TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #14

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Then this raises the question as to how financially successful Missy was as a trainer as however expensive it was, COBRA is just extending the plan Missy had. She must have been doing pretty well to be paying for a health family plan and I wonder what they were doing for insurance prior to Missy getting her job as for years they were a single income family with multiple kids.

I suspect that they switched to her CG plan because it was cheaper than whatever plan his company has. I think it's pretty rare to get a benefit like that which covers the whole family for no charge.
i was just reading that most trainers are "contractors" and this FAQ makes it seem like a tough gig and probably not a big paycheck. That insurance comment is odd...

Unless BB works for a very small employer or is not full time his company must provided benefits per ACA. Furthermore he could go out on the exchange and purchase at a minimum a catastrophic plan to cover the girls - it would have high deductibles but low monthly premiums. After all it is against the law if not irresponsible to be uninsured when there are options including Medicaid if financially destitute.
I don't think it is anyone in missy's family. But if there ever was a Dateline episode full of twists and turns it would be this one. jmo.
Hi! Thank you for allowing me here! Sorry I was so confused how to post, so I sent message to the owners. Thank you!
Anyway, I found this site due to this case.

I just wanted to post that I've been watching that video of the killer over and over and I just had to say how disturbing it is to see that person so calm. I feel terrible watching it because that poor lady had no idea what was going to happen to her. I just feel horrible for her and her girls.

I thought many of the mannerisms looked to be female in nature. Maybe they are walking in that manner because they are loaded down with equipment underneath their clothing? IDK, it is so odd though. The little stumble and the touching of the wall seems like they were drunk..not that they were, but just very odd looking.

I felt they were somewhat familiar with the church. I thought it was interesting they went down one side of hall peering in doors and then turned around and went down other side, rather than walking across hall to each doorway as they made their way down the hall.

I thought it was interesting that for what they were about to do to another human being and had very little time once MB arrived, how cavalier they were while walking the halls. Nothing was rushed. Even hammering the glass and prying the doors was very routine looking, in a way.

To to me it was obviously planned out and they seem to feel very comfortable in there, and comfortable with when she would arrive.

it maybe was a hired hit? I can't imagine there are a bunch of these types of people around though. And obviously doesn't seem like a rage, spur of the moment murder.

IF a woman was jealous or thought or knew her husband was having an affair, and had other things going on in their life....like marriage not going well, etc.... I can see where a woman would premeditate this and kill her. And I could see how they would cover themselves up very well, so as to disguise themselves and also to fend off themselves against MB, hence not to get injured and leave DNA evidence.

These are really just my thoughts. I am just so disturbed with that video that I had to come somewhere and post my thoughts on it. I have been reading many of these posts. This is a wonderful site.

Same here. I registered a while back but this particular case compelled me to post. I don't have a lot to add except that I too, think the person was way too comfortable in that church. My gut feeling tells me this was indeed a hired hit, and the perp is probably affiliated with LE somehow, maybe an ex-cop? I'm not sure either way whether it's a male or female, but I am leaning towards male. Anyway, nice to meet fellow sleuths!
Who, does anyone here think, had the financial means to hire a hitperson? JMO And why?...............a hitperson would have shot her in the head with one or two shots and be done with it, as I see it. JMO
First time poster so I apologize for any redundancy or rule infractions. I also apologize for the long post.
IMO the first thing to look at is what put these 2 (or more) people in the situation that resulted in her murder and their perceived commission of the perfect murder.
Either this perp was just someone who randomly decided to vandalize the church (which would actually explain the nonchalant demeanor) or they were there specifically because Missy was going to be inside the church. This is important because, if I understand correctly, being inside the church is not the usual situation for her class.
Taking it down the path this was Missy targeted crime then you cannot just ignore the weather factor. The weather in the DFW area, at the time of the murder, was beyond just rain it was severe weather with potentials for strong storms, hail, and even possibilities of tornadoes. IMO that's probably why it was moved inside vs under the awning, which we know she had done before, via FB.My questions are....
1. Who gave Missy not only permission to move it indoors but also the keys to get in the church?
2. The window established between the camp being outdoors and indoors in fairly narrow. Was the murder always planned for that day?
3. Did the perp always intend to be dressed that way? Even if the murder was outdoors?

