TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #11

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Istiff, Cliffnotes please??? Did I read there is a NEW search warrant or is the more current discussion revolving around the search warrants from the other day?
I don't do Facebook. Besides, I doubt that he would simply watch "someone" remove things from his trash and not confront them. It could have been ID thieves. Not buying it.
When I first watched the video I thought it could be a female bc at first 99% of people said "a man dressed in police gear" so it's interesting that we still haven't confirmed the sex of the perp. I have little doubt that LE has their ducks on a table in formation but all of them may not be in line just yet. I can't wait for the Dateline episode to air once it's solved, I hope Keith Morrison is covering this one.


BBM: I can already hear his voice inside my head doing the intro of that episode. ;)

I read that it was a Facbook post by a neighbor saying someone removed trash. I put that story in the rumor column.

I personally read the post, it is still there dated April 25, not a rumor.
I don't do Facebook. Besides, I doubt that he would simply watch "someone" remove things from his trash and not confront them. It could have been ID thieves. Not buying it.

He didn't see it happen. IIRC, the neighbors saw someone take the trash. He just posted about it.
I read it on AJ's page as well! :)

I'm not doubting that it was on his page. I read that a neighbor commented on his page about it. That would be a rumor.

At least that's what I read here on WS. That's the problem I have with using Facebook for facts. I don't trust it. JMO
I agree with you however I believe once the jury sees all of the evidence which I believe is already solid and the entire video there is no way in heck the perps will walk free. It's my opinion that even if defense moves to change venues to a different jurisdiction, because of the national attention this case has received and the number of experts involved, no jury could be tainted or swayed. I believe the reason we are hearing no arrest soon is NOT because they don't know who was involved, I believe they are just making sure they have an air tight case, with an unprecedented amount of evidence to convict those involved. What jury is going to refute evidence obtained by local LE, the Texas Rangers, the ATF, the FBI and New Yorks finest? I am in the law field and it's my experience that the cases that take forever to build end up being the most solid, LE and prosecutors look at every angle to cover all questions that might arise that would be brought up or be a reason for defense. I believe it will be a swift and interesting trial. Jmo. I see the death penalty for at least one party and possibly life without parol for another. I think most everyone be shocked when the arrests are made. JMo.

I agree! I am pretty impressed with these Investigators so far:

Your Affiant, Cody Moon, Badge Number 128, is an Investigator with the Midlothian
Police Department, Midlothian, Ellis County, Texas. Your Affiant has been employed by
said department for a period of approximately seven (9) years. Your Affiant is currently
assigned as a Corporal over the Criminal Investigations Division of the Midlothian Police
Department. Your Affiant is also a Federal Task Force Officer (TFO) with the North
Texas High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) - Southern Money Laundering
Initiative (SMLI) Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigations (IRS-CI). Your
Affiant has previously served in investigative capacities within this department for
approximately three (3) years.
Your Affiant, during the course of his employment with the Midlothian Police
Department and Southern Regional Response Group (SRT) has received specialized
training in the area of Narcotics, Vice, Money Laundering, Interview, Interrogation, and
other Criminal Investigations from the; United States Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) and also Financial Investigation and Bank Secrecy Act training from the
Department of Treasury (IRS). Your Affiant has executed search warrants in furtherance
of these investigations. Your Affiant currently possesses an Intermediate Peace Officer
Certification as merited by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE)
Your Affiant has used a variety of investigative techniques during investigations
including, but not limited to, electronic surveillance, visual surveillance, the use of .
confidential sources and the use of undercover agents. Information contained in this
Affidavit is derived from Your Affiant’s knowledge of, and prior experiences in
financial and narcotics investigations; information obtained during interviews with drug
traffickers familiar with this drug trafficking organization, and review of reports prepared
by special agents with multiple federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. Your
Affiant is familiar with all aspects of this investigation as articulated in this Affidavit.
Information contained in this Affidavit includes the results of review of property records
and other information obtained from public sources; physical surveillance; information
from cooperating witnesses and law enforcement personnel.
He didn't see it happen. IIRC, the neighbors saw someone take the trash. He just posted about it.

There you go. It came from an unknown neighbor. We don't know if it happened or not.
I'm not doubting that it was on his page. I read that a neighbor commented on his page about it. That would be a rumor.

At least that's what I read here on WS. That's the problem I have with using Facebook for facts. I don't trust it. JMO

I know what you mean Ranch. I'm starting to wonder if we have any facts other than knowing Missy was murdered. :thinking:
I'm not doubting that it was on his page. I read that a neighbor commented on his page about it. That would be a rumor.

At least that's what I read here on WS. That's the problem I have with using Facebook for facts. I don't trust it. JMO
Ah ok. I see. Well he himself did post he found out why and couldn't talk about it so I'm of the opinion it is related.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
And another who has done a lot of the Search Warrants .... They knew stuff that was going on with many .. very early on..

Your Affiant, Cody McKinney, having been duly sworn, declare as follows:

