TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #15

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One thing is for sure, CT has pretty much hidden her FB information out there. I looked at it a couple days ago and everything was available for anyone to see it...family pics, videos, etc. Now its all gone private.

Perhaps it is 'a thing for sure', but it may also signify nothing. There are loads of FB members who have their pages locked down for privacy. I'm one of them. And it's not because I'm concerned about scrutiny for a crime.

But if I did have a bunch of people checking in on my page because they thought this, that, or the other, I don't doubt that I'd spend a minute changing my privacy settings to keep stalkers and gawkers out.

And I would be loathe to judge someone based on their decision to make their FB more private. It's a reasonable decision in the best of times.
What if the killer is someone who was manipulated by another person to commit the crimes?

The choice of weapons, and the resulting "brutality at very close range" that it would have taken to kill with such a weapon, would seem to indicate the perp was personally invested and seething with rage. That would tend to rule out a 2nd-level killer, such as a person manipulated or hired, because those types would have lacked the passion/rage, and chosen some method/weapon to quickly and efficiently kill, and from a safer distance than right up close. As I see it, anyhow.
Murder no longer shocks me: suspects do; their reasons do. I feel "mental illness" is far too easily awarded. It's gets so bad at times; as if society are the perps and the accused are victims. Then we're all raging mad! However: one aspect of this murder really got me, aside from raising an eyebrow in managing to do that, was early concerns the murder may have been recorded. By a woman? WTF!?
where do these concerns originate? did LE ever state this? i'm just curious if this was one more example of media musings or rumors, or did LE actually say this in a press conference or was it in SW? i don't remember seeing it
where do these concerns originate? did LE ever state this? i'm just curious if this was one more example of media musings or rumors, or did LE actually say this in a press conference or was it in SW? i don't remember seeing it

IIRC LE did speculate that that may have occurred, but they weren't sure of it.
But if the killer was like someone's robot, taking directions? I know I sound too 'out there'........
With all due respect, there was talk of involvement between MB and AJT before the murder happened. There is nothing that confirms or denies an affair on social media, sure. But how many people who are committing adultery post such things on FB? Not many!

Also, CT does walk with an odd gait.

Do I think she should be a POI? I'm not sure. I can see a few other scenarios making sense so I'm not going to align myself with one theory only.

IMO, if people had taken these clues about a possible affair and an odd gait that the fellow trainer's wife had and NOT called them in, they would be remiss in their duty to society.

I agree that the tips should have been called in - I don't have any problem with that at all. I'm grateful for all those trying to help figure this out. But tips to LE are one thing, and vicious gossip online is another.

I have been disturbed by so many negative things being said and speculated on about CT (not just here at WS but in lots of other places online). As you can see by my user name, I'm opinionated and usually don't have a problem with speculating but for some reason it just makes me feel really sorry for CT. Her appearance, her career, her parenting, her relationship with her husband have all been harshly criticized.
The creeper message on Linkedin will be the downfall for this perp unless they protected themselves well while sending that message. If it is one of the persons we have talked about and its traced to one of them, then they are in a whole lotta trouble and this will link them to the crime. I am hoping this is the case and if it is maybe that is what our local reporter knows that we do not yet know. How cool would that be... waiting...tick tock...
where do these concerns originate? did LE ever state this? i'm just curious if this was one more example of media musings or rumors, or did LE actually say this in a press conference or was it in SW? i don't remember seeing it

In the search warrant it says the phone may have been used to photograph or record the murder. But the rest of the warrant says all the features a smart phone can do - text, call, use apps, GPS, etc. The media jumped on that "may have been recorded" bit - click bait - but there's no indication it actually occurred.

LE has to be careful with wording in search warrants. For example, if they searched a phone and the warrant *didn't* say anything about photos or recordings, and then they found some, they wouldn't be admissible in court because they weren't obtained properly.
AJT has changed his FB settings to private - I'm sure after a couple weeks of his every word being dissected on social media and what appear to be completely unfounded rumors of an interracial extramarital affair with Missy, it was getting to him.

Strange...I can see all his post up until the 10th..CT's I can't see any.

I thought I read that family members like MT pointed the finger at her first..I could be wrong.
That is really cool!! I suppose they could see that IMEI at 4am on April 18, then backtrack it to see where it shows up in the previous month. If that phone sits at someone's house that would be interesting.

Many threads ago, someone said it looked like SWATperp was talking to someone. This was when they were trying to pry open that one door. It would make sense to me to have a lookout. You need someone to tell you that the other campers have arrived and that it is time to get out.

I still don't understand how no one noticed a car leaving that parking lot. The place was empty....
I totally agree about not noticing a car if one was there. I am a relatively independent person who feels free to go anywhere, anytime - not afraid to be out BUT I am very aware of my surroundings and would notice whether there was a car in the lot.
Originally Posted by arkansasmimi View Post
Re: the camera not being activated...LEO stated the camera's outside were not functioning... and there was a camera on the side where MB went thru... or at least where her vehicle was parked. 9:00 mark... Reporter says 1 thought is "someone so savvy how to get in without activating the camera" Tricia asked about one in the parking lot... What about the one where MB went in. She would not have been trying to be savvy on that.

