TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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If CT is innocent, why is she not making lots of noise, shouting from the roof tops so to say, to dispute it? I would want air time like BB and RB have had, so the reporters could question me.

Even if CW is a shy person, with the fingers pointing in my direction, I would have to find the gusto to defend myself to the public.

I am the complete opposite. If I were innocent and in her position, I would immediately shut down any public access to my online social media, etc. and would stay silent to the press. I would be open to talking with LE, but if I thought they were seriously considering me for some reason, you can bet your bottom dollar that I would consider hiring an attorney to protect myself.

Besides, look at what has happened to BB and RB from their willingness to be so open with the media ... it has exposed them to even more speculation and dissection of everything they say, which has only further fueled the suspicion that some have of them. I don't see many benefits that come from speaking publicly for an innocent individual. What if I said something that was meant innocently but came out wrong, so people read into it way too much and saw that as some sort of proof of my involvement? People can be swayed by that kind of stuff and I would avoid it like the plague. IMO.
What gets me about that reporter is that she had no doubt herself and the owner here Tricia says she has two reporter sources so I would think one is the reporter from last night and Trica the owner said killer is a white woman who had a broken right foot (not leg, foot, which to me means ankle or lower) and who is married to a black afro. amer. man. I put my thinking cap on and can only think that the police said married to a black man to shake up that husband and prod him to go to the police and tell what he knows so he doesnt get his own self in trouble as an accessory to murder or else to have suspicion on him, if he doesnt go to police, that he really planned and plotted the whole murder together with his broke foot wife.
Don't recall seeing the perp carrying a bag

There is some sort of bag in the front of the outfit. The perp can been seen at the bulletin board putting the pry bar away, and getting another tool out, for instance.
LOL and eeeeeks! but I mean like on Yelp, it shows someone checking in at places and I think Facebook has something similar, but I only saw it on someone's page once in the lefthand column. I can't remember it the FB provided a location, but it did say that it was using a mobile thing. Referencing another case, the Sheriff mentioned that in another one of his cases, the suspect checked in and wrote a restaurant review and that placed him in a specific location at a specific time.

yeah but same thing applies, anyone can check in /gmail/foursquares/Twitter/whatever by simply giving log in details, lets say you are in Cali, I could give you my WS log in details and you log in in Cali, then it would make me look as though I was there.

Just saying I would want a whole lot more to determine an alibi than simple posting electronically, like actual visual siting
There is some sort of bag in the front of the outfit. The perp can been seen at the bulletin board putting the pry bar away, and getting another tool out, for instance.

Oh yes, I am aware of that, the tool place/bullet proof vest etc.
I guess I misunderstood , thinking a bag, big enough to stow all the equipment the perp was wearing
There is some sort of bag in the front of the outfit. The perp can been seen at the bulletin board putting the pry bar away, and getting another tool out, for instance.
I think that is part of the tactical vest, many have little pockets for storing gear. I didn't see a bag.
I agree I read that what looked like a bag is just a part of that sort of swat police vest that anyone can easily buy all over the place any time.
I do not know much at all about FBook. It is a big mystery to me. So when I see ct and at and they both have changed what they are doing it means they just adjusted privacy settings and they are still on FB right? I did read about how FBook has secret groups and some are so secret that no one can know they exist unless someone else on FB is already a member and has the power to ask another person to join.
And yet, she did. There was no pretense that this show was anything other than a sharing of whispers and small town gossip, based entirely on "what have you been hearing" and no assertion of any of it being from anyone actually knowing anything. The answers were stated as such, and stated that way multiple times.

It was a fun gossipy show to listen to, and worth the time, but nothing whatsoever in the way of new or previously-unnoticed facts being offered.

I disagree. She separated the gossip out and acknowledged what was and what wasn't. It was clear unless of course a pair of rose colored glasses are the trend for some. Funny how when details from LE come out they always seem to match certain reports that others called "gossip" though. Guess we'll see. Maybe even within "7 days".
If that reporter on the radio is wrong about ct then it would be bad if ct lived in a major city because people would be driving by her home and camping out and taking her trash for study all the time now right? Locals, are you all leaving ct alone and it is life as normal on your town streets now?
Locals, are the exercise classes that Missy and at ran still going on just as before? The last time I saw something was at on his FBook posted a picture of him doing a pushup with many of Missys campers now in his class. Then Mothers Day he cancelled a class for that week and next week. I know nothing further but I thought at has a history of posting on FB many many times each day normally so this is very wierd.
Regarding CT's number appearing on the search warrant, could it be as simple as this: While in Austin, AT's phone battery is low or died and he is unable to charge it right then and there, but he wants to check in with CT. MB says, "Oh, just use my phone." He does. CT doesn't recognize the number, and off the call goes to voice mail. CT later listens to the voice mail and realizes, "Oh. That was AT." She calls AT at MB's number, and just like that, her number is one of the nine to have last contacted MB.

Just a brainstorm. My husband reached out to me earlier today this way, and I had a lightbulb moment.

Voice mail should be able to be recovered I would think.
Locals, are the exercise classes that Missy and at ran still going on just as before? The last time I saw something was at on his FBook posted a picture of him doing a pushup with many of Missys campers now in his class. Then Mothers Day he cancelled a class for that week and next week. I know nothing further but I thought at has a history of posting on FB many many times each day normally so this is very wierd.
I wouldn't want to go workout with a trainer whose wife is under suspicion of murder. The murder occurred at a workout. No thank you and I'm sure that's the reason you haven't seen any posts and he cancelled classes. JMO
A huge black trash bag folds up very small and would fit in pockets.
She would rather murder than leave her husband? He would rather be an accomplice to murder than be left and exposed? I can't see that happening in this case, although I am sure it has happened before.

And why need proof when someone was going to find her in 10 minutes?
To me the breakdown of this scenario is #2 - most people at hearing this plan would say yikes, grab their kids and run straight to the police. To have one insane person commit a murder is one thing, but to have two? I just think it is not very likely. But then again, I have no answer to your question - why would pics or vids be taken.

Reason he agrees is he does not want to divorce. Pics taken if he is Perp1 proving to her he did it and how she told him to do it. Just found it unusual he happened to send alibi messages around the time of the murder. I think people have been getting more informed about leaving digital footprints. By leaving her phone at home and taking his to his CG, makes both of them look innocent.

But it is not something we saw.
He certainly could have been carrying it , out of sight

:) I don't know what you guys saw, lol!

I just read the theory that someone said the killer could have removed bloody clothing on a tarp or something (black trash bag came to my mind) and rolled up to take away. I was paraphrasing, but.

Lots o' useful bits/tools fit in pants pockets, vest pockets. There could have been all kinds of things stashed in there. Be prepared as it were.
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