TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #12

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I always appreciate locals on WS cases I follow, but in this particular case - WOW! You guys have been great in so many ways. Thank you. And please stick around after this case is solved (and it will be solved, I'm quite sure).
Has anyone seen a video of Aj and wife working out together? JMO
I have seen pictures of her attending his afternoon workouts but haven't noticed her in any of the morning workouts. I have seen pictures of her at some of his self-defense courses, too.
I always appreciate locals on WS cases I follow, but in this particular case - WOW! You guys have been great in so many ways. Thank you. And please stick around after this case is solved (and it will be solved, I'm quite sure).

Yes....finders keepers, locals! You're stuck with us. ;)
We may be looking at this perp having severe abandonment issues. Maybe not much, if any, family. Totally feeling like if they lose their significant other they would be completely alone.

Borderline personality issues? With disassociation? Wonder if anyone has been disgnosed with that..........
My additions to the new thread, and answering some questions from the previous thread. Thank you all for the kind welcome! I tend to be long-winded, so forgive me in advance.

Yes, I believe the subject in the video is a non-athletic male who is not elderly. My definition of old might be different than others, so I'll just leave it at non-elderly. The sway back and head-forward posture is not uncommon, but to the degree seen in footage of the Bevers family members and the subject in the footage, it is much less common.

Yes, the physical traits of members of the Bevers men I mention could extend to other family members, but I’m keeping my evaluations on this forum to those persons who have been shown in the media.

Speculations about the crime in the media that I have already disregarded:

1. That the person in the surveillance footage is female.
The upper-to-lower body ratio alone tells me the subject is male. Again, I could be wrong, but this and other traits confirm it for me. The surveillance footage is distorted due to a wide angle lens, making the suspect appear at times squatty, short, heavier. On footage where the suspect is in the center of the frame (where the least distortion occurs), he appears leaner and taller.

2. That the victim suffered stab wounds from a knife.
"Puncture wounds" do not necessarily mean stabbing or knife. As has been reported already, her injuries are consistent with the weapon the suspect is holding in surveillance footage, which I believe is a rock hammer.

I also do not believe there is a wider conspiracy. When it comes to murder, the likelihood of a suburban housewife being the target of a wider conspiracy is close to nil. In addition, the plan, scenario, disguise, etc. do not fit with the theory of a wider conspiracy or professional hit. Rather, they indicate to me an attempt to divert attention away from a person or persons close to the victim.

I do not disregard persons of interest based on alibi. As I mentioned earlier, alibis are not an indication of innocence. Elaborate or non-routine alibis may actually indicate deception and planning. My thinking is if you’re a suspect in a murder, where would you like to be during the commission of a crime? At home alone where no one could verify your alibi? Or as far away as possible with a trail of tickets and receipts, social media posts, etc.? The latter, of course. If you were innocent and unaware of an imminent murder, you’d be home in bed. If you knew what was about to go down or were involved, you’d want to create as much of an alibi as possible for the time of the crime.

I'm loving reading everyone's ideas on this.
She was not a suburban housewife.
I always appreciate locals on WS cases I follow, but in this particular case - WOW! You guys have been great in so many ways. Thank you. And please stick around after this case is solved (and it will be solved, I'm quite sure).
Is anyone familiar with a good but not terribly expensive walkie talkie system? And if so, where could you buy one and for how much? Best Buy?! or Amazon?
I'll check and see.

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Wasn't there some verbiage about walkie talkies in one of the affidavits ? Why has it not been discussed?

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It was one of the types of features they felt may have been used on the phone. At least that is where I remember it being included in the affidavits.
Wasn't there some verbiage about walkie talkies in one of the affidavits ? Why has it not been discussed?

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There was. I wondered if it was a kind of all inclusive just in case they found walkie talkies.
Yeah, I skipped ahead to post. By the time I finished writing this, you guys had already closed #11 and are on page 17 of #12! I'll have to hit and run, go back and start reading from page 65 of the last thread then start reading this one, lol!

Random thoughts.

Killer blocked or prevented doors from being opened (doors closest to where MB parked) forcing her to go around to the other doors. Killer wouldn't have to know where she would park, just block entrances in order to funnel victim towards her/himself.

My instinct says female killer, but part of my brain says a teenage or immature thrill killer could apply. If I go with crime of opportunity, it could be that MB was targeted solely because of opportunity of early morning hours, no witnesses, published schedule. However, I believe the creepy message put together with what I believe is a female murderer make it personal. Jealousy whether sexual or professional – protecting what the killer believes is hers.

