TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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Yes, but the convolution is usually so great that the most widely believed version of the story is nowhere near the truth.

Yes, it's the classic game of "Telephone" that a lot of us played as kids. I'll share this story real quick about small towns and murders. Awhile back there was a big murder case in my small town. Almost an entire family was slaughtered in the night as they slept. Because they were a farming family, and because meth has a presence here and fertilizer and anhydrous ammonia can be used to make meth, many in my town thought that it was some kind of drug-related hit. They thought they knew exactly who, too, and it was a guy in the drug trade who was connected to an unsolved missing-persons case involving his ex-GF.

But... turns out the REAL killer was some random dude from several states away. He was on drugs, killed some people in another state, drove aimlessly into my state and then picked a ranch house at random because he was hungry and wanted money. Walked in and shot everybody, raided the fridge and then drove to Mexico. Got detained on his way back into the U.S. because of the first murders that he committed (they connected him to the ones in my town later).

So, I think our tendency is to always think there must be some connection or conspiracy when murders happen. And, statistics show that most people who are murdered ARE killed by someone they have a connection to. But there are still the other kinds of murders that are random - they just don't happen nearly as much so we don't believe that's what we're dealing with until we have no choice.

Wondering if the perp could have rolled it up, stuffed some things into the helmet and shoved it into a gym/workout bag, exercise outfit underneath disguise and then off to a workout class/ gym ( somewhere) and afterward, showered as usual?
speculation, imo.

That's a really good thought....but how would they get all that bloody gear off without making a mess? I guess a person could but I think it would be tough.
I am not saying the perp is CT because I have no clue right now. I still think the perp was probably a man.

But the Tamara Jolee lady that talked last night with Trisha is from Midlothian. That is how I understood it. And I can tell you all about small towns. They know stuff. And they tell everyone. Everyone.
Now, granted, things can get very convoluted in the telling, but a small town cop will tell his wife or sister or mom. Then that person will tell her mom or her bff. Next thing you know, its being discussed in every business in town. That's just how it is. Well, I've heard stuff about myself before I even knew it! ;)

They do know stuff. A lot of stuff. The question is, how much of what they know is actually true? Maybe a little, maybe a lot. I think gossip has more potential to hurt innocent people than all of the expressed opinions on this forum put together. If I make a post on here about being suspicious of someone or if I speculate about a theory I have about who the murderer is, it's nothing more than another opinion on the internet. May not be completely innocuous, but it's not going to affect the police investigation. It's not likely to matter, even to the person I'm talking about.

However, if I say, "I live in [insert relevant town here] and I heard from a very reliable source that [insert guilt-implying gossip here]" it can cause a lot of harm and pain if I'm wrong. Put a few "I heards" together and it can take on a life of its own. I don't dismiss the possibility that this CT gossip may be true, but I will at least label it as gossip in my mind unless or until it's legitimized by facts or an arrest.
That's a really good thought....but how would they get all that bloody gear off without making a mess? I guess a person could but I think it would be tough.
Yes, to me this is a huge question. And they had to leave a trail of evidence. I hope LE finds it!
Ok, here is one possible scenario for it to work out. This is just a thought in my brain based off warrants and information reported in the news.

1. CT finds AT is cheating.
2. Convinces him to join her plan or she will expose and leave him.
3. Gets two burner phones (To leave CT phone home and AT phone to be taken to CG).
4. Sends kids to parents.
5. Perp1 goes to church to setup “robbery”.
6. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and leaves AT real phone there.
7. Perp2 follows MB to church to warn Perp1 of the arrival time.
8. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and sends Facebook and Instagram messages from AT real phone for AT alibi.
9. Perp1 kills MB taking pictures and/or videos of it.
10. Perp1 sends Perp2 the pictures and/or videos as proof the deed is done.
11. Perp1 if AT goes to AT's CG, if CT goes home.
12. Perp2 if CT goes home, if AT stays to setup.

The only reason I think that AT may be involved is that LE believes pictures and/or videos were taken. Why would they need this unless to “prove” they did it? I think it must be burner phones otherwise they would have arrested someone by now.
Just opinions based off some facts released.

starting to sound like a lifetime movie......

perhaps the perp used a burner phone because his other cell phone was issued by his place of business and couldn't use that if he wanted to commit a crime...

