TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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Honestly, I don't know why CW has not received greater scrutiny on this board. I found his fights online---the ones where he tackles the other fighter, sits on this chest and beats the crap out of his head---soon after his name was released.

All of the characteristics that you listed fit the profile that I had built just from watching the security videos.

All I can think of is that he must have a pretty good alibi for nobody to be considering him a suspect.

As always, JMO.

Agreed Bill. But does swat-perp look like it could be a man to you? What do you make of the listlessness in its movements? Seems lacking in testosterone /energy, but maybe that's just because he's tired and has all of that gear on. And if he is familiar with the layout of the church and the exits and entrances maybe it's becausee he went there before with Missy since she had a key.
What's HIS alibi? A fishing trip? lol. LE hasn't said anything about his having or not having an alibi, so, really, it makes as much sense for us to sleuth him as anyone else. I find it very, very odd that a man who was clearly friendly enough with MB to either be having an affair with her, or at the least, exchanging what LE call "intimate" messages for at least three months, did not mention her death on FB. Instead, he put up a picture with no message, of him in a fighting stance throwing a punch. Not one message about MB in the weeks after she was murdered. Very, very odd, indeed. and now he deactivated his page.

Why would he mention the name of someone he was possibly having an affair with and who just wound up murdered when his wife, kids, coworkers, friends and other family members I'm sure had no clue about. Even if he was just sexting with her online I'm sure he didn't want his friends and family or her friends and family to know he knew her.

Morning everyone~

With Missy in our hearts and prayers, I wanted to take a moment and commend the community of Midlothian. You have handled yourselves with remarkable grace, dignity and unity in the midst of all of the elements this tragic event has brought to your city. Midlothian, you have set an example for communities everywhere that has not gone unnoticed.
I have a hard time envisioning an MMA guy having such a slumpy, sloppy walk as the perp and having such a sissy hammer swing in that window-breaking scene, unless he's really fallen apart physically recently.

Yeah I thought that too verb. Unless he was really stressed out, hadn't slept and was bogged down from the gear. CW weighs about 145. If he is involved it might be some other female he's somehow involved with, romantically or otherwise, helping him out. I really doubt it's his wife though. She could move on down the line and get any guy she wants if he turns out to be the perp. And she would have way too much to lose by killing anyone. This was the action of a desperate person, be it m or f. Anyone wonder if it might be possible that MB was pregnant? That's a common motive for murder.
I can envision CW in that SWAT uniform much more easily than I can CT, and these videos are extremely disturbing when considered against what we know about MB's cause of death.


I believe whoever did this wore the complete disguise because Missy knew him or her and would have run had she seen them in her church at 4 am. I also believe the perp did want to make it look like a burglary instead of a personal crime but needed to inflict such violent blows in order to ensure her death and fast, and knew guns would be traceable. Thus the smashing of glass etc. The perp was calm and in control early on because he/ she knew their mission and knew it was about to go down and was certain that he /she would walk out the victor.
He wasn't listed as a "target interest" in the phone warrant. I thought that was interesting.

That warrant was for AT&T. Maybe he uses a different server or never called her phone and only spoke with her over LinkedIn. If he's married he probably doesn't routinely give out his personal phone number to random sex/romantic interests aka other women his wife can see pop up on his phone, and risk having some female calling or texting him at all hours.
Yes, he is married. And that would give him a motive if MB were to threaten to tell his wife, or worse, if he suspected she was pregnant with his child.

Would 145 be considered fat for a 5'8 female? Sometimes swat-perps legs look thin but the thighs and butt look fat to me. Maybe he/she is wearing an extra pair of pants /clothes under that getup. I doubt a 145 featherweight pro fighters butt would naturally look that fat without layers of clothes.
True. I thought the same. But the most recent fights I could find with him are from either 2012 or 2013. We know he suffered a bad foot injury and had to bow out of at least one big fight back in 2012. He suffered a broken nose, too. Maybe his body wore out from too many injuries. That's possible. An athlete in their 30s is often considered over the hill just for that reason...they tend to wear out.