I am a Sergeant with the Midlothian, Texas Police Department. I have been employed by
said department for a period of approximately eleven (11) years. I have served in
investigative capacities within the Midlothian Police Department for approximately nine
(9) years. I have received special deputation as a Deputy United States Marshall, and
sworn as a Federal Task Force Officer (TFO) assigned to the North Texas High Intensity
Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), Southern Money Laundering Initiative. I am currently
assigned as a Task Force Officer (TFO) with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Eastern Drug Squad Group One. I currently possess an Advanced Peace Officer
Certification as merited by and with the State of Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Your Affiant has also participated in numerous narcotics and financial investigations with
the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Investigations (IRS-Cl) relevant to violations of
State and Federal Money Laundering statutes. Your Affiant has also received specialized
training in narcotics investigations from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and
related Money-Laundering matters from the Internal Revenue Service-Criminal
Investigations (IRS-Cl).
Your affiant is also trained and certified in the use of Cellebite/UFED electronic forensic
data extractions, and affiant has had substantial experience in extracting electronic/digital
data from various types, makes, and models of electronic/digital devices including cell
phones, tablets, and GPS devices. Additionally, affiant has spent hundreds of hours on
numerous cases analyzing such extracted data and information.
In addition, Your Affiant has experience in the execution of financial search warrants,

narcotics search warrants, debriefing defendants, informants, and other
witnesses/individuals who have personal knowledge of the amassing, spending,
converting, transporting, distributing, laundering, and concealing of proceeds derived
from the distribution of illegal drugs.
Your Affiant has used a variety of investigative techniques during his investigations
including, but not limited to, electronic surveillance, visual surveillance, the use of
I noticed that as well and also the fact RB walks the same if you watch him walking into the dry-cleaners!

I am a lurker mostly but this has been weighing on me too! Did not know if it was allowed, but did you also notice RB's unsteady gait? MOO
Just reading between some lines here based on the wording of the affidavits. While LE confirms having found LinkedIn flirtatious messages dating back to January - but they only describe the "creepy" message in terms of being told by a friend that she saw it and didn't remember who it was from.

To me it sounds like they weren't able to confirm the creepy message and may not believe it actually happened.

What do y'all think?
Ah ok. I see. Well he himself did post he found out why and couldn't talk about it so I'm of the opinion it is related.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

AGREED [emoji106]
I am a lurker mostly but this has been weighing on me too! Did not know if it was allowed, but did you also notice RB's unsteady gait? MOO
It's been discussed once or twice in these 9 threads.....(Or are we on 10?)

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Just reading between some lines here based on the wording of the affidavits. While LE confirms having found LinkedIn flirtatious messages dating back to January - but they only describe the "creepy" message in terms of being told by a friend that she saw it and didn't remember who it was from.

To me it sounds like they weren't able to confirm the creepy message and may not believe it actually happened.

What do y'all think?
No, I don't think that. It's possible though.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I truly think MB's murder is part of another VERY LARGE investigation going on in the area. I am also blown away by the similarities in RB and the perp......could RB and BB be involved in whatever the other investigation is all about (e.g. the Sheriff's deputies theft of evidence)? A large criminal gang unknown to LE until recently? These are just my random thoughts here!
I'm not doubting that it was on his page. I read that a neighbor commented on his page about it. That would be a rumor.

At least that's what I read here on WS. That's the problem I have with using Facebook for facts. I don't trust it. JMO
Local here - it happened. Not a rumor.
Good morning everyone!! :)

I am around but haven't had much to add since the last warrants came out. I know that many of us here suspected people that ended up being on the target numbers list. This made me (and maybe others here too) think we were on the right track. But, I think by the time we got that information, LE had already moved on and were focused on a totally different group of people. I'm starting to believe that while we did find out a few snippets of new information, the rest of it (including the list of people) just got us off track.

I'm starting to question everything that I thought I knew. I'm really not sure that anyone on the list is the perp. We are days behind LE (if not more) and I can't help but go back to what I believed early last week--that the perp's name will be completely new to us, someone we haven't talked about here or someone we never even suspected. I can't quite make up my mind about whether or not someone else from that list was in on it but I'm starting to believe that the perp did this alone. I don't know why I get that feeling but I do.....and it's all MOO of course. And like all of you, I reserve the right to change my mind within the hour. ;)

I really believe that we have only received little tidbits of information that don't go together. IMO, these tidbits make it look like it could be going in one direction. However, if we had some of the information that is needed to fill in the blanks--I'm not so sure we'd be discussing the same theories. I just have a feeling that this is the case here so it's difficult to know what to say. LE has kept some information very close to their vest IMO that would give us all different opinions I think. For now, I feel like we are just going in circles so it's difficult to know which way to go or what to think. So, I'll just observe for a bit until things start making sense again. :)

Yesterday, I thought the perp was a female. This morning, I watched the footage for an hour after I woke up and I now believe the perp is a male. So yeah....I'll just go ahead and tell you that the only thing that I know to be a fact at the moment is that Missy was murdered and someone did it. I'm amazed at the hard work MPD and all of the agencies providing assistance have put in. I admit that I was surprised given the announcement last Friday of taking the weekend off. :waitasec: They are truly pulling out all of the stops to solve this and I don't remember a time we've seen this happen so quickly. This just furthers my thought about there being something HUGE that would make a big difference in what we think here. And THAT information is of course, what we don't know. I have a feeling we will all be shocked. As it is now, every time LE releases information--I end up speechless!

I just hope they are a lot closer than they are saying. I believe they are but I'm getting really nervous over here. My opinion ATM is that they are closer than they are saying and have their eyes set on someone. Maybe I'm just being optimistic and "the glass is half full" today though...
AJ T said on Facebook that his trash was taken by people other than trash collectors. My concern is that whoever did this might have been evil enough to try to plant evidence in that trash that they hoped would be incriminating. Could the perp have thrown costume or parts of costume away in that trash in hopes it would be linked to that family? Did the perp intentionally wear things resembling items trainer might have worn in another attempt to draw attention to him? Note: I just checked his FB and he said he found out why the trash was taken, but it was too crazy to post about.

IMO, I don't think anyone would want to frame him or his wife. If the police found something incriminating such as gear, etc. I believe they would have arrested them, end of story. I think this is much bigger than that. I believe we only have a tiny fraction of the big picture. But I could be wrong. I just don't see why NYPD would be involved if it was as simple as a jealous spouse or something like that. At this time I am sticking with my thought of more than one party involved and the possibility of an internal investigation going on simultaneously. That is STRICTLY MY OPINION!
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