My thoughts watching what little video we've been shown is that the killer was killing time while waiting for MB. There seemed to be no real concern about finding anything to steal and although damage was done, it wasn't zealous like average vandals who really get into destruction.

Creepy message via Linkedin: what definition of creepy? I see many posts (on blogs and other websites) that I consider creepy, but in reality are probably just because English isn't their native language. Seriously creepy comments. Creepy-sexually inappropriate? I'm amazed at how many jerks make those comments to strangers blogs or youtube videos or facebook pages – it's like they're throwing a wide net thinking the woman or girl would give serious thought to contacting them. Amazing.

Creepy – as in “I know who you are and I know where you live/work so watch your back” ? A warning to stay away from married men?

Creepy as in “You and I are meant to be together” ? Or, “I watched you teaching class the other day, you look (inappropiateness here), I love your hair in that style, or you got a new truck, etc.” I don't think she must have given it too much weight if she was comfortable going to prepare for class at a remote location where she would be alone for a time. I'm so curious as to what the creepy message said. If there truly was a creepy message, it's been found by LE and eventually we'll know what it said.

Just an observation about the photo of self-defense class that showed the wall with protective gear similar to what killer wore – the photo on that day has been removed from the main page and subsequent photos (later dates) still show, but are cropped down to show just the people on the floor.

I think LE knows the identity of the killer. I think LE worked with Mom on how to word the letter – what emotional triggers to use.
I just don't understand. I know it's not safe to put our stuff on the internet but I'm a 30 something mom too. Your children are your reason for not committing murder (among lots of other things at this stage in life) if swatperp is a mom, I just can't fathom what her defense will be. I will literally cry for her children. Please let it be creepy gamer dude living in a nearby basement. Sorry to my gamer basement living friends for the stereotype.


New mothers can have hormonal issues and PPD can cause women to do crazy things. I've seen it myself. :(
I have worked out who this is. Strange tale, to paraphrase, somebody spotted a long FB status about missing Missy on someone elses wall, the post got deleted. There is a photo of Missy and that person on her wall, dated 12th. FWIW I don't think it's him, too big.

The posts about it (there are two posts and several comments) are on the Midlothian PD's page, under visitor posts


Not sure if there's any meaning to it but KC is listed as a 'recently added' friend on this individual's Facebook
How tall was Missy?
Not sure, but in the standing family portrait she appears to be roughly the same height as her 15 and 13 year old daughters, yet is wearing what looks to be 2" wedge sandals (they are in flats/sandals). So, not tall.
i think aj looks one hundred percent innocent of the murder, no involvement for sure i think
I've been following this thread ever since the recent warrants were released. I've been following this case since it began.

I'm local to the area (I grew up very close to Midlothian). I have mutual FB friends with almost everyone named in this case including Missy.

In the first video of the perp, it seems to me this is a woman. I do think there is resemblance between CT and the close up perp pic athough that may be a coincedence.
Some other thoughts. There was a timeline posted earlier stating one of the campers arrived at the church at 4:30ish but the call to police was made at 5 a.m.

Can anyone explain this?
(I hope this is allowed)

Straw poll: Hit the Thanks button only if you think the husband is involved in some way.

In some cases we get POLL threads only with all the options at top and we can vote and it has results. I think we need one for this case " WINK WINK" to whoever knows how to make one.....maybe its' a mod thing.
Some other thoughts. There was a timeline posted earlier stating one of the campers arrived at the church at 4:30ish but the call to police was made at 5 a.m.

Can anyone explain this?

Yes, the first person to arrive (aka Camper#1) said she waited in the car until someone else arrived and they went into the building together

Welcome to the thread! As you have some connections with the locals, how do you think we're doing with the case?!
Some other thoughts. There was a timeline posted earlier stating one of the campers arrived at the church at 4:30ish but the call to police was made at 5 a.m.

Can anyone explain this?

I wouldn't be surprised if the campers were hangin out waiting for Missy. They knew she was in the church, so when 5am came and class hadn't begun.... someone went in search for her?

Just bringing some black and white footage forward. I think we can all at least agree- this is a close up of the perp.

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Just bringing some black and white footage forward. I think we can all at least agree- this is a close up of the perp.

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This photo is soo scary! Frightening.
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