I strongly think the perp had prior military training such to be able to pull of the crime.....the perp in the video looks like someone who had experience in practicing a mission....i also think they are no longer serving in any military org due to medical issues or he got booted out
But wait....didn't LE come out and say that no one on the phone number list was a suspect? Is that true...or just legal speak to throw the perp off?

They choose when they want to label someone a suspect. It's true that they stated that. Whether or not it was true then, there is nothing suggesting they couldn't label someone on that list as a suspect down the road.
Ok, here is one possible scenario for it to work out. This is just a thought in my brain based off warrants and information reported in the news.

1. CT finds AT is cheating.
2. Convinces him to join her plan or she will expose and leave him.
3. Gets two burner phones (To leave CT phone home and AT phone to be taken to CG).
4. Sends kids to parents.
5. Perp1 goes to church to setup “robbery”.
6. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and leaves AT real phone there.
7. Perp2 follows MB to church to warn Perp1 of the arrival time.
8. Perp2 goes to AT's CG and sends Facebook and Instagram messages from AT real phone for AT alibi.
9. Perp1 kills MB taking pictures and/or videos of it.
10. Perp1 sends Perp2 the pictures and/or videos as proof the deed is done.
11. Perp1 if AT goes to AT's CG, if CT goes home.
12. Perp2 if CT goes home, if AT stays to setup.

The only reason I think that AT may be involved is that LE believes pictures and/or videos were taken. Why would they need this unless to “prove” they did it? I think it must be burner phones otherwise they would have arrested someone by now.
Just opinions based off some facts released.
To me the breakdown of this scenario is #2 - most people at hearing this plan would say yikes, grab their kids and run straight to the police. To have one insane person commit a murder is one thing, but to have two? I just think it is not very likely. But then again, I have no answer to your question - why would pics or vids be taken.
Thanks Amanda. I remain open, now. If it is CT as much speculated, then the crime was a kinda "join the dots" scenario. From alleged affair to hubby's "swat" gear & helmet. Hello, catch-me-if-u-can? Makes me wonder the comments about: a) her intelligence b) her love for children. Oh my.

Is CTs hubby a police officer? TIA
I am thinking that the reporter who was on the radio show is the one who is telling us the most truth, the most facts. That reporter doesn't say I do Not Know. She keeps saying that she knows & has sources. There is no doubt about her. She says it is ct and at is truly innocent and it felt like she was saying that the helmet is going to be some sort of key evidence but I have no idea why. She said arrest any moment and definitely under seven days from last night so arrest in six days or less she said. Has anyone here noticed that ct and at have both got big changes to their FBooks? I noticed.
Is CTs hubby a police officer? TIA

No. Exercise teacher, teaches groups, prob' sells supplement sort of stuff but I did not see that on his FBook like Missy was pushing. Hubby had been in the army and sounds like he left that on good terms.
With all due respect, this is way too nitpicky. And simply wrong. If a MSM reporter (who has to answer to an editor, a legal team, and whose reputation is on the line) tells us "The MPD said such and such" then it's silly to demand a video of the MPD saying it, the name of the MPD spokesman, and/or a transcript of the conversation, before accepting it as having been said.

We can question motives of MPD offering up such info to mainstream media, and perhaps speculate misdirection motives. Maybe. And we can wonder if the info is accurately being relayed (ie, did MSM actually say this?) if it's on TV rather than in print. But the idea that MSM is simply making it up as they go along? That's the exact opposite of what their job is, and just silliness.

ETA - someone posted the following that I hadn't read before I stated the above, and that adds further light - "One article released by the non-specific "Fox News Staff" on their website stated that LE said some things to them. Apparently it was ONLY to them, because none of the other MSM repeated it. Only Fox." So we do know that this info is accurately related here, it has been vetted by Fox, it is being owned by them, and it's in print. And it's a scoop. Given the fact that news organizations priority is their credibility, and that Fox is taking pains to make sure it's out there under their name, it's a lock MPD indeed said this.

Not only does MSM make things up and twist things around on a regular basis, but they are often dead wrong, "sources" or not.

Not to mention it is within the scope of LE's job description to lie or withhold names, times, evidence, or whatever they see fit in order to protect the integrity of their investigation.

It happens all the time.

Wondering if the perp could have rolled it up, stuffed some things into the helmet and shoved it into a gym/workout bag. An exercise outfit underneath the disguise, then off to a workout class/ gym ( somewhere) and afterward, showered as usual?
speculation, imo.