Hes 27 and he still fights. Just started training hard again and is fighting next month. He's not over the hill but I see your points. I think it could be the layers of clothes to make him look fatter. He'd know LE would be at his door because of the linked in stuff so he'd have to be ready to disguise himself. That probably bogged him down, if he's the one. She probably told him things weren't great with the husband and about the money problems, maybe he wanted to frame him or some fat hit guy. The husbands not fat that I could see.
I think he's back in shape. He was supposed to have another fight this month, according to public mma publicity web pages.

See, I don't see a sloppy, broken down old guy or a woman when I watch the church videos. I see someone with lots of training.

Exactly. Not a pro burglar though either as perp wants us to think, as is evidenced by the lame attempt to use the entry tools to open doors, available on same websites as some of this gear.
I see someone who doesn't look in tip top shape, but likely was at one time. The perp seems to have that cockiness about him - that "no fear" attitude.

Are you sure about him training again? I haven't found anything recent. Are you sure the dates are new?

Positive. He said he loves it and told wife he has to go back to it. I think his last fight was night before she was induced with second child and he has a fight scheduled for this month.
I just read something horrible. We know MB Father passed away in Dec 2014. Was reading an article and RB just lost his Mother Dec 2015. Now MB in April 2016. Bless those sweet girls! So much loss in such little time. Breaks my heart for them . :anguish:
Yeah I saw this this other day and all of his LinkedIn stuff has since been removed. My thinking on him is this: He's got everything going for him, he's 27, good looking, VP of a good company, pro fighter in a field he loves, has a very good looking wife, 2 sons, etc. --- this can play too ways. Maybe he didn't know how old Mb was, that she was almost twice his age and maybe they started up something and then he wanted out, thought she might ruin everything he had. OR maybe everything that he is and has was enough for someone to be so jealous of once they found out MB was texting him and probably having an affair with him that they wanted to kill her. Could be one of three people in family but I will say one looks bodywise and walks exactly like swatperp (feet out arms swinging, and is extremely cocky (mirroring nonchalant attitude of swatperp). If most guys knew their wife was cheating on them with someone like that and so young they'd be very angry too. So would a good old boy father of husband. Mad enough to kill I am sure. I really hope for CWs sake it wasn't him. He's already got enough explaining to do to try to keep that beautiful family together. If swatperp isn't him or some cronie of his I hope his wife forgives him for sexting MB and probably others. It's not worth breaking up a family over. Tons of people do it.

Another thing is he may have been at risk of losing his VP position if word of an affair got out. Some companies have morality clauses for officers which he was. Also pro sports teams can too sometimes and his fight club was faith-based I believe. Combat Crusaders.


Every once and awhile I really like posting this highly pixilated picture. There is no denying this is the perp we are looking for. I also think it looks a lot like one of those mentioned in the SW.

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I can't tell from this pic. It could literally be anyone. The face is way too washed it. Could be a young female, old male, young male, kid, anyone. I can see any of those in it if I look hard enough. When I first saw this picture I thought the perp looked scared. I now see someone ready to attack.
I can't tell from this pic. It could literally be anyone. The face is way too washed it. Could be a young female, old male, young male, kid, anyone. I can see any of those in it if I look hard enough. When I first saw this picture I thought the perp looked scared. I now see someone ready to attack.

Agree. Am giving up on the photo-ID until we hear from LE. It presents nothing but guess work ;)
I can't tell from this pic. It could literally be anyone. The face is way too washed it. Could be a young female, old male, young male, kid, anyone. I can see any of those in it if I look hard enough. When I first saw this picture I thought the perp looked scared. I now see someone ready to attack.

Folks, I don't want to rain on your parade, but this ain't no face on this pic. The photo is in negative. I don't think that the swatperp has white brows, ya know.
I swear I'm gonna go blind trying to get screen-captures from the surveillance :gaah:

but here's the killers eyes if anybody can work with this and get it any clearer.

View attachment 94483


It's still darn blobby and Rorschach-y, but I think we can tell something from it: the perp is wearing a mask, similar to the paintball one, with goggles built in. Yup, there are matte ones that give no glare. Something, like this:

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