I understood the second theory to be that the wind/rain that night caused the sensor/camera to not function properly. Which could explain the variety in reports of if the cameras were actually working or not - and why no outdoor footage was released?
Respectfully, that was the possibility from the Guest, not from LEO. and the variety of reports, comes from various MSM and other reporters. My understanding from the interview that that was re a camera that the Suspect entry wasn't caught due to those conditions. My comment was in reference to then what about the camera where MB came throught at? LEO has said the outside cameras were not functioning .. unless anyone has heard LEO state elsewhere directly from LEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNLtwTK2hq8&feature=youtu.be

missy bevers TODAY 4 20 CHURCH SS 3.JPG
Yes! Thank you! What if it is not CT? Horrendous. I do understand why public profiles have been pitched to private. I would do the same. We may only confirm that rumor has it CT is the perp. LE have not said they're looking for a broken-foot-woman.

Please talk to your kids about this: IMHO, anyone (aside from a public figure or a business) who does NOT have their FB page or other SM set to high privacy settings is asking for inappropriate attention and judgement. IMHO the difference between ones' personal page and ones' business page should be quite evident in many ways - first and foremost with privacy settings. This has nothing to do with crime or paranoia. This has everything to do with ones' digital footprint and ones' privacy.

Studies have shown (off top of my head, Cornell, Univ. of British Columbia) that online facial images/profile pics/selfies produce first impressions in the viewer in seconds or less. And unlike "in person" first meetings, the online impressions are more quickly negative than positive. AND, even after an "in person" meeting, the online first impression is more likely to stay with the viewer than if the first "meeting" was in person. It ain't fair; it ain't right, but that is how we humans operate.

Additionally ... Never mind. Don't get me started on my digital footprint lecture. I am NOT saying that you must lock down everything. No way! Let your best stuff shine for all to see; these days, young people NEED a digital footprint or they look like they are hiding something or live under a rock. But all the personal stuff, selfies, musings, pontifications, etc.... lock it down for just your "friends". And even then, remember everything you post to friends is just one screen capture away from becoming a viral meme - or worse - such as we are seeing on SM with this case.

For better or worse, we are very quickly judged by our online presence. I am repeatedly ASTOUNDED how many people overshare with zero privacy permissions. Even once being scrutinized by US here at WS!
do you think this alleged perp was listening to this ? If she was and is guilty I would be shaking in my boots, if she listened and is innocent I would be calling my lawyer bout right now LOL

:yeahthat: I was surprised that she came out and more less accused someone because of :rumor: mill MSM does not do that because of legal issues. JMHO
Quote Originally Posted by ArianeEmory View Post
People keep saying "the guest", was it actually a named member of the media, or what is going on here?

I understood the guest -Tamera- isn't affiliated with any media group, such as a news station, but works as an independent reporter. So she felt freer about voicing her own opinion. She also has a blog. I don't have a link for it.

I think Tamara's posted here. I remember someone saying they were on jury duty that morning and heard local rumors. Just like Tamara said in the program. <>
:eek:hwow: must have missed that page among the 100's ... :thinking:
Or you can use the handy last read feature........ugh

Not if you start reading at the end and then go back to catch up from where last posted, 20+ pages back. JMHO or have scrolled and rolled...
When I listened to Tamara, did she say that the Bevers family mentioned CT as a possible person?

So did they implant the suspicion about CT straight away?

IMO after reading and seeing the pictures on Post #750 by Batrat on this link:


it looks to me as if the murderer could be RB or BB because of their posture and walk depending on what height they think the person is. I have seen reports that he was 5' 8" to 5' 9" (RB) and then another that he was tall (BB).

Currently I think it was RB as he looks the right height.

How well have they checked out his alibi?

Was there human blood mixed with the dog's blood on the T-shirt?

Motive? BB could not afford to hire a hitman so his father obliged due to his son's financial difficulties (life insurance policy?) and his anger at Missy's supposed flirting with other men and potential divorce which would leave BB penniless perhaps.

RB thought he could get away with it because:

1. He lived in another state.

2. He got hold of the SWAT gear in California so he thought his identity would never be known.

3. HIs alibi would be his wife.

4. He was informed by BB of her movements and the layout of the Church.

5. He would never be suspected as there were other people who would be suspected such as CT.

6. He was privy to LinkedIn due to what BB told him. (Can other people read those messages?)

The bottom line for me is that this crime was not perpetrated by anyone who attended a gym as they would be much fitter than this person in the videos (unless they faked the posture and gait).

Read this too.

Growing up in a small southern town, I know "those" who don't have local roots can be regarded cautiously. One doesn't know their history, who their momma is, where they go to church. I don't mean to diss this by any means. It's human nature.

I noticed Tamera gave Brandon a wide pass for his interviews and subsequent actions, saying everyone knows that's just the way he is, no need to bother looking at him. It's interesting. She really gave a good look at the Midlotian subculture.

Tricia is a brilliant interviewer.

I really hope for the girls sake that BB is just an odd fellow, and his family too. I am not buying the CT thing. But I have been wrong before.
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