4. Did anyone have realtime communications with Missy that included or encouraged her to be indoors or outdoors depending on the weather and whatever turn it could have taken between the evening of the 17th post and 4am in the morning? If there were tornado warnings would it have been cancelled? Did CG have a weather policy she had to follow?
5. Has LE released the confirmed time that the campers who found Missy entered the parking lot?
6. Has LE questioned why those particular campers didn't either text or call Missy, after seeing her truck there, to see if she needed help unloading equipment or setting up (IMO something anyone showing up preclass would have done)? I believe I've even seen a public fb post thanking her daughter fir helping her set up her gear.
7. I believe that it was a husband and wife that found Missy. Can LE confirm their exact arrival on the scene? We're there 2 cars that showed up or 2 people in 1 car?
8. How did the perp know about the cameras in the church? Did they know the outdoor cameras didn't work? Are there any unusual visitors/ family members/CG MEMBERS who show up on the cameras inside the church in the days or weeks leading up to murder? Are there church members who were part of her class or life?
9. Could the bulk under the costume possibly be a backpack that the perp used to remove the costume and then just blend in with the chaos that ensued after Missy was found? I believe that many campers bring backpacks with them. Are there crime scene photos that show anyone with a large backpack?

10. What happened to the mystery vehicle, parked in the back? Was it still there after the police arrived? Hopefully LE has accounted for all the vehicles that left the scene and the possible potential that the perp was picked up after they arrived. This may or may not require the use of a cellphone. Old school walkie talkies could also have been utilized and would be compliant with their "police" gear.
11. How did the perp overpower an extremely physically fit person while wearing an oversized, visually limiting costume? I'm assuming that if this wasn't targeted there would have been an extremely unlucky, overweight, physically diminished crook who picked the wrong person to mess with.
12. Is there any psychology behind the perp removing their helmet so the object of their passionate hate can see them and know that they are the ones taking Missy's life? If so I'm assuming that there could be hair DNA somewhere.
IMO, it seems most premeditated murders playout under circumstances that the criminals can at least control the majority of the scene. Although I go back and forth regarding premeditated or not it seems that there are many mitigating factors that the murderer didn't take into account while planning their perfect crime. What about the weather? What is she would have asked someone to meet her early and help her get her gear inside either because of the weather or not?
What about the fact that it isn't uncommon for people to show up early to class? What if those early birds would have come into the church? Is the perp 100% positive they are capable of killing someone with a hammer? IMO, that's a big one.
I guess I'm looking more at opportunity than motive in this case. Even if this turns out to be a family member/premeditated event I still think the the scene is very unstable and the key will be in who Missy was last communicating with.

Welcome to WS!!!! Great post!!!
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And only 17 pages, guessing nothing else released or happened today and people are just catching up like myself....
Thank you Tricia for the new thread.... was getting hard to load... marking my spot.... right *advertiser censored* here

Can I ask a newbie question? If you mark spot ho do you get back to it?
You are correct. My husband, dad, and brother go on charter fishing trips all the time. They usually get on the boat at 4am, and are gone all day. About communications, my husband's cell phone works the majority of time, depending how far off shore they go, and then a lot the charters have satellite phones, and of course their radios. He would been able to communicate one way or another. My husband mentioned, if he (BB) was having an affair, what if the fishing trip was not actually a fishing trip, but just a trip with a "friend?" The female kind. ;)
That's what I'm saying, he probably wasn't going on fishing trip at all <modsnip> I wouldn't be surprised to eventually learn this.[emoji9]

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What time does the custodian leave? Does the custodian work on Sundays? I don't think it's the custodian, but it's strange there has been no talk of who maintains the building since that is likely done after hours.
Who, does anyone here think, had the financial means to hire a hitperson? JMO And why?...............a hitperson would have shot her in the head with one or two shots and be done with it, as I see it. JMO

Well unless it was an IOU or he borrowed it from a friend, I don't think BB has piles of cash laying around with his financial woes going on as we read about in the news. IMO
It it seems odd when your spouse was just murdered that you would be orchestrating an interview. He asked if they're ready etc..... Personally AND IF I did an interview at all it would go along the lines of my family requests our privacy at this time.