Well, the perp DID have a bag on them, right? They did, IIRC. But it wouldn't have been smart to undress while still on the premises. Undressing, even with clothes on underneath, would have risked leaving DNA evidence. Taking off either the helmet or the jacket would have risked losing hair from the head or the arms that would have wound up on the floor. Let's hope the perp IS dumb enough to have done that.
That's a really good thought....but how would they get all that bloody gear off without making a mess? I guess a person could but I think it would be tough.

Turn it inside out over a tarp and put it in a plastic bag?
Speculation, imo.
I am thinking that the reporter who was on the radio show is the one who is telling us the most truth, the most facts. That reporter doesn't say I do Not Know. She keeps saying that she knows & has sources. There is no doubt about her. She says it is ct and at is truly innocent and it felt like she was saying that the helmet is going to be some sort of key evidence but I have no idea why. She said arrest any moment and definitely under seven days from last night so arrest in six days or less she said. Has anyone here noticed that ct and at have both got big changes to their FBooks? I noticed.

Can you blame them for tightening their Facebook settings? I would do the same thing if people thought I was a murderer. Honestly I would probably close it down. And no offense to the reporter because I'm sure she is just repeating what she was told, but she is not LE. Me personally am going to take what she says with a grain of salt. But it was an interesting show last night.
Well, the perp DID have a bag on them, right? They did, IIRC. But it wouldn't have been smart to undress while still on the premises. Undressing, even with clothes on underneath, would have risked leaving DNA evidence. Taking off either the helmet or the jacket would have risked losing hair from the head or the arms that would have wound up on the floor. Let's hope the perp IS dumb enough to have done that.

Don't recall seeing the perp carrying a bag
On the radio show the reporter mentioned there is going to be news out she thinks about past domestic violence at the ct and at home. Isnt that sort of thing available on the internet? Maybe there have never been arrests but just police calls. Has someone posted about police calls to the Ts residences for domestic violence and other sorts of fighting in the home? What are the facts on that?
Hi R@ngers#1,


Before I point out a few things about the popularity of Websleuths ( we are a forum and not a chat room) I want to take a moment and discuss posting on the Internet.

No matter where you post information, even if you remove it later, it can be found and quite easily I might add.

Suppose you are right that only a handful of people have ever heard of Websleuths. It doesn't matter. It's the fact that someone posted something on Websleuths about a live person. That's the problem. Thanks to Google.

To prove my point here is a hypothetical situation : Let's say we let a post like this one stand, "I think the neighbor of Missy's named Smithy De Smithy looks like a creep. I'd stay away from him. I heard he is a child molester"

Now, let's assume only 3 people read it and move on. Doesn't matter. What matter's is Smithy De Smithy's potential boss Googles his name and guess what pops up? Yep. The child molester post.

We are a discussion forum. People are allowed to have their opinions. In fact you are responsible for what you post. You might have to defend your words someday in a court of law. It's rare but it does happen.

We do our best at Websleuths to minimize the damage done when ordinary people are thrown in the spotlight. Again, we can't protect everyone. We have to allow discussion but we feel we have a moral obligation to at least try to stop rumors or harmful posts made about people who have done nothing wrong. We do not always accomplish that goal but we try.

You see it has nothing to do with our size and everything to do with Google searches.

But about the size thing? Yes, we do have a good size number of people posting and reading. In fact, I think Wednesday we had close to 300,000 (three hundred thousand) individual page views.

Websleuths members have made differences in so many cases I've lost count.

Law enforcement is reading on our site constantly.

We are quoted in major news articles all over the world.

i can promise you many people involved in this case from Law Enforcement to people close to Missy read here. They may be participating for all I know.

One of my proudest moments on Websleuths is when Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony's mother, personally told me she was going to shut down my site because she didn't like what we said about Casey. Then she told me no one reads Websleuths. Later, hundreds of pages of Websleuths posts were found in her garbage can.

We're not the Huffington Post or The Drudge Report. Not by any means but the people we do have posting make a difference in people's lives all the time.

To me, that's the coolest thing about Websleuths. We make a difference.

Tricia Griffith

BOOM! And there ya have it! Great job in taking the higher, classier, full of integrity road Tricia! :loveyou:
Military also records their practice missions for review and to discuss in their classes......if the perp did record the crime this might explain why they recorded it......this is why i don't think a scorned lover or spouse is involved
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