suspect.


Agreeing w you entirely: NO ONE has been cleared nor has no one been ruled a suspect.
Sorry I did not word my earlier post more clearly. Did not intend to disrespect you or other posters here.
You have made many insightful observations here. We are all benefitting from you & other local posters offering info & your thoughts and looking forward to more.

Again, sorry.
Another thing.

BB initially said he didn't think Missy was targeted.

Who in BB's shoes would NOT assume their spouse was targeted knowing that the spouse was cheating?

Common sense dictates that in a cheating situation there may be other people who are aware of what is going on and don't like it one bit. And might want to put a stop to it in any way possible.

Many of us noticed he seemed to struggle with what to say about her that day. My hunch is that even if he were thinking of infidelity that could indicate she was targeted, it would be very difficult to say those words aloud, especially so soon.

Maybe so, but I would think a godly man and woman would be defined as ones who remember that they shalt not commit adultery.

Or a Godly person is simply someone who desires to live by their faith and tries to live by their faith, even when they fail.

Hello everyone, first timer. As an expert with 20 years of experience in gait and movement assessment, I just wanted to chime in on handedness. In 90+% of all gross motor dominant arms, the dominant arm will hang lower and more forward. The hand someone writes with (fine motor) is not always the same as their gross motor dominant arm (the hand that swings the hammer). Usually they are the same but not always. Think of your friends that write right handed, but golf or play hockey left handed. These are the naturally ambidextrous, and those that were born left handed but forced as children to become right handed (which incidentally I really only see in the 60 and up age category). So don't assume someone who writes right handed would swing a hammer in their right hand. If you want to know which arm someone would swing a hammer, it's their lower and likely more forward shoulder.

And for what it's worth, the first time I saw the killers video the only thing that came out of my mouth was "that's a woman." And I'm sticking with it. Except for I can almost convince myself there are two different people in the video, but I also over analyze things.
Hello everyone, first timer. As an expert with 20 years of experience in gait and movement assessment, I just wanted to chime in on handedness. In 90+% of all gross motor dominant arms, the dominant arm will hang lower and more forward. The hand someone writes with (fine motor) is not always the same as their gross motor dominant arm (the hand that swings the hammer). Usually they are the same but not always. Think of your friends that write right handed, but golf or play hockey left handed. These are the naturally ambidextrous, and those that were born left handed but forced as children to become right handed (which incidentally I really only see in the 60 and up age category). So don't assume someone who writes right handed would swing a hammer in their right hand. If you want to know which arm someone would swing a hammer, it's their lower and likely more forward shoulder.

And for what it's worth, the first time I saw the killers video the only thing that came out of my mouth was "that's a woman." And I'm sticking with it. Except for I can almost convince myself there are two different people in the video, but I also over analyze things.

Very interesting!! Thanks so much for joining and sharing this info.

I've toyed with the idea that there are two perps too, but didn't really have much to go on other than the fact that we're seeing so many traits that I thought perhaps there might be two people with two sets of traits.

What leads you to think there are two?

Welcome to WS. :)
It is impossible to keep up here and work. I'm so far behind but from the skimming I've done it seems nothing has changed. I'm going to sit on this wall until I hear something definitive. I still don't believe the family has anything to do with it. MOO

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sorry, it's been a bit difficult for me to keep up. do we know why the police believe the murder was recorded? or wasn't that really explained much?
Hello everyone, first timer. As an expert with 20 years of experience in gait and movement assessment, I just wanted to chime in on handedness. In 90+% of all gross motor dominant arms, the dominant arm will hang lower and more forward. The hand someone writes with (fine motor) is not always the same as their gross motor dominant arm (the hand that swings the hammer). Usually they are the same but not always. Think of your friends that write right handed, but golf or play hockey left handed. These are the naturally ambidextrous, and those that were born left handed but forced as children to become right handed (which incidentally I really only see in the 60 and up age category). So don't assume someone who writes right handed would swing a hammer in their right hand. If you want to know which arm someone would swing a hammer, it's their lower and likely more forward shoulder.

And for what it's worth, the first time I saw the killers video the only thing that came out of my mouth was "that's a woman." And I'm sticking with it. Except for I can almost convince myself there are two different people in the video, but I also over analyze things.

Welcome to Ws Lilyk, thanks for the informative and interesting post!!
I just had an awful thought. What if this crime IS racially motivated? Someone who hates AA people and has KKK ties. Thought MB and AJT were an item. And....AJT is married to a Caucasian female. As a hate crime, this would bring in Feds. Maybe perp spray painted some racial hatred on wall(s). There is alot of tape missing. Or perp sprayed it on walls in sanctuary?
Many of us noticed he seemed to struggle with what to say about her that day. My hunch is that even if he were thinking of infidelity that could indicate she was targeted, it would be very difficult to say those words aloud, especially so soon.


I get what you are saying, but by the same token, if he were thinking of infidelity that could indicate she was targeted, I would think he wouldn't have stated so definitively that he didn't think she was targeted.

In other words, he wouldn't have taken a stand one way or another.

It might be completely meaningless, but it just jumped out at me that he said this initially, in light of the information that has been released since.
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