He was probably getting pestered up the wazoo by the numerous requests from various media. Calling them all for a one-time statement makes sense. He made it clear at hte beginning that once he gives his statement, they could all upload it to various other media outlets. I took that to mean that "you guys won't be bothering me anymore and now that other media have this statement, they won't have to contact me, either."

Even though he said "I want to make a statement only, not an interview" people get sucked into it without being aware. Most of us are conditioned to be polite and answer questions without giving it thought. There've been times where hours later I think why, oh, why did I manipulated into that? Poor guy.

I also imagine being stunned not only about the loss of your life-partner or companion (in his word) but the thought that you are now a single parent and you never realized just how much your children's mother did for them. Not only dealing with your own grief, but the devastation of your children and how to help them with that, but also how in the heck are you going to get through this day and tomorrow. I can only imagine overwhelming loss and fear. Fear about being able to go about being a single parent. I know lots of people do it, but it's got to be at least a little different when it's sudden like this and your partner has been the main caretaker of family and home. And yes, I'm being a traditional sexist in saying that it's usually the wife/mother who does that with the majority of husbands/fathers who make the majority income.
Can I ask a newbie question? If you mark spot ho do you get back to it?
I don't even understand why anyone "marks their spot", you can just use the last unread feature.
I don't think it is anyone in missy's family. But if there ever was a Dateline episode full of twists and turns it would be this one. jmo.

I was thinking that earlier today. I bet anything that Dateline picks up this story at one point or another.
I can answer most of the insurance issues talked about here since this is my industry. It doesn't look like (based on the CG website) that she had employer sponsored insurance. So either she had COBRA thru a previous job or she was on the health care exchange (Affordable Care Act). Most plans will end either on the day of the event (i.e. 4/18) or the last day of the month of the even (i.e. 4/30). It doesn't matter how she "terminated" her insurance (death, employment change, divorce, etc), they have to end the policy according to the plan document.

If they were on COBRA already, then this would be a second qualifying event and the family would be able to extend their current coverage (by paying the premiums of course). However, since they are down to one income now, they may qualify for a premium subsidy under the Affordable Care Act (which isn't very affordable unless you are eligible for the subsidy). If so, it may be less expensive to move to the ACA plans.

Regardless, I would think since his family are victims of a crime, they may qualify for some type of assistance thru their county or city for counseling services. In California, I used to work with a Victim Witness program and victims (and families I think) rec'd counseling and other services for free.

If BB works for a small employer (less than 50 ees), they don't need to offer insurance to employees. Actually, no employers NEED to offer insurance. But if they don't, they may get a penalty if their employees go to the health care exchange and are eligible for a subsidy.
In the beginning of the case, I read on here
(or heard on TV?) that the church security alarm was turned off so MB could enter. So her family or trainer may be privy to that- as well as a church employee.

I heard that BB went fishing with male relative C Tucker ( no relation to AT).

Respectfully bbm, Do you have links please? Thank you... just trying to keep the rumors and facts straight (catching up sorry if has already been provided before I got to that point)
does that include the Caucasian woman with the broken foot who is married to an AA and is hobbling out of town as we post....I agree they do not seem to have a suspect, I do in the form of a gun.

Is there a source for this? The part about her hobbling out of town right now, I mean...

Since this has gotten way more traction than I thought it would, I was being a little facetious with my first part of comment (does that include the Caucasian woman with the broken foot who is married to an AA and is hobbling out of town as we post) and then when lemon3bars asked for a source, I actually thanked them, I was chuckling. I thought it was so obvious especially with my use of the word hobbling.

So to clarify, no HOBBLING by MSM media and form of a gun = BB
Since this has gotten way more traction than I thought it would, I was being a little facetious with my first part of comment (does that include the Caucasian woman with the broken foot who is married to an AA and is hobbling out of town as we post) and then when lemon3bars asked for a source, I actually thanked them, I was chuckling. I thought it was so obvious especially with my use of the word hobbling.

So to clarify, no HOBBLING by MSM media and form of a gun = BB

lol, I assumed your use of "hobbling" was sarcasm, but I thought you really were suggesting knowledge that she was leaving town. Thanks for the clarification!
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